SLPS American Government Curriculum 2018-2019

lefttop002019-2020Personal FinanceCurriculum PlanMay, 2019By the end of the year students will…learn how to take control of their money by learning how to budget, save, spend wisely, avoid debt, and give.Personal FinanceStandards for Quarter 1National Standards for High School Personal Finance CurriculumFinancial Responsibility and Decision Making: Standard 1, 4, 5Credit and Debt: Standard 1 Topic and Timeline Key Concepts Essential QuestionsLearning TargetsEnduring Understandings Knowledge and SkillsSaving and BudgetingDemand, economics, equilibrium point, goals, good, needs, opportunity cost, personal financial planning, service, supply, values, and wants.Assets, budget, budget deficit, budget surplus, budget variance, discretionary income,fixed expenses, gross pay, liabilities, net worth, savings, scarcity, take home pay, and variable expenses.How can understanding effective personal finance strategies improve my life?What can I do to ensure that I will be successful when making and managing money?How will developing effective spending habits affect my financial future?a. Explain how scarcity affects economic decisions.b. Prioritize personal and financial goals.c. Construct a plan to achieve those goals.d. Examine current saving and spending behaviors andpatterns.e. Identify key terms such as gross pay, net pay, deductionsand benefits.f. Explain the types of benefits provided by employers.g. Distinguish between required and optional deductions.h. Identify key terms such as disposable income, variable,fixed and period expenses.? Complete a W-4 form.? Identify the various designations on a paycheck/stub.? Analyze a W-2 statement.i. Develop a budget.Students will identify short, medium and long-term savings goals including saving forhigh value purchases, post-secondary education/training and retirement.Students will evaluate the options for financing higher education.Students will create a budget that includes savings goals, emergency funds, fixedexpenses and variable expenses.Students will develop a savings plan. Students will compare simple and compound interest.Students will identify saving instruments such as certificates of deposit and savings accounts.Credit and DebtBankruptcy, closed end credit, cosigning, credit, credit card, creditor, finance charge, grace period, line of credit, minimum monthly payment, open end credit, prime rate, and simple interest.What steps can I take to protect my money?a. Differentiate between debit and credit cards and cash.b. Analyze the costs and benefits of various methods ofpayment.c. Define credit and interest.d. Compare the advantages and disadvantages of using credit.e. Explain the opportunity cost of using credit.f. Describe the rights and responsibilities of buyers and sellersunder consumer protection laws.g. Identify types of credit and their common forms.h. Compare types of loans from different financial institutions.i. Identify the qualities a lender looks for in a loan applicant.j. Analyze a credit report and FICO score.k. Explain the factors that determine the cost of credit.l. Calculate finance charges using different interest rates.m. Analyze the relationship among the finance charges,principal of the loan, and the loan repayment period.n. Compare credit cards in terms of annual fee, annualpercentage rate, grace period, and credit limit.o. Propose ways to avoid or correct credit problems.Students will analyze the difference between a credit and a debit account.Students will analyze various terms and conditions of credit cards and consumer loans.Students will compare the cost of credit between financial institutions based on the Annual Percentage Rate (APR), initial fees charged and fees for late or missed payment..Students will evaluate factors that affect creditworthiness including paying on timeand payment history.Students will explain the purpose and components of credit records and credit historyas provided by credit bureaus.Students will identify ways to avoid and/or correct credit problems.Students will analyze why credit scores may be used by entities such as employers,landlords and insurance companies.Students will explain the importance of annually verifying one’s credit report.Students will explain responsibilities associated with the use of credit.Students will analyze the costs and benefits of different payment options.Personal FinanceStandards for Quarter 2National Standards for High School Personal Finance Curriculum Topic and Timeline Key Concepts Essential QuestionsLearning TargetsEnduring Understandings Knowledge and SkillsFinancial Planning and Insurance401K, APY, annuity, certification of deposit (cd), commission, compounding,diversification, dividends, FDIC, investment, liquidity, maturity date, money market account, mutual fund, portfolio, principal, rate of return, risk, and stock.Bank reconciliation, bank statement, check register, cleared check, commercial bank, credit union, debit card, direct deposit, endorsement, Federal Reserve System, interest,money supply, and overdraft protection.How can saving and investing help me earn additional income?a. Identify the opportunity cost of spending and saving.b. Recognize financial investments as options for savings.c. Explain the advantages of compounding.d. Predict how much savings will be needed to achieve goals.e. Describe five types of financial investment risk.f. Describe the relationship between financial investment riskand return.g. Distinguish between real and nominal rate of return.h. Summarize how inflation affects spending and savingdecisions.i. Compare the characteristics of several financialinvestments, including savings accounts, stocks, bonds,mutual funds, and real estate.j. Explain how interest rates are determined.k. Compare the features of savings accounts among financialinstitutions.l. Identify the trade-offs related to various financialinvestment options.m. Distinguish between primary and secondary markets.n. Identify the costs and benefits of trading stock.o. Explain the role of brokers.p. Examine how investors are protected by agencies thatregulate financial markets.Students will analyze why benefits such as health insurance, paid vacation, retirement plan, family leave, tuition reimbursement and flexible scheduling are considered forms of compensation.Students will compare the services, service fees and requirements of various financialinstitutions such as banks, savings and loans, credit unions and virtual banks.Students will calculate an account balance by recording deposits, withdrawals anddebit transactions.Students will compare various financial assets for their risk and rewards such as stocks, bonds, mutual funds, real estate and commodities.Students will explain how the price of a financial asset is determined by the interaction of buyers and sellers in a financial market.Students will explain how the rate of return earned from investments will vary according to the amount of risk.Students will explain the risks and rewards of short term and long-term investments.Students will describe how diversification can lower investment risk.Income, Taxes, and GivingConsumer, deductible, equity, good, identity theft, lease, market value, policy,premium, security deposit, and service.How does understanding the economy help me make better financial decisions?How do business cycles affect my personal income?a. Define resources and the income payments to resources.b. Evaluate resources students possess.c. Analyze the relationship between education and potentialincome using economic reasoning.d. Examine personal characteristics to determine interests,skills, and knowledge related to career choices.e. Establish career goals.f. Outline steps required to reach career goals.Students will evaluate how career choices impact income and quality of life.Students will analyze the relationship between education, skill development andearning potential.Students will compare gross and net income.Students will differentiate between income and expensesStudents will explain the impact of capital gains, dividends, risk and stock value on corporate stock ownership.Students will explain how and why insurance companies create policies and determine premiums.Students will analyze factors people use to choose insurance coverage.Students will analyze health insurance options to provide funds in the event of illness and/or to pay for the cost of preventive care.Students will analyze federal and state regulations which provide some remedies andassistance for identity theft.Students will analyze how individuals can protect themselves from others misusing personal information and from identity theft while online.Students will discuss current ways to counter cyber-attacks and protect personalinformation. ................

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