Dehydration Synthesis & Hydrolysis

CP BiologyNameKEYDatePRACTICE PACKETUNIT 1C: Basic BiochemistryPart 1 – Carbs, Lipids, Nucleic AcidsCarbohydrates ______1. What do glucose, fructose, and galactose have in common? (choose all that apply)a) they are monosaccharidesc) they are isomersb) they are disaccharidesd) they are proteins2. What is the general name for a carbohydrate made of many simple sugars? ___polysaccharide__________3. What is the name of the simple sugar used to synthesize starch, glycogen and cellulose?___glucose______-69850462280Simple sugar (monos.)Intermediate (disacc.)polysaccharideTwo combinedMany combinedSimple sugar (monos.)Intermediate (disacc.)polysaccharideTwo combinedMany combined4. Use the words in italics to fill in the following concept map: polysaccharide, simple sugar, intermediate molecule.5. Fill in the following chart by listing the three important polysaccharides above in the first column below. POLYSACCHARIDETYPE OF ORGANISM THAT SYNTHESIZES THE POLYSACCHARIDESIMPLE SUGAR USED TO SYNTHESIZE THE POLYSACCHARIDEFUNCTION OF THE POLYSACCHARIDE IN THE ORGANSIMstarchplantsglucoseEnergy storageglycogenanimalsglucoseEnergy storagecelluloseplantsglucoseStructural (cell walls)6. Complete the following analogies:a) glycogen is to animals as starch is to ___plants______________________b) glucose and fructose are to sucrose as ___glucose (many)______ is to starch.d) simple sugar is to glucose as polysaccharide is to _starch, glycogen, cellulose_(3 possible answers)7. List 3 foods that contain a large amount of carbohydrate:_____fruit_________________, __candy_____________________, __grains, cereal, pasta, bread8. What is the name of the process by which plants make glucose? _photosynthesis___________9. Name two carbohydrate molecules that a plant synthesizes or makes from glucose. ___starch_________________ and ____cellulose_______________________10. Animals cannot make glucose. How do they obtain it? __________consume – eat plants or eat animals that ate plants, etc.______________________________________________________________________11. Name the carbohydrate molecule that animals make from glucose. __glycogen______________________Choose from the following to answer questions 12 and 13. Choose all answers that apply.a. used as a reactant in cell respirationd. used as a form of energyb. composed of carbon, hydrogen and oxygene. contain many covalent bondsc. form plant cell walls f. contain –OH (hydroxyl groups) __B,E,F____12. Which of the above is considered a structural characteristic of carbohydrates?__A,C,D______13. Which of the above is considered a functional characteristic of carbohydrates?_____________14. Which of the following IS a carbohydrate? Choose all that apply.a. sucrosed. lactoseg. carbon dioxideb. watere. DNAh. glucosec. polysaccharidef. cellulosei. simple sugar____________ 15. Which of the following is composed of at least one molecule of glucose? (choose all that apply) a. galactose b. cellulose c. lactose d. glycogen_______ 16. Which of the following terms could be used to describe table sugar?(Choose all that apply) monosaccharidec. polymere. disaccharide dimerd. organic compoundf. monomer_______17. Which of the following are inorganic compounds found in all living things?glucosec) water) table sugarNaCld) starchf) oxygen_______ 18. List three types of food that would contain a large amount of monosaccharides.a. ___fruit__________ b. ___candy____________ c. ___soda___________________ 19. Synthesis of a carbohydrate from monomers could produce (choose all that apply)starchc. glucosee. fructosedimersd. polysaccharidesf. DNA 20. Fill in the following table:Name of PolysaccharideOrganism that produces this moleculeMonomer unit that is used to make this polysaccharideGeneral Function of this polysaccharide StarchplantsglucoseEnergy storageCelluloseanimalsglucoseEnergy storageGlycogenplantsglucoseStructural (cell walls)21. Describe in your own words (not using pictures) the structural difference between cellulose and glycogen.Cellulose is very linear (straight chain), glycogen is highly branched.Dehydration Synthesis & Hydrolysis1. Select which of the following describe Hydrolysis (H) or Dehydration Synthesis (DS)_DS builds larger compounds_H___creates smaller compounds_DS__water is producedH____water is required2. Hydrolysis of a trisaccharide produces ( 0 1 2 3 ) molecules of simple sugars.3. Synthesis of a disaccharide requires ( 0 1 2 3 ) molecules of a monosaccharide.4. Complete the following analogy:Synthesis is to build as hydrolysis is to ____break down_______________5. The structure to the right is table sugar, discuss as much as you can about 1) what types of foods it is found in2) the type of macromolecule it is 3) what types of elements it contains 4) what are the products if the molecule was to undergo hydrolysisWrite your answer in paragraph format._______1) plants_________________________________________________________________________________2) carbohydrate / disaccharide_________________________________________________________3) C, H, & O______________________________________________________________________________4) glucose & fructose_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________6. Describe synthesis (dehydration synthesis) of carbohydrates _________monosaccharides are bonded together, by removing a water molecule to build larger molecules (disaccharide or polysaccharide)7. Describe hydrolysis of carbohydrates _____Larger molecules (disaccharides or polysaccharides) are broken down, by adding water to produce monosaccharides._______8. Which of the following is a TRUE statement a. carbohydrates contain many atoms of nitrogen b. monosaccharides can be hydrolyzed to form disaccharides c. cellulose can be hydrolyzed to form glucose and fructose molecules d. glycogen can be synthesized from glucose molecules Lipids1) What are the smaller molecules that make up fats and oils? __glycerol + 3 fatty acids_________________________________________________________________________________________________2) What is the process by which lipid molecules are synthesized or made?____dehydration synthesis_____3) What is the difference between the chemical structures saturated and unsaturated fatty acids? ________saturated has ALL single C to C bonds – they are straight and solids at room temp.________unsaturated has at least one C to C double bonds – they are bent and liquids at room temp.4) Use your notepacket and draw the structural formula of an imaginary saturated fatty acid using 5 carbons:24142708572500These F.A.s have 10 carbons5) Redraw your molecule as an unsaturated fatty acid (use 5 carbons):6) What did you add and/or subtract to build the unsaturated fatty acid?_____________________________________________added a C to C double bond, subtracted Hydrogen_____________________7) Is your unsaturated fatty acid monounsaturated or polyunsaturated (mono means on C=C and poly means more than one C=C)?_____monounsaturated (one C=C) - poly would have 2 or more!8) Describe the difference between an oil and a fat based on:Which contains saturated fatty acids? Unsaturated?___saturated – fats, unsaturated - oils_____________________________________________________________________________Give three examples of foods that have fat in them _____saturated – animal fat, lard, butter___ _______________Give three examples of foods that have oil in them ____________________________________________ unsaturated – vegetable oil, olive oil, peanut oil _________________________9) Which is healthier? (circle one bold-faced word or words per line)Unsaturated or saturated lipid B) solid or liquid lipid at room temperatureC) animal fat or plant oilNucleic Acids Complete the following analogies:amino acid is to protein as nucleotides are to ____nucleic acids (ex: DNA or RNA)__nucleotide is to DNA as simple sugar is to __starch, cellulose, glycogen__(3 possible answers)What are the main elements found in nucleic acids?C, H, O, N, & PWhat are the monomer units of nucleic acids?nucleotidesWhich molecule is in the nucleic acid category but does not form polymers?ATPWhat are the three parts of a nucleotide?5-C sugar (ribose), Phosphate group, & Nitrogen baseWhat is the relationship of RNA to DNA?DNA holds the code/recipe, RNA is the helper molecule that assists in producing the proteins.DNA codes for the production of what other type of organic compound?Protiens (and RNA)Which of these contain deoxyribose?ATPb. DNAc. RNAWhich of these contain ribose?ATPb. DNAc. RNAWhich of these stores information?ATPb. DNAc. RNAWhich of these stores energy?ATPb. DNAc. RNA549275307340Label the nitrogen bases, sugars, and phosphates in the diagram below.38296851663065Nitrogen base00Nitrogen base336550011696705 carbon sugar005 carbon sugar3828198599592Phosphate group00Phosphate group1398896174600400216535012903202606721831604REVIEW OF ORGANIC COMPOUNDS1) What are the four major groups of organic molecules and what are the subunits of each group?GROUPUNITS USED TO SYNTHESIZE MOLECULES IN THE GROUPCarbohydratesMonosaccharidesLipidsGlycerol + 3 fatty acidsNucleic AcidsNucleotidesProteinsAmino Acids2) Fill in the reactants and products missing in the hydrolysis of the four major organic compounds:Organic CompoundHydrolysisReactant(s)Product(s)carbohydratepolysaccharidemonosaccharideslipidtriglyceridesglycerol + fatty acidsproteinpolypeptidesamino acidsnucleic acidDNA or RNAnucleotidesAnswer questions #3 to 11 by listing the letters of the following compounds, which apply to each statement. There may be more than one answer per question.225870465219a) polypeptides - polymer380772589589b) lipids - larger unit (not technically a polymer)2402006109637c) simple sugars - monomere) polysaccharides - polymerf) amino acids - monomer221776186379g) nucleotides - monomerh) nucleic acids - polymeri) glycerol and fatty acids - smaller unit (not technically monomer)3) Which of the above are broken down by hydrolysis?___A,B,E,H___________________________________4) Which of the above are the simple units used to synthesize organic compounds?___C,F,G,I____________5) Which of the above are made up of many amino acids? _____A___________________6) Which of the above are used to make a triglyceride like oil? __I_________________________7) Which of the above are used as reactants in the synthesis of glycogen? __C_______________8) Which of the above are components of DNA? __G________________9) Which of the above are carbohydrates? ______C & E______________10) Which of the above contain nitrogen? ___A & F__________________11) Which of the above contain Phosphorus? ___G & H_______________ ................

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