Bonnie Swan

Bonnie Swan, DirectorProgram Evaluation and Educational Research Group (PEER)University of Central Florida (UCF) TA-403Orlando, Florida 32816-1250bonnie.swan@mail.ucf.eduOffice: 407-823-1351Website: PreparationUniversity of Central FloridaEconomicsB.S.B.A1986University of Central FloridaMathematics EducationM.Ed.2003University of Central FloridaEducationPh.D.2006Appointments2005-presentDirector, Program Evaluation and Educational Research Group (PEER), A Service Center located in the College of Education, UCF, Orlando, FL2004-2006University Internship Coordinator, Transition to Mathematics and Science Teaching Program (TMAST)2003-2006Graduate Teaching and Research Associate, College of Education1998-2003Middle School Mathematics Teacher, Orange County Public Schools, Orlando, FLProducts (up to 5)Subedi, B., Swan, B., & Hynes, M. (June, 2011). Are school factors important for measuring teacher effectiveness? A multilevel technique to predict student gains through a value-added approach. Educational Research International, vol. 2011, Article ID 532737, 10 pages, 2011. doi:10.1155/2011/532737.Zygouris-Coe, V., & Swan, B. (August, 2009). Challenges of online teacher professional development communities: A statewide case study in the United States. Book chapter in J. O. Lindberg, & A. D. Olofsson, (Eds.), Online Learning Communities and Teacher Professional Development: Methods for Improved Education Delivery. Hersey, PA: IGI Global. Andreasen, J. B., Swan, B., & Dixon, J. K. (Spring, 2008). A framework for identifying stages of teacher change resulting from extended mathematics professional development. FOCUSOn Learning Problems in Mathematics, 29(4). Zygouris-Coe, V., Swan, B., & Glass, C. (2007). A 21st century perspective: Using a client-centered/responsive approach to evaluating the effectiveness of large-scale online teacher professional development. In G. Richards (Ed). Proceedings of World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education 2007 (pp. 583-588). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.Swan, B. & Dixon, J. (2006). The effects of mentor-supported technology professional development on middle school mathematics teachers' attitudes and practice. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education. 6(1). Synergistic Activities (up to 5 relevant)Evaluator, NSF funded Research Experiences for Teachers (RET) project. Collaborative Research: RET in Engineering and Computer Science Site—Research Experiences for Teachers focused on Applications of ImagEs and SiGnals in High Schools (AEGIS). University of Central Florida, Principal Investigator, Interim Dean (Engineering), Dr. Michael Georgiopolous. 2012-present.Evaluator, NSF funded Advanced Technological Education (ATE) project. Biotechnology Alliance for Suncoast Biology Educators (BASBE). State College of Florida, Manatee-Sarasota. Principal Investigator, Dr. Jane Pfeilsticker. 2011-present.Evaluator, Florida Department of Education Race to the Top funded project. RTP3: Resident Teacher Professional Preparation. College of Education, University of Central Florida. Dr. Rosemarye Taylor, Principal Investigator. 2011-2014.Evaluator, NSF funded Innovative Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers (ITEST) project. Creating Student Investigators (CSI-ASU). Arkansas State University, Dr. Karen Yanowitz, Principal Investigator. 2008-2010.Current instructor: Evaluation of School Programs (EDG6285), Evaluation of Complex Problems of Practice (EDF 7468); Have taught: Seminar in Teaching Mathematics and Science (IDS 6933), Using Technology in Mathematics and Science (IDS 6934), Internship for In-service Teachers Transitioning from other Fields (MAE6946), Elementary School Mathematics (MAE 2801), Teaching Mathematics in the Elementary School (MAE4326)COLLABORATORS AND OTHER AFFILIATIONSPast President, Florida Education Research Association (FERA) American Evaluation Association (AEA)American Educational Research Association (AERA) Florida Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (FAMTE)Board Member & Committee Co-Chair, Southeast Evaluation Association (SEA)School Science and Mathematics Association (SSMA)Dr. Bobby JeanpierreUniversity of Central FloridaDr. Conrad KatzenmeyerPEER/UCF ConsultantDr. Michael HynesUniversity of Central FloridaBidya SubediPalm Beach County Public SchoolsGraduate Advisors: Michael Hynes, UCF; Juli Dixon, UCF; Robert Pennington, UCF; Lee Baldwin, Orange County Public Schools; Enrique Ortiz, UCF. ................

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