CV - Dr. Gail Rice

Gail Taylor Rice

2863 Rumsey Drive

Riverside, California 92506

[H] 951-781-7877; [W] 909-558-4276

FAX (909) 558-4291


Professor, Division of Allied Health Studies

Director, Graduate Assistant Program

School of Allied Health Professions

Director, Faculty Development

Loma Linda University


Registered Nurse, State of California - 1967 - L 198980

Certified Health Education Specialist, - 1993 - #3981

National Commission for Health Education Credentialing, Inc


|Institution |Degree, Certification, Licensure |Date |

|Adventist University of Health Sciences |Adjunct Faculty Development |2015-16 |

|Harvard University | | |

| |Harvard Macy Scholar |2009 |

|Harvard University | | |

| |Faculty, Harvard Macy Institute |2010- |

|University of Southern California Keck | | |

|School of Medicine |Adjunct Faculty, School of Medicine |2011- |

| |Fellowship in Medical Education |2004 |

|Loma Linda University |Ed.D. Administration and Leadership |1983 |

|School of Education | |June |

|Loma Linda University |Ed.S. Administration and Leadership |1982 |

|School of Education | |June |

|Andrews University |M.A. Psychological Foundations / |1969 |

|School of Education |Education |August |

|Loma Linda University |P.H.N. Public Health Nursing |1968 |

|School of Nursing | |June |

|Loma Linda University |B.S.N Nursing |1968 |

|School of Nursing | |June |


|Institution |City and State |Dates |

| | | |

| | | |

|Loma Linda University |Loma Linda, CA |2004- |

|Professor of Allied Health | | |

|Studies/Director of Graduate Assistant Program | | |

| | | |

|Loma Linda University | | |

|School of Public Health, Associate Professor of Health |Loma Linda, |Assistant Prof |

|Promotion and Education |California |July 1992 - 1996 |

| | |Assoc Prof |

|School of Allied Health Professions, Professor, Department of| |Aug 96 - 99 |

|Physical Therapy | | |

| | |Associate Prof |

|School of Medicine, Associate | |July 1992-94 |

|Professor of Public Health and Preventive Medicine | |Professor 1994- |

| | | |

| | | |

| | |Aug 1994- 1999 |

|Loma Linda University |Loma Linda |July 1992 - |

|Schools of Public Health & |California |January 1994 |

|Allied Health Professions | | |

|Office of Continuing Education | | |

|Director | | |

|La Sierra University (formerly |Riverside |1984-1992 |

|Loma Linda University Riverside) |California | |

|School of Education | | |

|Department of Educational | | |

|Foundations & Research | | |

|Associate Professor | | |

|La Sierra University |Riverside |1988-1992 |

|School of Education |California | |

|Center for Research Facilitation | | |

|Director | | |

|Valuegenesis2 Research Team |Riverside, CA |2001-2005 |

|General Conference of SDAs | | |

|Member, Consulting Board | | |

|Loma Linda University Riverside |Riverside, |1984-1986 |

|School of Education |California | |

|Department of Administration & | | |

|Leadership | | |

|Associate Professor | | |

|Valuegenesis Research Team | |1989-1992 |

|Project Affirmation, General Conference of SDAs | | |

|Member, Consulting Board | | |

|Loma Linda University Riverside |Riverside, California |1983-1984 |

|School of Education | | |

|Department of Administration & | | |

|Leadership | | |

|Consultant for Doctoral Studies | | |

|Loma Linda University Riverside |Riverside, California |1985-1987 |

|School of Education | | |

|Office of Testing | | |

|Associate Director | | |

|Preparation for Childbirth |Riverside, California |1974-1992 |

|Executive Director & Instructor | | |

|Loma Linda University Riverside |Riverside, California |1975-1984 |

|College of Arts and Sciences | | |

|Department of Consumer Related | | |

|Science | | |

|Lecturer in Family Health | | |

|University of Illinois |Chicago, Illinois |Assistant Professor |

|College of Nursing | |1972-1974 |

|Department of Maternal-Child Nrsg | |Instructor |

|Assistant Professor | |1970-1972 |

|University of Illinois |Chicago, Illinois |summers of 1971, |

|College of Nursing | |1972, 1973 |

|Department of Maternal-Child Nrsg | | |

|Director of Postgraduate Workshop | | |

|(NIH federally funded) | | |

|Loma Linda University |Loma Linda |1969-1970 |

|School of Nursing |California | |

|Department of Maternal-Child Nrsg | | |

|Instructor | | |

|Memorial Hospital |St. Joseph, Michigan |1968-1969 |

|Department of Obstetrics | | |

|Loma Linda University Medical |Loma Linda |1968 |

|Center |California | |

|Department of Neurology | | |

|Staff Nurse, Team Leader | | |


|Harvard University |Harvard Macy Scholar |2009 |

| | | |

|Harvard University |Faculty, Harvard Macy Institute |2010- |

| | | |

|University of Southern |Adjunct Faculty, School of Medicine |2011- |

| | | |

|California Keck School of Medicine |Fellowship in Medical Education |2004 |


Harvard Macy Institute, Becoming a Digital Citizen: Technology in the Teaching of the Health Professional Educations, October 2013

Atomic Learning Modules – completed - 2015

20 Minute Mentor Modules – Online learning completed - 2014

Blackboard: Online Learning, San Diego CA 1998

Online Collaborative Learning/Elizabeth Barkley / POD conference

Austin Texas, 2014

Consultation in Developing AHCJ 600 Active Online Learning 1994 –

Collaboration in Teaching AHCJ 600 Active Online Learning 1994-

Dr. Marilyn Eggers

Dr. Arthur Kroetz

Bill Colwell

Ehren Ngo

Floyd Palitang

Distance Education/Online Teaching Publication

Publication: Rice G (solicited), Designing Online Tests: The Role of Testing in Web-Based Learning, Journal of Adventist Education, special issue on Online Teaching, Guest Editor, Shirley Freed, Andrews University, vol 65: 4, 31-35, 2003


Rice, Gail Taylor, "Diagnosis and Treatment of Intrapartal Fetal Distress," Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, and Neonatal Nursing, July-August, 1970. This article received the 1970 "Davis and Geck First place Award for Editorial Excellence".

Rice, Gail Taylor, (Solicited) "Market Research: What Every Educator Should Know," In A Marketing Guide For Elementary and Secondary Schools, Keith Murray, Ed., Project Affirmation, Review and Herald Press, 1989.

Rice, Gail T., (Consultation Report) "Market Research Report", La Sierra Academy Board of Directors, Southeastern California Conference of SDAs, Office of Education, 1989.

Rice, Gail T., and Clark, Kelvin, (Consultation Report) "Market Research and Strategic Planning Report", San Diego Academy, Southeastern California Conference of SDAs, 1988.

Rice, Gail (Solicited) "Valuegenesis - A Study of Faith, Values, and Commitment in Adventist Youth," Loma Linda University Observer, - Back Page - April 1990.

Rice, Gail (Consultation Report) "Marketing Adventist Education in the Pacific Union: A Report to the Spring Educational Council," Pacific Union Conference Marketing Work Team, 1990.

Rice, Gail T., "Leading Discussions in College Classrooms," Journal of Adventist Education, April-May 1990.

Rice, Gail (Consultation Report) "Demographic and Constituent Attitude Report," Inland Empire Educational Commission, Southeastern California Conference of SDAs, Office of Education, 1990.

Rice, Gail Taylor, (Solicited) "A Portrait of Adventist Educators," Journal of Adventist Education, December-January 1991.

Rice, Gail (Consultation Report) "Provost Qualifications: A Report to the Search Committee," La Sierra University Provost Search Committee, survey, analysis, and summary, 1991.

Rice, Gail, Editor, Leadership for Seventh-day Adventist Education, Loma Linda University School of Education Newsletter, 1985, 1986, 1987 1988, 1989.

Rice, Gail (Consultation Report) "Report of Program Evaluation," Mountain View Academy, Central California Conference of SDAs, Office of Education, February 1991.

Rice, Gail (Consultation Report) "Evaluation of Constituent Attitudes", Modesto Adventist Academy, Central California Conference of SDAs, 1991.

Rice, Gail, Project, Thesis, and Dissertation Guidelines, Loma Linda University School of Education, 1986, 1991.

Rice, Gail, Editor, Center for Research Facilitation Newsletter, La Sierra University, Publication of the Department of Educational Foundations and Research, December 1991.

Rice, Gail T., (Solicited) "Warming Up Adventist Youth: Have You Hugged Your Kids Today?" Spectrum, May 1992.

Rice, Gail (Consultation Report) "Program Evaluation and Recommendations for Strategic Planning," Miramonte School, Central California Conference of SDAs, 1992.

Rice, Gail T., "Opportunities for Faculty Publication," University Vitae Back Page, April 3, 1992.

Rice, Gail, "Parent University: Module 4" in Partnerships: An Administrator and Teacher's Resource Tool for Parent Involvement," Edited by Norman D. Powell, North American Division, Office of Education, August 1992.

Rice, Gail T., and V. B. Gillespie, (Solicited) "Valuegenesis: A Megastudy on Faith Maturity", Journal of Research on Christian Education, Autumn 1992, p 49-67.

Rice, Gail Taylor, Portrait of Adventist Educators: Valuegenesis Report IV, La Sierra University Press, 1993.

Rice, Gail Taylor, Enhancing Learning in the Childbirth Classroom, Journal of Perinatal Education., Volume 3, Number 3, September 1994.

Rice, Gail T., (Solicited) The Missing Element in Adventist Schools, Journal of Adventist Education, May-June 1993.

Rice, Gail Taylor, (Solicited) "Good Adventist Schools--Making a Difference", Journal of Adventist Education, , December 1993-January 1994.

Rice, Gail Taylor, (Solicited) "The Relationship Between Personality Factors and Reactions to Childbirth and the New Parenting Experience," International Childbirth Education Journal, Volume 10, Number 1, February-March, 1995.

Rice, Gail Taylor, Textures of Grace: Applying Valuegenesis Findings in Schools, La Sierra University Press, 1996.

Rice, Gail Taylor, "Good Adventist Schools--Making a Difference," Journal of Adventist Education, International Edition, 1994.

Lee, Jerry and Rice, Gail, The Adventist Family: Valuegenesis Report 5, La Sierra University Press, 1994.

Vassantachart, Dale S. M.and Rice, Gail Taylor. Academic Integration of Occupational Therapy Academic Faculty: A Survey, Journal of Occupational Therapy, July/August 1997, 51:7, 584-588.

Lee, J. and Rice, G., “Family Worship Patterns and their Correlation with Adolescent Behavior and Beliefs,” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 1997. 36 (3): 372-381.

Rice, Gail Taylor, (solicited) “Magic in the Childbirth Classroom: Applying Educational Psychology and Active Learning,” Childbirth Instructor Journal, Fall, 1996.

Rice, Gail Taylor, (solicited) (1997). (Guest Editor, Joyce Hopp). “Assessment of School Health Programs,” Journal of Adventist Education 59 (4).

Rice, G. (solicited), (1998). “Classroom Activities to Teach Grace,” Journal of Adventist Education 60(6), December-January, 1998-1999.

Baker, SM, Hopp-Marshak, H, Rice, GT, Zimmerman, G. “Patient Participation in Physical Therapy Goal-Setting”, Physical Therapy.

Rice, G. (2000). Examination Feedback: Report of Survey Data from 1999 Administration of Certified Health Educator Specialist Examinations. CHES Bulletin, Winter.

Rice G., Sciacca J (2000). The CHES examination: Development procedures and performance standard setting. CHES Bulletin. Winter.

Hayden, J., Rowes, D., Rice, G., Taub, A., Ulrich, B. (2000). 4th edition. The Certified health education specialist: Study guide for professional competence. Allentown, PA: National Commission for Health Education Credentialing, Inc.

Rice G., Sciacca J (2000). The CHES examination: Development procedures and performance standard setting. Accepted as Appendix A (pending publication and permission) In Hayden, J., Rowes, D., Rice, G., Taub, A., Ulrich, B. (2000). 4th edition. The Certified health education specialist: Study guide for professional competence. Allentown, PA: National Commission for Health Education Credentialing, Inc.

Rice G., Sciacca J. The CHES examination: Development procedures and performance standard setting. Journal of Health Education. 2001.

Rice G (solicited), Designing Online Tests: The Role of Testing in Web-Based Learning, Journal of Adventist Education, special issue on Online Teaching, Guest Editor, Shirley Freed, Andrews University, vol 65: 4, 31-35, 2003

Tamayose, T., Madjidi, F., Schmieder-Ramirez, J., Rice, G. Important Factors When Choosing a Career in Public Health, Californian Journal of Health Promotion, 2004, Volume 2, Issue 1, 65-73. (peer-reviewed, electronic journal)

Rice, G. Multiple-Choice Testing, Journal of Adventist Education. March-April 2005.

Rice, G. Upside Down Learning, in The Joy of Teaching: A Chorus of Voices, edited by Anderson, L and J. Cartafalsa, University Press of America, 2007.

Zamora-flyr, M., Marshak, H., Montgomery, S., Rice, G., “Predictors of Intention and Performance of Physical Activity in Pregnant Hispanic Women,” Journal of Perinatal Eduation, May 2010, submitted.

Smart, D., Marshak, H., Montgomery, S., Rice, G., “Predictors of Teen Pregnancy,” Journal of Perinatal Education.

Rice, G. Formative Dialogues in Teaching: Nonthreatening Peer Coaching. (Solicited) Journal of Chiropractic Education, Spring, 2012, 26:1; 62-67.

Farahat, E., Rice, G., et. Al., Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) Improves Perceived Readiness for Clinical Placement in Nutrition and Dietetic Students, Journal of Allied Health, Volume 44, Number 4, Winter 2015, pp. 208-214(7).

Farahat, E., Javaherian-Dysinger, H., Rice, G., et al, Exploring Students’ Perceptions of the Educational Value of Formative Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSE) in a Nutrition Program, Journal of Allied Health, Volume 45, Number 1, Spring 2015, pp 20-16.

Farahat, E., Rice, G., et al., Development of an Interprofessional OSCE to improve readiness for clinical placement, poster, USC Keck Medical School Innovations in Medical Education Conference, Feb 21, 2015.


|Harvard University |Harvard Macy Scholar |2009 |

| | | |

|Harvard University |Faculty, Harvard Macy Institute |2010- |

| | | |

|University of Southern |Adjunct Faculty, School of Medicine |2011- |

| | | |

|California Keck School of Medicine |Fellowship in Medical Education |2004 |


Rice, Gail T, and Richard Rice, (Solicited) "The Future of the American Family," Signs of the Times, August, 1986.

Rice, Gail T, "Market Research Assists La Sierra Academy," Pacific Union Recorder, 1989.



Title Funding Organization Funding Amt Term of Award

Youth Values and Family General Conference of $3250 1993-1994

Factors - Further Analysis Seventh-day Adventists

of Valuegenesis Data

Teachers and Adminis- John Hancock Center $500 1992-1993

trators in SDA Schools for Youth Ministry

The Relationship Between International Childbirth $1000 1992-1993

Personality Factors and Education Association

Reactions to Birthing Virginia Larsen Grant

and the New Parenting


Marketing SDA Education LLU School of Education $850 1986-1987

Attitudes of Pacific Union

Educators K-12

Family Planning Seminars National Institute of $85,000 1971, 1972 Graduate Nurses Health per year 1973

State of Illinois


"An Instructional Program for Self-Directed Childbirth Education," unpublished doctoral dissertation, Loma Linda University Riverside, June, 1983.

"Concept of Father: A Study of Six- and Eight-Year-Old Children," unpublished master's thesis, Andrews University, 1969.


"Characteristics of Uterine Circulation and Implications for Intrapartal Nursing," Biological Research and Nurse Clinicians Seminar, May 5, 1972, University of Illinois College of Nursing.

"Prenatal Nutrition," Nurse's Association of the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology Seminar -- "Towards Parenthood," October 23, 1973, Hinsdale, Illinois.

"Single and Step Parenting: Old Ties, New Challenges," November 12 and 19, 1983, La Sierra Collegiate Church Counseling Center.

"Construction of Questionnaires and Interview Guides for Research Purposes," October 17 and 24, 1983, Loma Linda University School of Education, Department of Administration and Leadership.

"Improving Communication Skills: Listening and Nonverbal Communication," November 28 and December 5, 1983, Loma Linda University School of Education, Department of Administration and Leadership.

"Supervision of Instruction," February 3 -7 , 1985, Canadian Union College Educational Advisory and Academy Principals Colloquium.

"Stress, Burnout, and Time Management for Educators," July 8 - 12 , 1985 and July 26 - 30, 1990, Loma Linda University.

"Peer Coaching: Supervision of Instruction," Loma Linda University School of Medicine, Faculty Development Seminar, 10 meetings, Spring, 1989.

"Research in Education - Survey Methods," Northern California Conference Educational Superintendents and Leaders, February, 1987, Lodi, California.

"Education for Cesarean Birth," National Harris Conference for Physicians and Educators, 1987, Las Vegas, Nevada.

"Marketing Educational Services as Childbirth Educators," Keynote address, Childbirth Institute, September 30, 1988, Hemet , CA.

"Marketing Christian Education," Loma Linda University, July 1988, July 1989, One-week Workshop.

"Adult Learning and Discussion Techniques in the Sabbath School," La Sierra Seventh-day Adventist Collegiate Church, Fall, 1989 and Spring, 1990.

"Why Lecture? Play Games Instead: Simulation Games in the Classroom," October 26, 1990, California Association of Private School Organizations Convention, Anaheim, California.

"Marketing Educational Services", Modesto Adventist Academy Board of Directors, February 21, 1991.

"Planning For Marketing Research", Modesto Adventist Academy, Marketing Advisory Council, February 22, 1991.

"The Relationship Between Cognitive Style, Critical Thinking, and Moral Reasoning Among Adolescents," California Educational Research Association, November 1990, Santa Barbara, CA.

"Valuegenesis: Crisis for Seventh-day Adventist Schools," Education Design Conference 3, Glendale, California, April 27, 1991.

"Valuegenesis Research and Effectiveness Factors in Adventist Schools," Schrillo Forum, La Sierra University, Riverside, California, November 17, 1990.

"Family Worship in American Adventist Homes," Costa Rica Seventh-day Adventist University, January 7, 1991.

"Implementing Research Findings for College Teachers in Adventist Schools," Pacific Union College Faculty Retreat, Angwin, California, April 6, 1991.

"Marketing Research for Health Educators," Loma Linda University School of Public Health Nutrition and Dietetics Seminar, July 1991.

"Research Update on Neonatal Sensation and Brain Activity," Honors Seminar, La Sierra University, October 1, 1991 and January 9, 1992.

"New Findings Regarding Strengths and Weaknesses of the Adventist Educational System", Loma Linda University Sabbath School, April 9, 1992.

"Valuegenesis: Educational and Cultural Findings," Lynwood Adventist Convocation, April 16, 1992.

"Valuegenesis: Questing for Maturity and Commitment," and "Applications of Research Findings to Teaching in Christian Institutions of Higher Education," International Faith and Learning Seminar, Institute for Christian Teaching, Lincoln, Nebraska, June 14-26, 1992.

"Adventist Education: Valuegenesis Findings as to the Needs of Adventist Youth", Mini-campmeeting for Redwood Junior Academy Constituent Churches, Santa Rosa, California, November 14, 1992.

"Relationship Between Personality Characteristics and Reactions to Birth and New Parenting Experiences: Research Report for 1992 Virginia Larsen Grant," paper accepted to be read at the International Childbirth Education Association's International Conference, Fall 1993. This project received the Virginia Larson 1992 Research Grant

"Childbirth Education: An Update," Loma Linda University School of Public Health Dean's Seminar, May 25, 1993.

"Communication in the Health Professions," La Sierra University, Departments of English and Communication, Seminar, October 14, 1993.

"Correlation Between Youth Faith Maturity and Selected Belonging Variables from Valuegenesis Research" Loma Linda University Sabbath School, January 8, 1994.

"Correlation Between Youth Faith Maturity and Selected Belonging Variables from Valuegenesis Research" La Sierra University Destination Sabbath School, January 15, 1994.

"Adolescent Health Risk Factors," Loma Linda University Alumni Postgraduate Convention, Healthy People '94, with Dr. Jerry Lee, March 9, 1994.

"Dynamics of Family Worship and Youth Outcomes," Youth Ministry Colloquim, John Hancock Center, La Sierra University, July 19, 1994.

"Communication Skills for Health Professionals" Riverside County Department of Public Health, Riverside, California, July 19, 1994.

"Abortion: The Dilemma and the Challenge," La Sierra University student chapel service (colloquim), La Sierra University Church, April 26, 1994. (deferred to 1995)

"Using Simulation Exercises in the College Classroom," International Society for Evaluating Teaching Alternatives, annual meeting, October 14, 1994, Tempe, Arizona, (juried acceptance).

"Pain Management in the Neonate," with Neil Kissinger, RN, MA, and James Fischer, MD, National Perinatal Association, annual meeting, San Diego, California, November 17, 1994.

"Certification and Perinatal Health Professionals," with Janene Jenkins, RN, National Perinatal Association, annual meeting, San Diego, California, November 17, 1994.

"Making Magic in the Classroom," Nursing Staff Development, LLUMC, January 17, 1995.

"Personality Factors, Pregnancy, Birth, and Parenting" Keynote Address, International Childbirth Education Association Annual Meeting, Phoenix, Arizona, July 21, 1995 .

"Battering in Pregnancy: Crime Against the Future" , International Childbirth Education Association Annual Meeting, Phoenix, Arizona, July 21, 1995.

"Making Magic in the Childbirth Classroom," Parts I and II, International Childbirth Education Association Annual Meeting, Phoenix, Arizona, July 23, 1995.

"Personality and Birthing: Research Report, Virginia Larsen International Childbirth Education Association Report," Association for Psychoprophylaxis in Obstetrics--ASPO/Lamaze, annual meeting, Washington, D.C., August 1995.

“Active Learning Strategies for Higher Education: Simulation Activities”, accepted for July 1995 presentation at Improving University Teaching International Congress, Hong Kong. (I did not receive university assistance with expenses for this congress, and was unable to present)

"Active Learning in the Classroom," Seminar for faculty development, Columbia Union College, Washington, D.C., August 1995.

"Active Learning Strategies for Higher Education: Simulation Activities" International Society for Evaluating Teaching Alternatives, annual meeting, October 1995, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.

“Domestic Violence in Pregnancy” Inland Empire Perinatal Advisory Council, Bishop, CA, December 1995.

“Critical Thinking in Higher Education Classrooms,” with Richard Rice, Patten College, Oakland, California, April 24, 1996.

“Learner Readiness and Educator Effectiveness in Early Perinatal Discharge,” Inland Empire Perinatal Advisory Council Conference, July 18, 1996.

Increasing Learning with Color Visuals,” with Richard Rice, International Society for Exploring Teaching Alternatives,” annual conference, October 7, 1996, Columbus, Ohio.

Active Learning Strategies for College Faculty”, Antillian Adventist University Fall Faculty Colloquim, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico, August 6, 7, 1997.

Applying Technology to the Higher Education Classroom” Oakwood College Fall Faculty Colloquim, Huntsville, Alabama, August 13, 14, 1997. (substitute for illness)

Writing High Quality Multiple Choice Questions, with Dr. Len Werner, LLUSM, Faculty Development Seminar, September 18, 1997.

Improving Lectures with AudioVisual Aids, LLUSD, Faculty Development Seminar, January 19, 1997.

Certifying Examination Construction, NCHEC, Inc. September 3-7, 1997, Washington, D.C.

Writing for Professional Journals, Board, Journal of Perinatal Education, ASPO National Meeting, September 11-14, 1997, Orlando, Florida.

Metaphors for Higher Education Faculty, International Society for Exploring Teaching Alternatives, Annual Conference, October 15-19, 1997, New Brunswick, Canada.

Improving Lectures with AudioVisual Aids, LLUSD, Faculty Development Seminar, January 19, 1998.

Affective Education: Becoming Old in Gerontology Class, with Desmyrna Taylor, Lilly Regional Confrence, Lake Arrowhead, California, March 6, 1998

Evaluating Student Performance: Objective Structured Clinical Examinations, with Nancy Heine, Lilly Regional Conference, Lake Arrowhead, California, March 8, 1998.

Set and Closure: Improving Lectures with Appropriate Beginnings and Endings, LLU Education Faire, Wong Kerlee International Conference Center, May 14, 1998.

Improving Clinical Education: Exploring New Paradigms for Clinical Teaching, Supervising, Teaching, Learning: A New Paradigm for Fieldwork Educators, Wong Kerlee International Conference Center, LLU, June 24, 1998.

Improving Clinical Education: From Teaching to Learning Supervising, Teaching, Learning: A New Paradigm for Fieldwork Educators, Wong Kerlee International Conference Center, LLU, June 24, 1998.

Improving Clinical Education: Teaching Patterns and Styles Supervising, Teaching, Learning: A New Paradigm for Fieldwork Educators, Wong Kerlee International Conference Center, LLU, June 24, 1998.

Improving Clinical Education: Adult Learners / Motivating Students Supervising, Teaching, Learning: A New Paradigm for Fieldwork Educators, Wong Kerlee International Conference Center, LLU, June 24, 1998.

Understanding Adult Learners and Generation X: Improving Teaching Performance, LLU School of Allied Health Professions, Faculty Development Seminar, June 25, 1998.

Teaching Adults: Essentials, eXcite ’99, August 7, 1998, La Sierra University, Riverside, California.

Set and Closure: Teaching Process Essentials, eXcite ’99, August 7, 1998, La Sierra University, Riverside, California.

Case Based Multiple Choice Examination Questions, with Dr. Len Werner, LLU Faculty Development Seminar, Wong Kerlee International Conference Center, June 25, 1998.

Are We Having Fun Yet? The Role of Enjoyment in Learning. Lilly Conference on College and University Teaching – West. 5 March 1999. Lake Arrowhead, California

Distance Learning in the Allied Health Classroom, with Liane Hewitt Lilly Conference on College and University Teaching – West. 5-7 March 1999. Lake Arrowhead, California

The Use of Interdisciplinary Portfolio Courses to Assess a School of Allied Health’s Mission and Goals. With Malinowski C. Alipoon L. Donesky D. Lilly Conference on College and University Teaching – West. 5-7 March 1999. Lake Arrowhead, California

Essentials of Good Teaching. Loma Linda University Faculty Development Seminar, Faculty of Religion, April 1, 1999.

Are We Having Fun Yet? Enjoying Fieldwork Education. Loma Linda University 1999 Fieldwork Education Forum, June 23, 1999

Baker, SM, Hopp-Marshak, H, Rice, GT, Zimmerman, G. “Patient Participation in Physical Therapy Goal-Setting”, Research poster presentation, Physical Therapy, June 1999.

Rice, R., Carr, M., Rice, G., "Critical Thinking in the Higher Education Classroom." Education Faire and Conference 2000: Excellence in Education for the New Century. Loma Linda University, January 20, 2000.

Baker, SM, Hopp-Marshak, H, Rice, GT, Zimmerman, G. “Patient Participation in Physical Therapy Goal-Setting”, Research poster presentation, Education Faire and Conference 2000: Excellence in Education for the New Century. Loma Linda University, January 20, 2000.

Rice, G. "Are We Having Fun Yet? The Role of Enjoyment and Humor in Higher Education", Education Faire and Conference 2000: Excellence in Education for the New Century. Loma Linda University, January 20, 2000.

Rice, G. "Are We Having Fun Yet? The Role of Enjoyment and Humor in Higher Education", International Society for Exploring Teaching & Learning, Annual Conference, Huntington Beach, California, October 14-18, 2000. (ISETA presentations are juried, double-blind).

Rice, G. Learning Teams: Success with Small Groups in Higher Education, International Society for Exploring Teaching and Learning, Annual Conference, , October 14-18, 2001. (ISETL proposals are juried, double-blind).

Rice, G, Beardsley, L. Cao, J Developing Case-Based Multiple-Choice Questions, Innovations in Medical Education Conference, hosted by Keck School of Medicine, USC, Omni Hotel, Los Angeles, February 28, 2003.

Rice, G. Magical Moments: New Ways to Illustrate Key Learning Points, International Society for Exploring Teaching and Learning, Annual Conference, , October 14-18, 2003. (ISETL presentations are juried, double-blind).

Rice, G. “Right-Side-Up Learning,” Innovations in Medical Education Conference, hosted by Keck School of Medicine, USC, Pasadena Hilton, February 29, 2004.

Rice, G. “Right-Side-Up Learning: Awakening Inquiry in Higher Education” Convencion De Profesores Universitarios Adventistas, Montemorelos, Mexico, June 7, 2004.

Rice, G. “Essential Elements in the Higher Education Classroom”. Convencion De Profesores Universitarios Adventistas, Montemorelos, Mexico, June 8, 2004.

Rice, G. “Role of Humor and Enjoyment in Medical Education,” invited presentation,” Innovations in Medical Education Conference, hosted by Keck School of Medicine, USC, Pasadena Hilton, March 4-6, 2005.

Rice, G. “Using Dominoes to Teach Essential Elements in Student or Patient Teaching, International Society for Enhancing Teaching and Learning, accepted double-blind, peer reviewed, October 12-15, 2005, Orlando, Florida.

Rice, G., “Ten Top Reasons To Change Curriculum When You Don’t Have To,” Loma Linda University Education Conference and Faire 2006, January 19, 2006.

Rice, G., Modeste, N., Ray, T., “Formative Dialogues in Teaching,” Loma Linda University Education Conference and Faire 2006, January 19, 2006.

Rice, G. “Right Side Up Learning,” invited presentation,” Innovations in Medical Education Conference, hosted by Keck School of Medicine, USC, Pasadena Hilton, March 4-6, 2006.

Rice, G., Nick, D., Anderson, L., Formative Dialogues in Teaching: Reflective Practice on the Scholarship of Teaching, International Society for Enhancing Teaching and Learning, accepted double-blind, peer-reviewed, October 19, 2006, Palm Springs, California

Rice, G., Dominos and Teaching, Southern California Faculty Development Learning Community, October 13, 2006, Claremont, California.

Rice, G., Right Side Up Learning, Southern California Faculty Development Learning Community, October 13, 2006, Claremont, California.

Carr, L., Rice, G., et al., Faculty Learning Communities, American Association of Medical Colleges, Group on Faculty Affairs Professional Development Conference, January 26-29, 2007, San Diego, CA.

Rice, G. Accelerating Learning and Reducing Lecturing, Innovations in Medical Education: Transforming Health Professions’ Education Through Innovation, Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California, March 4, 2007, Pasadena, California.

Rice, G., Applying Educational Psychology to the Worship Service: Motivating your Parishioners, Worship Leaders Conference, Auckland, New Zealand, March, 2007.

Rice, G. Formative Dialogues in Teaching. Lilly West Conference on Teaching and Learning. Claremont, California, March 15, 2007

Rice, G and Kroetz, A., Are We Having Fun Yet? Western Association of Schools and Colleges, Annual Conference, April 19, 2007, San Jose, California.

Rice, G., Modeste, N., Nick, D., Formative Dialogues in Teaching, Education Conference and Faire 2008: Creating Effective Learning Environments, Feb 18, 2008.

Carr, L., Richlin, L., Rice, G., Faculty Learning Communities in Medical Education, Education Conference and Faire 2008: Creating Effective Learning Environments, Feb 18, 2008.

Carr, L, Rice, G, Faculty Learning Communities in Medical Education, USC Medical Innovations in Medical Education annual conference, Pasadena, California, March 8-9, 2008.

Rice, G. Taft College Faculty Colloquia, Taft, California, January 12, 13, 2009

Team Based Learning

Assessment and Evaluation in Learning

Improving the Lecture

Clinical Teaching and Assessment

Rice, G, Using Games and Simulations in Medical Education, USC Medical Innovations in Medical Education annual conference, Pasadena, California, March 15, 2009.

Rice, G, Teaching for Excellent Learning: Team Based Learning Groups, Lilly West Conference on Higher Education, Claremont, California, March 20-21, 2009

Rice, R, Rice, G. End of Life Care: The Body as Symbol of the Person, Corpo, Salute Eidentita Personale, Florence, Italy, May 9, 2009

Rice, G., Teaching for Excellent Learning: Using Games in the Higher Education Classroom, Lilly Conference on Higher Education, Travers City, Michigan, September 25, 2009.

Rice, G. Taft College Faculty Colloquia, Taft, California, January 6, 7, 2010

Brain-based Learning

Magical Teaching

Clinical Teaching and Assessment (with Shirley Lee)

Rice, G., Discussion Teaching: Using Cases, LLU Faculty Development Showcase Week, February 2, 2010.

Rice, G., Teaching with the Brain in Mind, Innovations in Medical Education: Transforming Health Professions Education through Innovation, USC Keck School of Medicine, Pasadena, California, March 14, 2010.

Rice, G., Right-Side-Up Learning, Harvard Macy Scholar Project, poster presentation, May 2010, Boston, Massachusetts.

Rice, G., “Right-Side-Up Learning: Starting and Stopping the Lecture,” poster presentation at the conference of the American Academy of Medical Colleges, November 5, 2010, Washington DC.

Rice, G., “Right-Side-Up Learning: Starting and Stopping the Lecture,” Harvard Macy Scholar Program, May 16, 2011, Boston, Massachusetts.

Rice, G., “Set and Closure: Lecture Essentials,” (invited presentation) Harvard Macy Scholar Program, January 6, 2012, Boston, Massachusetts.

Rice, G., Daily, R., and Rogers, T., “Formative Dialogues: Peer-Coaching for Improved Instruction,” LLU Faculty Development Showcase Week, Feb. 22, 2012.

Rice, G., “Kindergarten for Medical Educators: Brain-Based Learning” (invited presentation) USC Keck School of Medicine Innovations in Medical Education Conference, February 26, 2012, Pasadena, California.

Rice, G., “Neurobiology and Medical Education” Harvard Macy Scholar Program, May 4, 2012, Boston, Massachusetts.

Rice, G., and Oberg, K., “Team-Based Learning for Medical Education,” UTSA, San Antonio, School of Medicine, invited presentation, Master Teachers Induction, May 10, 2012.

Rice, G., “ Transformative Teaching and Learning,” LLU School of Pharmacy Faculty Seminars, July 9-13, 2012.

Rice, G., “Transforming Students through Transforming Teaching,” LLU Psychiatry Medicine Residency Program, July 18, 25, August 1, 8, 2012.

Rice, G., “Transformative Teaching and Learning,” LLU Nursing Staff Development, August 24, 2012.

Rice, G and Fisher, D., “Improving Retention in Large Group Teaching: 3 Sure-Fire Tips for Learning That Sticks” , Invited Workshop for USC Innovations in Medical Education Annual Conference, Los Angeles, California, February 24, 2013.

Rice, G., and Colbern, E., Improving Retention through Repetition” Harvard Macy Institute Workshop for Health Educational Professions, May, 2013, Boston, Massachusetts.

Rice, G., and Colbern, E., Improving Retention through Repetition” Harvard Macy Institute Workshop for Health Educational Professions, May, 2014, Boston, Massachusetts.

Rice, G., and Johnson, E., “Student Success: Practical Strategies to Increase Motivation, Engagement, and Learning,” Faculty Colloquium for Evergreen Valley College, August 29, 2014, San Jose, California.

Fisher, Dixie, Anita Richards, and Gail Rice, Getting Your Cool Idea Off the Ground, USC Keck School of Medicine, Innovations in Medical Education Conference, February 22, 2015.

Rice, G., and Colbern, E., Improving Retention through Repetition” Harvard Macy Institute Workshop for Health Educational Professions, May, 2015, Boston, Massachusetts.

Rice, G., Grabbing and Holding Learner Attention: The Myth of Multitasking, Adventist University of Health Sciences, ADU Professional Development, Orlando, Florida, July 6, 2015.

Rice, G. and Slockett, D., Engaging the Online Learner, Adventist University of Health Sciences, ADU Professional Development, Orlando, Florida, August 3, 2015.

Rice, G., Discussion/Case-Based Teaching, Adventist University of Health Sciences, ADU Professional Development, Orlando, Florida, September 21, 2015.

Rice, G., Micro-Teaching¸ Adventist University of Health Sciences, ADU Professional Development, Orlando, Florida, October 8, 2015.

Rice, G. and Booker, N., Micro Teaching Fishbowl, Adventist University of Health Sciences, ADU Professional Development, Orlando, Florida, November 2.

Rice, G. and Heine, N., OSCEs and Simulation Learning for Health Professional Students, Adventist University of Health Sciences, ADU Professional Development, Orlando, Florida, November 30, 2016.

Rice, G. Formative Dialogues Certification Workshop, Adventist University of Health Sciences, ADU Professional Development, Orlando, Florida, January 25, 2016

Rice, G., Loma Linda University Best Practices in Education, Lilly Conference West, Evidence Based Teaching and Learning, February 18, 2016.

Rice, G., and Fisher, D., Turning Teaching Innovations into Scholarship, USC Keck School of Medicine Innovations in Medical Education annual conference, February 19 2016, San Gabriel, California.


CHES Board, National Commission for Health Education Credentialing, Inc., Division Board for certification of health education specialists, 1994 - 1999

Association for Pyschoprophylaxis in Obstetrics, ASPO/Lamaze, national election to nominating committee, 1996 - present

Directed regional item-writing workshop for National Commission for Health Education Credentialing, Inc., Loma Linda, California, November 10, 11, 1996.

Co-directed regional item-writing workshop for National Commission for Health Education Credentialing, Inc., James Madison University, Virginia, May, 1999.

Valuegenesis2 Executive Committee, La Sierra University, May 1999 through 2002.

Board of Directors, International Society for Enhancing Teaching and Learning, 1997-2005

Board of Directors, Association of Adventist Forums/Spectrum, 2003-.


Physical Therapy

College Teaching

Issues and Inquiry in Higher Education

Journal of Perinatal Education

International Society for Exploring Teaching Alternatives


International Society for Enhancing Teaching & Learning

USC Keck School of Medicine Innovations in Medical Education

Lilly Conferences in Higher Education


National Maternal-Child Nursing Curriculum Revision Committee, National League for Nursing, Columbia University, New York, 1970, 1971, 1972

American Society for Psychoprophylaxis in Obstetrics, Review Panel, Childbirth Educator Certification Process, 1972-1974.

La Sierra Academy, marketing and strategic planning consultation, 1988-1989

San Diego Academy, marketing and strategic planning consultation, 1988

Riverside County General Hospital, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, consultation for establishment of prenatal education for low-income and non English speaking patients and for preparation of grant proposal, 1989

Statistical consultation for doctoral disseration for Goldson Brown, 1989.

Inland Educational Commission, Southeastern California Conference of SDA's, survey and analysis of demographic trends in inland empire area schools, 1990

Marketing Work Team, Pacific Union Conference of SDAs, survey and strategic planning, 1990

La Sierra University, Provost Search Committee, faculty survey and data analysis

Mountain View Academy, Constituency Assessment, Evaluation, and Strategic Planning Recommendations, 1991

Modesto Adventist Academy, Constituency Evaluation, Survey Design, Data Analysis, Report, and Recommendations to Long-Range Planning Committee of the Board of Directors, 1991.

Monterey Bay Academy, Consultation for Analysis of Need for Change from Boarding only to Boarding Plus Day Student Status, 1991.

Miramonte School, Program Evaluation and Assessment Planning, 1992.

Statistical Consultation for doctoral dissertation for Sammy Browne, 1991.

Department of Radiation Technology, LLU SAHP, Evaluation of Ultrasound Technology Program for curriculum revision, scheduling and possible expansion into Bachelor's program.

John Hancock Center for Youth Ministry, La Sierra University, Dr. Bailey Gillespie, Director, Design of survey instrument for use with conferences and institutions requesting assistance with market research and constituent awareness studies. First evaluation instrument will be used with the New England Conference of SDAs.

Statistical Consultation for doctoral dissertation for Greg Madsen, doctoral student at Andrews University, 1993.

Monterey Bay Academy, continuation of 1991 consultation--survey design, data analysis, report generation, design of telephone interview project, data analysis, recommendations, 1994.

Orange County School District, ROP, Allied Health, 1996.

Statistical Consultation for M. Brown, doctoral student, La Sierra University, School of Education, 1996.

Psychometric consultation for National Commission for Health Education Credentialing, Inc., Examination Construction for Certification, 1994, 1997, 1998 1999.


National Perinatal Association

American Public Health Association

Teachers of Maternal-Child Health

American Educational Research Association

California Educational Research Association

Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development

Nurses Association of the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology

International Childbirth Education Association

Lamaze International, formerly American Society for Psychoprophylaxis in Obstetrics and ASPO/Lamaze


Graduated magna cum laude from Loma Linda University's School of Nursing, 1968.

National Institute of Mental Health Grant for academic year 1967-1968, tuition, fees and monthly stipend, Loma Linda University.

Recipient of Alumni Award, 1968, which provided graduate study assistance, Loma Linda University.

Graduated summa cum laude from Andrews University School of Education, 1969.

National Institute of Health federal grant for providing graduate education in family planning, Summer 1971, 1972, 1973 University of Illinois, College of Nursing, Department of Maternal-Child Nursing,.

Davis and Geck First Place Award for Editorial Excellence for "Recognition and Treatment of Intrapartal Fetal Distress." article published in the Journal of Ostetric, Gynecologic, and Neonatal Nursing.

President's Award, Loma Linda University School of Education, 1983.

Graduated summa cum laude from Loma Linda University, June, 1983.

Young Women's Christian Association Women of Achievement, Certificate of Recognition of Exceptional Ability and Performance, Greater Riverside Chambers of Commerce and the Press-Enterprise, 1991.

Virginia Larsen Research Grant, International Childbirth Education Association, 1992 for "The Relationship between Personality Characteristics and Responses to Birth and the New Parenting Experience."

Alpha Lambda Phi chapter of Sigma Theta Tau, national honor society for nursing.

La Sierra University, Women’s Resource Center, Outstanding Women, 75th anniversary, March 14, 1998.


National Commission for Health Education Credentialing, Inc., Division Board for Credentialing of Certified Health Education Specialists, 1995-1999

Association for Psychoprophylaxis in Obstetrics (ASPO-Lamaze), National Board of Directors, Nominating Committee, 1997-1998, 1998-1999.

National Perinatal Association, Board of Directors, C0-Chair, Conference Planning Committee, 1994.

International Society for Enhancing Teaching and Learning, National Board of Directors, 2001-2005.

Adventist Virtual Learning Network, Board of Directors, Co-Chair Conference Planning Committee, 2003, 2004.

Association of Adventist Forums/Spectrum, Board of Directors, 2002-


Journal of Perinatal Education - (refereed journal supported by the Association for Psychoprophylaxis in Obstetrics - Editor - Sharron Humenick)

Issues and Inquiry in College Learning and Teaching (refereed periodical published Fall, Winter, and Spring --Editor - Hal Anderson)

College Teaching, formerly Journal of Excellence in College Teaching

Physical Therapy

Journal of Health Education

Journal of Adventist Education


Loma Linda University School of Medicine

Education Committee for Faculty Development

Loma Linda University School of Dentistry

Education Committee for Faculty Development

Admissions for International Dental Program

Loma Linda University School of Allied Health Professions

Department of Physical Therapy / Curriculum

Loma Linda University School of Public Health

Department of Health Promotion and Education

Maternal Child Health Curriculum

Department of Health Administration / Consultant

Loma Linda University

Faculty Development in Education, chair, 1994 to present

IFAC, invited member 1994 to present

LLU Faculty of Graduate Studies Council

IFAC at-large representative to the LLU Grievance Committee

LLU Learning and Technology IFAC representative

LLU Distance Education Committee

LLU Educational Effectiveness Committee

Community / State / National

• Adolescent Pregnancy and Parenting Coordinating Council, San Bernardino County Health Dept.

• Inland Empire Perinatal Advisory Council, Region V, State of California

• March of Dimes Professional Education committee

• Children's Network, San Bernardino County Committee for Teen

Pregnancy Prevention

• Valuegenesis Research Coordinating Committee, Project Affirmation, General Conference of SDAs, 1989 – 1994+

• National Perinatal Association – 1996 National Program Planning Committee

• National Council for Health Education Credentialing, Inc., Division Board for Credentialing, Testing and Evaluation / Board of Directors

• Valuegenesis2 Research Coordinating Council, 1999-2002

• Association of Adventist Forums/Spectrum, Board of Directors, 2001 -


La Sierra Academy Board of Trustees (1985 - 1993)

La Sierra Academy Personnel Committee (1989 -1993)

Advisor, La Sierra Academy Student Association, Outreach Activities, 1990-1991

Pacific Union Marketing Work Team, 1985-1989

William Chunestudy Chorale Board of Directors, 1989 – 1993/2003-

Sierra Singers, member (1981-1998)

Riverside Master Chorale, member (1993 -1997 )

Cantori Domino, member (1998-

Board Member, La Sierra University Church, 1997-1999

Women’s Ministries Committee, La Sierra University Church, 1997 – 2003

Health Education Committee, La Sierra University Church

Consultations, sermons, and presentations at churches (listing available upon request)


Maternal-child health, teenage pregnancy, sexuality and sex education, adult education, psychological aspects of childbearing, parenting education programs, leadership dynamics, communication, faculty development, educational strategies, health promotion and education, and dynamics of youth moral development, higher education teaching and learning.


EDAD 545 Supervision of Instruction

EDAD 577 Directed Readings

EDAD 589 Developing Conventions, Institutes, and Work Conferences

EDAD 604 Research in Educational Administration and Leadership

EDAD 674 Seminar in Supervision of Instruction

EDAD 676 School-Community Relations: Marketing Christian Education

EDAD 690 Seminar in Communication in Organizations

EDAD 694 Seminar in Stress, Burnout, and Time Management for Educators

EDAD 694J,U Seminar in Marketing Education

EDCI 515 Curriculum Development in Higher Education

EDFO 305 Psychological Foundations of Education

EDFO 504 Methods and Materials of Research

EDFO 524 Human Growth and Development/Birth to Adolescence EDFO 525 Human Growth and Development/Adulthood

EDFO 555 Educational Statistics

EDFO 604 Program Research and Evaluation

EDFO 699 Research Design

CRS 405 (Undergraduate) Family Health


HPRO 523 Maternal and Child Health

HPRO 609 Issues in Maternal and Perinatal Health

HPRO 555 Early Age Parenthood

HPRO 557 Issues and Programs in Family Planning

HPRO 614 Seminar on Maternal Child Health Practice


ACHJ 405 Dynamics of Learning and Teaching

AHCJ 409 Adult Learning Styles

AHCJ 415 Educational Psychology

AHCJ 505 Educational Psychology for Health Professionals

AHCJ 509 Teaching and Learning Styles

AHCJ 506 Instructional Evaluation Design—Educational Evaluation and Clinical Assessment

AHCJ 558 Stress and Health Professional Education

AHCJ 564 Group Theory and Procedures—Collaborative Learning in Higher Educartion

AHCJ 515 Curriculum Development in Higher Education

AHCJ 601 Research Literature Review

AHCJ 599 Directed Teaching

AHCJ 600 Active Online Learning

AHCJ 699 Directed Study


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