Life as a Patrician (Noble) in Ancient Rome

Life as a Patrician (Noble) in Ancient Rome[1]

I) Basic life

A) Child hood

1) Children born into this class were generally privileged.

a) They had toys and games

b) The boys came to age at 14 when they put aside their good luck charms and took up a job.

c) Girls came of age between 14 and 16, when they were expected to marry.

B) Education

1) They received the best education to Roman Standards

2) They were versed in rhetoric (arguing well), Latin and Greek.

C) Family Life

1) Family was very important for the Romans.

2) In the Patrician families the father was in total control

3) Many Patrician parents had close relationships with their children

D) Living dress and meals

1) They lived in large and expensive villas, with courtyards and private baths.

2) The Patricians commonly wore a tunic, which was sometimes sleeveless. A male tunic reached to his knees, while female garments went all of the way down to the feet. Tunics were worn both day and night, and could be covered with some form of cape or mantle for warmth. A variety of shoes and sandals served very particular functions. Women covered their heads with their shawls when in public.

3) The patricians ate three meals a day, which would be prepared by the slaves. They existed on a diet of meat, grains, fruits, cheeses, breads, and olives.

E) Social Class

1) They were second only to the Emperor.

F) Daily life

1) Had a great deal of free time, which they relaxed with music and games

2) They choose a personal god to which they prayed to each day, in a privet shrine in their villas

3) They were the center of roman political life. They held positions as Senators and served as a “check” against the plebian assembly and Emperor.

II) Assignments and Goals

A) Possessions

1) “Live” in the best part of the classroom.

2) Have plenty of food and drink.

3) They will have the best comfort (big pillows)

B) Assignments and Goals

1) As the Patricians or Nobel classes of Imperial Rome you will have thee goals

a) First since you are the richest element of Roman Society, second only to the Emperor, you can become the patron of a Plebeian artist, intellectual, or merchant.

b) This means you will pay that citizen a daily sum of money (Paul Dollars) for their goods or services.

c) it was seen as an honor to become a patron.

2) You will try to develop laws that are beneficial to all the social classes.

a) The laws will be based on taxes, if they should be higher or lower.

b) The Patricians tried to develop laws that would create peace and understanding between the social classes for fear that the much larger in population Plebeians would revolt against them.

3) Finally, you are to live in luxury and relax.


[1] Vaughn, Vanessa E. "Life as a Royal in Ancient Rome." Ancient Rome: Life as a Royal in Ancient Rome (January 2011): 1. History


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