“This is Your Brain on GP”An activity to help spark your global awarenessRUSSA; SAUDI ARABIA the world’s biggest oil producerSOCCER (cricket, tennis, hockey) the most popular sport worldwide COMMUNIST, one-party state type of government in ChinaAFRICA continent where the world’s poorest countries are located QATAR world’s richest countryBANGLADESH country with the worst air qualityBRAZIL location (country) of the Amazon rainforest Tiger, Polar bear, Pacific walrus, Magellanic penguin, leatherback sea turtle, Bluefin tuna, mountain gorilla, monarch butterfly, Javan rhino, world’s most endangered species (you can name more than one)COLOMBIA most dangerous country CHINA 19%, US 18% country that emits the most greenhouse gassesOIL=37%, NAT’L GAS=24%, COAL=23% 2nd and 3rd most popular energy sources in addition to oilKIM IL SUNG leader of North Korea 2010 year the earthquake in Haiti occurred 1984 year of Apple computer’s first debut FIDEL CASTRO notorious former leader of CubaNORTH AMERICAN FREE TRADE AGRMT (Canada, U.S., Mexico) NAFTA (stands for what?)Acupuncture, aromatherapy, yoga, hypnotherapy, herbal, etc. name a type of alternative medicineUNITED NATIONS U.N. (stands for what?)1st AMENDMENT U.S. freedom of speech stems from this Constitutional amendment5th AMENDMENT U.S. right to remain silent stems from this Constitutional amendmentFRANCE most visited country in the world (tourism)VLADIMIR PUTIN current leader of RussiaGUANTANAMO BAY terrorist suspects are held at this U.S. location OVER 7 BILLION total world population (number)UNITED KINGDOM England, Scotland, Wales, and North Ireland are collectively called thisCHINA=3.6 BIL, INDIA=1.2 BIL top TWO countries with the highest populations1776 year the U.S. was first established 75/MALE, 80/FEMALE life expectancy age in the U.S.PHILIPPINES (601 mo. texts per user vs. US=301) country with the highest text message volume ARGENTINA country that consumes the most meat per yearGREECE country that consumes the most vegetables per yearNIGER country with the youngest populationJAPAN country with the oldest populationTOKYO capital of JapanINDIA location of the Taj MahalADDITIONAL FUN FACT NOTES: ................

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