Cambridge University Press

Phytoplankton in the embayments of King George Island (Antarctic Peninsula): a review with emphasis on diatoms

Priscila Kienteca Lange1*, Ryszard Ligowski 2 †, Denise Rivera Tenenbaum1

1 Instituto de Biologia, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). Rua Prof. Rodolpho P. Rocco 211, Prédio CCS, Bl. A, Ilha do Fundão, Rio de Janeiro/RJ, 21941-617, Brazil

2 Laboratory of Polar Biology and Oceanobiology, Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection, University of Lodz, Poland

* prilange@

Supplementary Material

Additional publications – Peer-reviewed journals

Al-Handal, A.Y., & Wulff, A. (2008b). Marine epiphytic diatoms from the shallow sublittoral zone in Potter Cove, King George Island, Antarctica. Botanica Marina 51, 411-435.

Al-Handal, A.Y., Riaux-Gobin, C., Romero, O.E., Wulff, A. (2008c). Two new marine species of the diatom genus Cocconeis Ehrenberg, C. melchioroides sp. nov. and C. dallmannii sp. nov., from King George Island, Antarctica. Diatom Research 23, 269-281.

Atencio, A.G., Bertolin, M.L., Longhi, L., Ferreyra, G.A., Ferrario, M.E., Schloss, I.R. (2007). Spatial and temporal variability of chlorophyll-a and particulate organic matter in the sediments and the water column of Potter Cove Antarctica. In: Reports on Polar Research, pp. 154-161.

Blazewicz-Paszkowycz, M., & Ligowski, R. (2002). Diatoms as food source indicator for some Antarctic Cumacea and Tanaidacea Crustacea. Antarctic Science 14, 11-15

Fernandes, L.F., & Procopiak, L.K. (2003). Observations on valve structures of Navicula directa Wm. Smith Ralfs in Pritchard and Navicula glaciei V. Heurck from rocky substracts in Antarctic Peninsula. Hoehnea 30, 1-10.

Fernandes, L.F., Calixto, M., Lange, P.K., & Tenenbaum, D.R. (2013). Benthic diatoms in the plankton of Admiralty Bay (Western Antarctic Peninsula): taxonomy and potential implications to the pelagic community. In: Valentin, Y.Y., Dalto, A.G., Lavrado, H.P. (Eds.) Annual Activity Report of National Institute of Science and Technology Antarctic Environmental Research (INCT-APA) - 2012, Editora Cubo, São Carlos, Brazil, pp. 102-108. ISSN: 2177-918X

Gili, J.M., Alva, V., Pages, F., Kloser, H., & Arntz, W.E. (1996). Benthic diatoms as the major food source in the sub-Antarctic marine hydroid Silicularia rosea. Polar Biology 16, 507-512.

Joo, H., Park, S., Yeo, J. W., Ahn, I.-Y., & Kang, S.-H. (2006). Seasonal variation of microalgae and physical factors in thesurface water of Marian Cove, King George Island, Antarctica 2005. Cryobiology 53, 430. doi, 10.1016/j.cryobiol.2006.10.151

Ligowski, R. (2000). Benthic feeding by krill, Euphausia superba Dana, in coastal waters off West Antarctica and in Admiralty Bay, South Shetland Islands. Polar Biology 23, 619-625.

Rakusa-Suszczewski, S. (1995). Flow of matter in the Admiralty Bay area, King George Island, Maritime Antarctic. Proc. NIPR Symp. Polar Biology 8, 101-113.

Schloss, I.R., Ferreyra, G.A., & Curtosi, A. (1998). Phytoplankton primary production in Potter Cove, King George Island. In: Wiencke, C., Ferreyra, G., Arntz, W., & Rinaldi, C. (Eds.) The Potter Cove coastal ecosystem, Antarctica. Ber. Polarforsch., 299, pp. 67-73.

Skowronski, R.S.P., Gheller, P.F., Bromberg, S., David, C.J., Petti, M.A.V., & Corbisier, T.N. (2009). Distribution of microphytobenthic biomass in Martel Inlet, King George Island Antarctica. Polar Biology 32, 839-851.

Tatián, M., Sahade, R., Mercuri, G., Fuentes, V.L., Antacli, J.C., Stellfeldt, A., Esnal, G.B. (2007). Feeding ecology of benthic filter-feeders at Potter Cove, an Antarctic coastal ecosystem. Polar Biology 31, 509-517.

Tenenbaum, D.R., Lange, P.K., Fernandes, L.F., Calixto, M., Alba, J.J.B., & Garcia, V.M.T. (2010). Plankton structure in a shallow coastal zone at Admiralty Bay, King George Island, West Antarctic Peninsula WAP, composition of phytoplankton and influence of benthic diatoms. In: Annual Activity Report of National Institute of Science and Technology Antarctic Environmental Research INCT-APA - 2010, pp. 121-125.

Tenenbaum, D.R., Barrera-Alba, J.J., Duarte, R.B., & Tenorio, M.M. (2010). Plankton structure in a shallow coastal zone at Admiralty Bay, King George Island, West Antarctic Peninsula WAP, pico, nano and microplankton and chlorophyll biomass. Annual Activity Report of National Institute of Science and Technology Antarctic Environmental Research INCT-APA – 2010, 108-114.

Tenenbaum, D.R., Lange, P.K., Alba, J.J.B., Tenório, M.M.B., Guimarães, G.P., Fernandes, L. F., Calixto, M., & Garcia, V.M.T. (2010). Diversity of antarctic marine microalgae, effects of environmental changes on composition and abundance. Annual Activity Report of National Institute of Science and Technology Antarctic Environmental Research INCT-APA - 2009, 38-40.

Tenorio, M.M., Duarte, R.B., Barrera-Alba, J.J., Tenenbaum, D.R. (2010). Plankton structure in a shallow coastal zone at Admiralty Bay, King George Island, West Antarctic Peninsula WAP, chlorophyll biomass and size-fractionated chlorophyll during austral summer 2009/2010. Annual Activity Report of National Institute of Science and Technology Antarctic Environmental Research INCT-APA – 2010, 115-120.

Additional publications – Abstracts

Alba, J.J.B., Tenório, M.M.B., Tenenbaum, D.R. (2013). Mudanças na comunidade microplanctônica na região rasa da baía do Almirantado, Antártica ao longo do verão austral de 2009/2010. 4o Congresso Brasileiro de Biologia Marinha, Florianópolis/SC, Brazil.

Bezerra, C.R., Lange, P.K., & Tenenbaum, D.R. (2006). Morphometrical variations of Corethron pennatum Grunow Ostenfeld during austral Summer 2002/2003 at Admiralty Bay, Antarctic Peninsula. XXVIII Scientific Initiation Day - CNPq, Rio de Janeiro/RJ, Brazil.

Fernandes, L.F., & Mosimann, R.S. (1999). The marine epilithic diatom Melosira brandinii sp. nov. from Elephant Island, Antarctic Peninsula, with comments on some related species. VII Reunião Brasileira de Ficologia, Porto de Galinhas, PE, Brazil.

Fernandes, L.F., & Procopiak, L.K. (2001). Morfologia das frústulas em microscopia eletrônica das diatomáceas bênticas Navicula directa e N. glaciei. 52o Congresso Brasileiro de Botânica, João Pessoa, Brazil.

Fernandes, L.F., Portinho, D., & Procopiak, L.K. (2002). Observations on the ultrastructure of Licmophora C.A. Agardh collected in the Antarctic Peninsula. VI Congreso Latinoamericano de Ficologia, Ponce, Puerto Rico.

Fernandes, L.F., Portinho, D., & Procopiak, L.K. (2002). The fine structure of the benthic diatom Synedra sp. Bacillariophyta from rocky substrates of the Antarctic Peninsula. VI Congreso Latinoamericano de Ficologia, Ponce, Puerto Rico.

Fernandes, L.F., Procopiak, L.K., Brandini, F.P., Mosimann, R.S., & Portinho, D. (2002). Benthic diatoms collected in the Antarctic Peninsula during the Brazilian Expedition PROANTAR XIIII Nov/Dec 1994. VI Congreso Latinoamericano de Ficologia, Ponce, Puerto Rico.

Fernandes, L.F., Calixto, M., Lange, P.K., & Tenenbaum, D.R. (2012). Benthic diatoms in the plankton of Admiralty Bay Western Antarctic Peninsula, taxonomy and potential implications to the pelagic community. Oficina INCT-APA 2012.

Kopczynska, E.E. (1985). Zmiany liczebności, składu jakościowego i pionowego rozmieszczenia fitoplanktonu w okresie antarktycznego lata w fiordzie Ezcurra Płd. Szetlandy. XII Sympozjum Polarne, Szczecin.

Kopczyńska, E.E. (1999). Interannual and seasonal variations in phytoplankton in Admiralty Bay, King George Island, Antarctica. EASIZ; Ecology of the Antarctic Sea Ice Zone, Symposium and Workshop, Bremerhaven.

Kopczynska, E.E. (2008). Variations of phytoplankton in Admiralty Bay, King George Islands, Antarctica 1996-8; 2003-5. SCAR/IASC Open Science Conference. St. Petersburg, Russia.

Kopczynska, E.E. (2009). Phytoplankton in Admiralty Bay; what is causing the change? International Workshop on Antarctic Research, Madralin, Poland.

Kopczynska, E.E., & Wasiłowska, A. (2009). Phytoplankton in small bays of Admiralty Bay summer 2007. International Workshop on Antarctic Research, Madralin, Poland.

Kopczynska, E.E. (2009). Variability of phytoplankton in Admiralty Bay, King George Island South Shetland Islands, 1996-1998, 2003-2005. International Workshop on Antarctic Research, Madralin, Poland.

Kopczynska, E.E. (2010). Phytoplankton in Admiralty Bay, Antarctica; Variability between Shore and Open Water Diatom Assemblages. Polar International Conference, Oslo, Norway.

Kopczynska, E.E., & Wasilowska, A. (2010). Phytoplankton in small bays and in central waters of Admiralty Bay, dominance of nanoflagellates. Oslo Science Conference 2010. Oslo, Norway.

Lange, P.K., Tenenbaum, D.R., & Campos-Creasey, L.S. (2004).. Microphytoplankton specific composition in shallow coastal waters at Admiralty Bay, Antarctica summer 2002/2003. 56a Science Progress Brazilian Society Meeting, Cuiabá/MT, Brazil

Lange, P.K., Tenenbaum, D.R., Campos, L.S. (2006). Diatom flora inter-annual variation in coastal waters at Admiralty Bay, King George Island, Antarctica. XXIX SCAR Open Science Conference, Hobart, Tazmania

Lange, P.K., Tenenbaum, D.R., & Campos, L.S. (2008). Microvariation in the phytoplankton assemblages structure at Marte Inlet King George Island, Antarctica during a 24 hours period. XVI Antarctic Research Symposium, São Paulo/SP, Brazil.

Lange, P.K., Tenenbaum, D.R., Campos, L.S., & Garcia, V.M.T. (2010).. Phytoplankton of the central zone of Admiralty Bay Antarctic Peninsula. XIII Brazilian Congress of Phycology, Paraty/RJ, Brazil.

Lange, P.K., Tenenbaum, D.R., Campos, L.S., & Garcia, V.M.T. (2010).. Microphytoplankton at Admiralty Bay King George Island, Antarctica, A four-years monitoring programme in shallow waters. XXXI SCAR Open Science Conference, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Lange, P.K., Tenenbaum, D.R., Campos, L.S., & Garcia, V.M.T. (2010). Phytoplankton at Admiralty Bay King George Island, Antarctica, influence of physical environmental factors in the community structure. IV Brazilian Congress of Oceanography, Rio Grande/RS, Brazil.

Procopiak, L.K., Fernandes, L.F., & Portinho, D. (2002). Some species of Cocconeis C.G. Ehrenberg Bacillariophyta from bottom substrates of Admiralty Bay, Antarctic Peninsula. VI Congreso Latinoamericano de Ficologia, Ponce, Porto Rico.

Tenenbaum, D.R., Lange, P.K., Alba, J.J.B., Tenorio, M.M.B., Guimarães, G.P., Fernandes, L.F., Calixto, M., & Garcia, V.M.T. (2010). Plankton structure of shallow coastal zone at Admiralty Bay, King George Island, West Antarctic Peninsula WAP, composition of phytoplankton and influence of benthic diatoms. 3a Oficina de Trabalho do INCT-APA, Natal/RN, Brazil.

Additional publications – Dissertations and monographs

Bezerra, C. (2007). Variações morfométricas do Corethron pennatum Grunow Ostenfeld na Baía do Almirantado, Ilha Rei George, Antártica verão 2002/2003. B.Sc. monograph in Marine Biology, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Calixto, M. (2011). Diatomáceas das Classe Bacillariophyceae e Fragillariophyceae na Baía do Almirantado, Península Antártica. M.Sc. dissertation in Botany, Federal University of Paraná, Brazil.

Lange, P. K. (2004). Microphytoplankton assemblages in shallow coastal waters at Admiralty Bay Antarctica during austral summer 2002-2003. B.Sc. monograph in Marine Biology, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Lange, P. K. (2011). Phytoplankton at Admiralty Bay Antarctica, temporal and spatial variations between the years of 2002 and 2008. M.Sc. dissertation in Biological Oceanography, Federal University of Rio Grande, Brazil.

Procopiak, L. (2001). Levantamento taxonômico de diatomáceas Bacillariophyta epilíticas na Ilha Elefante e Baía do Almirantado, Península Antártica. Monografia de Bacharelado em Ciências Biológicas, Universidade Federal do Paraná, Brazil.


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