Suggested Remarks for PA Announcer – Regular Season

Suggested Remarks for PA Announcer – Regular SeasonGood evening fans and students. We ask that before rising for the playing of our National Anthem you quietly consider a couple of facts and actions you might practice during its playing. It is hoped that you personally will honor and respect every Military Member who has given his or her life so you are able to enjoy the freedoms you have been living in this country for which they fought. When you stand quietly while looking at the flag, you are showing respect for the sacrifices they made in protecting our flag and our valued way of life. Please rise now for the playing of our National Anthem.The team, coaches, cheerleaders, student body, and fans of _____________High School extend to each of you a big welcome. We are pleased that you could be here. The high school athletes that are performing tonight are friendly rivals as members of opposing teams. This basically is the theme of interscholastic athletics – the idea of friendly competition. The visiting team in every interscholastic game is the guest of the home team. The expectation is that they be treated as such.Profanity and vulgar cheers are abusive to other spectators and also a reflection on your school and community. This type of behavior will not be tolerated and may cause your team or school to be placed on probation. People involved in this behavior will be asked to leave the area with no refund or re-entry and could possibly be banned from future contests. The use of alcohol, drugs, and tobacco are forbidden at all Mississippi high school activities. Artificial noisemakers are allowed at MHSAA outdoor events (air horns, bull horns with sirens and vuvuzela horns are not allowed). No artificial noisemakers are allowed at MHSAA indoor events.The officials are individuals who are assigned to administer the rules of the game according to the National Federation rules. Their experience and integrity qualify them for their part in this friendly interscholastic contest. This attitude of sportsmanship should be reflected by all spectators, no matter what their personal feelings of loyalty may be to one or the other teams in tonight’s contest. A game managers conference has been held with administrators, coaches and officials to emphasize good sportsmanship. Remember, sportsmanship begins long before the contest starts and lasts long after the contest is over! Suggested Remarks for PA Announcer – PlayoffsGood evening fans and students. We ask that before rising for the playing of our National Anthem you quietly consider a couple of facts and actions you might practice during its playing. It is hoped that you personally will honor and respect every Military Member who has given his or her life so you are able to enjoy the freedoms you have been living in this country for which they fought. When you stand quietly while looking at the flag, you are showing respect for the sacrifices they made in protecting our flag and our valued way of life. Please rise now for the playing of our National Anthem.The team, coaches, cheerleaders, student body, and fans of __________________High School extend to each of you a big welcome. We are pleased that you could be here tonight for the state play-off game. The ____________________High School and the ____________________High School are playing this game tonight to determine which team will advance in the playoffs. These two schools are members of the Mississippi High School Activities Association and abide by the rules and regulations as set forth by the Association to maintain and improve high standards of conduct, competition, and relations with member schools. These are high school athletes who are performing here tonight; they are friendly rivals as members of opposing teams; they are not enemies. This basically is the theme of interscholastic athletics – the idea of friendly competition. The visiting team in every interscholastic game is the guest of the home team. The expectation is that they be treated as such.Profanity and vulgar cheers are abusive to other spectators and also a reflection on your school and community. This type of behavior will not be tolerated and may cause your team or school to be placed on probation. People involved in this behavior will be asked to leave the area with no refund or re-entry and could possibly be banned from future contests. The use of alcohol, drugs, and tobacco are forbidden at all Mississippi high school activities. Artificial noisemakers are allowed at MHSAA outdoor events (air horns, bull horns with sirens and vuvuzela horns are not allowed). No artificial noisemakers are allowed at MHSAA indoor events.The officials for tonight’s game are ________________from_________________. The officials are individuals who are assigned to administer the rules of the game according to the National Federation Football Rules. Their experience and their integrity qualify them for their part in this friendly interscholastic contest. This attitude of sportsmanship should be reflected by all spectators, no matter what their personal feelings of loyalty may be to one or the other teams in tonight’s contest. A game manager’s conference was held prior to the contest to go over good sportsmanship with the administration, coaches, and officials.The NFHS Network is the exclusive broadcast rights holder of this postseason event. Any streaming of this game is strictly prohibited and in direct violation of your school and MHSAA contract rights with the NFHS Network.In a few minutes, we will have the starting lineup of each team. At this time, we ask that you please stand for a moment of silence. MHSAA reminds you when leaving tonight to buckle up and drive rmation for Public Address AnnouncersPlease see that your Public Address Announcers are apprised of the information contained in this bulletin. These suggestions, followed, could avoid some embarrassing situations. A skilled and well-trained individual should handle a public address system at athletic contests. The person should be one who is impartial; should have a very level head and a cooperative attitude toward officials; should have a “neighborly” spirit toward opponents. Good citizenship must result from all interscholastic athletic competition. The person on the public address system can help create proper ideals and attitudes toward all aspects of the game.FOR THE PUBLIC ADDRESS ANNOUNCERDO NOT:Ever predict a play before it is run.Ever guess on an official’s decision.Ever criticize an official’s decision.Ever appear to be alarmed over an injury to a player.Ever try to give little details of a play. Your audience is watching the game, also.Ever second-guess a quarterback or a coach.Ever be a cheerleader for the home team.A GOOD ANNOUNCER SHOULD:Know the personnel of both teams. Use spotters if necessary.Know the offensive and defensive formations of both teams.Give only the essentials after each play is completed.Give the down and yardage to gain before each play.Keep statements short and to the point.Know the signals which officials use for penalties – keep a chart sheet with you.Accept some responsibility for seeing that the game goes smoothly and that the contest is used to build goodwill between the schools and communities.Emphasize good sportsmanship by fans, schools, and participants. ................

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