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3277235-6985Task: Aim to complete one activity a day to help support and further your revision and subject knowledge.00Task: Aim to complete one activity a day to help support and further your revision and subject knowledge.-100965337185Key Topics to revise:Skills, Asia.00Key Topics to revise:Skills, Asia.Year 7 Geography ‘at home learning’ resourceDesign a mind map to describe the physical features found on a mapDraw a map of your local area and add the correct map symbols Explain what contour lines are and what it means if they are close together or far apart.Sit in the middle of your room. Write down what is North, North-East, East, South-East, South, South-West, West and North-West to your position. Create a poster that explains why geography is important.Create a treasure hunt for someone in your house using a map and 6 figure grid references. Create a venn diagram. You will need 3 circles. The title for each circle is UK, British Isles and Great Britain. Sort the countries involved in to the correct circle or overlapping circle.Explain the difference between local, national and international. Make sure you give 3 examples of each.Explain the physical geography of Asia List as many countries in Asia as you can remember. Find out the names of the ones you missed.Choose 5 capital cities in Asia. Explain the:LocationPopulationPhysical featuresHuman featuresPositive and negative factsResearch the top 10 richest countries in Asia. Find out their population, the average income per person and their top 3 exports from the country.Research China’s 1 child policy:What was it and why was it introduced?What were the incentives and problems?What were the results?Answer the exam question:“The one child policy was the best solution for China.”Make sure you include at least 3 positives and 3 negatives as well as a conclusion where you come to a decision. Define the following terms: - PopulationEcosystemPhysical featuresHuman featuresAgeing populationDescribe and explain the biomes within Asia. Give an example of each biome and which country it is in. List the major lines of latitude and longitude across the world.BBC iplayer: Burma with Simon Reeve. Create a fact file: What do they eat? What does it look like? What tourist attractions are there? What is life like for the people? Any other facts.Write down all the countries in the continent of Europe (Remember the European Union and continental Europe are different) find the capital city of each one and 1 fact about each country. BBC iplayer: David Attenborough. Choose an episode, create a facts mind-map.Planet Earth 1 or 2Life on EarthBlue Planet 1 or 2Frozen PlanetNatural WorldAfricaUse google maps to research the key landmarks in a country of your choice. Play the game Geoguesser. This will help you improve your geographical knowledge.Use the website Ordnance survey map zone. Practice your map skills through the games, particularly grid references.Watch Climate change – the facts on bbc iplayer and bullet point as many facts as you can about the episode. ................

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