The Rise and Fall of Rome

The Rise and Fall of RomeThe rise and fall of the Roman Empire is one of the most consequential eras in European history. This era, taking place over 600 years, can be divided into six segments. You will complete one assignment for each of the segments over the next few days of class.The six segments of Roman history are:SegmentAncient World History (Green book) pagesDuiker Book pagesThe Punic Wars144-145128-129Republic Collapses146-147129-132Pax Romana148-150133-134Christianity153-157142-144Life in Imperial Rome150-152135-142Decline of the Empire158-162139-142You are not limited to these pages, but everything you need is in the textbooks!The six assignments you will complete are:Journal/diary. Write a few entries from a journal or diary of someone who lived through the time period. Your journal/diary will cover the major events of the segment of Roman history and show how things changed across that time/event.Facebook page. Using the template, create a Facebook profile for an important person from that segment of Roman history. The profile will include status updates, friends, wall posts, and groups/interests for the selected person.Storyboard. Using the template, create (draw and color) a six-panel storyboard showing the key scenes from a movie about that segment of Roman history.Brochure. Create a brochure to advertise travel to Rome or the Roman Empire during that segment of Roman history. You will identify things to do and things to see for the prospective traveler. Timeline. Create an illustrated timeline showing the major events and people within that segment of Roman history. This will require choosing key dates and representing them with images.Textbook notes. Take detailed notes on the segment of Roman history in the blue textbook, including key terms and dates and a summary of what you read. Please note, the Duiker book is a class set and cannot be taken home! Plan accordingly.Green textbook = Ancient World History from McDougal-Little Blue textbook = Duiker World History: Comprehensive Volume (in class only)Matching Segments and AssignmentsThere is some flexibility in how you do this. You will complete each of these six assignments once, but when you do each is up to you. You have four options for each segment of the unit: Punic WarsDecline of the RepublicPax RomanaChristianityLife in Imperial RomeDecline of the EmpireJournal/diaryFacebook pageBrochureFacebook pageBrochure Journal/diaryStoryboardStoryboardFacebook pageStoryboardFacebook pageStoryboardTimelineTimelineTimelineTimelineJournal/diaryTimelineTextbook NotesTextbook NotesTextbook NotesTextbook NotesTextbook NotesTextbook NotesYour Project PlanMake sure you have selected a different project option for each segment of Roman history. You need to plan this in advance to make sure your choices will allow you to complete all six assignments! You may NOT repeat assignments.SegmentAssignmentThe Punic WarsRepublic CollapsesPax RomanaChristianity Life in Imperial RomeDecline of the EmpireScheduleSegmentA-DayDue Dates B-DayDue Dates Lap tops: Punic Wars and Rome CollapsesFebruary 2February 3The Punic WarsFebruary 4February 5Republic CollapsesFebruary 6February 9Lap tops: Pax Romana and ChristianityFebruary 10February 11Pax RomanaFebruary 12February 13ChristianityFebruary 17February 18Lap tops: Imperial Rome and DeclineFebruary 19February 20Life in Imperial RomeFebruary 23February 24Decline of the EmpireFebruary 25February 26Completed Project Due OnFebruary 26February 26RequirementsJournal/diary. Your journal must include, but is not limited to, the following things:At least 4 entries. Each entry must be a minimum of 7 sentences and written in the first person plete coverage of all major events and people during your segment. You should invent an author – do not write the diary of a famous person.Facebook pageAll portions of the template must be completed.Profile picture must be relevant and in color.Page must include 3 separate and relevant status updates (the most recent posted at the top, the other 2 on the wall).Must have a minimum of 3 friends. Friends must be historical figures.Wall conversation/comments between your “character” and a friend(s). A minimum of 4 posts is required. These may be posts and replies to status updates.Listed membership in at least 2 groups. A minimum of 2 listed interests/hobbies.StoryboardStoryboard must be exactly 6 panels. (This is a good practice in summarizing.)All panels must be drawn (by you) and in color.Storyboard must cover the major events across your entire segment. You must include a written summary/caption of each panel, and an overall summary.BrochureBrochure must fully address significant aspects of life during your segment.Brochure must contain a minimum of 3 “places to visit” with reference to their significance (NOT ALL NEED A PICTURE).Brochure must contain a minimum of 3 “things to do” with reference to their significance (NOT ALL NEED A PICTURE).Brochure must contain a minimum of 1 map and 3 pictures. MAP MUST BE ACCURATE!TimelineTimeline must contain a minimum of 6 significant events during your segment.Timeline must be comprehensive – cover the entire segment.Timeline must be illustrated and use images to depict the significant events. At least three images are required. Use color.Must be accompanied by a written explanation of each image, including its significance to your segment. Textbook notes Notes must be comprehensive and cover the major events during your segment.Notes must contain a minimum of 2 important people during your segment.Notes must contain a minimum of 4 important events or characteristics of your segment.Notes must be accompanied by a summary of each sub-heading. In addition, you must include a summary of the segment in its entirety.Textbook notes are to be taken from the Duiker World History textbook.ExampleJournal/diary entry from an Athenian living during the Golden Age of AthensYou wouldn’t believe all of the changes going on around Athens! Last week, I visited (to trade some wheat and grain for a beautiful amphora,) and couldn’t believe the changes. I had seen the ruins that were left after the Persians burnt down the city and thought that there was no way Athens would ever look the same. Man was I wrong! This guy Pericles is really doing a great job in organizing things and rebuilding the culture and feel of Athens. They even built a new Parthenon! You should see the statues on display from Phidias; simply stunning! I guess the money from the Delian League is treating them well. I don’t know why anybody would ever want to team up with Sparta when Athens has so much to offer. Bye for now![Note: this is an example of one journal entry. A completed journal has at least 4 entries.] ................

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