
1. What was the condition of Rome when Julius Caesar was born in 100 BC? ___________________________2. Why was young Caesar kidnapped? ___________________________________________________________3. What kind of Captor was Caesar?_____________________________________________________________4. Why did Caesar enter politics in Rome, what was his goal?_________________________________________5. Who was Caesar’s loyal protégée at the time?___________________________________________________6. Why was Caesar a threat to the conservative senate? ____________________________________________7. What land did Caesar crave/want?____________________________________________________________8. What would that land give him?______________________________________________________________9. Who were the two most powerful men in Rome at the time?_______________________________________10. What was the alliance between Pompeii, Crassus and Caesar know as?______________________________11. How did Caesar seal the deal? ______________________________________________________________12. What were women used as in Roman society? _________________________________________________13. What barbarian tribe did Caesar meet on the borders of Gaul? ____________________________________14. What did the above group do t Caesar’s rear guard? ____________________________________________15. Why was Caesar seen as a threat to his ally Pompeii? ___________________________________________16. Why did Pompeii stay loyal to Caesar? _______________________________________________________17. How does Caesar get a great psychological advantage against Ariovistus and his barbarian warriors? __________________________________________________________________________________________18. What was Caesar the first to do? He crossed ________________________ and ______________________19. What happened to Caesar’s daughter and her new born child? ____________________________________20. What was the Gallic leader, Vercingetorix’s, plan to get the enemy (Caesar and his army) to surrender? __________________________________________________________________________________________________21. Who was Caesar’s most trusted subordinate at this time? ________________________________________________22. What did Caesar do to his men who were dazed and confused during battle? ________________________________23. Why was Caesar hate by his rivals? __________________________________________________________________24. What did the Senate demand Caesar to do? ___________________________________________________________25. Why did he refuse? _______________________________________________________________________________26. What did Caesar cross that was important? ___________________________________________________________27. What did Pompeii do in response to Caesars’ return? ____________________________________________________28. What happened to Pompeii? _______________________________________________________________________29. What was Caesar’s response to what happened to Pompeii? _____________________________________30. What did Caesar do to the Republic? ________________________________________________________________31. What does he proclaim himself? ____________________________________________________________________32. How many daggers thrust went into Caesar? __________________________________________________________33. What was the notion of freedom that surrounded Caesar’s death? ________________________________________34. Does Caesar’s death bring about a return to the Republic? _______________________________________________35. Who found a way to make the age of Emperors work in Rome? ___________________________________________ ................

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