Square Dance 101 - Lancaster High School

Square Dance 101

Circle left/right – join hands circle in the given directions either all the way 16 counts or ½ way 8 counts

Forward and Back – take 4 steps forward to the middle and 4 steps back out to starting position. 8 counts (head or side couples may be designated)

Dos-a-dos – (partner) walk by partner right should to right shoulder, back to back, and then left shoulder to left shoulder back to start position. 8 counts (may also be with the corner or opposite)

Partner Promenade – Men step to middle with left shoulder inside their lady, ladies step left shoulder to middle and give left hand to his left hand and right hand (behind their back) to his right hand. Walk 1 time around counterclockwise. 16 counts

Corner Promenade – Men extend left hand to her left hand, pull her by you, step to the middle and take her right hand in your right hand and keep walking in promenade position to his home. 16 counts. This is a ladies change.

Circle Four – Designated head or side couples walk to the middle join hands circle left inside the square and back out to their homes. 8 counts

Allemande Left – extend your left hand to your corner and walk a circle around each other until you get back home 8 counts

Ladies Chain – (just head or just side ladies) extend right hand to opposite lady and walk by her, extend left hand to opposite gentleman (then courtesy turn her to his right side) – right hand on small of back and turn her back to starting position. 8 counts

Sometimes they stay with new partner and other times they get chained back. 16 counts

Men Promenade – men step to the middle with left shoulder and walk 1 time around the inside of the square until you get back home. 8 counts (a dos-a-dos follows this call)

Head/Side Promenade ½ Way – if it is head couples then the side couples step to the middle of the square and the head couples promenade their partner ½ way around the square. 8 counts

Promenade Right Hand Lady - have the gentlemen walk by their partner and the next lady they come to will be their right hand lady. 16 counts

Men Right Hand Star - men step to middle of square with right hand(shoulder) and walk 1 time around the inside of the square until you get back home 8 counts (an allemande left follows this call)

Left Star – head/sides/men step to the middle with left hand and walk 1 time around the inside of the square until you get back home. 8 counts

Star Promenade – men just finished a left hand star (8 counts), they stay in the middle and the lady steps into them with left hand on the gentlemen’s right shoulder and right hand behind her back for him to take her right hand and walk around 1 time until they get back home. 8 counts

Back Out Full Turn – following a Stat Promenade the gentleman steps back spinning the girl all the way around back to his right side. 8 counts

Four Ladies Chain – all four ladies extend right hand into the middle and walk around by the first gentlemen, extend left hand to opposite gentleman (then courtesy turn her to his right side). 8 counts

Sometimes they stay with new partner and other times they get chained back. 16 counts

Ladies Chain to the Right – (just head or just side ladies) turn to the lady on your right (heads = 1 to 2, 3 to 4 & sides = 2 to 3, 4 to 1), extend right hand to right lady and walk by her, extend left hand to the gentleman (then courtesy turn her to his right side). 8 counts

Sometimes they stay with new partner and other times they get chained back. 16 counts

Ladies Chain to the Left – (just head or just side ladies) turn to the lady on your left (heads = 1 to 4, 3 to 2 & sides = 2 to 1, 4 to 3), extend right hand to left lady and walk by her, extend left hand to the gentleman (then courtesy turn her to his right side). 8 counts

Sometimes they stay with new partner and other times they get chained back. 16 counts

Ladies Chain ¾ - all four ladies extend right hand into the middle and walk around by the first gentlemen and opposite gentlemen, extend left hand to your corner gentleman (then courtesy turn her to his right side). 8 counts

Sometimes they stay with new partner and other times they get chained back. 16 counts

Right Hand Round Partner – extend your right hand to your partner and walk a circle around each other until you get back to your place at home. 8 counts

Grand Right and Left – extend right hand to partner and pull by, extend left hand to next person and pull by, extend right hand to next and pull by, extend left hand to next and pull by, and meet your partner on the opposite side of square. 8 counts

Head/Side Promenade All Way - if it is head couples then the side couples step to the middle of the square and the head couples promenade their partner all the way around the square. 16 counts


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