Worldview Mission – Striving to achieve the UN Sustainable ...

Worldview Mission

The Organization

Worldview Mission (WM) was founded in 2007 by Ms. Hélène H. Oord, in 2008 registered in USA with IRS Taxed Exempt Status, in Holland registered October 2011 by Chamber of Commerce of Rotterdam. Worldview Mission (WM) NGO, member of United Nations CSO-NET (ECOSOC CIVIL Society Network NGO Branch, New York.

Worldview Mission (WM) a 501 (C) (3) Nonprofit (NGO). This Global Organization connected to the United Nations is affiliated with a multitude of organizations in the world that are concerned with ending poverty, complies with the Statement of United Nations Under -Secretary- General for Communications and Public Information (DPI) Mr. Kiyo Akasaka, by 2015.

Although the United States is one of the richest counties in the world, still, 37 million people are poor, and from those 13 million children (19 percent of all children) under age eighteen live in families with incomes below the official poverty threshold.

Worldview Mission is on a mission to break the cycle of poverty in low economic communities by educating and preparing the youth to become leaders in their community and eventually extend their cause on a global level.

Programs of Worldview Mission are directed to enhance self-direction, self-determination and self-regulation of our youth as oppose to just giving them a handout which constitutes merely an ephemeral solution, but not a solution to the problem.

The Vision Statement

“To improve the quality of life for the people living in poverty helping them to become self-sufficient and to facilitate global effort in meeting United Nation’s Millennium Development Goals.”

The Mission

➢ Eradicate poverty in our communities and provide a safe haven for those in need.

➢ Provide a comprehensive program of personal growth and development.

➢ Build the finest facility where young people get the feeling that they belong to a loving society

➢ Create an environment and use activities that foster mutual respect, resilience, self-esteem, self-regulation, self-efficacy and leadership.

➢ Promote awareness and acceptance of diversity. 

The Areas of Concern / Focus Areas

➢ Community Development

➢ Community Service and Volunteering

➢ Economic Development

➢ Family and Parenting

➢ Poverty and hunger

➢ Education

➢ Leadership

➢ Employment

➢ Micro-finance

➢ Youth Court

Organization Profile

Organizational History and Culture

The Executive Team

The Founder and Chairperson

Hélène H. Oord


➢ To connect ministries with organizations of all sorts by providing information about the concerns and goals of the United Nations and bring awareness of the current activities.

➢ To provide in their needs for a better understanding in our Multicultural society.  In other words, to improve communication and support each other’s cause.

➢ To promote, support and improve communication among civil organizations and the United Nations Missions for rapid and effective coalition between the countries.


➢ To inform the world through media in the form of Radio and Television, public speaking that people still care about each other regardless of Race or Nationality. 

➢ To reach out worldwide and supply the appropriate information to all people, in the different languages, for a better understanding of the needs in our Multicultural Society

➢ To interview prominent persons, Ambassadors, Diplomats, and VIP’s persons

➢ To targeting an all inclusive effective communication system.

Goals & Objectives

➢ To support the United Nations Activities in its efforts to provide basic needs to all people

➢ To create a harmonious functioning information exchange unit

➢ Connect these organizations with the appropriate leaders to facilitate them

➢ To make a contribution to needed programs in our society for the Better

➢ To make a change for the better world where the United States is a melting pot of all Nations

Projects and Activities International:

Intercessory prayer Group Int.

Ministries Network Activities International:

Network consist of: Business people’s, Bishops, Evangelist, Prophets, Pastors, Ministers, Missionaries, Organizations and others

Mark 10:29. Jesus said follow Me, and I will make you become fishers of men In Mark 1:17

After water baptize she is active in street Evangelism

A gifted intercessor, Spiritual Counselor, A Trained Pastoral Care, Chaplain program, at the Brook dale University Hospital And Medical Center Brooklyn New York,

Former Pastor Jim Symbala from the Brooklyn Tabernacle Church Training Center, Brooklyn New York, Bible teaching classes Walk Thru the Old and New Testament by Director of Caribbean & Latin America, Bermuda

In 2007 Baptized at the New Greater Bethel Ministries, in Queens New York, where Pastor John H. Boyd Sr. is my Spiritual Pastor,

Evangelist Hélène H. Oord is an ordained,  servant of the Lord.

In 2009 ordained, on a Eastern Sunday, April 12th , in Rhode IJsland, Provedence New York, by Bishop Jerome Edgerton and by a Couple Arch Bishop Linol Brown and Elected Apostle Vanessa Brown, who believe in Act 2:4

1st home, Evangelist Hélène was, born in a country Suriname, the city called Paramaribo. As a teen she left her birth country and went to Europe, Holland /“the Netherlands”, with her families for school study.

The Netherlands is her 2nd home and Spiritual birth home where she is 1ste time baptized Spiritual and baptized in water. In the Netherlands she lived many years.. Her 3rd home and Spiritually 1st born home is the Kingdom of God.

Her family is supportive by the work that is doing for the Lord International. She has a calling in her life called by Our Lord and Savior. Psalm 2:8.

As reborn Christian she presents her selves as Ambassador of our Lord and Savior.


She believe in water baptism by immersion. Mat. 28:19

I believe the baptism of the Holy Spirit, according to Acts 2:4, is given to believers who ask for it. Acts 2:39

I believe there is one God, eternally existent in three persons: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. 2 Cor. 13:14

I believe that man’s only hope of redemption is through the shed blood of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Salvation is received through repentance toward God and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. (New Birth = Born again). John 3:3

In 2006 our Lord and Savior called her name “HÉLÈNE”. She listen to His voice and her live is committed to the Him.

She is an Intercessor and Evangelist, passionate about bringing people to Christ and even see them through water baptism.

As Chaplaincy she pray for the sick, visited families who needs prayers to be delivered , pray for the sick in hospitals. Her passion is street Evangelism.

Christian network: Bishops, Evangelist, Prophets, Pastors, Ministers, Missionaries, business peoples and others.

Invites Bishop’s and Pastors international to minister in churches, and to minister to at the United Nations.

Volunteered in the United States:

She volunteered for different Christian Churches in Brooklyn, Queens, and the Bronx in New York and Evangelistic ministries.

Christian network: Bishops, Evangelist, Prophets, Pastors, Ministers, Missionaries, business peoples and others.

She invites Bishop’s to minister at churches and at the United Nations prayer group.

Volunteered in the United States:

She volunteered for different Christian Churches in Brooklyn, Queens, at Church a Live the Bronx and others New York Evangelistic ministries.

Kingdom Projects and Activities

1st Fruit in Holland “Multicultural Talk show Helene

Her first fruit for the Lord was her television program where she host and produced her own show called, “Multicultural talk show Hélène”.

1st Fruit in the United States “Hélène H. Oord Ministries Int.

In the United States she hosted and produced shows in a studio and collaborate in different tv programs with colleagues, New York, Church A-Live, on Bronx net Studio

  2003:  Mentored and trained public speaking by Mrs: Vera van Os   

Times Square event/USA 2007

She participated on project together with her Church New Greater Bethel Ministries where Bishop John H. Boyd (Sr) who is her senior Pastor.

Participated in prayers activities from the (UN/CCSR)United Nations Christian Cultural Society Recreations in New York. She participate at the major times square event in July 2007 to preach for all nation.

Matt Sorger Ministries:

United Nations event/USA 2007 – 2008:

Coordinate the activities at the United Nations and Liaison to Pastor Sunday Adelaja from Ukraine /Russian who was the guests speaker to pray for the Nations.

March 10, 2008 she planned and organized a breakfast meeting at the Delegate Dining Room in the United Nations for starting the process UN Pass Accreditation, the NGO/DPI Status for Embassy of God Ukraine where Pastor Sunday Adelaja is the pastor. UN Officials, delegates and Organizations that is connected to the UN where invited.


Organized a event for Smile of A Child founder of Jan Crouch (TBN) Television Broadcast Network. And Project One In. to the United Nations.


As Ambassador to Project One Inc. and  T.L.Lowery Foundation she was powerfully used by God to connect these Global UN Organization to the UN with UN/ECOSOC STATUS with Generally Secretary Ban-Ki-Moon.



Invites guests, for audience during the media taping, at (TBN) Trinity Broadcast Network in New York

Ministries Network Activities International:

Worldwide network consist of: Business people’s, Bishops, Evangelist, Prophets, Pastors, Ministers, Missionaries, Organizations NGO’s United Nations Organizations UN Agencies, UN Ambassadors, and VIP’s.

The Vice Chairperson

Mr. Divine Ntiokam


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