Social 20-1 UNIT 2 Review Guide

Social 20-1 UNIT 2 Review Guide

This is a study guide of key ideas, concepts, people, and events. It is meant as a focus on important topics when studying. You are responsible for reading UNIT 2 of the text including all “Voices, Investigation, Ideas and Opinions, and Pause and Reflect” sections as well as understanding all concepts within Unit 2.

You can also access an online test bank to help but given that the Social Studies 20 curriculum is new this year the test bank is not updated, though some of the unit tests may help.

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Key Terms/Concepts

• Nationalist vs. Internationalist

• Sovereignty

• Foreign policy

• Rhineland

• Expansionism

• Nationalism vs. Imperialism

• Appeasement

• Ultranationalism

• Genocide

• Lebensraum

• Holodomor

• Holocaust

• Self-determination

• Patriated

• Partitioning

Chapter 6

The Pursuit of National Interests

• Nationalism vs. Internationalism

• Why nations pursue national interests

• Canadian northern sovereignty/The Northwest Passage

• The Nisga’a Nation

• East Timor

Chapter 7

Why Pursue National Interests?

• Causes of World War 1

• Treaty of Versailles

• The Big Four, who they were, what were the goals of each

• The Interwar period and Expansionism in Japan, Italy, and Germany

• Appeasement, causes of World War 2

Chapter 8

Nationalism and Internationalism During times of Conflict

• Analyzing propaganda: common propaganda techniques

• Conscription Crisis/Military Service Act

• Conscription in WW1 & WW2

• Internment (WW1 & WW2)

• Rise of German Ultranationalism

• British appeasement

• Ultranationalism in Japan and Italy

Chapter 9

Ultranationalism and Genocide

• The Holocaust/Nazi Ultranationalism/The Final Solution

• Who are the usual targets of genocide?

• The Holodomor/Famine in Ukraine

• Genocide in Rwanda

Chapter 10

What are Impacts of Pursuing National Self-Determination?

• Self-determination

• UNESCO definition of a nation

• Decolonization (India, Mozambique)

• Successor States (Ukraine, Chechnya)

• Referenda

• Nunavut

• Third-party involvement in self-determination


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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