INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. Mark only one answer for each item by shading the box corresponding to the letter of your choice on the answer sheet provided. STRICTLY NO ERASURES ALLOWED. Use pencil no. 1 only.


1. What is the most popular and traditional mode of removing powder residue?

a. Swabbing cotton moistened with 5% nitric acid.

b. Washing hands with vinegar

c. Washing both hands with hot water

d. Spraying hands with sodium rhodizonate.

2. What metallic object is attached to the free end of the cylindrical tip of the cartridge case, propelled by the expansive force of the propellant and is responsible in damaging the target.

a. Bullet b. Missile or projectile

c. Slug d. All of these

3. What is the value of hypnotism in criminal investigation?

a. Hypnotist can very well guide investigator on case.

b. Desired information can be abundantly gathered.

c. Admissible in court

d. Subject totally under control by hypnotist

4. What scientific process describes the behavior of a substance when it reacts or combines with another substance?

a. Physical b. Compound

c. Chemical d. Mass

5. In lie detection, the interrogator chart probes on the subject every after the taking of each chart. At what stage is post interrogation conducted?

a. Done immediately before conducting the pre-test interview

b. Done only on subjects who refuse to cooperate during the examination

c. Done every after the taking of each chart

d. When fully convinced of the subject’s guilt based on the charts taken

6. _____________ ate tiny portions or is a hill – like structure found on the epidermis of friction skin containing sweat, with pores appearing as black lines in a fingerprint impression.

a. Imaginary lines b. Furrows

c. Black lines d. Ridges

7. Which of the following substance is a potential biological agent?

a. Small pox b. Plague

c. Anthrax d. All of these

8. The normal developing time of a formally exposed photographic paper in Dektol Developer with ordinary room temperature is ________________.

a. 20 – 30 minutes b. 1 -1/2 minutes

c. 6 – 7 minutes d. 10 – 15 minutes

9. Which of the following filter is considered best in taking photographs of car collision where cars involved are newly painted?

a. Yellow b. Green

c. Red d. Ultra violet

10. Which of the following houses the internal parts of the gun?

a. Yoke b. Frame

c. Cylinder d. Chamber

11. What is the procedure of shadowing a portion of an image to hold back light during the part of the printing exposure?

a. Burning – in b. Cropping

c. Dodging d. Vignetting

12. What substance is capable of producing noxious effect or destroys life once introduced into the body, absorbed through the blood stream and acts chemically?

a. Protein b. Enzymes

c. Poisons d. None of these

13. What distinguishes physical injuries from frustrated homicide?

a. Victim got killed b. Perpetrator is known

c. None of these d. Absence of intent

14. What prints are plain finger impressions left in a smooth left in smooth surfaces unconsciously by a person committing an offense?

a. Accidental b. Visible

c. Strange d. Standard

15. What is the basis for a positive comparison and handwriting analysis?

a. Class characteristics b. Uniqueness of characteristics

c. Normal handwriting d. One unique characteristics

16. What type of writers deliberately misspells words and commits errors?

a. Handicapped writers b. Educated person

c. Illiterate person d. Apprehensive writers

17. What is that method of identification discovered in 1985 by Prof. Alec Jeffreys in United Kingdom?

a. Mineralogical test b. Paraffin

c. DNA fingerprinting d. Ballistics

18. What is that condition wherein fatty tissues of the body are transformed to soft brownish – white substance known as “adipocere”?

a. Mummification b. Putrefaction

c. Maceration d. Saponification

19. What straight line connects the center of the succeeding steps of walking man?

a. Principal angle b. Foot line

c. Direction Line d. Gait line

20. The most common method which a forger will use to disguise his handwriting is to _______.

a. Change the direction of the slant

b. Write very rapidly

c. Write very slowly

d. Write larger than usual

21. Normally, what would be the DIN rating of a film with finer grain?

a. 33 b. 27

c. 24 d. 21

22. How is the serial number of a firearm restored?

a. By cleaning obliterated surface

b. By polishing stamped serial number

c. By applying etching reagent

d. By removing the zone of strain

23. What kind of symptom is increasing dyspnea?

a. Coma b. Asphyxia

c. Poisoning d. Syncope

24. How would a photographer adjust or set the shutter speed of his camera if his objective is to freeze the action of moving objects?

a. Medium b. Fast

c. Slow d. None of these

25. In police photography, ideally, how many photographs of each item per evidence should be taken?

a. 5 b. 3

c. 4 d. 2

26. The lens opening also known as the relative aperture is the indicator for light transmitting capability of the lens. Which lens opening will admit more light to pass through its medium?

a. F16 b. F5.6

c. F4 d. F2.8

27. What kind of explosive is a mix oxygen rich ammonium nitrate with fuel, a very stable explosive?

a. PETN b. TNT

c. RDX d. ANFO

28. What do you do with fingerprinting in case of temporary disabilities?

a. Delayed until wounded finger is cleaned up

b. Done with care so that pressure shall not be felt

c. Held back until injury is healed

d. Taken 3 days after

29. What type of lens are that whose center is thicker and the sides thinner?

a. Concave b. Micro

c. Diverging d. Positive

30. Which of the following is a characteristic of a living person that may not be easily changed?

a. Clothing b. Body ornamentation

c. Speech d. Growth of hair, beard or moustache

31. In handwriting examination, what is that act of intermittently forcing the pen against the paper surface with increased pressure?

a. Pen pressure b. Pen position

c. Pen emphasis d. Solvent extraction

32. Which of these tests are by far the most useful techniques in the laboratory for detecting accelerants?

a. Distillation b. Gas chromatography

c. Head d. Solvent extraction

33. There are two types of color films, the negative and the reversal. Which of the following suffix indicates the negative one?

a. Color b. Ortho

c. Chrome d. Pan

34. What lens has the focal length that is equal to the measure between the corners to the center of the image area?

a. Telephoto b. Zoom

c. Wide angle d. Normal

35. What is that downward slope of the ridges above the core formed from the direction of the thumb towards the little finger?

a. Accidental whorl b. Central pocket loop whorl

c. Ulnar loop d. Loop

36. Which of the following technical equipment is used for night photography?

a. Wide – aperture standard lens for pictures featuring people

b. Use of zoom lens for light – blur effects

c. Cable release

d. All of these

37. What term is used for any repeated element of detail which may serve to individualize writing?

a. Changes b. Style

c. Habits d. Peculiarities

38. Which of the following blood agents is commercially available and can be weaponized as liquids, is lighter than air, non – persistent and smells like bitter almonds?

a. Lewisite b. Cyanogen

c. Hydrogen cyanide d. Phosgine oxime

39. What is that two innermost ridge running parallel with each other and diverging at a certain point surrounding the pattern area?

a. Pattern area b. Divergence

c. Convergence d. Type lines

40. Why is the enlarger described as OPPOSITE the camera?

a. None of these

b. It can only record events

c. It cannot take pictures

d. It serves as a viewfinder

41. What photography makes use of a microscope and is used to record minute evidence such as powdered debris, stains, hairs and fibers?

a. Microphotography b. Camcorders

c. Ultraviolet d. Infra red luminous

42. What is the better method in taking photographs of a fire scene?

a. Use Polaroid

b. Use instamatic camera

c. Use camera equipped with photo lens

d. Use digital camera

43. Natural fibers is one of the two broad classification of fibers for purposes of forensic examination and the other is___________________.

a. Plant b. Man – made

c. Animal d. Regenerate

44. What must be considered first in determining what wounds present was inflicted first?

a. Trajectory of course of the wound inside the victim’s body

b. Testimonies of witnesses

c. All of these

d. Relative position of the assailant and the victim when the first injury was inflicted

45. What are gross features of handwriting called?

a. Writing habits b. Class characteristics

c. Individual characteristics d. Questioned documents

46. What are those that are sometimes referred to as papillary or epidermal ridges?

a. Latent ridges b. Friction ridges

c. Dermal ridges d. Fingerprints

47. What is that portion of the fingerprint bounded by the type lines where the characteristics needed for interpretation/classification is found?

a. Double lines b. Loops

c. Ridges d. Pattern area

48. What is the total failure of a cartridge to discharge called?

a. Hangfire b. Misfire

c. Rim fire d. Centerfire

49. What are designer drugs?

a. Preludin b. Ecstacy

c. Nembutal d. Amytal

50. What is that actual pattern or curved path traveled by a bullet in flight?

a. Pressure generated b. Trajectory

c. Penetration d. Velocity

51. When the writer hides identity and attempts deliberately to alter his usual writing habits, it is called__________________.

a. Secret writing b. Closed writing

c. Covered writing d. Disguised writing

52. Which of the following tests is used to determine whether a person fired a gun?

a. Luminescene b. Takayama’s

c. DuquinoisLevine d. Paraffin

53. Complete this adage, “The neighboring fingers of the same person have never been found to be________________.

a. Similar in all respects

b. Different in some respects

c. Different in every respect

d. Exactly identical in all respects

54. What is that external examination of a dead body without incision being made, although blood and other fluids may be collected for examinations?

a. Autopsy b. Dissection

c. None of these d. Post mortem

55. What is the sudden breaking apart or shattering into pieces brought about by internal pressure?

a. Corrosion b. Explosion

c. Sublimation d. Combustion

56. Which of the following is an example of depressant?

a. Solvents b. All of these

c. Alcohol d. Barbiturate solvents

57. What chemicals produce psychotic reactions in humans altering perception of visual or auditory stimuli?

a. Depressants b. Stimulants

c. Hallucinogens d. Sedative

58. What is the sum total of dissimulation that a person has acquired from the time he was conceived?

a. Emotion b. Environment

c. Heredity d. Personality

59. What kind of examination is where the document is viewed with the source of illumination behind it and the lights passing through the paper?

a. Ultra – violet rays b. Transmitted light

c. Infra – red d. Oblique or sidelight

60. What kind of legal death is that where a person is enclosed in a compartment and asphyxiating gas is introduced?

a. Hanging b. Electrocution

c. Musketry d. Chamber

61. What is the best desirable statement at the end of the interview?

a. “It’s been a pleasure talking with you”

b. “Our second interview is tomorrow at 10:00 am. See you”

c. “You were observed speaking to the victim last night. Why?”

d. “Would you care to sign this statement”

62. What is called of that smooth bore and muzzle loading military shoulder arm designed to fire or shoot a single round lead ball?

a. Shoulder arm b. Rifle

c. Musket d. Shotgun

63. What is the primary basis of examination used in questioned documents?

a. Characteristic that vary least

b. Characteristics that vary most

c. Class and individual characteristics

d. All of these

64. What rule should always be observed by the physician in the examination of wounds?

a. The examination must not be influenced by any other information obtained from others

in making a report or a conclusion.

b. All injuries must be described, however, no matter how small is it

c. The description of the wound must be comprehensive and if possible a sketch or

photograph must be taken

d. All of these

65. Which of the following statement is not true of a lie detector?

a. It can help locate stolen goods

b. It enables the comparison of conflicting statements

c. It obtains leads to the facts of the case

d. It determines the guilt or innocence of subject

66. The f numbers represent the ratio of what characteristics of the lens and the diameter of the lens aperture?

a. Depth of focus b. Focal distance

c. Focal length d. Depth of field

67. Deformities can be acquired or can be _____________.

a. Congenital

b. Natural bone structure

c. Caused by fracture

d. Caused by plastic surgery

68. Which of the following is a type of secondary classification?

a. By slant line to the left

b. By slant line to the right

c. By small letters

d. None of these

69. When a subject makes admission or correction with respect to his answer to the control question, he is usually ____________.

a. Hesitant or resisting the test

b. Telling a lie

c. Telling the truth

d. Did not understand the question

70. ____________ is that light – sensitive silver salts in a gelatin medium coated on all photographic films and papers.

a. Aniline b. Sympathetic inks

c. Emulsion d. Copy pencil

71. What type of classification takes into consideration only the loop type starting from the right thumb (the first loop appearing in the set of prints on a fingerprint card)?

a. Secondary classification b. Primary classification

c. Final classification d. Key classification

72. What kind of questions should be formulated for purposes of polygraph examination?

a. Narrative style

b. Those answerable by yes or no

c. Those that call for positive response

d. Elaborated subject matter

73. Which tool mark is produced by a single application of said tool in an area of contact?

a. Indention b. Friction

c. Compression d. Impression

74. What is the epidermal hairless skin found on the lower surface of the hands and feet covered with minute ridges?

a. Polydactyl b. Friction

c. Epidermis d. Flexure line

75. The value of identification by an eyewitness depends on which of the following:

a. All of these

b. Ability of eyewitness to observe and remember distinct appearances

c. Observe the lapse of time between the criminal event and the identification

d. Observe prevailing condition of visibility and observation

76. What do you call the inner terminus or focal point located at the center or the approximate center of the pattern area?

a. Center b. Delta

c. Core d. Open delta

77. Which among the following is among the three major sections of the polygraph machine?

a. Spygmograph b. Pneumograph

c. Pump bulb assembly d. Dermatogram

78. What is the secret of good shooting forms?

a. Firing slowly and carefully b. Relaxed and natural position

c. Proper sighting of the target d. Keeping the thumb along the hammer

79. What characteristics of the blood or blood stain would determine the direction of the escape of the victim or assailant?

a. None of these b. Shape

c. Amount d. Color

80. What fingerprint pattern does not have ridge count?

a. Whorls b. Arches

c. Radial loops d. Ulnar loops

81. Which of the following is also called “delta” in fingerprint identification?

a. Lower ridge b. Inner terminus

c. Outer terminus d. Enclosures

82. Heat cramps, exhaustion, stroke are symptoms of heat injury that can be classified as ______.

a. Local b. Sporadic

c. Systemic d. Erratic

83. How many degrees must you add to the DIN rating to denote double emulsion speed?

a. 3 b. 2

c. 5 d. 4

84. Which of the following scientific aide can best identify a burned body?

a. Skeletal identification b. Dental identification

c. None of these d. Dactyloscopy

85. Which of the following serves as protection against biological agents?

a. Decontamination b. All of these

c. Mask d. Sanitation measures

86. What medical evidence can show that a gunshot wound is homicidal?

a. No sign of struggle from the victim

b. Site of wound entrance has no point of election

c. Wounding firearm found in the hands of the victim

d. No disturbance in the crime scene

87. What is the usual behavior symptom of an innocent subject in lie detection?

a. Oftentimes the requesting party

b. Nervous

c. Receptive to the test

d. All of these

88. There are two ways to identify people one, by comparison and the other is by _________.

a. Ordinary means b. Exclusion

c. None of these d Scientific means

89. What patterns do not have numerical value for purposes of primary classification?

a. Plain whorl loops

b. Accidental whorl and arches

c. Double loop whorl and arches

d. Loops and arches

90. What contraption or device is used to block the path of light passing through the lens exposing the sensitized material?

a. Range finder b. Shutter

c. Exposure d. View finder

91. What is the correct sequence of sensitivity of the three emulsion layers of color film?

a. Red – green – blue b. Green – red – blue

c. Blue – green – red d. Blue – red – green

92. What classification takes into consideration the thumbs of both hands (ridge tracing for whorl type and ridge counting for loop type)?

a. Key classification b. Final classification

c. Major classification d. Sub-secondary classification

93. What prints are made by fingers stained with colored materials such as blood, ink, paint, and dirt?

a. Plastic b. Invisible

c. Latent d. Visible

94. What is the spreading apart of two lines which have been running parallel or nearly parallel?

a. Bifurcation b. Convergence

c. Appendage d. Divergence

95. What would be the crime of a person who applied violence over a dead person?

a. Reckless imprudence b. Murder

c. Unintentional or Accidental d. Impossible crime

96. Persons who are almost strangers can be recognized at approximately what distance?

a. 100 yards b. None of these

c. 10 meters d. 25 yards

97. Which object as mentioned below requires individual photograph?

a. Any clue to the perpetrator is identity

b. Identifying marks

c. Tools or weapons used

d. Wound of the victim

98. Where could the protrusion be if the scratch is parallel to the axis of the bore and also parallel to the edge of the land impression?

a. Inside the bore of the firearm

b. In the breech and in the bore

c. Within the vicinity of the forcing cone

d. At the breech of a firearm

99. What is obtained as milky white secretion from the unripened seed pods of the poppy plant?

a. Heroin b. Codeine

c. Morphine d. Opium

100. Which indicates the speed of the lens or the amount of light the lens lets through in proportion to its focal length?

a. Flash meters b. Exposure

c. F d. Electronic flash

*** E N D ***



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