Timeline of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party

Timeline of Rise of Hitler and Nazis

The great masses of the people will more easily fall victims

to a big lie than to a small one. ~ Hitler

|1889 |Hitler is born April 20 in Austria |

|1907 |Hitler’s mom dies of cancer. Hitler blames a Jewish doctor who treated her |

|1909 |Hitler moves to Vienna and is rejected twice at the Academy of Art in Vienna |

| |Hitler develops his prejudices about Jews, his interest in politics, and debating skills. |

|1914 |WWI breaks out; Hitler living in Munich submits a petition to enlist in the Bavarian army |

| |Hitler fights bravely and is promoted to corporal; wins two Iron Cross for bravery |

|1918 |Hitler was in hospital recovering from mustard gas attack when armistice is signed |

|1919 |Hitler joins the Free Corps, an organization of war veterans in opposition to those who “lost the war”: profiteers, |

| |politicians and Jews were blamed as those who “stabbed the army in the back.” |

| |Germany signs the Treaty of Versailles |

| |Hitler was asked by the army to investigate the German Workers Party which had tried to join workers and nationalists.  |

| |He joined the group as party member seven.  |

|1920 |Hitler transformed the party to the National Socialist German Workers Party  (National Sozialistiche Deutsche |

| |Arbeiter-Partei- SMDAP) |

| |Nazi Twenty-five Point Program announced: revoking the Versailles Treaty, confiscating war profits, revoking civil |

| |rights for Jews, blaming the Jews for inflation, political instability, unemployment, and the defeat of Germany in WWI |

|1921 |Adolf Hitler becomes leader of the National Socialist German Workers Party  |

| |Hitler criticizes the German democratic government (Weimar Republic) and supports the theory that all Germans were part |

| |of an Aryan superhuman race and all others (Jews, gypsies, Slavs) were to be eliminated   |

|1923 |NOV. 8 / 9- Beer Hall Putsch:  Nazi attempt to overthrow the Munich government fails, and Hitler sentenced to prison for |

| |5 years where he wrote Mein Kampf (My Struggle) |

| |-Hitler if freed after 9 months |

|1925 |Mein Kampf is published; the book sold 9473 copies that year. |

| |Mein Kampf outlines: Hitler’s plan for attaining power; blames Jews for all the problems and evils of the world and for |

| |defeat of Germany in WWI; proclaims Germans or Aryans as the “master race” of highest racial purity and Jews as the |

| |“anti-race”; calls for Germany to stop the Jews from conquering the world only by eliminating them and find “Lebensraum” |

| |(living space) for all pure Germans; eliminating democracy and calling upon a "Fuhrer" to rebuild the German Reich. |

|1926 |Nazi Party membership reaches 17 000 members |

|1928 |vast increase in Nazi power in German parliament (Reichstag) |

| |Nazi Party membership reaches 60 000 members |

|1930 |Germans 1930 elect Nazis making them the 2nd largest political party in Germany |

|1932 |Hitler ran for President and won 30% of the vote, forcing the eventual victor, Paul von Hindenburg, into a runoff |

| |election. |

| |A political deal was made to make Hitler chancellor in exchange for his political support. |

|1933 |JANUARY 30 - Hitler appointed Chancellor (Prime Minister) of Germany by President Hindenburg |

| |FEBRUARY 27 - a week before the election, the Reichstag burns.  Hitler blames it on the Communists. Hitler granted |

| |emergency powers |

| |Nazi party only had a small majority in the Reichstag (parliament), but arrests his opponents, has another vote to and |

| |gains the power to re-write Germany’s constitution |

| |MARCH 23 - Hitler passes the Enabling Act  (power to make own laws, abolish political parties, and open concentration |

| |camps), establishing himself as dictator |

| |APRIL 1 – Nazi boycott of Jewish owned shops; first concentration camps open |

| |JULY 14 – Nazi party declared only party in Germany |

| |OCTOBER 14 – Germany resigns from League of Nations |

|1934 |JUNE 30-“Night of the Long Knives” |

| |AUGUST 2- President Hindenberg dies |

| |AUGUST 19 - Hitler names himself Furher  (dictator) of Germany |

|1935 |MARCH 16 – Hitler violates the Treaty of Versailles by introducing military conscription |

| |SEPTEMBER 15- German Jews stripped of rights by Nuremberg Race Laws |

|1936 |FEBRUARY 10 – German Gestapo (SS) is placed above the law |

| |MARCH 7 - Germany marches into Rhineland  (violation of Treaty of Versailles) and League of Nations takes no action |

| |Non-aggression treaty signed between Italy, Germany and Japan  = AXIS powers |

| |Olympics hosted in Berlin, Germany |

|1938 |MARCH 12 / 13 - Germany invades Austria  (Anschluss = union) |

| |SEPTEMBER 30 – British Prime Minister Chamberlain appeases Hitler at Munich |

| |OCTOBER 15 - Sudetenland (northwest part of Czechoslovakia) occupied by Germany |

| |NOVEMBER 9 / 10 – “Night of the Broken Glass”   (also called Kristallnacht or Night of the Broken Crystals) -Nazis fine |

| |Jews one billion marks for damages |

|1939 |MARCH 15/16. –    Germany takes rest of Czechoslovakia  (violation of Munich Agreement) |

| |MAY 22- formal treaty “Pact of Steel” signed between Italy and Germany  (Rome-Berlin Axis) |

| |AUGUST 23- Soviet Union signs Non-Aggression Pact with Germany |

| |SEPTEMBER 1- Nazis invades Poland |

| |SEPTEMBER 3 – Britain, France / Austria / New Zealand declare war on Germany |

| |SEPTEMBER 10 – Canada declares war on Germany; Battle on Atlantic begins |

| |Mein Kampf -sold over 5 million copies |

|1942 |“Final Solution” (complete extermination of Jews)is co-ordinated at Wannsee Conference |

|1945 |APRIL 30-Hitler’s long-term mistress and new bride, Eva Braun, joined him in suicide |

| |MAY 7 –Germany surrenders unconditionally = VE DAY |

| |However, one of Hitler’s chief objectives was achieved-- the annihilation of two-thirds of European Jews (6 000 000 Jews,|

| |11 000 000 total deaths in Holocaust) |

How fortunate for leaders that men do not think. ~ Adolf Hitler

The victor will never be asked if he told the truth. ~ Adolf Hitler









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