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Leadership Analysis-Research PaperYour research paper will be in MLA format and will include the following:Content-During the 4th Nine Weeks we will be studying leaders and leadership skills. ?We will discuss what makes a good leader and how different types of leadership may impact the world.?-You will choose a leader. ?You will research the leader's early life, how he or she came to power and led, and argue if your leader was a good leader or not and explain why.-Your paper will be a five-paragraph research paper consisting of an introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion. ?It will also include a Works Cited page. ?Research and Citation-Uses a variety of reference sources, including books, magazines, and the Internet. ?Most of your sources will come from the Internet. ?However, you may NOT use Wikipedia as a source because it is not reliable. ?AVL (Alabama Virtual Library) will be a GREAT resource. ?-Demonstrates correct citation of sources, including direct quotations and paraphrased material (MLA format). ?Five Sources Due:?Thurs./Fri. Feb. 18th/19th by the end of class?(25 points)25 Quotes, Paraphrases, or Summaries Due:?Friday, Feb. 26th?(50 points)Outline Due:?Friday, March 4th?(50 points)Rough Draft of Research Paper Due:?Friday, March 11th?(50 points)Rough Draft of Works Cited Page Due:?Thurs./Fri., March 17th/18th (25 points)Typed Final Draft of Research Paper Due:?Wed./Thurs., March 23rd/24th (100 points)Total Research Process and Paper: 250 points3-4 PAGES. ?NO LESS THAN 3 FULL PAGES, DOUBLE SPACED, TIMES NEW ROMAN, 12 FONT, BLACK INK, MLA FORMATFirst Paragraph: INTRODUCTION-- HAS THESIS-- mentions all three of the topics you will discuss in your body paragraphs, including your argument.Second Paragraph: Introduction to your leader (i.e. where they were born, what was their childhood like, how did their early life influenced their leadership, etc.)Third Paragraph: How did they become a leader/ruler? What does that say about their leadership ability? What were their accomplishments as a leader? Describe their rise and fall.Fourth Paragraph: Argue: pick a side (for or against) your leader; were they a successful or unsuccessful leader and why? (You must use evidence to support your argument.)Fifth Paragraph: ConclusionWorks Cited Page: At the end (must include an MLA citation of all sources you got information from)Socialist/Communist LeadersVladamir Lenin?(1870-1924)?- Leader of Russian Revolution in 1917. He masterminded the Bolshevik revolution and became the first leader of the Soviet Union. Lenin began the policy of suppressing any opposition to Communist party rule.Joseph Stalin?(1878 – 1953) Successor to Lenin. Stalin ruthlessly strengthened his grip on power by eliminating any internal opposition and establishing his dictatorship.Mao Zedong?(1893 – 1976) - Leader of the Chinese Communist party and successful revolutionary. Mao established his own form of Communism, which included the devastating cultural revolution.Fidel Castro- Cuban revolutionary leader. Castro led the Communist revolution of 1959.Dictators/AutocratsNapoleon Bonaparte- a French military leader and emperor who conquered much of Europe in the early 19th century.Robert Mugabe- President of Zimbabwe; he gained power through fear and deception, bulldozing any?village who disagreed with him. ?Kim Jong-Il- Leader of North Korea. ?He is responsible for the starvation and deaths of millions of North Koreans.Ho Chi Minh- President of North Vietnam. ?He was a ruthless and violent dictator, responsible for the deaths of millions.Saddam Hussein- Leader of Iraq. ?He instituted mass genocide against several ethnic groups who rebelled against his leadership and fought wars against Iran and Kuwait, with the death toll climbing to about 2 million in total.Idi Amin- Dictator of Uganda; during his rule, thousands of Ugandan citizens were massacred so as to prevent any rebellions from forming. Benito Mussolini- Leader of Italy and ally of Hitler during WWII.Pol Pot- Leader of Cambodia. ?He forced his citizens to flee the cities and work in the fields at hard labor camps. Thousands of people died at these camps, so they are known as the “killing fields.”Hirohito- Emperor of Japan during WWII.Porfirio Díaz- President of Mexico, though historians consider him to be a dictator. Francois Duvalier (1907-197)- The Haitian dictator, also known as “Papa Doc” governed the poorest country in the Americas from 1957 to his death in 1971. During his reign of terror, 30,000 Haitians are estimated to have been assassinated, while thousands fled the country.?Augusto Pinochet (1915-2006)- Military dictator who came to power in a coup d’etat in 197. He held power in Chile for nearly 20 years during which he brutally suppressed his opponents. More than 100,000 people were arrested only during the first three years.Leaders of MonarchyNicholas II- Tsar of Russia. ?He was often called "Bloody Nicholas" because he cost Russia 3 million lives.King Henry VIII?(1491 – 1547) England's most famous and perhaps most notorious King. He had six wives, two of which he executed. Henry VIII also split the Church of England from Rome to enable him to remarry.Queen Elizabeth I?(1533-1603)?- The daughter of Henry VIII who took the throne after a period of social and political turmoil. However, her reign proved a stabilizing influence, and importantly saw the defeat of the Spanish Armada. During her reign, an increased number of explorations were made to the 'New World' in America.Catherine the Great- Tsar of RussiaLeopold II of Belgium- ?This Belgian King established the Congo Free State for his own personal gain and it is to this day one of the most brutal and imperialist regimes in human history. It was responsible for the exploitation and deaths of over 15 million Congolese.Alexander the Great- A King of the ancient Greek Kingdom Macedon. He was undefeated in battle and is considered one of history's most successful military commandersAshoka the Great- One of India’s greatest emperors, who expanded India’s territory and popularized the Buddhist religion.Democratic Leaders/FiguresWinston Churchill- Prime Minister of Great BritainEva Peron- First Lady of ArgentinaJawaharlal Nehru- Prime Minister of IndiaMohandas "Mahatma" Gandhi- Leader of the Indian independence movement. ?He led peaceful protests for human rights.Nelson Mandela- South Africa's first black president. ?He was a leader of the anti-apartheid movement. ?Franklin Roosevelt- President of the United StatesMargaret Thatcher- First female Prime Minister of Great Britain.?Lech Walesa-?Leader of the Polish Solidarity Movement, which sought to end Communist rule. Walesa became the first non-Communist President in 1991.John F. Kennedy- President of the United States.?Simón Bolívar- Military and political leader who helped Latin America gain independence from the Spanish Empire.Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr- Leader of the American Civil Rights MovementGetúlio Vargas- President of BrazilSuharto- President of Indonesia. Suharto is credited for stabilizing the government of Indonesia, but he was considered a corrupt leader at the end of his career. Leaders of RebellionsEmiliano Zapata- Leading figure in the Mexican revolution; he led a rebellion for peasants’ rights during a time when peasants were treated as slaves. Ernesto?"Che"?Guevara- Leader of Cuban Revolution. He overthrew US-backed Cuban dictator Fulgencio Batista. ................

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