CV - St. Olaf College

Curriculum Vitae

Charles Taliaferro

Department of Philosophy

St. Olaf College

1520 St. Olaf Avenue

Northfield, MN 55057 USA

Office: 507-786-3662; FAX: 507-786-3462; Home: 612-353-5576


Brown University, MA, Ph.D. Philosophy 1984

--Dissertation: “Cartesian Dualism” under Chisholm, Sosa, VanCleve

Harvard University, Master of Theological Studies 1979

University of Rhode Island, MA Philosophy 1977

Goddard College, BA Philosophy and Literature 1975

Academic Appointments

St. Olaf College, 1985-present

--Full Professor in 1998

--Acting Chair, 1996

--Chair, Department of Philosophy, 2013 – 2019

Visiting Scholar, Bethel University, 2011-2012

University of Oxford, Fellowship, Trinity Term (HMC), 2005

Princeton University, Visiting Fellow, 1998-99

New York University, Visiting Scholar, 1998-99

Columbia University, Visiting Scholar, 1998-99

University of Oxford, Faculty Visitor (Oriel College), 1991-1992

University of Notre Dame, Instructor, 1984-1985

University of Massachusetts (Boston), Instructor, 1982-1984

Brown University, Teaching Fellow and Assistant, 1979-1984

University of Rhode Island, Teaching Fellow and Assistant, 1975-1977

Fellowships, Grants

St. Olaf College, sabbatical leave, 2011-2012

Visiting Fellowship, St. John’s College, University of Durham (UK), Epiphany Term, 2010. Residency was not possible due to family illness.

Scots Philosophical Club (Scotland), Centenary Fellow, 2006

St. Olaf College, Sabbatical leave, 2004-2005

Templeton Grant, 2004-2006

St. Olaf College, Sabbatical leave, 1998-99

St. Olaf Grant, Faculty Tutorial, Summer 1997

NSF, Under G. Comstock, #SBR-9254504, ISU Model Bioethics Institutes

St. Olaf Grant, Research, Spring 1997

Pew Foundation, Research, Summer 1995

Pew Foundation & Brown University, Research, Summer 1993

National Endowment of the Humanities, Research, 1991-1992

St. Olaf College, Sabbatical leave, 1991-92

Bush Foundation, Research, Spring 1990

Bush Foundation, Research, Summer 1987

University of Notre Dame, Postdoctoral Fellowship, 1984-1985

Exxon Fellowship, Teaching Fellowship, 1982

Brown University, University Fellowship, 1979-1980

Representative Publications


Is God invisible? An Essay in Aesthetics and Religion, co-authored with Jil Evans. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, forthcoming

What is Philosophy of Religion? London: Polity Press, forthcoming

A Dictionary of Philosophy of Religion, co-edited with Elsa Marty.  This is a revised and substantially expanded 2nd edition.  New York and London: Bloomsbury, forthcoming

Environmental Ethics: Contemporary Perspectives, New York: Linus Publishers, 2016

Senior co-editor with Stewart Goetz of The Encyclopedia of Philosophy of Religion, a six volume work, involving four Associate Editors and fifteen Advisory Editors.  Oxford and Boston: Wiley Blackwell Press, forthcoming

Senior co-editor with David Vessey of A Cultural History of the Self, a six-volume work to be published by Bloomsbury, forthcoming

Ashgate Research Companion to Theological Anthropology. Co-edited with Joshua Farris. Ashgate, 2015.

Contemporary Philosophical Theology: An Introduction. Co-authored with Chad Meister. London: Routledge, 2016.

Investigating Philosophy of Religion. General co-editor with Chad Meister. A series of commissioned books published by Routledge Press, UK, forthcoming.

Provocateurs: Acumen Studies in Religion and Philosophy. General co-editor with Chad Meister. A series of commissioned books published by Routledge Press, UK, forthcoming.

Co-editor of The History of Evil with Chad Meister in six volumes: Evil in Antiquity (volume one); Evil in the Middle Ages (volume two); Evil in the Early Modern Age (volume three); Evil in the 18th and 19th Centuries (volume four); Evil in the Early 20th Century (volume five); Evil from the Mid-20th Century to Today (volume six). Durham, United Kingdom: Routledge, forthcoming.

Understanding Darwin and Darwinian Understanding, Copenhagen University Discussions in Science and Religion, vol. 11. Co-edited with Anne Runehov, 2013.

The Routledge Companion to Theism. Co-edited with Victoria Harrison and Stewart Goetz. London: Routledge, 2012.

The Golden Cord: A Short Book on Eternity. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 2012.

Turning Images in Philosophy, Science, and Religion. Co-edited with Jil Evans. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011.

Aesthetics: A Beginners Guide. Oxford: OneWorld, 2011.

A Brief History of the Soul. Co-authored with Stewart Goetz. Oxford: Blackwell, 2011.

The Image in Mind. Co-authored with Jil Evans. London: Continuum Press, 2011.

A Companion to Philosophy of Religion. 2nd edition. Co-edited with Paul Draper. Oxford: Blackwell, 2010. Revised and expanded edition, 2011.

A Dictionary in Philosophy of Religion. Co-authored with Elsa Marty. London: Continuum Press, 2010.

The Cambridge Companion to Christian Philosophical Theology. Co-edited with Chad Meister. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009.

Philosophy of Religion: A Beginners Guide. Oxford: Oneworld Press, 2009.

Dialogues About God. Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield, 2008.

Naturalism. co-authored with Stewart Goetz. Grand Rapids: Eerdmanns, 2008.

Evidence and Faith; Philosophy and Religion Since the Seventeenth Century. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005. (Russian translation in progress.)

Cambridge Platonist Spirituality. Co-edited with Alison J. Tepley. New Jersey: Paulist Press, 2005. (Includes introduction and scholarly notes, preface by Joroslav Pelikean.)

Philosophy of Religion Reader. Co-edited with Paul Griffiths. Oxford: Blackwell, 2003.

Contemporary Philosophy of Religion. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1998.

A Companion to Philosophy of Religion. First Edition. Co-edited with Philip Quinn. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1997.

Consciousness and the Mind of God. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994. (Released again in 2004.)

Articles/Chapters in Books

The following publication details will be added along with titles and dates:

In the Encyclopedia of Christian Education published by Rowan and Littlefield, the following entries: “Philosophical Theology”, “Providence”, “Biblical Interpretation -Episcopal- the Episcopal Church”, “Conversions in Christianity”, “the Book of Common Prayer”. Under the editorship of G. Kurian and M. Lampor, forthcoming.

“Substance Dualism,” in The Blackwell Companion to Substance Dualism by J. J. Loose, K. J. L. Menuse, and J. P. Moreland, forthcoming.

“Science and Religion” and the “Problem of Evil”,” Macmillan Interdisciplinary handbooks: Philosophy, ed. By Don Borchert, forthcoming.

“Divine Dedications: Philosophical Theology with Jeremy Taylor, Christian Philosophy Today, and Tomorrow,” ed. By Aaron Simmons, Oxford University Press, forthcoming.

“The Active and Passive Life of Creativity: An Essay in a Platonic Key,” with Meredith Varie, ed. By Berys Gaut and Matthew Kieran, forthcoming.

"Beauty and Evil" in The Cambridge Companion to the Problem of Evil, edited by Chad Meister and Paul Moser.  Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, forthcoming.

“Christian Theism.” In Philosophies of Religions: Multi-Faith Dialogues. Edited by Graham Oppy and Nick Trakakis. Durham, United Kingdom: Acumen Press, forthcoming.

“A Brief Inquiry into the Religion of John Rawls,” Death and Anti-Death, vol 10. Ten Years After John Rawls, Edited br Charles Tandy, Ria University Press, forthcoming.

“Abeland, Peter” (500 words), “Anselm” (500 words), “Aquinas (500 words), Cambridge Platonists (1,000 words), de Sales, Frances (500 words), Encyclopedia of Christian Education, Edited by G.T. Kurian and M.A. Lamport. Scarecrow Press, 2016.

“Dualism and Panpsychism” in Panpsychism edited by G. Bruntrip and L. Jaskolle, Oxford University Press, 2016.

“Platonism and Ontology,” in the Portuguese Journal of Philosophy of the Faculty of Philosophy of Braga, 2016.

"The Expansion and Contraction of Meaning," in God and Meaning: New Essays, edited by S. Goetz and Joshua Schous, New York and London: Bloomsbury, 2016.

"Naturalism in Philosophy and Culture" in Beyond Naturalism edited by N. Gregerson. Peeters Publishers, 2016

“An Essay on Experience, Moral Realism, and God,” Scientia et Fides, 2016.

“The Primacy of the Mental,” Psychology of Consciousness, American Psychological Association, 2016.

"A Time To Be Born, A Time To Die: Einstein On The Relativity Of Death" with Austin Dressen in Death and Anti-Death, vol 13: Sixty Years after Albert Einstein, ed. by Charles Tandy, Ria University Press, 2016.

“Wisdom and Aging”, and “Aging in World Religions” with Meredith Varie, in the Handbook of the Philosophy of Aging, ed. By G. F. Scarre, Palgrave, 2016.

“Idealism and the Mind-Body Problem”, in Idealism and Christianity, ed. By Jim Spiegal and Stern Cowan, Bloomsbury Press, 2016.

"Philosophy of Religion." In Vocabulary for the Study of Religion. Edited by K. Stuckrad and R. Segal. Brill, 2016.

“The Philosophical Model of Museums”, in “Philosophy and Museums”, ed. By Victoria Harrison, Philosophy (CUP journal), 2016.

“The Ordinary is Extraodinary: The Wonder of the Mundane Physical World”, Scientia et Fides 3 (2) 2015.

“Feel The Love: Reflections on Alexander Pruss”, essay in “Christian Sexual Ethics”, Annals of Philosophy, 2015.

“Is Strategic Thinking Desirable in Philosophical Reflection? Honoring Marteza Mutahhari, a Martyr to the Practice of Philosophy Without Strategy”, with Thomas Churchill, Philosophia Christi, 2015.

“Divine and Human Agency from the Standpoint of Historicalism, Scientism, and Phenomenological Realism”, The European Journal of Philosophy of Religion, 2015.

“Loving One’s Home in a Philosophical Culture: Extending Roger Scruton’s Contribution to Environmental Ethics”, in “Thinking the Sacred With Roger Scruton”, ed. By James Bryson. Bloomsbury Press, London and New York, 2015.

"My Old Man Is An Epistemologist, What Do You Think About That?” Pierce's epistemological approach to conflict across generations, cultures, and individuals" co-authored with Annika Beck, Death and Anti-Death, volume 11 on Peirce, edited by Charles Tandy, 2015.

In the 3rd edition of the Cambridge Dictionary, the following entries: “Apophatic”, “Evil”, “Hick”, “Kenny”, “Kerygma”, “Philosophy of Religion”, “Theological Anthropology”.  Under the editorship of Robert Audi. 2015.

"Afterlife," co-authored with William Hasker, The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2015.

"The sources and resources of love; A Platonic response to Frankfurt" in Reason and Will: Kierkegaard after Franfurt, ed by A. Rudd and J. Davenport. New York and London: Bloomsbury, 2015.

“Deep Redemption.” In Christian Philosophy of Religion. Edited by Colin Ruloff. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 2015.

"Arthur James Balfour: Theism and Humanism," Lewis's List, ed. by David Werther. New York and London: Bloomsbury, 2015.

"Introduction" co-authored with Joshua Farris; "Human Nature and Feminism," co-authored with Emily Judge Baker, “Human Persons and Glory.” Ashgate Companion to Theological Anthropology. Edited by Joshua Farris and Charles Taliaferro. Ashgate, 2014.

“The Virtues of Integrative Dualism,” in Contemporary Dualism: A Defense. Edited by Andrea Lavazza and Howard Robinson. Routledge, 2014.

“Early Christian Thought” and “Representations,” the latter co-authored with Jil Evans, History of Evil, vol. 1 and 4. Acumen, 2014.

“Oracles, Obstacles, and Revelations” in God, Mind and Knowledge. Edited by Andrew Moore, Ashgate, 2014.

"Praise and Blame in Philosophy of Religion," Toronto Journal of Theology, 2014.

"Is Naturalism Too Big to Fail?" Philosophy, Theology and Science, vol. 1, issue 1, 2014.

“Wisdom,” “Aesthetics,” “Rationality,” “Phenomenology,” “Theories of Passion and Emotion.” In Encyclopedia of Sciences and Religions. Edited by Anne Runehou et al. Springer: 2014.

“Prolegomena.” In The Routledge Companion to Modern Christian Thought. Edited by Chad Meister and James Beilby. London: Routledge, 2013.

"Philosophical Critiques of Natural Theology." In The Oxford Handbook of Natural Theology, edited by Russell Re Manning. Oxford University Press, 2013.

"The Coherence of Omnipotence." In Oxford Dialogues in Christian Theism. Edited by Chad Meister, J.P. Moreland and Khaldroun. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013.

“Models of God and Global Warning.” In Models of God and Other Ultimate Realities. Edited by Jeanine Diller. Springer, 2013.

“Experimental Thoughts and Thought Experiments; Reflections on What Matters in Recent Works by Derek Porfit,” Philosophia Christi, 14:1, 2012.

“The Evidence for Paul Moser,” Philosophia Christi, 2012.

“When Should Philosophers be Silent.” In Philosophy (UK). Co-authored with Jason Decker, 2012.

“Beauty and Aesthetics in Theology.” In The Wisdom of the Christian Faith. Edited by P. Moser and M. McFall. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012.

"In Defense of the Numinous." In Philosophy and the Christian Worldview. Edited by David Werther and Mark Linville. London: Continuum, 2012.

"Theism and Philosophical Inquiry." In The Routledge Companion to Theism. Edited by Taliaferro, Harrison, and Goetz. London: Routledge, 2012.

“Transcending Place and Time: A Response to David Brown on Enchantment, Epistemology, and Experience, Theology, Aesthetics, and Culture”, ed. by R. MacSwain and Taylor Worley, Oxford University Press, 2012.

“Transcending Place and Time.” In Theology, Aesthetics, and Culture: Responses to David Brown. Edited by R. MacSwain and Taylor Worley. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012.

“The Many Worlds of Dithey: A Modest Defense of the Irreducibility of Meaning.” In Death and the Anti-Death: One Hundred Years After Dithey, vol. 9. Ria University Press, 2011.

“Personal Gods, non-personal Gods, and non-theistic religions.” In Science and World Religions. Edited by P. McNamara, and W.J. Wilman. Institute for the Bio-cultural Study of Religion, 2011.

“Testimony, Evidence, and Wisdom in Today’s Philosophy of Religion.” With Elizabeth Duel. In Teaching Philosophy, 34:2, 2011, 105-118.

“Love.” In Christian Virtues for Everyday Life, edited by Michael Austin and Douglas Geivet. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2011.

“Divine Attributes Today.” In Areopagus Journal, 2011.

“On Dedications.” Co-authored with Jason Decker. In Analysis, 2011.

“Introduction.” In Christianity and the Mind-Body Problem. Edited by Yasser Pouresmail. Quom, Iran: Publication of Islamic Sciences and Culture Academy, 2011.

“The Soul of the Matter.” In The Soul Hypothesis. Edited by Stewart Goetz and Mark Baker. London: Continuum, 2011.

“A Christian Perspective.” In The Oxford Hardbook of Religious Diversity, edited by Chad Meister. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011.

“The Absurd Walls of Camus.” In Death and Anti-Death. Edited by C. Tandy, vol. 8, Fifty Years After Albert Camus. Ria University Press, 2011.

“Family Farms.” Co-authored with Stephen Carpenter. In Life Science Ethics, 2nd edition, edited by G. Comstock. Springer, 2010.

“Lewis and Naturalism.” In The Cambridge Companion to C.S. Lewis, edited by Robert MacSwain and Michael Ward. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010.

“In Defense of the World.” In Metaphysics, Analysis, and the Grammar of God. Edited by R. Ramal. Tuebingen, Germnay: Mohr Siebeck, 2010.

“The Anselmian ontological argument as the ultimate, anti-death argument; suggestions on how to reason from possible divine perfection to actual divine perfection.” Death And Anti-Death, Volume 7: Nine Hundred Years After St. Anselm (1033-1109). Edited by Charles Tandy. Ria University Press, 2010.

“The Breadth of Theism Defense: Redemption and the Problem of Evil.” Co-authored with Jacob Zilhardt. In Death and Anti-Death. Edited by Charles Tandy. Ria University Press, 2010.

“Incorporeality.” In A Companion to Philosophy of Religion, 2nd edition, edited by Paul Draper and Charles Taliaferro. Oxford: Blackwell, 2010.

Revised: “Philosophy of Religion.” Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2010, 2011.

“Christian Rites.” In The Cambridge Companion to Christian Philosophical Theology, edited by Charles Taliaferro and Chad Meister. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009.

Introduction to Twentieth Century Philosophy of Religion, In History of Philosophy of Religion, vol.5, edited by Graham Oppy and N. Trankakis. Oxford University Press, 2009.

“In Search of Beauty and Justice with Charles Darwin.” In Touchstone, co-authored with Jil Evans. November 2009

“The Virtues of Dualist Modal Thought Experiments.” In Irreducibly Conscious, edited Alexander Battyany. Universitatsverlag Winter of Heidelberg, 2009.

“Discovering Divine Revelation.” In God is Great, God is Good, edited by William Lane Craig and Chad Meister. Illinois: Inter-Varsity Press, 2009.

“The Coherence of Theism.” Co-authored with Elsa Marty. In Contending with Christianity’s Critics, edited by Paul Copan and William Lane Craig. Broadman and Holman, 2009.

“God and the Philosophers Revisited: A Review Essay on Philosophers Without God.” Edited by Louise Antony, Philosophia Christi, vol 11:1, 2009.

"The Project of Natural Theology." In A Blackwell Companion to Natural Theology, edited by William Craig and JP Moreland. Oxford: Blackwell, 2009.

“The Double-Movement Model of Forgiveness in Buddhist and Christian Rituals.” Co-authored with Paul Reasoner. In The European Journal for Philosophy of Religion, vol 1:1, 2009.

“Explaining Religious Experience.” In The Believing Primate: Scientific, Philosophical and Theological Reflection on the Origins of Religion, edited By J. Schloss and M. Murray. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009.

“Religious Experience.” In Oxford Companion to Consciousness, edited T. Bayne, P. Wilken, and A. Cleeremas. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009.

"L'importanza di essere coscienti." In L'uomo a due dimensioni, edited by Andrea Lavazza Milano: Bruno Mondadori, 2008.

“A Shakespearean Account of Redemption.” In The Psychology of Character and Virtue. Virgina: The Institute for the Psychological Sciences Press, 2008.

"The Prospects of Christian Materialism." Co-authored with Stewart Goetz. In Christian Scholar’s Review. Online, 2008.

“Feminism and Impartiality.” Philosophia. 2007.

"Burning Down the House: D. Z. Phillips and the Metaphysics of Theism." In Philosophia Christi. 2007.

“Philosophy of Religion.” In Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. 2007.

“Comprehensive Explanations and Cumulative Arguments,” Philosophia Christi, 2007.

“Theistic Argument from Consciousness.” Co-authored with Stewart Goetz. In Naturalism and Theism; Philosophers Debate the Evidence, edited by Paul Draper. Online, 2007.

“Prayer.” In The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Religion, edited by Paul Copan and Chad Meister. London: Routledge, 2007.

“The Coherence of Theism.” In Philosophy of Religion: Contemporary Issues, edited by Paul Copan and Chad Meister. Oxford: Blackwell, 2007.

“Philosophy of Mind and Life after Death.” In Handbook on Eschatology, edited by Jerry Walls. Oxford University Press, 2007.

“Philosophy of Religion; the Analytic Tradition.” Co-authored with E. Christopherson. In Companion to 20th Century Philosophy, edited by Constantin Boundas. University of Edinburgh Press, 2007.

“The Virtues of Reason and Faith.” In Dialogue. Scotland, 2006.

“Philosophy of Religion.” In The Blackwell Companion to the Study of Religion, edited by R. Segal. Oxford: Blackwell, 2006.

“Thomas Nagel.” and “Ideal Observer in Ethical Theory.” In The Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2nd edition. Macmillan, 2005.

“Death.” Co-authored with Rick Fairbanks. In The Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2nd edition. Macmillan, 2005.

“Divine Virtues.” In Environmental Virtue Ethics, edited by Ronald Sandler and Phil Dafaro. Rowman and Littlefield, 2005.

“The Give and Take of Biological Naturalism.” Philosophia Christi. 2005.

“The Orthodoxy of Dualism.” Co-authored with Stewart Goetz. In First Things. 2005.

“Rites and Christian Philosophy.” In Ritual and Philosophy, edited by Kevin Schilbrack. Oxford: Routledge, 2005.

“A God’s Eye View.” In Faith and Analysis, edited by H.A. Harris and C.I. Insole. Hampshire, United Kingdom: Ashgate, 2005.

“Natural Reason and the Trinity; Some Lessons from the Cambridge Platonists.” In The Trinity; The Beginning of East-West Dialogue, edited by Melville Stewart. Kluwer, 2004.

“Soul,” “Dualism,” and “Special Providence.” In The Encyclopedia of Science and Religion, edited by J.W.V. vanHuyssteen. New York: Macmillan, 2003.

“The Possibility of God.” In The Rationality of Theism, edited by P. Copan and P. Moser. Lodon: Routledge, 2003.

“Theism.” In A New Handbook for Christian Theology, second edition, edited by D. Musser and J. Price. Abington Press, 2002. (Other miscellaneous entries: “Paradigm,” and “The Enlightenment,” for IVP Dictionary, “The Argument from Consciousness” and “Can God create a stone too heavy for God to lift?”).

“Hume’s Racism and the Case Against Miracles.” Co-authored with Anders Hendrickson. In Philosophia Christi, 2002.

“Sensibility and Possibilia; A Defense of Thought Experiments.” In Philosophia Christi, 2002.

“Philosophy of Religion.” In The Blackwell Companion to Philosophy, second edition, edited by N. Bunnin and E. Tsui-James. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 2002. (This is a revised version of the chapter in the first edition, 1995. Chinese translation available.)

“Family Farming.” In Life Science Ethics, edited by Gary Comstock. Ames: Iowa State University Press, 2001.

“Emergentism and Consciousness; Going beyond Property Dualism.” In Soul, Body and Survival, edited by K. Corcoran. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2001.

“The Virtues of Embodiment.” In Philosophy, 2001.

“Naturalism and the Mind.” In Naturalism: A Critical Appraisal, edited by W. Craig and J.P. Moreland. London: Routledge, 2001.

“Early Modern Philosophy.” In Companion to Environmental Philosophy, edited by Dale Jamison. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 2001.

“Mysterious Flames in Philosophy of Mind; Reflections on McGinn’s Naturalism.” In Philosophia Christi, 2000.

“Land, Labor, and God in the Colonies.” In The Agrarian Roots of Pragmatism, edited by Paul Thompson. Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press, 2000.

“Philosophy of God and Mind; Theism and the Queerness of Consciousness.” In Theos, Christus, Anthropos. New York: Peter Lang, 2000.

“The Ideal Observer's Philosophy of Religion.” In The Proceedings of the 20th World Congress of Philosophy. Philosophy Documentation Center, 1999.

“One Hundred Years among the Gods and Giants.” In CSR, 1999.

“The Ethics of the Incarnation.” In Anglican Theological Review, 1999.

“Attributes of God; Personality.” In Philosophy of Religion: A Guide to the Subject, edited by Brian Davies. London: Cresswell, 1998.

“Taking Common Sense Seriously; The Philosophy of Roderick Chisholm.” In Inquiry, 1998.

“The Perils of Subjectivity.” In Inquiry, 1997.

“Possibilities in the Philosophy of Mind.” In Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 1997.

“Saving Our Souls with Hacking's Archeology and Churchland's Neurology.” In Inquiry, 1997.

“God's Natural Law.” In Liberalism, Modernity, and Natural Law, edited by R. George. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996.

“Animals, Brains, and Spirits.” In Faith and Philosophy. October, 1995.

“Believing because it is not Absurd.” In Soundings, 17:5, 1995, p.19.

“Taking Philosophy Personally.” In The Cresset, vol. LVII:7, 1994, pp.16-22.

“Unknowable Truths and Omniscience,” Journal of the American Academy of Religion, LXI:3, 1993, pp.701-713.

“Imaginary Evil; A Skeptic’s Wager,” Philosophia, vol. 21, nos. 3-4, April 1992, pp.221-233.

“God’s Estate,” Journal of Religious Ethics, vol. 20/1, Spring 1992, pp.69-92.

“Theism,” A New Handbook of Theology, ed. Donald Musser and Joseph Price (Abington Press, 1992) pp.447-480.

“The Intensity of Theism,” Sophia, vol 31:3, 1992, pp.61-73.

“Divine Agriculture; The Role of Philosophy and Theology in Agricultural Ethics,” Agriculture and Human Values, Fall 1992, pp.71-80.

“The Argument from Transposed Modalities,” Metaphilosophy, vol. 22:1,2,

January/April 1991, pp.93-100.

“Philosophers, Red Tooth and Claw,” with Thomas Chance (Classics, University of

California, Berkeley), Teaching Philosophy, 14:1, March 1991, pp.67-76.

“Philosophy of Mind,” Christian Theism and the Problems of Philosophy, ed.

Michael Beaty (Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 1990), pp.230-253.

“The Limits of Power,” Philosophy and Theology, 5:2, Winter 1990, pp.115-124.

“God and Concept Empiricism,” with Michael Beaty (Baylor University), Southwest Philosophy Review, 6:2, July 1990.

“The Ideal Aesthetic Observer,” British Journal of Aesthetics, 30:1, 1990, pp.1-13.

“Why We Need Immortality,” Modern Theology, 6:4, 1990, pp.367-379.

“The Jealousy of God,” New Oxford Review, Jan-Feb. 1990, pp.12-15.

“The View from Above and Below,” Heythrop Journal, 30:4, 1989, pp.385-402.

“The Vanity of God,” Faith and Philosophy, 6:2, 1989, pp.140-154; Reprinted in Philosophy and Faith ed. D. Shatz (McGraw Hill, 2002) and Philosophers Speak of God (OUP).

“The Passibility of God,” Religious Studies, 25, 1989, pp.217-224.

“Does God violate your Right to Privacy?” Theology, May 1989, pp.190-196.

“The Coinherence,” CSR, 18:4, 1989, pp.333-345.

“Relativizing the Ideal Observer Theory,” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 49:1, 1988, pp.123-138.

“Nagel’s Vista or Taking Subjectivity Seriously,” Southern Journal of Philosophy, 26:3, 1988, pp.393-401.

“The Environmental Ethics of an Ideal Observer,” Environmental Ethics, 10:3, 1988, pp.233-250.

“The Proximity of God,” New Blackfriars, April 1988, pp.181-188.

“A Narnian Theory of the Atonement,” Scottish Journal of Theology, 41, 1988, pp.75-92.

“The Incorporeality of God,” Modern Theology, 3:2, 1987, pp.179-188.

“A Modal Argument for Dualism,” Southern Journal of Philosophy, 24:1, Spring 1986, pp.95-108.

“Dualism and the Problem of Individuation,” Religious Studies, 22, 1986, pp.263-276.

“Kenny and Sensing God,” Sophia, 25:2, 1986, pp.11-16.

“The Art of Creation and Conservation,” New Blackfriars, July/August 1986, pp.315-323.

“Pollock’s Body Switching,” Philosophical Quarterly, 36:4, October 1985, pp.57-61.

“Divine Cognitive Power,” International Journal for Philosophy of Religion, 14, 1985, pp.133-140.

“The Magnitude of Omnipotence,” International Journal for Philosophy of Religion, 14, 1983, pp.99-106.

“The Divine Command Theory of Ethics and the Ideal Observer,” Sophia, July 1983, pp.3-8.

Book Reviews

Reviews of multiple books to be added, not listed here, including a recent Farrar monograph, a text on naturalism and epistemology.

Reason and Faith, ed. By Bergmann and Brauer, Journal of Theological Studies, forthcoming.

God? Very Probably, by R. H. Neban, The Independent, forthcoming.

God, Value, and Nature, Fiona Ellis, Journal of Religion, 2016.

Grand Theories and Everyday Beliefs, by W. Matson, Philosophy (UK), 2013.

Religion and Rational Commitment, by R. Audi, co-authored with Julia Ortner, Journal of Religion, 2013.

Divine Teaching and the Way of the World; A defense of Revealed Religion by S. Fleishacker. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011. Philosophia Christi, forthcoming.

Human Dignity by George Kateb, Times Literary Supplement, 2012.

Divine Evil? The Moral Character of the God of Abraham, edited by Michael Murray and Michael Rea. Notre Dame Philosophical Review, 2012.

Religious Experience Reconsidered, by Ann Taves. History of Religions, 2012.

Wandering in Darkness, co-authored with Paul Reasoner. European Journal for Philosophy of Religion, forthcoming.

The Divine Lawmaker, by John Foster, Why There Is Something Rather Than Nothing by Bede Rundle, and Is God Free? by William Rowe (all Clarendon Press), with Jen Dotson, Philosophical Quarterly, 2010.

Science and Spirituality: Making room for Faith in and Age of Science, by Michael Ruse, Themelios, 2010.

Science and Religious Anthropology, by W.J. Wildman, Ars Disputandi, 2010.

Saving God, by Mark Johnston, Philosophical Books, co-authored with Natasha Fredericks, 2010. Co-published in Analytic Philosophy, 2010.

Realism and Religion, edited by A. Moore and M. Scott, Ars Disputandi, 2010.

Religion and Morality, by William Wainwright, Faith and Philosophy, 2009.

The Ontological Argument from Descartes to Hegel, by Kevin Harrison, Notre Dame Philosophical Review, 2009.

Persons, edited by Peter van Inwagen and Dean Zimmerman, Religious Studies, 2008.

Immortality Defended, by J. Leslie. Notre Dame Philosophical Review, 2008.

Philosophy of Religion by L. Zagzebski, Philosophia Christi, 2007.

Religions, Reasons and Gods by Philip Clayton, NotreDame Philosophical Review, 2007.

Various entries for Blackwell's Religious Studies Review, 2000-present.

Morality: Does “God” make a Difference? (University Press, 2005), Review of Metaphysics, 2006.

Divine Attributes, by Rosenkrantz and Hoffman (Blackwell), Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 2005.

Panpsychism (MIT Press, 2005), Times Literary Supplement, 2005.

Beyond Finitude, by Arjan Murkas, Ars Dispudandi, 2004.

Consciousness; New Philosophical Perspectives, ed. Quentin Smith and Aleksandar Jokic, Religious Studies, 2004.

God, the Mind’s Desire: Reference, Reason, and Christian Thinking, by Paul Janz, Notre Dame Philosophical Review, 2004.

The Closing of the Western Mind, by Freeman, The World and I, 2004.

Religion in Radical Interpretation, ed. Nancy Frankenberry (Cambridge), Notre Dame Philosophical Review, 2003.

Augustine’s Memory, by G. Wills, The World and I, 2003.

A Middle Way to God, by G.L. Hallett, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 2003.

Philosophy of Religion; A Reader and Guide, ed. William Craig (Routledge), Philosophia Christi, 2002.

A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues, by Andre Comte-Sponville, The World and I, 2002.

Philosophy of Religion, by Keith Yandell, Philosophia Christi, 2002.

Vexing Nature, by Gary Comstock, Ethics, Place, and Environment, 2002.

The Problem of God in Modern Thought, by Philip Clayton (Eerdmans) Ars Disputandi, 2002.

Acts of Faith; Explaining the Human Side of Religion, by R. Stark and R. Finke (U. of California Press), Anglican Theological Review, 2002.

Philosophy of Religion, by Louis Pojman (Mayfield) and Philosophy of Religion; A Guide and an Anthology, ed. Brian Davies (Oxford) in Philosophia Christi, 2002.

Why Gods Persist, by R.A. Hinde (Routledge), Contemporary Psychology, 2002.

A Short History of Western Philosophy, by Anthony Kenny (Blackwell), Review of Metaphysics, 2001.

Coleridge, Philosophy and Religion, by Douglas Hedley (Cambridge), International Philosophical Quarterly, 2001.

God and Goodness, by Wren (London: Routledge), Faith and Philosophy, January 2000.

Finite and Infinite Good, by R.M. Adams (Oxford), Times Literary Supplement, Spring 2000.

Canon and Criterion in Christian Theology, by William Abraham (Oxford), Journal of Religion, Fall 2000.

Encyclopedia of Aesthetics, ed. Michael Kelly (Oxford), International Philosophical Quarterly, Fall 1999.

Providence and the Problem of Evil, by Richard Swinburne (Oxford), The Philosophical Quarterly, Fall 1999.

Philosophy of Religon: The Big Questions, ed. Eleanor Stump and Michael Murray (Blackwell), Philosophia Christi, 1999.

Divine Providence; The Molinist Account, by Thomas Flint (Cornell), Journal of Religion, Fall 1999.

Rationality and Religion, by Roger Trigg (Blackwell), Times Literary Supplement, October 1998.

Events of Grace; Naturalism, Existentialism, and Theology, by C.D. Hardwick (CUP), Review of Metaphysics, December 1998.

Whatever Happened to the Soul? Scientific and Theological Portraits of Human Nature, by W. Brown et al (Fortress), CSR, 1998.

God, Reason, and Theistic Proofs, by S.T. Davis (Eerdmans), Theology Today, Fall 1998.

Religious Experience, by Jerome Gellman (Cornell), The Journal of Religion, 1998.

Ontological Arguments and Belief in God, by Graham Oppy (Cambridge), Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 1998.

Metaphysical Personalism; An Analysis of Austin Farrer's Theistic Metaphysics (Oxford), The Journal of Religion, 1998.

Reason and Religion: A Prolegomenon to a Critique of Passional Reason, by William Wainwright (Cornell), The Journal of Religion, 1997.

Religion, Science, and Naturalism, by William Drenn (Cambridge), The Journal of Religion, 1997.

Faith and Criticism, by Basil Mitchell (Oxford), Anglican Theological Review, 1997.

The Christian God, by Richard Swinburne (Oxford), Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 1997.

Divine Discourse: Philosophical Reflections on the claim that God Speaks, by Nicholas Wolterstorff (Cambridge), Times Literary Supplement, 1996.

Theology and Women's Ministry in Seventeenth-Century English Quakerism, by C. Wilcox (Mellon), CSR, Fall 1996.

The Concept of Faith: A Philosophical Investigation, by Lad Sessions (Cornell U. Press), The Journal of Religion, 1996.

The God who Acts, by T. F. Tracy (Penn State), Faith and Philosophy, 1996.

Life's Dominion, by Ronald Dworkin, and Healing Powers by Fred Frohock, co-authored with Ray deVries (Sociology, St. Olaf), Qualitative Sociology, 1995.

Body, Soul, and Life Everlasting, by John Cooper (Eerdmanns), International Journal for the Philosophy of Religion, 1995.

John Locke, by John Marshall, Journal of Church and State, 1996.

Body, Soul, and Life Everlasting, by John Cooper (Eerdmanns), International Journal for the Philosophy of Religion, 1995.

Confrontations with the Reaper, by Fred Feldman (Oxford), Times Literary Supplement, February 12, 1993.

Divine Action: Studies Inspired by the Philosophical Theology of Austin Farrer, ed. Brian Hebbelthwaite and Edmund Henderson, Faith and Philosophy, 10:1, January 1993.

Care of the Soul, by Thomas Moore (HarperCollins), The World and I, summer 1992.

Religion, Interpretation, and Diversity of Belief: The Framework Model from Kant to Durkheim to Davidson, by Terry Godlove (Cambridge), Teaching Philosophy, 14:4, 1991.

An Investigation of the Concept of Miracle, by Robert Larmer (McGill-Queen’s), Modern Theology, 6:4, 1990.

The Possibility of an All-Knowing God, by Jonathan Kvanvig (Macmillan), Modern Theology, 6:4, 1990, pp.216-217.

The View From Nowhere, by Thomas Nagel (Oxford), CSR, 17:2, 1987.

God’s World, God’s Body, by Grace Jantzen (Westminster), Faith and Philosophy, 4:1, 1984, pp. 93-97.

Metaphysics: Its Structure and Function, by Stephen Korner (Cambridge), CSR, 15, 1986, pp.187-190.

Representative Lectures

Papers at Conferences (not including being an APA commentator), Universities, and Institutes

“Unconditional Love,” St. Olaf College, Reunion weekend, 2016.

“The Use of the Imagination in Contemporary Philosophy of Religion,” Kierkegaard Society, summer 2016.

“In Praise of Chestertonian Eccentricities,’ Wkae Forest University, summer 2016.

“Black Lives, Sexuality, and Revealed Religion Matter”, Middlebury College, fall 2015.

“Star Wars Imaginariam”, St. Mark’s, fall 2015.

“Why the Soul Matters”, Manchester University, Manchester, UK.

“Methodological Peace- Making: Phenomenological realism and Theological Anthropology”, and “Conference: The Self in the Light of Divinity: Analytic Theology and Human Persons”, Heythrop College, London, fall 2015.

“The Innsbruck School of Philosophical Theology,” Innsbruck (Austria), along with multiple presentations to the two week Summer Seminar, 2014.

“The Love of Wisdom” and “The Primacy of the Mental” in Quom and in Tehran, the Islamic Republic of Iran, summer 2014.

“The State of Play of Philosophy of Religion Today,” University of Chicago, winter 2014.

“How to Teach a Course on Genocide from a Philosophical Point of View,” Understanding Genocide, Mount Royal University, 2014.

“Love,” Pilgrim House, 2014.

“A Philosophical Model for Museums,” Museums and Philosophy Conference, University of Glasgow, 2013.

“Dedications in the Art of Living and Dying; Reflections in the Spirit of Jeremy Taylor,” Society of Christian Scholars, Chicago area, 2013.

“Revealing Relationships.” University of Toronto, February 2013.

“Hell and How to Get There: A Defense of Marlow’s Faust.” Wheaton College, Fall 2012.

“Balfour and Lewis.” C.S. Lewis Conference, University of Wisconsin, Fall 2012.

“Christian Agrarianism: Some lessons from colonial New England.” EPS, Chicago, Fall 2012.

“The Image in Mind.” With Jil Evans, Bethel University, 2012.

Presenter, Minds: Human and Divine: Explorations at the Interface Between Philosophy of Mind and Philosophy of Religion Conference, Munich, Germany, August 6-9, 2012.

“Revelation and Philosophy Today; What it’s like to be a revelation,” Bethel University, Fall 2011.

“Oracles, Obstacles, and Revelations,” British Society for Philosophy of Religion, Oxford, September, 2011.

“The Expansion and Contraction of Naturalism and the Challenge of Theism,” Copenhagen University, Denmark, April 2011.

“The Place of Enchantment: David Brown on Human Religious Experience,” Theology, Aesthetics and Culture Conference, University of St. Andrews. Scotland, 2010.

“Models of God and Global Warming,” AAR venue, “Models of God,” Fall 2010.

“Consciousness, Computation, and Animal Minds,” Middlebury College, sponsored by the departments of philosophy, religion, cognitive science, April 2010.

“Philosophical Relationships: teaching philosophy, virtue, and forgiveness” and “The Virtues and Liabilities of Embodiment; The Ongoing Relevance of the Cambridge Platonists,” two talks celebrating the 350th anniversary of the publication of Henry More’s The Immortality of the Soul, Grand Valley State University, November 2009.

“The Art and Philosophy Reading Group,” CIVA, Bethel University, Summer 2009.

“I am very, very sorry! A Shakespearean Account of Forgiveness and the Atonement,” Keynote Address, Minnesota Undergraduate Philosophical Annual Meeting, April 18, 2009.

“Naturalism,” Philosophy Club, Augustana College, Spring 2009.

“A Double Movement: Christian and Buddhist Models of Moral Repair,” International Conference on Contemporary Philosophy of Religion: Eastern and Western Concepts, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong, February 2009.

“Philosophy of Mind and Virtue; Revisiting the Natualistic Fallacy,” Department of Philosophy, Purdue University, Fall 2008.

“The Virtues of Redemption,” Department of Religious Studies, Purdue University, Fall 2008.

“All Souls,” Department of Philosophy, Ursinus College, Fall 2008.

“Naturalism Revisited,” Washington and Lee University, Fall 2008.

“Naturalism: A Very Critical Introduction,” The Grandeur of Reason Conference, Rome: Italy, September 2008.

Bethel Lectures in Philosophy, "Human and Nonhuman Minds" and "Religious Rites: A Neglected Area in Philosophy of Religion," Bethel College, March 25-26, 2008.

“Boston Personalism and the Future of Philosophy of Religion,” Boston University, January 2008.

Davis' Philosophical Theology, American Academy of Religion, 2007.

"90 Minutes on Beauty," Art Department, University of Minnesota, Spring 2007.

"The Reasons for Love," A conference on H.G.Frankfurt's Love's Reason, St. Olaf College, Spring 2007.

"Impartiality and Feminism: A Reply to Anderson," mini-conference on Models of God, Spring 2007.

"Redemption," Pennsylvania State University, Spring 2007.

"Problems of Evil and Redemption," Claremont Graduate University, Spring 2007.

"Virtues and Philosophy of Mind," University of Dundee, Scotland, Spring 2006.

“A Shakespearean Account of Redemption,” University of St. Andrews, Spring 2006.

“Moral Regeneration,” Marquette University, Spring 2006.

“The Importance of Being Conscious” and “Embodiment and Values…” Indiana University, Spring 2006.

“Human Consciousness and the Mind of God,” North Central Program in Science and Theology, Spring 2006.

“Consciousness and Philosophical Inquiry,” APA Pacific, 2006.

“The Virtues of Redemption,” Oxford University, 2005.

“Descriptions and Explanations: Some Lessons from the Cambridge Platonists,” The “Nature” of Belief Conference, Calvin College, 2005.

“Redemption in Theism, Naturalism, and Other Worldviews,” The Christian Worldview Conference, 2005.

“A Double-Movement Model of Forgiveness in Buddhist and Christian Ritual,” with Paul Reasoner, AAR, 2005.

“Theism and Cosmology,” APA Pacific, 2005.

“The Virtues of Redemption,” Institute of Psychology, January 2005.

“Consciousness and the Limits of Nature,” Yale University, 2004.

“Virtues and Philosophy of Mind,” Bethel College, 2004.

“God, Minds, and Bodies,” University of Northern Illinois, 2004.

“Theistic Environmental Ethics,” APA, Eastern Division, December 2003.

“The Virtues of Psychoanalysis,” Contribution to the panel on “Boundary Issues: Contemporary Freudian and Contemporary Relational Perspectives,” Division of Pscyhoanalysis, American Psychological Association, Spring Meeting, 2003.

“In Defense of a Romantic Education,” Mellby Lecture, St. Olaf College, Fall 2002.

“A Divine Ethic,” Seventh Sino-American Symposium on Philosophy and Religious Studies, Tsinghua University, China, Fall 2002.

“The Soul and Body,” The Lawrence Lecture , Saganaw State University, Fall 2002.

“The World is not Enough; The Problem of Evil as a Problem of Redemption, not Justification,” Bethel College, 2002.

“Hume’s Racism and His Case Against Miracles,” Minnesota Philosophical Society, Fall 2001.

“The Virtues of Immortality,” Conference on philosophy of mind, Wheaton College, Fall 2001.

“Feminist Philosophy of Religion,” American Academy of Religion, Fall 2001.

“The Trinity and Natural Reason; Lessons from the Cambridge Platonists,” The Holy Trinity Conference, hosted by the Theological Commission of the Moscow Patriarchate,

Moscow, Russia.

“Natural and Unnatural Boundaries: Balancing Geography, Economics, and Politics” with Rebecca Judge (Economics, St. Olaf), The Thirteenth Annual Nobel Peace Prize Forum, Luther College, March 2001.

“The Embodiment of Art,” Graduate Seminar, Art Department, University of Minnesota, Fall 2000.

“Philosophy of Mind after Virtue,” Faculty of Divinity, Cambridge University, Spring 2000.

“Philosophy of Art and Philosophy of Mind; Reflections on Descartes and Danto,” Aesthetics in the 21st Century, Beloit College, Winter 2000.

“The Candle of the Lord in 17th Century England,” New York University, April 2000.

“Philosophy of Mind in the Philosophy of Religion,” Symposium on Philosophy of Religion, Peking University, Beijing, China, October 1999.

“The Virtues and Vices of God,” The 1999 Edward Beavin Lectures, Kentucky Wesleyan College, Oct 1999.

“The Virtues of Embodiment,” The American Academy of Religion, Boston, Nov. 1999.

“Genetics and Religious Ethics,” Consultation on Bio-Ethics, National Cathedral, Washington DC, Summer 1999.

“Five Years After Consciousness and the Mind of God,” The Faculty of Philosophy, The Gregorian Institute, Rome, Italy, April 1999.

“Teaching Philosophy of Religion,” Department of Religion, Boston University, Winter 1999.

“Philosophy of Mind as an Art,” Cooper Union, Fall 1998.

“Revising Philosophy of Religion,” Columbia University, Department of Religion, Fall 1998.

“The Ideal Observer's Philosophy of Religion,” 20th World Congress of Philosophy, Boston, Summer, 1998.

“Contemporary Philosophy of Religion,” University of Minnesota, UEC, Spring 1998.

“The New Agrarianism,” Bioethics Institute, Michigan State University, also sponsored by Iowa State University, Spring 1997.

“Theories of Consciousness and God” and “Companions to Philosophy of Religion,” University of Chicago, Spring 1996.

“Consciousness and the Mind of God; A Reply to Critics,” St. Cloud State University, Spring 1996.

“Recent work in Philosophy of Religion and Philosophy of Mind,” Bethel College, Spring 1996.

“Modal Dualism,” Society of Christian Philosophers, Loras College, Spring 1995.

“Animals, Brains, and Spirits,” Philosophy of Mind Conference, University of Notre Dame, Fall 1994.

“Consciousness and the Mind of God,” Presentation and reply to critics, Society of Christian Philosophers meeting, Bethel College, Spring 1995.

“Materialist and Dualist Modal Arguments; What it's like to be identical with one's body,” Fall meeting, Minnesota Philosophical Society, 1994.

“Death: Normal but not Natural” and “Minds and Bodies,” Calvin College, Fall 1994.

“Reflections on Recent Philosophy of Mind” and “Death is Normal but not Natural,” University of Akron, Ohio, Department of Philosophy, Spring 1993.

“Environmental Ethics and Philosophy of Religion,” Oriel College, University of Oxford, Fall 1992.

“The Ransom Theory,” Pussey House, University of Oxford, Spring 1992.

“The Suffering of God Defense,” Joseph Butler Society, University of Oxford, Fall 1991.

“Science and Ethics,” Young Researchers Conference, National Science Foundation, Summer 1991.

“Environmental Policy and the Problem of Moral Pluralism,” Department of Politics, University of Iowa, Fall 1990.

“Divine Ownership; Problems from Job, Plato, and Locke,” The McMannis Lectures in Philosophical Theology, Wheaton College, Winter 1990.

“Imaginary Evil: A Skeptic’s Wager,” Minnesota Philosophical Society, Spring 1988.

“Language and Reality,” Department of Politics, Princeton University, Mellon Law Series, Spring 1987.

“A Narnian Theory of the Atonement,” National Endowment of the Humanities Institute of Philosophy of Religion, University of Western Washington, Summer 1986.

Respondent to different philosophers, APA meetings, annual commentator at Minnesota Philosophical Society meetings and other conferences. Regular contributions of papers to the St. Olaf College-Carleton College Philosophy Colloquium.

Publications for Popular Readership, Books:

Is God Real? Co-authored with William Craig. InterVarsity Press, 2007.

Love. Love. Love. And Other Essays. Cambridge, MA: Cowley Publications, 2006.

Does the Idea of God Make Sense? Examining the Coherence of the Divine Attributes. Norcorss: Ravi Zacharias Press, 2002. This is a booklet in a series of contributions to philosophy of religion.

Praying with C.S. Lewis. Winona: St. Mary’s Press, 1999.

Contributions to Philosophy and Popular Culture, Projects:

Taliaferro has recent contributions to books in various philosophy and popular culture series: Homeland and Philosophy (published 2014 with Christophe Porot), Dungeons and Dragons and Philosophy (2014 with Robert Crandell), House of Cards and Philosophy (2016 with Austen Dressen), Star Wars and Philosophy (forthcoming with Annika Beck), Star Trek and Philosophy (with Bailey Wheelock), Perry Mason and Philosophy (forthcoming with Anthony Becker), Jane Austin and Philosophy (with Elizabeth Olson).

“Evil and Prayer: Set Prayers and Other Special Weapons and Tactics in Times of Trouble” in God and Evil. Edited by C. Meister, IVP, 2013.

“The Art of the Philosophic Put-Down,” The Cresset, Trinity, vol. LXXIV: 5, June 2011.

“Reflections on the Meaning of Life in Light of Word as Logas,” Word and World, forthcoming.

“Loving Platonically without Platonic Love,” co-authored with Maria Pontoppidan, edited by Sharon Kaye, 2011.

“’I am not our father,’ The Virtues of Age and the Parent-Child Relationship,” co-authored with Emellie Judge-Becker, The Philosophy of J.J. Abrams, University of Kentucky Press, 2013.

“You’re So Vain, We Bet You Think This Chapter Is About You; Mick Jagger as a Work of Art,” co-authored with Therese Cotter, The Rolling Stones and Philosophy, edited by Luke Dick and G. Reisch. Open Court, 2012.

“Tattoos and the Tattooing Arts in Perspective; An Overview and some Preliminary Observations,” co-authored with Mark Odden, Tattoos and Philosophy, edited by Robert Arp. Blackwell, 2011.

“Holden in Love; The Virtues and Vices of Childhood and the Vices and Virtues of Adulthood.” In Catcher in the Rye and Philosophy. Edited by K. Dromm and H. Salter. Open Court, 2012.

"Loyality and Passionate Objectivity in the Lives of Sherlock Holmes." Co-authored with Michel LeGall. In Sherlock Holmes and Philosophy. Edited by Paul Tallon, University Press of Kentucky: Philosophy of Pop Culture Series, forthcoming.

“Justice versus Romantic Love in the Relationship of Spider-Man and MJ.” Co-authored with Tricia Little. In Spider-Man and Philosophy. Edited by Jonathan Sanford, Oxford: Blackwell, 2011.

“The Glory of Bilbo Baggins.” Co-authored with C. Lyndahl-Urban. In The Hobbit and Philosophy, 2012.

"Boycott Olympic Ethics." Co-authored with Michel LeGall. In The Olympics and Philosophy. University of Kentucky Press, 2011.

“Starting a Reading Group that Feeds the Soul.” CIVA, December 2010.

“The Great Escape.” Co-authored with Michel LeGall. In Cannabis and Philosophy. Edited by Dale Jacquette, Oxford: Blackwell, 2010.

"The Real Secret of the Phoenix: Regeneration Through Death." In The Ultimate Harry Potter and Philosophy Book, edited by Greg Basshan. Oxford: Blackwell, 2010.

“Altered States; What Would You Do?” Co-authored with Dan Kastrul. In Lost and Philosophy: The Island has its Reasons. Edited by Sharon Kaye. Oxford: Blackwell, 2007. 2nd Edition, Ultimate Lost and Philosophy. Includes revised essay “Lost in Different Circumstances; What Would You Do?” Co-Authored with Dan Kastrul. 2010.

“Serious Nonsense,” Co-authored with Elizabeth Olson. In Alice in Wonderland and Philosophy. Edited by Richard Davis, Oxford: Blackwell, 2010.

“Real Ultimate Power: If you score it, don’t flip out.” Co-authored with Craig Lindahl-Urben. In Supervillians and Philosophy, edited by Ben Dyer. Blackwell, 2009.

“The Recovery of Childhood and the Absent Father.” Co-authored with Michel LeGall. In Stephen Spielberg and Philosophy, edited by Dean Kowalski, University of Kentuck Press, 2009.

"Being J. R.." Co-authored with Craig Lindel-Urban. In Johnny Cash and Philosophy, edited by J. Huss and D. Werther. Open Court, 2008.

“Bond as Chivalric, Comic Hero.” Co-authored with Michel LeGall. In James Bond and Philosophy Volume, edited by James South, 2007.

“The Soul of the Runner.” Co-authored with Rachel Traughber. In Running and Philosophy. Oxford: Blackwell, 2007.

“The Power and the Glory.” Co-authored with Craig Lyndell-Urban. In Superheroes and Philosophy, edited by T. V. Morris, 2005.

“The Atonement in Narnia.” Co-authored with Rachel Traughber. In Narnia and Philosophy, edited by J. Walls, 2005.

“The Passion of the Christ.” In Mel Gibson’s Passion and Philosophy, edited by J.E. Gracia. Blackwell, 2004.

Other essays: “Jury Duty with James Bond,” The Challenger; “The Conversation Crackled Merrily,” an essay on Mark Marth painting for exhibition in Grand Rapids pairing writers and painters; catalogue essay on Colin Brandt, NYC gallery.

Selected Titles of Courses and Seminars Taught

Personal Identity

Modern Philosophy

Ethics and the Good Life

Philosophy of Religion

Locke and Leibniz


Ethical Theory


Environmental Ethics

Philosophy of Mind

Law and Society


Philosophical Theology

Philosophy of Language

Introduction to Philosophy


The Enlightenment

The View from Nowhere

Ways of Knowing

Moral and Social Problems


Ethics and Biology of Agriculture - (team taught with biologist)


War and Peace - (taught with historian)

Mind, Matter, and Meaning

Critical Thinking

Business Ethics

Philosophy of History

Continental Philosophy

Law, Politics, and Morality

History of Modern Philosophy



Tutorials on different topics

The Great Conversation (2006-2008). St. Olaf’s great books program (Western literature, philosophy, art, and history.)

Islamic Philosophy

Editorial Positions

Member of the Editorial Board for:

American Philosophical Quarterly (2000-2010)

Philosophy Compass

Religious Studies Review

Religious Studies

The Philosopher’s Annual

Continuum Studies in Philosophy of Religion


Ars Disputandi

Peter Lang Studies in Philosophy of Religion

Book Review Editor for the quarterly journal: Faith and Philosophy, 2000-2015.

Editor-in-Chief for Open Theology beginning 2014.


Reader: The Journal MIND, Oxford University Press, Cambridge University Press, Blackwell, Cornell, Yale, Routledge, Columbia University Press, Wadsworth, Mayfield, Peter Lang, SUNY, Catholic University of America Press, Program Committee Minnesota Philosophical Society, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, Australasian Journal of Philosophy, Philosophical Quarterly, Religious Studies, Sophia, Faith and Philosophy, Inquiry, Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, The Journal of Philosophical Research, the Polish Journal of Philosophy, Canadian Journal of Philosophy, Toronto Journal of Theology, American Catholic Quarterly, and other journals. Invited in 2002 to serve on NEH panel for summer fellowships, but unable to accept due to scheduling.

Appointed to the APA Committee on Lectures, Publication, and Research, 2007-2010. Appointed to the APA Committee on the Status and Future of the Profession, 2010-2013. Appointed to APA advisory Committee, Eastern Division, 2010-2013.

NEH Panel, assessing summer grants, 2010.

Appointed to the panel that makes the yearly selections for best articles in philosophy: The Philosophical Annual, 2003-2006.

Philosophy of Religion Editor, Encyclopedia of Philosophy, MacMillan, 2nd edition, 2005.

Program Committee, APA, Central Division 1999. Regular committee and administrative work at St. Olaf College, e.mittee for Minority Scholarships, Secretary to the Faculty, Program Director for Junior Year Abroad at the University of Oxford (Harris Manchester College and the Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, attached to Keble College), Faculty Advisor to The Messenger (school newspaper). Successfully wrote two NEH grants for the Department of Philosophy, “The Visiting Distinguished Philosopher Grant.” Successfully co-authored a grant, “Witnessing and Thinking about Genocide.” Member of Environmental Studies Faculty and member of committee to found a Public Policy Concentration, St. Olaf College, supported by the Lerass Foundation.

Contributor to the Exploring Alternative Concepts of God workshop, University of Birmingham (UK), Fall 2012. Participant in NEH Summer Institute in Philosophy of Religion, Summer 1986; Workshop on the Epistemology of Religious Belief under William Alston, Syracuse University, Summer 1985; Workshop on Religious Pluralism under Keith Yandell, University of Wisconsin, Summer 1985.

Languages: Greek and French

Steering committee, Philosophy of Religion, American Academy of Religion, appointed in 2002-2007.

Organizing Committee, Mini-Conference on Models of God, APA Pacific, 2007.

Super Course, Philosophy of Religion, Hong Kong, May 2004.

Courses at University of Minnesota, Department of Continuing Education: Aesthetics (fall, 2011), Love (winter, 2012), A Brief History of the Soul (fall, 2012), Aging (2014), Picturing Evil (2015), Star Wars (2015).

Panel, 2010-

Invited by classes at St. Olaf (1998, 2003, 2004, 2006, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2015) to be “the last lecturer” on graduation weekend.

Review of Philosophy Department, Augustana College, Fall 2008.

Chair, External Reviewers, Philosophy Department, Hope College, 2010.

External reviewer for tenure decisions, different colleges and universities.

Member: APA, AAR, Royal Institute of Philosophy, Society of Christian Philosophers, International Berkeley Society, Society of King Charles the Martyr, ESP, Harvard Club New York.


Ernst Sosa (Brown University)

Galen Strawson (University of Reading)

Richard Swinburne (Oxford University)

Roger Trigg (University of Warwick, England)

Linda Zagzebski (Oklahoma)

Alvin Plantinga (Notre Dame)

Tim Chappell (Open University)

Daniel Robinson (Oxford University)

Paul Griffiths (Duke University)

Robert Audi (University of Notre Dame)

William Wainwright (University of Wisconsin)

Ed Langerak (St. Olaf College)

Gary Iseminger (Carleton College)

William Hasker (Huntington College)

Victoria Harrison (University of Glasgow)

Stewart Goetz (Ursinus College)

Paul Draper (Purdue University)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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