Loreto College, St Albans

Rio de Janeiro Case StudyPg. 152 – 163 Introducing Rio de JaneiroWatch the video: Rio on a map of Brazil and describe it location:Copy and complete the sentences below: Brazil is located in South America. It is bordered by 10 countries including……..Rio de Janeiro is situated on Brazil’s Atlantic Coast at ...°S and …°W. It has grown up around a natural bay called Guanabara Bay. Until 1960 Rio de Janeiro was the capital of Brazil, it is now Brasilia. Rio de Janeiro is the cultural capital of Brazil, with over 50 museums, and its famous annual carnival. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and staged the 2014 Football World Cup and the 2016 Olympics. Why is Rio important?Read through facts about Rio in diagram A. Explain why Rio is: Regionally importantNationally importantInternationally important How and why has Rio de Janeiro grown?Copy:Rio de Janeiro is the second largest city in Brazil. In 2014 Rio had a population of 6.5 million people in the city itself and 12.5million in the surrounding area. Rio has grown rapidly in the last 50 years to become a major industrial, administrative, commercial and tourism centre.Why has the population of Rio de Janeiro grown?Natural increaseMigrationMany migrants are attracted to Rio due to the growth in economic activities which provide jobs and opportunities. Migrants come from many places: Challenges and Opportunities of Urban GrowthBrainstorm and produce a spider diagram to show the challenges that may result from urban growth. Pg. 154Social opportunities in RioCopy: Urban growth has created many opportunities in Rio de Janeiro. This includes social opportunities such as better access to services including health care and education, as well as better access to resources such as water supply and energy. Complete a table to explain the social challenge and how each challenge has led to opportunities for the city. Include Health care, Education, Water supply and Energy. ChallengeOpportunity CreatedHealth careEducationWater supplyEnergyPg. 156 Economic OpportunitiesCopy: Urban growth in Rio has led to economic opportunities mainly through the growth of industry. Answer the following questions:Why would the growth of industrial areas boost the city’s economy?What benefits would economic development bring?Why are more companies attracted to Rio as it develops?What types of jobs may be found in the formal sector in Rio?What evidence is there that Rio is economically successful? Challenges created by Urban GrowthRecap! Read through work completed and answer the following questions. Explain the challenges of providing:Clean waterSanitation systemsEnergy Explain the challenges of providing health services and education services in Rio. Pg. 158Environmental Challenges in RioWatch the following video clips. Water Pollution clip through the information on Pg. 158-159 and complete the table below: Causes of the ProblemPossible solutionsAir pollutionWater PollutionWaste PollutionTraffic congestion Pg. 156Economic Challenges in Rio de JaneiroCopy: Unemployment in RioUnemployment is a real concern in Rio – even though it has seen economic growth. In 2015 Brazil’s economy was hit by a deep recession and this further increased the problem of unemployment. High unemployment is one reason for the great inequalities in wealth in Rio. The richest 1% of the population earns 12% of the total income. But the income of the poorest 50% is only 13% of the total. Answer the following questions:What is the unemployment rate in the favelas?What is the informal economy?What percentage of Rio’s workers do not have a formal contract? Why is it an issue not to have a formal contract?Crime in RioWhat crimes occur regularly in Rio?Why is it difficult for police to tackle crime in favelas?How do you think the people living in favelas feel about the sale of drugs?Explain 1 way police have tried to tackle crime in favelas.Pg. 160Squatter Settlements in RioWhat are favelas?Describe the location of favelas.Why are favelas not found near the city centre?Why do you think favelas are often built along the main roads?What is Rocinha?How is Rocinha improving?Describe the challenges of squatter settlements: Construction, Services, Unemployment, Crime and Health. Video clipInside brazils favelas car: Watch this clip on painting the favelas practice question:To what extent do squatter settlements in urban areas of lower income countries provide opportunities, as well as challenges, for people? Refer to evidence from a city you have studied. Planning for Rio’s urban poor.When did the authorities of Rio start to acknowledge the existence of favelas? Why do you think they started to acknowledge them?Use figure A to describe some of the approaches towards improving the conditions in favelas. Favela Bairro ProjectLocation This is a site and service scheme – what is meant by this?List what was done to improve the Favela Bairro as part of this project. How successful has Favela Bairro project been? (Evaluate the success) ................

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