NAME OF PROGRAM: Name of the Training Program

SERVICE AREA: SC 102 – Client and Family Training

NAME OF PROVIDER: Vendored Provider Name



E-mail Address:



CONTACT PERSON(S): Name of person(s) who will interface with Regional Center staff


Your organizational mission statement or program purpose



▪ To educate clients about reproductive health and self-advocacy and improve their access to reproductive health care.


The curriculum must include, but is not limited to the following content areas:


• To educate individuals with disabilities about anatomy and reproduction

• To educate clients about the importance of preventative health care.

• To improve communication between the client and their doctor.

• To promote safe and healthy relationships for individuals with disabilities.

• To respect and promote informed choice for all individuals with disabilities.


Male Reproductive Health and Self Advocacy Training for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities curriculum provides participants with the information and skills necessary to live a healthy adult lifestyle, maintain and improve reproductive health, prevent pregnancy and disease, and know when to access reproductive health care. Each session must emphasize responsible decision-making, inappropriate vs. appropriate behavior, responsibilities, and rights to health care. The information and skills presented in the training curriculum are essential to responsible and healthy adult development and can enhance the quality of life for all individuals with developmental disabilities. However, the client is ultimately responsible for integrating these skills into his/her daily life. Please note: Items in red should be customized by the provider,

List 5 objectives of the training using measurable objective terms i.e. describe, list, state, define, etc (you may use the following):

Upon completion of this training, the client will be able to:

1. Identify parts of the body associated with sexuality and reproductive health.

2. Describe how a self exam is performed.

3. Describe the difference between appropriate touching by others i.e. physician’s exam and their rights related to exploitation and abuse.

4. Define ways to protect against unplanned pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases.

5. Describe what to expect during a reproductive health care exam.


Describe the training series and include the following:

1. Time length of each session is 2 hours.

2. Number of session for this training series is three (3).

3. Arrangement for scheduling for holidays i.e. scheduling of sessions may be more frequent in the event that a holiday conflicts with the regular scheduled day.

4. Gender of participants for this series is male.


Preferred enrollment is limited to 8 – 10 male clients per series.


The Purchase of Service project will not exceed $10,000 and payable upon completion of the following 3 deliverables: 1) Development of a Male Reproductive Health and Self Advocacy (RHSA) curriculum trainer’s manual and participant workbook/handouts; 2) Conduct 4 pilot training series of 3 sessions each; 3) Conduct evaluation of pilot training and revise as required by Regional Center. Please note that the class participants will be referred from the Regional Center and If the general class registration falls below 5 clients, the vendor reserves the right to cancel reschedule the training series.


Services are community based and will be provided in the designated Lanterman

community areas.


The comprehensive educational content areas presented in the curriculum are outlined as follows:

• See attached sample syllabus

Include copies of the curriculum or syllabus, class handouts and materials, training video or resource list, media and participation releases, referral questionnaires, pre and post tests or evaluations, and satisfaction surveys.


• Include the types of instructional strategies used.


Clients desiring to participate in the training must meet the following entrance requirements:

1. Authorized by regional center to attend

2. Express a willingness to participate in the program

3. Determined appropriate for group instruction

As applicable to the training, all minor participants must have a signed a release of participation in advance

Independently attend to self-care needs or arrange for attendant at all times

All interested clients/parents are invited to participate. Reasonable accommodations shall be provided for the benefit of all client/parents and staff. In the event that a reasonable accommodation is requested, the regional center will be responsible for providing the accommodation.


Clients participating in the training may exit the program based on any of the following circumstances:

6. Completion of the training sessions

7. Exhibit disruptive behavior

Exhibit behaviors that may cause harm to self and/or harm to others

9. Failure to provide for self-care needs

10. Express desire to leave program



Client/Parent learning as well as program performance is measured through the use of pre and post evaluations. Pre and post evaluations are intended to measure the effectiveness of the program by assessing how much information was assimilated and retained by the client/parent over the three (3) week training series. The completed pre/post evaluations are scored, compared, and analyzed for results.


An evaluation of the educator and training program is conducted through the use of client/parent satisfaction surveys. Client/parent satisfaction surveys measure the effectiveness of the educator and training components by a simplified client/parent rating system. Information regarding best and worst aspects of the training and additional comments are obtained. Results of the evaluation will be included in the annual program evaluation.


(Applies to client training only)

Completion of the parent/conservator/caregiver satisfaction survey is requested of all parents, conservators and caregivers of individuals participating in the training. These surveys are anonymous, except in special circumstances, and designed to measure the degree of individual service satisfaction as well as client/parent internalization of information presented. Parental, conservator and caregiver perceptions regarding client/parent improvement and/or change in behaviors are assessed. In instances where specific problematic behaviors are identified, the reason(s) for referral must be clearly stated on the referral questionnaire. In addition, a regional center representative must contact a program administrator and discuss the behavioral concern. A plan of action to improve behavior must be established by the regional center representative in consultation with the program administrator and/or educator, client/parent, client/parent’s parents or care providers, and other relevant service provider. Results acquired from the parent/conservator/caregiver satisfaction survey may be included in the program’s annual program evaluation.


The educator at the end of each assigned training session completes a curriculum evaluation. The input gathered from the curriculum evaluation allows for further improvement and development of curriculum materials in addition to the educator’s perception of the overall effectiveness of the curriculum content. The results will be analyzed and included in the annual program evaluation.


A review of the program’s effectiveness in relation to the program design and curriculum is conducted annually and will include aggregate data on all scheduled classes. Data includes class demographics, service records, instructional strategies, pre and post evaluation results, client/parent and parent/conservator/caregiver satisfaction surveys, curriculum developments/additions, professional contacts, and outcome measurement. The program evaluation will be submitted to the vendoring regional center.


Service records are maintained on all participating client/parents and include client/parent attendance logs, purchase of service referral/authorizations, referral questionnaires, release of participation, multi-media release, pre and post evaluation, client/parent satisfaction survey, and parent/conservator/caregiver satisfaction survey. These records shall be retained for five years from the date or origination or until any audit adjustments have been resolved. All client/parent information is regarded as confidential material.


All program participants and their parents or conservators will be given the office telephone number, name of educator and name of program administrator. The grievance procedure will be distributed to all program participants during the first meeting. The program’s written grievance procedure is as follows:

Each client/parent or any representative acting on behalf of any client/parents, who believes that any right to which the client/parent is entitled has been abused, punitively withheld, unreasonably denied, or believes a conflict with persons or program exists, may pursue a grievance as follows:

1. Verbal communication of any complaint shall be given to the educator.

2. That educator shall within two working days take action to investigate and resolve the complaint.

3. If the client/parent expresses dissatisfaction with the action taken or proposed by the program staff, a meeting shall be made with the Program Director and Regional Center Service Coordinator to meet with the client/parent and resolve the issue.

4. If the client/parent believes his or her complaint has not been resolved to his/her satisfaction then the client/parent shall be referred to the Regional Center Client/Parent Advocate for the Fair Hearing Process. The Fair Hearing Process is outlined in Title 17 regulations.

This procedure is in compliance with Welfare and Institution Code, Section 4501, 4503.



Duties and Responsibilities:

1. Organize and supervise the program in accordance with the established policies and objectives.

2. Oversee the areas of budgeting, referral, billing, program design and implementation, project planning, staff development and training, evaluation, and the direction of program services.

3. Maintain project-related records.

4. Prepare annual program evaluation.

5. Execute all administrative and fiscal responsibilities.


The Program Director shall possess the following minimum qualifications:

1. A master’s degree in one of the human service disciplines.

2. Five years of experience in a human services delivery system, including two years in a management or supervisory position.

Hours: Full-time


Duties and Responsibilities:

1. Selection, training, and supervision of assigned staff.

2. Planning, managing, coordinating, and evaluating assigned staff efforts to achieve the program’s objectives and client/parent outcomes.

3. Coordinating with the regional center the implementation of client/parent IPP objectives.

4. Assessing the program’s effectiveness in achieving the program’s objectives and client/parent IPP objectives.

5. Identifying barriers to client/parent success in obtaining the IPP objectives and documenting the actions taken to overcome such barriers.

6. Organizing and preparing the annual program evaluation.

7. All other duties and responsibilities assigned.


The Program Manager shall possess the following minimum qualifications:

1. A bachelor’s degree in one of the human service disciplines.

2. Three years of experience in a human services delivery system, including at least one year in a comparable program or be pursuing a master’s degree in one of the human service disciplines.

3. The demonstrated ability to provide staff training, supervision, and planning.

Hours: Full-time


Duties and Responsibilities:

1. Coordinating and implementing program curricula with instructor(s).

2. Participating in client/parent assessment, planning, and evaluation processes.

3. Accomplishing program objectives and client/parent outcomes.

4. Networking with community agencies and resources.

5. Developing program promotion and evaluation materials.

6. Facilitating client/parent activities and identified needs.

7. Assisting with preparation of annual program evaluation.

8. Maintaining all program documentation.

9. All other duties and responsibilities assigned.


The Program Supervisor shall possess the following minimum qualifications:

1. Two years experience in a human service delivery system.

2. A bachelor’s degree in one of the human service disciplines is preferred.

3. The demonstrated ability to perform supervisory functions required in the program design.

Hours: To be determined


Duties and Responsibilities:

1. Directly implementing instructional strategies and teaching program curricula to increase client/parent knowledge and skills.

2. Developing course curricula based on client/parent choice and identified needs with the direction of the Program Manager.

3. Accomplishing program objectives and client/parent outcomes.

4. Coordinating community resources and client/parent activities.

5. Submitting lesson plans and course progress reports.

6. Maintaining data on client/parent progress and attendance.

7. All other duties and responsibilities assigned.


The Educator shall possess the following minimum qualifications:

1. A bachelor’s degree in one of the human service disciplines

Or approved supervision and training from the Program Manager while actively pursuing a degree in one of the human service disciplines.

2. One year of experience in a curriculum content area or knowledge of developmental disabilities.

3. The demonstrated ability to provide effective instructional

strategies to encourage and enhance client/parent learning.

Hours: Vary


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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