
Position Title: Home Co-ordinator

Reports To: Team Leader – Registered Nurse

Location: Manawatu, Horowhenua, Kapiti, Hawkes Bay and Wellington.

Adherence to the following documents within MASH Trust forms part of this job description:

• MASH Trust Policies and Procedures manual

• MASH Trust Code of Conduct

• MASH Trust Business Plan

These can be found at each MASH Trust workplace.

Purpose of Position:

The purpose of the Home Co-ordinator position is the coordination of the administrative duties and the physical environment needs of the service.

• Management of administrative duties

• Point of contact for all internal support staff and external agencies

• Liaison with office, Residential Service Manager and Team Leader

• Management of the environment of the house

Functional Relationships

Internal External

Service Manager Consumers and their families

Team Leader – RN District Health Boards

Community Support Workers Family/Whanau

Office staff Other Key Stake holders

Day Services Team

Key Duty Areas

The Home Co-ordinator is responsible for ensuring that tasks are completed under the following duty areas:

1. Team Building

2. Property Maintenance

3. Consumer Support

4. Support Planning

5. Activities of Daily Living

6. Orientation

7. Administration

8. Documentation

9. Key Companion Duties

10. Quality Improvement

11. Day Service Activities

12. Medication

13. Rosters

|Duty Area |Tasks |Performance Measures |

|Team Building |Delegate tasks to CSWs (in consultation with T/L |Decisions affecting the running of the |

| |when required) |household are made in conjunction with the |

| | |T/L |

| |Work together with T/L to ensure the smooth and |Staffing issues are discussed with the T/L |

| |effective running of the household | |

| | | |

| |Alert T/L to any issues affecting clinical |T/L is kept informed of issues arising |

| |wellbeing of consumers | |

| | |Staff report assistance from Home |

| |Attend all staff meetings |Co-ordinator in daily duties |

| | |Staff report they have been consulted |

| |Follow up issues raised by team members |regarding delegated tasks |

| | |Home Co-ordinator is present at all staff |

| |Ensure staff not able to attend staff meetings |meetings unless on leave |

| |receive information from meeting |Staff report appropriate follow-up with |

| | |issues concerned |

| |Relay relevant information to T/L |Staff unable to attend meetings report they |

| | |have received the relevant information |

| | |Requirements of support plans and ADL’s are |

| | |met |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| |Ensure CSW’s follow specific support plans and | |

| |ADL’s | |

|Property Maintenance |Ensure the interior of the house is maintained |The interior of the house is maintained to |

| |Ensure the exterior of the house is maintained |HDSS |

| | |The exterior of the house is maintained to |

| |Facilitate replacement of household items |Household Standards |

| | |Items in need of replacement are identified |

| | |and collated |

| | |Items in need of replacement are replaced in |

| | |a timely manner |

|Consumer Support |Provide safe, person centred support within legal |Consumer support meets health and disability |

| |and ethical frameworks. |sector standards and in accordance with the |

| | |Health and Disability Commissioner’s Code of |

| | |Rights |

| | |Consumers’ behaviour is managed according to |

| | |support plans |

| | |All staff meetings are attended unless on |

| |Assist in implementing and reviewing behavioural |authorised leave |

| |management programmes and support plans in |Person Centred support plans are in place |

| |conjunction with the Team Leader | |

| | | |

| |Attend staff meetings to ensure consistent |Consumers participate as fully as possible in|

| |consumer support |community and leisure activities |

| | | |

| |Support consumers in gathering information to make|All rehabilitation, physical and other |

| |informed choices for person centred plans |therapy programmes are followed correctly |

| | | |

| |Provide support for consumers to participate in | |

| |leisure activities, sports, recreational, and | |

| |community activities according to support plans | |

| | | |

| |Provide support for consumers to participate in | |

| |vocational training, supported employment |Team is informed of any developments |

| |according to support plans | |

| | | |

| |Liaise with Key stakeholders and feedback to the |All incidents and concerns are reported |

| |team any relevant information | |

| | | |

| |Alert as appropriate RN/Team Leader or Clinical On| |

| |Call to any concerns regarding consumer wellbeing |Evidence of CSW support |

| | | |

| |Oversee and support CSW’s in their companion role | |

|Support Planning |Work with T/L and staff to: |Support plans reflect appropriate needs |

| |establish a supportive relationship with the |Support plans are monitored as required – at |

| |people you are supporting |least 3 monthly |

| |set specific and achievable goals |Staff are involved in planning for the |

| |role model acceptable behaviours and reinforce |peoples’ needs |

| |positive behaviour strategies with people |All team members are clear as to the support |

| |Ensure Service Plan meetings are held as needed |plans of each person to ensure consistency of|

| |(at least annually) for each person – as per |support. |

| |Service Plan checklist |Support Plan reviews take place as scheduled |

| | |Service Plan meetings are co-ordinated and |

| | |held at least annually |

|Activities of Daily Living |Ensure the physical environment is clean, tidy |The residence is kept clean and tidy |

| |and hygienic | |

| | |Nutritious meals are prepared according to |

| |Prepare meals or assist with meal preparation as |menu planner |

| |required |Consumer appearance reflects high personal |

| | |hygiene standards |

| |Provide personal care for consumers including but| |

| |not limited to showering/bathing, shaving, | |

| |toileting, dressing, feeding, medication | |

| |administration and medical support as directed by| |

| |clinical staff | |

| | | |

| |Assist in the safe lifting, rotating, and other | |

| |physical support activities of consumers when |Consumers’ physical discomfort, if any, is |

| |necessary |kept to a minimum |

| | | |

| |Support consumers with managing their finances | |

| | |All consumers finances are in order |

|Orientation |When new staff orientate through the house |New staff are oriented through the house |

| |arrange that they are taken through the |within one week |

| |orientation programme |All new staff understand what the PPPR act |

| |Ensure a copy of the PPPR act is available to |means to each person |

| |staff |All new staff receive documentation regarding|

| | |household procedures and other relevant |

| | |information |

| | |All new staff meet with the T/L and |

| | |Residential Services Manager and attend |

| | |Orientation Hui within one month. |

| |New staff are introduced to line management and | |

| |the organisation | |

|Administration |Ensure that all consumer information is recorded |Advise T/L if consumer documentation is not |

| |accurately and completely |accurate or up-to-date |

| |Ensure confidentiality and security of consumer |Consumer documentation is stored in a secure |

| |documentation |cabinet |

| |Maintain supplies of forms |No unauthorised people access consumer |

| | |documentation |

| | |Forms in the house are re-stocked when there |

| |Ensure that office administration requirements |are three forms left |

| |are met |House request forms are submitted to the |

| | |office in a timely manner |

| | |Incident report forms are submitted to the |

| | |appropriate manager within 24 hours of the |

| | |event |

| | |Inward and outward correspondence is |

| | |processed daily |

| | |Telephone/fax messages are responded to in a |

| | |timely manner |

| | |Staff and consumer petty cash is balanced, |

| | |stocked monthly and not depleted |

| | |Petty cash is kept in a secure cabinet for |

| | |authorised people only |

| | |Timesheets are correct, complete and sent on |

| | |time |

| | | |

| |Petty Cash is managed and secure | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| |Timesheets are prepared and sent to Team Leader | |

|Documentation |Ensure Daily Notes, and financial records are |All documentation is tidy, legible and signed|

| |checked and completed accurately and neatly |off |

|Key Companion Duties |Be a point of contact for the personal network of|Personal networks are maintained according to|

| |the consumer as identified in the consumer file |the Consumer file |

| | | |

| |Take responsibility for ensuring the file for the|File tidy up to date and accurate |

| |consumer under their care is up to date, tidy and| |

| |accurate | |

| | |Consumer birthdays, Christmas and other |

| |Ensure personal consumer events are acknowledged |anniversaries are acknowledged and celebrated|

| |and celebrated | |

|Quality Improvement |Liaise with the team regarding implementation of |Quality initiatives are implemented in the |

| |quality initiatives |house and forwarded to the Combined Committee|

| | | |

|Day Service Activities |Advise consumers and staff of Day Services and |People attend diarised activities during the |

| |vocational activities |day and after hours |

| | |People are aware of Day Services options |

| | |Day service issues are addressed |

| |Liaise with Day Service and relay any issues to | |

| |the Team Leader for follow up | |

|Medication |Complete medication training and certification. |Current certification |

| |Revalidate annually | |

| | | |

| |Administer Medication according to the Policy & | |

| |Procedure |No Medication errors |

|Rosters |Support the roster coordinator to ensure house |All rostered shifts are covered |

| |rosters are covered | |

Person Specification:

Core Competencies:

• Consumer focused

• Quality focused

• Flexibility – Shift work

• Team work

• Communication – written & oral

• Organisation & Time management

• Problem Solving

Knowledge & Job-Specific Competencies

|Competency |Behaviours representative of an Home Co-ordinator displaying this |

| |competency |

|Qualifications |No minimum entry qualifications are required but you are required to |

| |work towards a NZ Certificate in Health and Wellbeing (Support Work) |

| |Level 3 or hold a relevant equivalent qualification in a related field.|

|Ability to empower others |Encourages staff to support people to do activities that will enhance |

| |their social value |

| |Models acceptable societal behaviour for consumers and team members |

| |Encourages staff to support people to think out their decisions and |

| |consequences where appropriate |

|Ability to apply continuous quality |Suggests quality initiatives and ensures they are followed through |

|improvement principles |Constantly strives to improve the working environment for staff and |

| |consumers |

|Holistic, person-focused support and care |Works with the T/L to ensure people’s needs are met and documented |

| |Works very closely with the Welfare Guardian in all decisions involving|

| |their family member |

| |Displays an encouraging and positive manner with people |

|Open Communication and Collaboration |Praises team members for work done well |

| |Forms a unified leadership team with the T/L |

| |Ensures that courses of action are agreed upon in consultation with the|

| |T/L before consulting with staff |

| |Shares information regarding staff and consumers with the T/L to enable|

| |the smooth day-to-day running of the house |

|Team Player |Displays a friendly approachable manner |

| |Maintains an open relationship with all staff |

|Cultural Awareness |Learns the cultural needs of consumers and staff in the house |

| |Implements the respective cultural needs in the house |

|Integrity and Professionalism |Does not engage in illegal or unlawful activities |

| |Accepts responsibility for their actions |

| |Follows correct processes to deal with issues |

| |Is honest in dealings with others |

| |Respects and takes into account the beliefs, values and needs of others|

|Stress Management |Skilled in recognising when self and others are under stress |

| |Skilled in using appropriate strategies (e.g., breathing exercises, |

| |relaxation, taking breaks, seeking supervision) to deal with stress |

| |Skilled in recognising when team members are under stress and referring|

| |them to appropriate strategy |

|Organisational Skills |Skilled in prioritising tasks to ensure they are completed within the |

| |required timeframe |

| |Skilled in keeping the house office orderly and tidy |

| |Skilled in arranging MASH Trust information so that it is easily |

| |accessible to all staff |

| |Skilled in presenting information to other team members orally and in |

| |writing |

|Applies Health and Safety principles in the |Ensures that staff safety issues are addressed promptly, in conjunction|

|workplace |with the T/L |

| |Ensures that consumer safety issues are addressed promptly, in |

| |conjunction with the T/L |

| |Ensures that team members and consumers adhere to health and safety |

| |principles in conjunction with the T/L |

|Organisational Commitment |Actively incorporates MASH Trust’s philosophy and values into their |

| |work practice |

| |Is committed to achieving set organisational and specific objectives |

|Proactive |Investigates issues / problems at their own initiative |

| |Researches and applies the best methods for finding a solution |

| |Engages in forward planning to predict any issues that may impact on |

| |staff or consumers |

| |Follows up opportunities that enhance the environment at MASH |


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