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Government: Past Paper QuestionsJan 2010, Q2: Total 17 marksDefine each of the following terms:General election (2 marks)Candidate (2 marks)Constituency (2 marks)Give two reasons why a coalition government may be formed after a general election. (4 marks)Explain one problem that may arise within a coalition government. (2 marks)As Chief Elections Officer, suggest to voters ONE action they should take to maintain orderly voting on Polling Day.Explain why this action will ensure order. (5 marks)Jan 2010, Q3: Total 17 marksOutline THREE characteristics of authoritarian leadership. (6 marks)Give THREE reasons why the democratic style of leadership is usually considered the best. (6 marks)The new executive committee of a sports club has been elected. Suggest ONE guideline that may help the committee to lead effectively.State why that guideline may help. (5 marks)June 2010, Q3: Total 17 marks) Monarch Governor-General Prime Minister SenateHouse of Representatives/AssemblyIdentify the system of government illustrated in the diagram above. (1 mark)Name ONE CARICOM country that uses the system of government represented by the diagram. (1 mark)State ONE characteristic of the House of Representatives and ONE characteristic of the Senate. (2 marks)Give TWO reasons why some CARICOM countries DO NOT have a Governor-General. (4 marks)An activist group in your country has proposed to the government that the use of marijuana should be legalised.Suggest to the citizens THREE actions they may take if they wish to prevent the legalisation of marijuana. (6 marks)Explain why EACH of these actions is likely to work. (6 marks)January 2011, Q3: (Total 20 marks)What is meant by the term “floating voter”? (2 marks)State TWO types of information that can be found on a voters’ list. (2 marks)A public opinion poll in the country of Levale predicted the results shown in the table below, for an upcoming general election. Study the information, then answer questions (i) – (iv) which follow.Political partiesPercentage of votes predicted by age group18-40 years41-63 years64 years and overSRP15%20%11%NIA12%26%45%CNG23%40%28%DPA50%14%16%TotalAccording to the opinion poll,Which political party is likely to get the largest percentage of the vote in the 18-40 age group? (1 mark)Which age group seems to support the NIA most? (1 mark)Which political party has the MOST support among the 41-63 age group? (1 mark)Which party seems to be the least popular among all voters? (1 mark)Suggest to the parties giving full details, THREE programmes which they may implement if elected, to cater to the needs of youth voters. (6 marks)Explain fully why EACH of the programmes will be successful. (6 marks)May 2011; Q3 (Total 20 marks)Apart from the judiciary, identify TWO other branches of government. (2 marks)Identify TWO types of law courts in the judicial system. (2 marks)Explain TWO ways in which the police force helps the court to do its work. (4 marks)Police statistics show that crime is on the increase.Suggest THREE ways in which a local community may cooperate with the police to maintain law and order. (6 marks)Explain why EACH of the ways you have suggested will be successful. (6 marks)May 2007, Q3(a) Identify one Caribbean country that has a Republican system of government and one Caribbean country with a constitutional monarchy. (2 marks)(b) State two ways in which the Republican system of government differs from the constitutional monarchy. (4 marks)(c) Suggest to citizens one lawful action that they may take if their human rights are violated by the government. State why the action you have suggested will work. (5 marks)May 2006; Q3 (Total 17 marks)Which of these three systems of government, Crown Colony, Constitutional Monarchy or Republicanism, is represented by the diagram below? (2 marks) Governor-GeneralSenate House of Representatives/House of AssemblyName one Caribbean country that uses the system of government represented by the diagram. (1 mark)Name ONE CARICOM country that uses another system of government. (1 mark)Sketch and label a diagram that represents the system of government that the country you have named in (ii) above uses. (2 marks)A constitution often defines three arms of government – the executive, the legislative and the judicial. For each of the three arms of the government, write ONE sentence that explains how it works. (6 marks)Suggest one way in which a citizen of a CARICOM country may participate in the governance of his/her country. Write a statement to support the way you have suggested. (5 marks)8) May 2008, Q3 (17 marks)(a) Define each of the following terms:(i) Constitution(ii) Electorate(b) (i) Outline one right and one responsibility stated in the constitution of your country. (2 marks) (ii) Describe one difference between First-Past-the-Post and Proportional Representation systems. (2 marks)(c) The following table shows the results of a General Election in Country Y. Use the information in the table to answer questions (i) – (v).GENERAL ELECTION RESULTS BASED ON FIRST-PAST-THE-POST SYSTEM IN COUNTRY YConstituencyPolitical PartiesATPNo. Of votesSIP No. Of votesDAPNo. Of votesWestlink200250Not contestedParkhall330280230Batville350420435Springtown520490Not contestedNew Town110100Not contestedTotal votes15101540665(i) Which political party won the most seats in the general election in country Y? (1 mark)(ii) Name the political party that will form the government. (1 mark)(iii) Name the constituency in which candidates received the least votes. (1 mark)(iv) Which political party won in the constituency of Batville? (1 mark)(v) GiveGive one reason why DAP may not have contested the general election in three constituencies? (2 marks)(d) As a voter, suggest one strategy that may promote cooperation among supporters of political [parties after a General election. State why your strategy may be successful. (5 marks)9) Jan 10, 2012, Q3 (20 marks)Residents of the Wella Community staged a peaceful protest to draw attention to the lack of social services in their community. After seeing the protest as a news item on the television, someone advised the residents to take their complaints to the ombudsman.(a) Identify TWO social services that the government usually provides to a community. (2 marks)(b) State TWO ways in which the ombudsman may assist the citizens who are affected. (2 marks)(c) Give TWO reasons why Caribbean governments provide social services for their citizens. (4 marks)(d) (i) Suggest to the government, giving full details, THREE ways to encourage citizens to assist in the provision of social services. (6 marks) (ii) Explain why each way will be successful. (6 marks)10) Jan 10, 2013, Q3 (20 marks)Read the news item below and answer the questions that follow.TWO ARRESTED FOR ILLEGAL POSSESSION OF FIREARMTwo persons from San Pedo were taken to the Content Police Station and charged with the illegal possession of a firearm. The case will be heard for the first time on 30 June. (i) Name the branch of government which is involved in making laws to determine the case described above. (1 mark)(ii) Identify TWO other branches of government. (2 marks)Name the court that will hear the case on 30 June. (1 mark) (i) Explain full why the Member of Parliament ofr the area in which these persons live CANNOT change any decision made by the court in (b) above. (2 marks)(ii) Give ONE reason why there are different levels of court. (2 marks)(i) Suggest giving full details, THREE legal actions which citizens in a country can take to protect themselves from becoming victims of crime. (6 marks)(ii) Explain full why EACH of the actions you suggested is likely to be successful. (6 marks) ................

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