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787400-24130000TOUR 1P92 Assignment Template:Deconstructing My Dream Vacation: Cross-Sectoral Impacts of a Personal Tourism ExperienceMost people love to travel - and most of us are aware that our travel activities have many social, economic, and environmental effects, both positive and negative. How can we evaluate our tourism activities and determine their impacts? This assignment is designed to help you identify and evaluate the environmental, economic, and social dimensions of your planned vacation activities in a structured way.There are a few ground rules to keep things interesting:Your vacation must be more than just a random collection of destinations. Imagine that your task is to create and market your vacation as a package of activities that you love to do, but that others might also wish to undertake. Try to come up with an interesting focus or theme that defines the vacation, and that links its destinations and attractions together in an interesting, coherent, and appealing way.Obviously, for this assignment, you cannot adapt or copy an existing packaged tour, all-inclusive vacation scheme, pre-planned cruise, or any other itinerary or vacation plan prepared by a third party. You must plan your own travels, find your own accommodations, arrange your own transportation, research and choose your own attractions and destinations, and report on all aspects of the vacation by yourself.Here's your task! On the following pages in the spaces provided, you will: Describe in detail a personal tourism experience (7-10 day duration) that you would like to undertake (Part I: Rationale for my trip). 500 words, worth 20%.Prepare a live interactive Google Map of your vacation route and save the map URL (Part II: Mapping my trip). Worth 10%; Prepare a detailed, real-world, day-by-day list of transportation, destinations, and activities for your tourism experience (Part III: Itinerary Spreadsheet; worth 20%); Describe the qualitative and quantitative impacts (positive and negative) of your experience in all 8 of the recognized tourism sectors. Outline the specific sustainability dimensions of your activities in the economic, social, and and environmental spheres, including quantitative estimates of financial cost and wealth distribution, carbon emissions, waste generation, and social impacts derived from your spreadsheet (Part IV: Impacts and Sustainability Dimensions of my Trip). 750 words total, worth 30%); Discuss the policy implications of your experience, in terms of the policies and rules which governed various aspects of your trip and areas where policy improvements should be made to optimize your impacts (Part V: Policy Implications of my Trip). 500 words, worth 20%.Remember to correctly cite any literature sources, reference materials, or websites you use in your responses. Put these sources in the ‘Literature Cited’ section at the end of this report template. Tools and ResourcesTo prepare your report, you will be using the following tools and resources. Make sure that you can open them and use them properly on your computer:Google Maps'Deconstructing My Dream Vacation’ spreadsheet (a Microsoft Excel .xlsx file on the server, and also in the ‘Resources’ tab on Sakai);Online booking tools (for accommodations, flights, ground transportation, attractions, etc.). Use a selection of these tools to find what you need for your trip, and shop around for the best deals and selections, just as you would if you were booking the trip ‘for real’. Some examples include (no particular order):; ; Trivago; ; Priceline; ; Expedia/Travelocity; ; ; Orbitz; HotelTonight; … or find your own favourite. One or more carbon offset / travel impact calculators, e.g.,; Carbonzero; Flight Emissions Calculator - Offsetters …or find your own.TO SUBMIT THIS ASSIGNMENT, YOU WILL:ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW AND SAVE THE COMPLETED ASSIGNMENT WITH YOUR NAME AND ID;REMEMBER TO INCLUDE THE LINK FOR THE URL OF YOUR COMPLETED GOOGLE MAP(S)!COMPLETE THE ‘DECONSTRUCTING MY DREAM VACATION’ SPREADSHEET AND SAVE IT WITH YOUR NAME AND ID. WHEN YOU ARE FINISHED, UPLOAD THIS COMPLETED MS WORD ASSIGNMENT FILE AND YOUR COMPLETED MS EXCEL SPREADSHEET FILE TO YOUR SAKAI DROPBOX BY THE DEADLINE DATE.HAPPY (VIRTUAL) TRAVELLING!TOUR 1P92 Assignment:Deconstructing My Dream Vacation?????NAME OF MY TRIP:??????My Name:??My ID Number:??Trip is starting at (address):(enter full address of starting point)?Furthest point on trip: (enter full address of furthest point on trip)?Trip is ending at (address):(enter full address of end point)??????Part I: Rationale and OverviewUSE THE WORD COUNT FEATURE OF YOUR WORD PROCESSOR TO TRACK THE LENGTH OF EACH RESPONSE.In about 500 words, describe your 7-10 day long tourism experience in general terms, and explain why you would like to undertake it (500 words). Think about the following:What is the theme for your trip? (e.g., Route 66 Road Trip from Chicago to L.A., Hiking the South Island of New Zealand, a museum tour of London, a trip to explore Scottish communities on Cape Breton Island, a visit to the Badlands in Alberta, a whale-watching trip in the BC Gulf Islands, a culinary tour of Montreal).What destination(s) do you want to visit? Why are they important? Provide a general description of the types of attractions, destinations, or locations that you would like to visit on your trip, and explain what attracts you to them. (Don't describe individual key attractions in detail in this section; you will do this later in this assignment).ANSWER PART I BELOW (about 500 words, worth 20%):Part II: Mapping my TripUsing Google Maps online, Prepare a live interactive Google Map of your vacation route, showing all the overnight destinations (and significant daytime travel activities, if any). Follow the instructions on the second tab of the Itinerary Spreadsheet (below). Copy and paste the URL for your completed Google map in the space below. The completed map is worth 10%. If your daily tourism activities involve significant travel (e.g., a daytime bus excursion, a cycling trip, a car drive to a local destination), you can make additional Google maps to document your day-by-day local travel itinerary, and to determine how much additional distance your daily activities have added to your overall trip, and what environmental impacts they might represent. Paste the URLs for any additional Google maps you might provide in the body of your report.Make sure that the Google map link you share is functional, and that the correct map opens when you ‘Ctrl-Click’ on the URL you have provided below (or when you cut and paste its URL into a browser window). COPY AND PASTE THE URL FOR THE COMPLETED GOOGLE MAP OF YOUR MAIN TRIP IN THE BOX BELOW:22225053727Part III: Itinerary SpreadsheetUsing the MS Excel spreadsheet found here (or on Sakai), prepare a detailed, real-world, day-by-day list of transportation, destinations, and activities for your tourism experience. Fill in all relevant cells for each part of your vacation itinerary, for a minimum of seven travel days and a maximum of ten travel days. Note that you can only enter data in the yellow cells on the spreadsheet. The other cells are locked, and will update immediately based on the data you enter into the yellow cells. Based on the information you enter, the spreadsheet will automatically calculate some values for you (e.g., total distance travelled; total amount of money spent, etc.). However, you will have to use Google Maps, online booking engines, and other resources to fill in other cells and complete the spreadsheet.You will use the information from your completed spreadsheet to answer the questions in Parts IV – VI (below). Remember to SAVE and SUBMIT your completed spreadsheet in your Sakai Dropbox along with this part of the assignment. The completed spreadsheet is worth 20% of the assignment grade.Part IV: Impacts and SustainabilityDimensions of my TripIn about 750 words (250 words each), briefly describe the qualitative and quantitative economic, social, and environmental impacts (positive and negative) of your trip experience in the recognized tourism sectors that you utilized.Provide specific information on:Economic impacts (250 words): Using actual numbers from your spreadsheet, how much did you spend on your transportation, food and beverages, various vacation activities, and incidental expenses? Which of the eight recognized tourism industry sectors did you patronize? How was the money distributed amongst the sectors? Where did the money likely go in each sector (e.g., did it stay in the local economy? Go to a multinational corporation? Support public sector attractions, non-profit organizations, private businesses? Was there evidence of economic leakage?); Social impacts (250 words): Try to determine the likely positive and negative social dimensions of your trip. What would be the employment status, nationality, work conditions, estimated salaries, and social / living conditions of the people who would help make your vacation a reality, and those who would live at or near your destinations? How would you relate to these people socially? How would you be influenced or affected by their culture, languages, etc. – and they by yours?Environmental impacts (250 words): Using the data from your Google Map and spreadsheet, determine how far you travelled using each mode of transportation. Using an online calculator like , summarize the carbon emissions for the various parts of your journey. Use the calculator to determine how much carbon you would have to offset, and how much it would cost. Feel free to find other travel impact calculators to refine or compare your estimates. Comment on the volume and type of waste materials you would likely produce from your food and beverage consumption, and whether or not these materials would likely be recycled. Comment on the graywater and sewage you would produce, where it would go, and its impacts at your various destinations. Did you plan any nature-based activities? What would their impacts be?ANSWER PART IV BELOW (about 250 words for each of the three subsections, worth 10% each - total 30%):a) Economic impacts (250 words):b) Social impacts (250 words):c) Environmental impacts (250 words):Part V: Policy Dimensions of my TripIn about 500 words, discuss the policy dimensions of your experience.Identify at least five policies, rules, or regulations which governed various aspects of your trip (e.g., regulations governing various aspects of your travel and transportation; control of food preparation at restaurants or food stalls; accountability for emissions and waste; bylaws affecting behaviours that you or other travelers might indulge in; oversight of impacts of nature-based or cultural tourism, etc.). Comment on those sectors or activities where you think the policies and rules are working effectively, and identify sectors or activities where there are gaps or loopholes which might be causing problems (economic, social or environmental). Review the trip and activities you prepared, and describe what changes you could make to your dream vacation to minimize your negative travel impacts and optimize your positive contributions. After making these changes, would the resulting trip still qualify as ‘your dream vacation’? Finish your report with a few concluding remarks about the work you have done, and the usefulness of this exercise. What insights did you gain? Will your future travel behaviour be affected?ANSWER PART V BELOW (about 500 words in total, worth 20%):Literature Cited: ................

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