Measuring Worth - Relative Worth Comparators and Data Sets

2019MeasuringWorth Citation ListAbrams, Sylvia F., et al.?Cleveland Jews and the Making of a Midwestern Community. Rutgers University Press, 2020.Adler, David, and Laurence B. Siegel, eds.?The Productivity Puzzle: Restoring Economic Dynamism. CFA Institute Research Foundation, 2019.Ager, Philipp, Leah Platt Boustan, and Katherine Eriksson.?The intergenerational effects of a large wealth shock: White southerners after the civil war. No. w25700. National Bureau of Economic Research, 2019.A??r, Seven, and C?han Artun?. "The Wealth Tax of 1942 and the Disappearance of Non-Muslim Enterprises in Turkey."?The Journal of Economic History?79.1 (2019): 201-243.Ahumada, Ricardo Nazer. "Entrepreneurial Families, Inheritances and Wealth Transfers: The Edwards Family and Their Transition from Entrepreneurs to Rentiers, 1880–1914." Capitalists, Business and State-Building in Chile. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, 2019. 33-66.Albertson, Kevin, and Paul Stepney. "1979 and all that: a 40-year reassessment of Margaret Thatcher’s legacy on her own terms."?Cambridge Journal of Economics?(2019).Alexander, Michael Allen. "A Cultural Evolution Model for Trend Changes in the American Secular Cycle."?Cliodynamics?10.1 (2019).Allen, William A., and Bill Allen. The Bank of England and the Government Debt: Operations in the Gilt-Edged Market, 1928–1972. Cambridge University Press, 2019.Alston, Julian M., and Phillip G. Pardey. "Innovation, Growth, and Structural Change in American Agriculture."?The Role of Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Economic Growth. University of Chicago Press, 2020.Anbinder, Tyler, Cormac ?. Gráda, and Simone A. Wegge. "Networks and Opportunities: A Digital History of Ireland’s Great Famine Refugees in New York."?The American Historical Review?124.5 (2019): 1591-1629.Arlyck, Kevin. "THE FOUNDERS’FORFEITURE." Columbia Law Review 119.6 (2019): 1449-1518.Artun?, Cihan, and Timothy W. Guinnane. "Partnership as Experimentation."?The Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization?35.3 (2019): 455-488.Atkins, Gareth. Converting Britannia: Evangelicals and British Public Life, 1770-1840. Vol. 5. Studies in the Eighteenth Century, 2019.Austin, Marian. " A people peculiarly blessed": Community, Identity and Confederate Nationalism in an Alabama Planter Family, 1819-1876. Diss. University of East Anglia, 2019.Bado, Michele.?GDP-linked bonds: a smart financing instrument for few countries. BS thesis. Università Ca'Foscari Venezia, 2019.Baines, Joseph, and Sandy Brian Hager. "Financial Crisis, Inequality, and Capitalist Diversity: A Critique of the Capital as Power Model of the Stock Market."?New Political Economy?25.1 (2020): 122-139.Ball, Christine M. "‘Neither a borrower nor a lender be’: Letters from the anaesthetist Joseph Thomas Clover to the Birmingham surgeon Joseph Sampson Gamgee."?Journal of medical biography?27.1 (2019): 37-45.Battiston, Simone, and Javier P. Grossutti. "When arts and crafts education meets Fascism: the Friuli mosaic school, 1922-1943." History of Education 48.6 (2019): 751-768.Beaumont, Susan Laura.?Female enterprise and entrepreneurship in North East England, 1778-1801. Diss. Newcastle University, 2019.Beckwith, Ian. "The Affair of the Sible Hedingham Baptist Chapel 1857–67." Baptist Quarterly (2019): 1-18.Bentley, Richard. A War to the Knife. Troubador Publishing Ltd, 2019.Bianchi, Nicola, and Michela Giorcelli. "Reconstruction aid, public infrastructure, and economic development."?Public Infrastructure, and Economic Development (February 5, 2019)?(2019).Billings, Mark, and Daniel Giedeman. "ECONOMIC & BUSINESS HISTORY."?Essays in Economic & Business History (forthcoming)?37 (2019).Billio, M., et al. "On the role of domestic and international financial cyclical factors in driving economic growth." Applied Economics 52.11 (2020): 1272-1297.Bodenhorn, Howard. "Private Seeking of Private Monopoly in Early American Banking." Public Choice Analyses of American Economic History. Springer, Cham, 2019. 167-206.Book, Joakim. "Book Review: Capitalism in America: A History."?Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics?22.1 (2019): 82-90.Borjas, George J.?Immigration and Economic Growth. No. w25836. National Bureau of Economic Research, 2019.Bottomley, Sean. "The returns to invention during the British industrial revolution."?The Economic History Review?72.2 (2019): 510-530.Boubaker, Heni, et al. "Global crises and gold as a safe haven: Evidence from over seven and a half centuries of data."?Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications?540 (2020): 123093.Bowers, John M. Tolkien's Lost Chaucer. Oxford University Press, USA, 2019.Bowsher, Elizabeth. "Assessing the genealogical value of a potential new source: the value of the Equitable Life Assurance Society archives, 1762–1835."?The Journal of Genealogy and Family History?3.1 (2019): 41-51.Bradshaw, Kellie K. Reality, Expectations and Fears: Women Shop Assistants in London, 1890-1914. Diss. George Mason University, 2019.Brown, Rupert.?Henri Tajfel: Explorer of identity and difference. Routledge, 2019.Browning, Pete, Tony McConnell, and Patrick Walsh-Atkins. "The History of the USA, 1820-1941." (2019).Bunk, Brian D. "Pageants, Popularity Contests and Spanish Identities in 1920s New York."?Hidden out in the Open: European Spanish Labor Migrants in the Progressive Era?(2019).Calderón Fernández, Andrés, Rafael Dobado González, and Alfredo García-Hiernaux. "Del" Real de a ocho" a los muchos pesos: plata, precios y tipos de interés en hispanoamérca y el resto del mundo, 1750-1850." Estudios de historia económica/Banco de Espa?a, 75 (2019).Campbell, Gareth, Richard S. Grossman, and John D. Turner. "Before the cult of equity: New monthly indices of the British share market, 1829-1929." (2019).Campbell, Gareth, Richard S. Grossman, and John D. Turner. "Wesleyan Economic Working Papers." (2019).Candela, Rosolino A., and Vincent Geloso. "Coase and transaction costs reconsidered: the case of the English lighthouse system."?European Journal of Law and Economics?48.3 (2019): 331-349.Caria, Stefano.?Industrialization on a Knife's Edge: Productivity, Labor Costs and the Rise of Manufacturing in Ethiopi. The World Bank, 2019.Carlos, Ann M., Edward Kosack, and Luis Castro Penarrieta. "Bankruptcy, Discharge, and the Emergence of Debtor Rights in Eighteenth-Century England."?Enterprise & Society?20.2 (2019): 475-506.Caspari, Volker. "Das Zeitalter der klassischen Politischen ?konomie."??konomik und Wirtschaft. Springer Gabler, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2019. 53-91.Caspari, Volker. ?konomik und Wirtschaft. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2019.Caulfield, Sueann. "Jesus versus Jesus: Inheritance Disputes, Patronage Networks, and a Nineteenth-Century African Bahian Family."?Hispanic American Historical Review?99.2 (2019): 209-245.Chapman, Bert. "History of jet fighters."?Global Defense Procurement and the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, 2019. 11-44.Chapman, Bert.?Global Defense Procurement and the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter. Springer International Publishing, 2019.Charalambous, Andreas N. "Groundwater and its economic nature." Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology (2019): qjegh2019-068.Churchill, Sefa Awaworyi, et al. "R&D intensity and carbon emissions in the G7: 1870–2014."?Energy Economics?80 (2019): 30-37.Chwieroth, Jeffrey M., and Andrew Walter. "The financialization of mass wealth, banking crises and politics over the long run."?European Journal of International Relations?25.4 (2019): 1007-1034.?ift?io?lu, Devrim. A study to ascertain the macroeconomic leading indicators of the financial crisis of 2008–2009 in selected developing countries using a parametric early warning system. Diss. ?stanbul Bilgi ?niversitesi, 2019.Clapperton, Fiona.?From Servants to Staff: The Making of a Modern Estate, Chatsworth 1908-1950. Diss. University of Sheffield, 2019.Clark, Robert. "The Ambiguities of Captain Singleton, Defoe’s Piratical Novel."?XVII-XVIII. Revue de la Société d’études anglo-américaines des XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles?76 (2019).Clay, Dean. The Congo Reform Association and the beginning of Transnational Humanitarianism, 1904-1913. Diss. Liverpool John Moores University, 2019.Clegg, John, and Duncan Foley. "A classical-Marxian model of antebellum slavery." Cambridge Journal of Economics 43.1 (2019): 107-138.Conlin, Jonathan.?Mr Five Per Cent: The many lives of Calouste Gulbenkian, the world’s richest man. Profile Books, 2019.Coyle, Christopher, Aldo Musacchio, and John D. Turner. "Law and finance in Britain c. 1900."?Financial History Review?(2019): 1-27.Crispi, Luca. "Paul Léon and the Publication of The Mime of Mick, Nick and the Maggies."?Joyce Studies Annual?(2019): 125-161.Cunado, Juncal, Luis A. Gil-Alana, and Rangan Gupta. "Persistence in trends and cycles of gold and silver prices: Evidence from historical data."?Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications?514 (2019): 345-354.d’?conomie, Bureau, Claude Diebolt, and Michael Haupert. "Clio and the Value of Database Creation?." (2019).D?browski, Mariusz. "Gospodarcze skutki katastrof naturalnych w Japonii." (2019).DeHaas, CodieAnn, et al. "Catalytic leadership: How a president's language influences national outcomes." (2019).Dimitruk, Kara.?“To destroy the settlement of estate”? the Glorious Revolution and estate acts of parliament, 1660–1702. No. 01/2019. 2019.Dixon, Frank. "Sustainable Finance." Cadmus 4.1 (2019): 47-64.Djenderedjian, Julio. "Los costos de la modernización: cambios en los factores tierra y trabajo en Entre Ríos, Argentina, entre 1830 y 1880." América Latina en la historia económica 26.3 (2019).Donovan, Patrick. "The boundaries of charity: the impact of ethnic relations on private charitable services for Quebec city's English-speakers, 1759-1900." (2019).Donzé, Pierre-Yves. "Dynamics of Innovation in the Electronic Watch Industry: A Comparative Business History of Longines (Switzerland) and Seiko (Japan), 1960-1980."?Essays in Economic & Business History?37 (2019): 120-145.Edwards, John Richard. "Accounting for the erosion of fixed assets 1863–1900. A case study."?Accounting History Review?29.2 (2019): 287-304.Ela, Nate. "Use-Based Welfare: Property Experiments in Chicago, 1895–1935." Social Science History 43.2 (2019): 319-344.Elitzur, Moshe, Scott Kaplan, and David Zilberman. "Hindered growth."?Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control?111 (2020): 103807.Farbman, Daniel. "Resistance Lawyering."?California Law Review?107.6 (2019).Feintuck, Anna. "Constructing cartographic authority: the conceptualization and mapping of urban spaces in Edinburgh, c. 1880–c. 1920." Urban History 46.3 (2019): 464-492.Flannery, Michael A. "Government as Apothecary: Civil War Pharmacy and the Common Good."?Pharmacy in History?61.1-2 (2019): 3-14.Fowler, James. "Statistics: Spur to Productivity or Publicity Stunt? London Underground Railways 1913-32."?Essays in Economic & Business History?37 (2019): 146-179.Fritz, Marlon, Thomas Gries, and Yuanhua Feng. "Secular stagnation? Is there statistical evidence of an unprecedented, systematic decline in growth?."?Economics Letters?181 (2019): 47-50.Fritz, Marlon. "Steady state adjusting trends using a data-driven local polynomial regression."?Economic Modelling?83 (2019): 312-325.Gaillard, Norbert, and Richard J. Michalek. "How and Why Moral Hazard Has Distorted Financial Regulation."?The Failure of Financial Regulation. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, 2019. 111-151.Geesin, Beverly, and Simon Mollan. "This Sporting Life: the antithetical novel’s revelation of the organization and work of sport." Culture and Organization 25.5 (2019): 368-382.Geloso, Vincent, and Michael Makovi. "State Capacity and the Post Office: Evidence from 19th Century Quebec."?Available at SSRN?(2020).Gibson, Mary Ellis. "The News from India: Emma Roberts and the Construction of Late Romanticism."?British Romanticism in Asia. Palgrave Macmillan, Singapore, 2019. 39-65.Gil‐Alana, Luis Alberiko, and Rangan Gupta. "Persistence, Mean Reversion and Nonlinearities in Inflation Rates of Developed and Developing Countries Using Over One Century of Data."?The Manchester School?87.1 (2019): 24-36.Gilbert, Geoff. "Who Plans Our Political Economy? A Solidarity Economy Vision for Democratic Political Economy Planning."?Harvard Unbound?12.1 (2019).Goel, Rajeev K., James W. Saunoris, and Friedrich Schneider. "Drivers of the underground economy for over a century: A long term look for the United States."?The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance?71 (2019): 95-106.Gooch, Daniel James.?'A town built on migration'? The human capital value of migration to Reading, 1851-71. Diss. 2019.Gorton, Gary B.?Private Money Production without Banks. No. w26663. National Bureau of Economic Research, 2020.Gregg, Amanda G. "Factory Productivity and the Concession System of Incorporation in Late Imperial Russia, 1894–1908."?American Economic Review?110.2 (2020): 401-27.Gregg, Stephen E. Swami Vivekananda and Non-Hindu Traditions: A Universal Advaita. Routledge, 2019.Grinsted, Aslak, Peter Ditlevsen, and Jens Hesselbjerg Christensen. "Normalized US hurricane damage estimates using area of total destruction, 1900? 2018."?Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences?116.48 (2019): 23942-23946.Guerin, Ayasha. "UNDERGROUND AND AT SEA: Oysters and Black Marine Entanglements in New York's Zone-A."?Shima?13.2 (2019).Gurwitz, Aaron. "Catastrophic Agglomeration."?Atlantic Metropolis. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, 2019. 135-147.Halbert, Jade. "Cabbage, Tradition and Bunce: Marion Donaldson and the Black Economy of the British Rag Trade in the 1970s." Textile History 50.2 (2019): 187-205.Hall, George J., and Thomas J. Sargent. "Complications for the United States from International Credits: 1913–40."?Debt and Entanglements?(2019): 1.HALL, GEORGEJ, and THOMAS J. SARGENT. "Complications for the United States from International Credits: 1913–401."?Debt and Entanglements Between the Wars?(2019): 1.Hanlon, W. Walker. "The Persistent Effect of Temporary Input Cost Advantages in Shipbuilding, 1850 to 1911."?Journal of the European Economic Association?(2019).Hannah, Leslie. "Corporate governance, accounting transparency and stock exchange sizes in Germany, Japan and ?Anglo-Saxon? economies, 1870–1950." Zeitschrift für Unternehmensgeschichte 64.2 (2019): 157-186.Hansen, Kristoffer Mousten. "Better than gold? A review of the Bitcoin Standard 2nd revision."?Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics?(2020).Henriques, Antonio, and Nuno Pedro G. Palma. "Comparative European Institutions and the Little Divergence, 1385-1800." (2019).Herger, Nils. "A Brief History of Central Banks."?Understanding Central Banks. Springer, Cham, 2019. 9-42.Herger, Nils.?Understanding Central Banks. Springer, 2019.Hiller, Geoffrey G., Peter L. Groves, and Alan F. Dilnot, eds. An Anthology of London in Literature, 1558-1914:'Flower of Cities All'. Springer, 2019.Hiller, Geoffrey G., Peter L. Groves, and Alan F. Dilnot. "Period 2: London in the Enlightenment (1660–1780)." An Anthology of London in Literature, 1558-1914. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, 2019. 41-90.Hira, Anil, Norbert Gaillard, and Theodore H. Cohn. "Persistent Issues with Financial Regulation."?The Failure of Financial Regulation. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, 2019. 1-35.Hoffmann, Andreas. "Beware of Financial Repression: Lessons from History."?Intereconomics?54.4 (2019): 259-266.Hou, Jie, Wendong Shi, and Jingwei Sun. "Stock Returns, weather, and air conditioning."?PloS one?14.7 (2019).Howarth, Richard J., and Wolfgang H. Müller. "The life and work of Robert J. Adcock. Part II: biography and establishment of authorship."?Notes and Records?(2019): rsnr20190028.Hume, Robert D. "Reevaluating Colley Cibber and Some Problems in Documentation of Performance, 1690–1800."?Eighteenth-Century Life?43.3 (2019): 101-114.Hunter, David. "Handel Manuscripts and the Profits of Slavery: The" Granville" Collection at the British Library and the First Performing Score of Messiah Reconsidered."?Notes?76.1 (2019): 27-37.Jacks, David S. "From boom to bust: A typology of real commodity prices in the long run."?Cliometrica?13.2 (2019): 201-220.Jang, Young-Sun, and Young Joo Ko. "How latecomers catch up to leaders in high-energy physics as Big Science: transition from national system to international collaboration."?Scientometrics?119.1 (2019): 437-480.Jarman, Rob, Frank M. Chambers, and Julia Webb. "Landscapes of sweet chestnut (Castanea sativa) in Britain—their ancient origins."?Landscape History?40.2 (2019): 5-40.Johnston, Kenton J., and Karen E. Joynt Maddox. "The role of social, cognitive, and functional risk factors in Medicare spending for dual and nondual enrollees."?Health Affairs?38.4 (2019): 569-576.Kadens, Emily. "Cheating Pays."?Columbia Law Review?119.2 (2019): 527-590.Karbownik, Krzysztof, and Anthony Wray. "Long-run consequences of exposure to natural disasters." Journal of Labor Economics 37.3 (2019): 949-1007.Kempling, James S. A city goes to war: Victoria in the Great War 1914-1918. Diss. 2019.Kerr-Ritchie, Jeffrey R. Rebellious Passage: The Creole Revolt and America's Coastal Slave Trade. Cambridge University Press, 2019.Kievit, Katha. "EDMUND POTTER."?Uncoverings?40 (2019).Koth, Karl B., and John E. Serieux. "Sugar, Slavery and Wealth: Jamaica Planter Nathaniel Phillips and the Williams Hypothesis (1761–1813)."?Capitalism: A Journal of History and Economics?1.1 (2019): 59-91.Kugler, Peter. "Geld in der Oper." (2019).Kumekawa, Ian. "MEAT AND ECONOMIC EXPERTISE IN THE BRITISH IMPERIAL STATE DURING THE FIRST WORLD WAR."?The Historical Journal?62.1 (2019): 171-194.Latzko, David A. "Wealth inequality and economic mobility in the post-revolutionary Pennsylvania backcountry."?Historical Methods: A Journal of Quantitative and Interdisciplinary History?(2019): 1-8.Le, Vo Phuong Mai, David Meenagh, and Patrick Minford. "A long-commodity-cycle model of the world economy over a century and a half—Making bricks with little straw."?Energy Economics?81 (2019): 503-518.Ledoux, Ellen Malenas. "The Queer Contact Zone: Empire and Military Masculinity in the Memoirs of Hannah Snell and Mary Anne Talbot, 1750–1810."?The Eighteenth Century?60.3 (2019): 223-248.Lesser, Zachary. "Xeroxing the Renaissance: The Material Text of Early Modern Studies."?Shakespeare Quarterly?(2019).Lett, Telesia Amanda. Valuable Paper and Counterfeit Presentments: Alfred Jones, the American Art-Union and Antebellum Bank Note Engraving. Diss. Boston University, 2019.Li, Yikang, and Casey Rothschild. "Selection and redistribution in the irish tontines of 1773, 1775, and 1777."?Journal of Risk and Insurance?(2019).Lincke, Susan J., and Farida Khan. "Ethical management of risk: active shooters in higher education."?Journal of Risk Research?(2019): 1-15.Lozada, José Rafael. "The Orinoco Mining Arc: a historical perspective."?Gold Bulletin?(2019): 1-11.Lübbers, Johannes, and Karsten Bredemeier. "Commodity price fluctuations and the EROI of oil-How the availability of surplus energy affects non-fuel commodity prices."?Journal of Business Chemistry?16.3 (2019).Luna, Víctor Isidro. "Deuda y crecimiento: diferencias en países desarrollados y periféricos enfatizando el caso de México."?SUMMA. Revista disciplinaria en ciencias económicas y sociales?1.2 (2019): 10-27.Mace, Nancy A. "The Preston Copyright Records and the Market for Music in Late Eighteenth-and Early Nineteenth-Century England."?The Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America?113.1 (2019): 1-54.Magness, Phillip, and Chris W. Surprenant. "School Vouchers, Segregation, and Consumer Sovereignty."?Journal of School Choice?13.3 (2019): 410-434.Mamczur, Patryk. "Rent Parties, Old Settlers and Jitterbugs: The Everyday Life of African Americans after Their Exodus to Northern Cities as Preserved in Oral Histories, 1917–1945."?Prace Historyczne?2019.Numer 146 (3) (2019): 535-547.Massey, Catherine, and Ann M. Carlos. "Reindeer and Aboriginal Economic Development: Alaska 1940." (2019).Mathew, Johan. "On Principals and Agency: Reassembling Trust in Indian Ocean Commerce."?Comparative Studies in Society and History?61.2 (2019): 242-268.Maxwell, Lynn M. "Introduction: Wax Concepts."?Wax Impressions, Figures, and Forms in Early Modern Literature. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, 2019. 1-44.May, Timothy J. "Industrial Age Capacity at Information Age Speed."?Strategic Studies Quarterly?13.2 (2019): 68-89.McKee, Helen M.?Negotiating freedom in the circum-Caribbean: the Jamaican Maroons and Creek Nation compared. Routledge, 2019.McQuarrie, Edward F. "New Bank and Transportation Stock Indexes from 1793 to 1871, with Comparisons Across Region and Sector, and Against Prior Indexes." Available at SSRN 3480838 (2019).McQuillan, Dee. "Part One, 1939-1940: Jones and Strachey, Klein and Don Juan, and Untranslated Freud."?International Journal of Psycho-Analysis?100.3 (2019): 540-566.McQuillan, Dee. "Publish and be fair?“I am myself strongly in favour of doing it”: James Strachey as the candid wartime editor of The International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, 1939–1945."?The International Journal of Psychoanalysis?100.3 (2019): 540-566.Mohan, Satish, et al. "Impact of macroeconomic indicators on housing prices."?International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis?(2019).Muller, Nicholas Z.?Time Preference and the Great Depression: Evidence from Firewood Prices in Portland, Oregon. No. w25997. National Bureau of Economic Research, 2019.Müller, Wolfgang H., and Richard J. Howarth. "The life and work of Robert J. Adcock. Part I: the figure of the Earth." Notes and Records (2019): rsnr20190027.Nash, Andrew. "‘Not to everybody's palate’: Advertising Proust and More Pricks Than Kicks."?Journal of Beckett Studies?28.2 (2019): 129-145.Norgren, Lee. "Segmenting Observed Time Series Using Comovement and Complexity Measures." (2019).Norris, Clive Murray. "John Wesley: Prophet and Entrepreneur."?Servant Leadership, Social Entrepreneurship and the Will to Serve. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, 2019. 373-389.O’Brien, Patrick K. "CGEH Working Paper Series."?Money?1797 (2019): 18211.Obermeier, Franz. "[1. Teil] Bibliografía rioplatense colonial 1554-1580/Bibliographie des La Plata Raum-2 Teil: Die erste Jesuitendruckerei in den Reduktionen der Provinz Paraguay (1700-1727) und die zweite Druckerei in Córdoba (1765/1766)." ibidem (2019).Ogbonna, Ahamuefula E. "Afees A. Salisu1, 2, Rangan Gupta3, and." (2019).O'hagan, Lauren. "The Advertising and Marketing of the Edwardian Prize Book: Gender For Sale." English Literature in Transition, 1880-1920 62.1 (2019): 72-94.Oliver, P. Graham. "John Adams FLS of Pembroke (1769–1798): a forgotten Welsh naturalist and conchologist."?Archives of Natural History?46.2 (2019): 183-202.Palma, Nuno.?The existence and persistence of monetary non-neutrality: Evidence from a large-scale historical natural experiment. Manchester Economics Discussion Paper, 2019.Philip, Lorna J., and Kevin J. Edwards. "Centenary of the Department of Geography, University of Aberdeen."?Scottish Geographical Journal?(2019): 1-56.Phillips, G. N., J. R. Vearncombe, and E. Eshuys. "Gold production and the importance of exploration success: Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia."?Ore Geology Reviews?105 (2019): 137-150.Poulos, Jason. Essays on the Political Economy of the American Frontier. Diss. UC Berkeley, 2019.Ranney, Michael Andrew, et al. "Information That Boosts Normative Global Warming Acceptance without Polarization: Toward JS Mill’s Political Ethology of National Character." Advances in Experimental Philosophy of Science (2019): 61.Raup-Collado, Júlia. "Batalla Cinematográfica: el Cine Durante la Guerra Civil Espa?ola." (2019).Roe, Nicholas. "Charles Armitage Brown: The Friend of Keats."?The Lost Romantics. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, 2020. 283-299.Round, Julia. Gothic for Girls: Misty and British Comics. Univ. Press of Mississippi, 2019.Sabatino, Michelangelo, and Ben Nicholson, eds. Avant-garde in the Cornfields: Architecture, Landscape, and Preservation in New Harmony. U of Minnesota Press, 2019.Sacks, Benjamin. "From cricket to kirikiti." Cricket, Kirikiti and Imperialism in Samoa, 1879–1939. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, 2019. 51-87.Sanders, Andreas R. Dugstad, P?l R. Sandvik, and Espen Storli, eds. The Political Economy of Resource Regulation: An International and Comparative History, 1850-2015. UBC Press, 2019.Sargent, William R. "7.“The Features are Esteem’d very just”."?Picturing Commerce in and from the East Asian Maritime Circuits, 1550-1800?(2019): 195.Saunders, Olivia C. "Slave-owners’ Compensation: The Bahamas Colony."?International Journal of Bahamian Studies?25 (2019): 45-61.Schmick, Ethan J., and Allison Shertzer.?The Impact of Early Investments in Urban School Systems in the United States. No. w25663. National Bureau of Economic Research, 2019.Serletis, Apostolos, and Elaheh Asadi Mehmandosti. "150 Years Of The Oil Price–Macroeconomy Relationship."?Macroeconomic Dynamics?23.3 (2019): 1302-1311.Sheppard, Deri. "Penn, Buckinghamshire 1949–1976." Robert Le Rossignol. Springer, Cham, 2020. 453-499.Sherman, Zoe. Modern Advertising and the Market: The US Advertising Industry from the 19th Century to the Present. Routledge, 2019.Shoemaker, Douglas A., Todd K. BenDor, and Ross K. Meentemeyer. "Anticipating trade-offs between urban patterns and ecosystem service production: Scenario analyses of sprawl alternatives for a rapidly urbanizing region."?Computers, Environment and Urban Systems?74 (2019): 114-125.Short, Dr. "The Effect of the 1918 Influenza Pandemic on US Life Insurance Holdings." (2019).Sim, David. "Following the Money: Fenian Bonds, Diasporic Nationalism, and Distant Revolutions in the Mid-Nineteenth-Century United States." Past & Present (2020).Six, Abigail Lee.?Spanish Vampire Fiction Since 1900: Blood Relations. Routledge, 2019.?kare, Marinko, and Lorena Mo?nja-?kare. "Economic policy implications of the Gibson Law in the Netherlands (1800–2012)."?Journal of Policy Modeling?41.5 (2019): 926-942.Skog, Albin, and ?rjan S?lvell. "The dark side of agglomeration, sustained wealth and transposition of trading institutions—the case of Bordeaux in the 18th and 19th centuries."?Journal of Economic Geography?(2019).Smith, Michael. "John McLean Harrington's Handwritten Newspapers in 1858." (2019).Spain, Thomas, and Oliver Betts. "Developing China's “international” railway: The Canton–Hankow line, 1898–1937."?The Journal of Transport History?40.3 (2019): 322-340.Stegner, Wallace. "Only the Land Remains."?In the Shadow of the Chinatis: A History of Pinto Canyon in the Big Bend?(2019): 269.Stephenson, Judy Z. "Mistaken wages: the cost of labour in the early modern English economy, a reply to Robert C. 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