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[Pages:108] 2018 Alabama State Nurses Association Annual Convention


The 2018 ASNA Annual Convention and House of Delegates is dedicated to Dr. Bobbie Holt-Ragler

The 2018 Annual ASNA Convention is dedicated to Dr. Bobbie Holt-Ragler. Dr. Holt-Ragler, or Bobbie as many of us affectionately know her, has been a member of the Alabama State Nurses Association (ASNA) and Mobile County Nurses Society since 1992. She has held the position of Treasurer at both the local and state level and is in her 10th year participating as a delegate representing her district at ASNA Annual Conventions.

Her accolades include numerous awards for excellence as a student, nurse, mentor, and leader. Bobbie has been recognized by her peers in nursing many times including the Lillian Holland Harvey Award, Sigma Theta Tau President's Award for Outstanding Service, Award for Excellence in Nursing Mentorship, and the Lillian B. Smith Award. In 1996 she wrote and produced the American Nurses Association's Convention and Centennial Celebration Theme Song "A Nurse's Tribute."

Phillipians 2:4 states, Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others. Bobbie lives this verse daily. She is a member of the Greater Allenville A.O.H. in Whistler, Alabama where she is involved in the ministry of music and Sunday School.

Her servant's heart shows through in her community work in programs to bring recognition and an end to domestic violence, advocating for the USA Center of Excellence for Healthy Communities to eliminate health disparities, the American Cancer Society and American Heart Association, and coaching elders at local libraries through the Matter of Balance program.

It is with great respect and affection we the nurses of the Alabama State Nurses Association dedicate this 105th ASNA Annual Convention to Dr. Bobbie Holt-Ragler.


2018 Alabama State Nurses Association Annual Convention

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2018 Alabama State Nurses Association Annual Convention


Auburn University School of Nursing ? Platinum Sponsor *Keynote Address Alacare Home Health & Hospice ? Gold Sponsor *Awards Luncheon

Arthur L. Davis Publishing Agency, Inc. ? Gold Sponsor *Al Fresco Celebration Dinner Tenet Healthcare ? Gold Sponsor *Auction

Middle Tennessee School of Anesthesia ? Bronze Sponsor *Board of Nursing Plenary ASNA District 5 ? *Opening Plenary

Association of Nigerians Montgomery ? *Poster Sponsor Southeast Health ? *2018 Convention Bag Sponsor


Air Methods, Inc. Alabama Health Action Coalition

Alabama Organ Center Auburn University at Montgomery

Chamberlain University Children's of Alabama DCH Health System Gideons International Healthcare Learning Innovations

Tenet Healthcare The Porter Agency of Farmers Insurance The University of Alabama Capstone College of Nursing The University of Alabama in Huntsville

Troy University UAB Medicine USG eMajor/Columbus State University Wexford Health Services


2018 Alabama State Nurses Association Annual Convention 4

2018 Alabama State Nurses Association Annual Convention


Contents S_p__o_n_s_o_rs__a_n_d_E_x_h_i_b_it_o_r_s____________________________________________________________________ 3 W__e_l_c_o_m__e_______________________________________________________________________________ 11 G__e_n_e_r_a_l _In_f_o_r_m_a_t_io_n_______________________________________________________________________ 15 C__o_n_v_e_n_ti_o_n__A_g_e_n_d_a_______________________________________________________________________ 19 R__e_so_l_u_t_io_n_s______________________________________________________________________________ 20 M__e_e_t_t_h_e__C_a_n_d_id__a_te_s______________________________________________________________________ 27 P__a_rl_ia_m__e_n_ta_r_y__In_f_o_rm__a_ti_o_n__________________________________________________________________ 35 A__n_n_u_a_l_R_e_p_o_r_t_s__________________________________________________________________________ 39 D__i_st_ri_c_t_B_o_u_n_d__a_ri_e_s_&__M__a_p_________________________________________________________________ 79 A__S_N_A__B_y_l_a_w_s____________________________________________________________________________80 A__u_b_u_r_n_M__a_r_ri_o_tt__O_p_e_l_ik_a__H_o_t_e_l_-_M__a_p________________________________________________________ 96 A__S_N_A__S_t_ra_t_e_g_ic__P_la_n_______________________________________________________________________ 97 W__i_ll_in_g__t_o_S_e_r_v_e_F_o_r_m_____________________________________________________________________ 103

Published by: Arthur L. Davis Publishing Agency, Inc.

Printed and Published for the Alabama State Nurses Association by: Arthur L. Davis Publishing Agency 517 Washington St., P.O. Box 216 Cedar Falls, Iowa 50613 (319) 277-2414


2018 Alabama State Nurses Association Annual Convention

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