Grade 9: Global History (Period

Grade 9: Global History (Period 4,5,6,8,9) 1/22/09

UNIT TITLE: Ancient Rome and Early Christianity

Lesson 4

Topic: The Rise of Christianity

Aim: Why did Christianity spread in the Roman Empire?

Objectives: At the completion of this lesson, students will be able to:

• Summarize the life of Jesus.

• Explain the reasons for the spread of Christianity in the Roman Empire.

• Use a Venn diagram to compare and contrast the characteristics of Christianity and Judaism.


• Reading Activity – The Rise of Christianity.

• Venn Diagram – Comparing Religions: Venn Diagram

• Handout – The Persecution of Christians under the Roman Empire.

Anticipatory Set:

• Write the definition of “Persecution” on the board (mistreatment of an individual or group by another group) Ask students to list an example of persecution that they have experienced or learned about.


• Conduct Motivation exercise. (5 Min)

o Explain to students that Christianity arose and spread during Roman times. This faith became extremely common in the United States and around the world.

• Distribute Reading Activity – The Rise of Christianity. (15 Min)

o Volunteered or selected students will read each paragraph and the teacher will provide a summary of the paragraph’s contents.

o Students will be given time with their partners to identify the provided historical characters and terms.

o Students will use the organizer to outline the reasons why Christianity spread in the Roman Empire.

• Distribute Venn Diagram – Comparing Religions: Venn Diagram (15 Min)

o Pairs of students will use what they have learned about the religions of Christianity and Judaism in order to compare and contrast each faith.

Guiding Questions:

• How were Jesus’ teachings at odds with Roman values and religious ideas? (taught love and acceptance rather than strength and power; taught monotheism vs. worship of many gods)

• Why might both the Romans and the chief Jewish priests have felt threatened by Jesus? (He was popular and preached to the poor and the powerless)

Guided Practice:

• Teacher will circulate the classroom in order to ensure student understanding and completion of the activity.


• Class will reconvene and students will share their responses. (10 Min)

• Ask students: “Why do you think Roman leaders were so opposed to the rise of a new religion among

their subjects? Explain your answer.”

Possible answer: They feared that it would lead to a rebellion.

• Distribute Handout – The Persecution of Christians under the Roman Empire

Independent Practice:

• Handout – The Persecution of Christians under the Roman Empire

Name: Mr. Lombardi

Global History Date:


One group of people that lost its land to the Romans was the Jews. Many Jews wanted the Romans to leave their land. Others hoped for the coming of the Messiah, the savior. According to Jewish tradition, god promised the Messiah would restore the kingdom of the Jews.

At age thirty, Jesus began to preach many ideas from Jewish traditions, such as the Ten Commandments and the belief in one god (monotheism). According to Jesus’ followers called apostles, he performed many miracles, which caused his popularity to grow. Some believed him to be the long awaited Messiah. However, the Jews did not believe that his teachings were from god. During the Diaspora, Jews were driven from their homes by the Romans and became scattered around the world. The Romans put Jesus to death when they feared that his teachings would motivate the people to rebel.

The Roman government viewed Christians as a threat to the Empire because they refused to obey the Emperor. Therefore, many were crucified or burned alive for not abandoning (leaving) their religion. However, Christianity continued to spread for many reasons. First, it accepted all believers, whether they were rich or poor or male or female. Second, it gave hope to those being harmed by the Romans and made them moral. Third, it allowed for a personal relationship with God and offered the promise of life after death.

As the church grew, it became more organized. Bishops were in charge of the small churches in each area while the pope was the head of the church. In AD 313, the Roman emperor Constantine said that Christians would no longer be persecuted (harmed) and accepted their religion. Soon after, Christianity became the official religion of the Roman Empire.

Define/ Identify:

1. Messiah - __________________________ 4. Diaspora -________________________

2. Jesus - ____________________________ 5. Bishops - ________________________

3. Apostles - _________________________ 6. Pope - ___________________________

Use the organizer below to outline the reasons why Christianity spread in the Roman Empire.

Spread of Christianity

Name: Mr. Lombardi

Global History Date:



Belief that Jesus is the Messiah

Acceptance of all people

Persecuted by the Romans Holy Book: Bible

Holy day: Sunday

Holy city: Jerusalem

Belief in One God (Monotheistic)

Ten Commandments

Believe in Messiah

Worshipers have a relationship with god

Acceptance of all people

Holy Books are Similar

Both have a holy day every week


Believe in Messiah

Believe that Jews are the chosen people

Acceptance of all People

Holy Book: Torah

Holy Day: Friday night to Saturday night

Holy city: Jerusalem

Name: Mr. Lombardi

Global History Date:



Messiah: ___________________

Acceptance of__________________________

Persecuted by: __________________ Holy book: ____________________

Holy day: _____________________

Holy city: _____________________

Belief in _____ God (_______theistic)

Ten _________________


Worshipers have a relationship with god





Messiah: _________________________

Believe that Jews are the chosen people

Acceptance of _______________________

Holy book: ______________________

Holy day: _____________________

Holy city: _____________________

Name: Mr. Lombardi

Global History Date:


Historical background:

Between the years 30 AD and 33 AD, a Jew named Jesus preached his religious message in the Roman controlled state of Palestine in the Middle East. Fearful of the growing power of Jesus and his followers, the Roman governor of Palestine arrested Jesus as a political rebel and ordered that he be crucified, the typical punishment for criminals.

Jesus’ followers (apostles) spread the message of Christianity throughout the Roman Empire following the death of Jesus. Those who converted to Christianity were often persecuted and executed by Roman authorities.


Analyze the following document to the best of your knowledge and answer the questions that follow.

“The teachings of Christ tells us that “Thou shall not kill” and that “Those who take up the sword, shall perish by the sword.” Therefore we shall not join the Roman legions (army) and kill strangers in a strange land. And if the Emperor decides that we must be executed for upholding our beliefs, we gladly become martyrs.”

– Paulus, Roman Christian

1. According to the document, how are the teachings of Christ similar to the laws of the Ten Commandments?



2. Based on the document, why does the emperor want to execute the Christians?

Explain your answer using evidence from the document.











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