Cityteam International

Discovery Journey

• Discovering Spirituality – Finding spiritual community from a Biblical perspective

• Discovering the Jesus Way – Learning how to live the Jesus lifestyle

This narrative creates, for the postmodern thinker desiring to make the connection between their spirituality and the problematic world around them, a journey that allows them to discover God as the Creator who responds to the needs of the defenseless and offers a new world to humanity through Jesus’ message.

Discovering Spiritual Community—Finding spiritual community from a Biblical perspective

1. God Creates People Genesis 2:4-25

2. God holds People responsible for disobedience Genesis 3:1-24

3. God’s Covenant with Abraham Genesis 12:1-8, 15:1-6, 17:1-7

4. God hears the Cry of the Defenseless Exodus 1:1-14, 2:11-25

5. God Responds to the Cry of the Defenseless Exodus 3:1-22

6. God Defends his people from the Oppressor Exodus 14:5-31

7. The Commands of God Leviticus 19:1-18

8. The People take Responsibility for Disobedience Nehemiah 9:5-31

9. The Promise of a New Day Isaiah 61:1-9

10. God’s Covenant with the People Jeremiah 31:31-34

11. Jesus is Baptized & Tested Matthew 3:13-17, 4:1-11

12. Jesus announces His purpose Luke 4:14-21

13. Jesus and the Religious Leader John 3:1-21

14. Jesus and the Samaritan Woman John 4:1-26, 39-42

15. Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand Mark 6:30-44

16. Jesus and the Paralyzed Man Luke 5:17-26

17. Jesus gives the Great Commandment Matthew 22:34-40

18. Jesus and the Rich Young Ruler Mark 10:17-27

19. Jesus Talks about His Betrayal and Covenant Matthew 26:17-30

20. Jesus is Arrested Matthew 26:47-57

21. Jesus is Crucified Luke 23:32-56

22. Jesus is Resurrected Luke 24:1-35

23. Jesus Ascends to Heaven Acts 1:3-11

24. People respond to the Message about Jesus Acts 2:22-41

25. People create new community as Jesus-followers Acts 2:42-47

Discovery Group Method

Individual Activity: It’s recommended to do this before the Group Activity

0. Label the 1st column “Scripture”, 2nd “Own Words” & 3rd “I Will…”

1. Read the assigned passage alone or with someone else.

2. Write in column 1, word for word, the 5-10 verses that stood out for you

3. In your own words, rewrite in column 2 the verses you copied into column 1

4. Write in column 3 what you should do in the next 48 hours with what you learned in this passage, and list who you will tell what you just learned

Group Activity: Facilitator asks group to answer questions below

Prayer/worship, One-anothering & Outreach (By them sharing the questions we introduce these components to non-believers)

• What are you thankful for/

What put a smile on your face?

• What challenges you’re facing & how can we help/

What put a frown on your face?

• Who do you know that needs help

who we can possibly serve?


• How did you apply the scripture/story we

studied the last time we met?

• Who did you share it with and how did that go?


• Read the assigned scripture out loud in the group.

• Who can retell it in their own words?

Discovery Questions

• What does this story teach us about God?

• What does this story teach us about people?

• Does this story teach us about something

we need to avoid/confess?

• What in this passage can you apply in your life?

• Who will you share what you discovered with tomorrow?


These questions are essential and est. worship, loving one another and loving/serving others as part of the group DNA. If time is limited you may alternate questions from week to week.

These questions are essential and est. accountability to make obedience & multiplication part of the group DNA

These questions are essential and est. the Bible as the teaching authority

These questions are optional if probing questions are needed. Remember that every question adds time to the process

These questions are essential and make sure there’s enough time to cover them.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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