Written end produced by Richard Marx and Co -written with the Tube's Fee Waybill,


CVolume 5 Issue 29

Denmark &


MA Norway Welcome

Commercial Radio

Broadcast Trade Magazine

CD Scare "A Hype"

London - Nimbus Records, the UK's largest CD manufacturer, has dismissed the row over the indestructibility of CDs as no more than media hype. Recent press reports have claimed that quality control tests by Nimbus have revealed that ink from the disc's label could erode its lacquer surface.

But a Nimbus spokes says that remarks

made by the company's Commercial Director Mike Lee were misrepresented

in the press. She insists that a quality CD will last for at least 1W years.

Many people in the industry believe that smaller companies are supplying inferior quality products to cut manufacturing costs.

Marijke Van Hooren of Philips said the company sets precise standards for CD production before punting licences to manufacturers and would take action if it felt these were not being met.

A -Ha Oa the Road -.A -Ha viiised major FM station NRl during their French tear earlier Oil, summer. The potion was one tfrhe spensen of the roar. From left to right: Pal f A -Hat; Terry Slater /Mar, Men (hiacrini HOCH Magi arid Hiroo lei. and Aim Pau! liverwort r It Y i Ira.

The Danish and Norwegian parliaments have finally passed legislation allowing commercials on local radio, with the promise that cornmercial TV will follow shortly.

Although the Norwegian law was passed on May 1, most stations were only granted licences to broadcast commercials last week. In Oslo, 24 of the existing radios were given licences as .11 as 25 new stations, all of whom now share the four available frequencies.

In Oslo, Radio Fs Promo tion Manager, Edward Dreyet, comments: "There will be one hell of a quarrel when airtime is shared out!"

Radio 1, Oslo's most important station with 51 hours of broadcasting per week, has already signed an advertising contract with Coca-Cola and clothing company Mess.

The Danish law allows local radios to run commercials from August I, but limits advertising to six minutes per hour.

Germans Interested

In UK Radio

A spokesman for German media mogul Axel Springer has confirmed that he is taiking to British companies with a view to investment in the UK's proposed national commercial radio stations.

Klaus Lippert, Deputy Manager Of Telecommunications at Springer's Heraburg offices, told M&M that discussions with UK magazine publishers have been going on for some time but he would rather not mention manes. "We are currently consulting with various possible partners in the UK but cannot come to any conelusion until we know what the final Broadcasting Law will say." The law is expectad in November.

In the UK, Golden Rose Broadcasting will be one of the leading bidders fora new

mimereial station Their

executive, Aiden Day, has reacted positively to the German interest: "We would certainly be interested in tal-

king to any German contenders with a view to a possible joint bid for one of the new franchises."

/Mother German coin pany, UFA (a Bertelsmann subsidiary), is also looking into the possibility of involvement in UK commercial radio. Bernd Bauer, head of the radio division of UFA, "We are interested in all foreign markets including the UK."

Springer is Europe's big gest newspaper publisher and is a major shareholder in Germany's cable TV channel, SAT 1. The company also has shares in various regional private radios in Northern Germany.,


Central Accounting 2

Details of the MK dem,.


New UK TV Body 3

co.r report peconin.i, **log IBA

NDR Tops Poll


German mate recto beats privates

FM Advertising Boons 5

French radio revenue lumps up 213,

Green Light For



MTV, Sky R Super on air in Flanders

The Jovanotti



Italian rapper releases new single

New Scandi Show? 7

MTV looks at possibilities



I E II 9 I I Dialogue 11121 What The Europeans want from New York

Talent Tracks


Metal with Intelligence equals




Stop durpssin,

The Sound Of An Individual



Pan -European News




h and ON



Bruce Springsmen To -Am Tar TIMM! Sark Paradise km, Wary Chapman fast Car aroma

Michael Jackson Dirty Dana Ormire Bra I Ow You NoAng eke Belinda Carlisk Gr., TM Senn bin,


Tic Blood Do Rows The Body am INXS Now Tear Us span me, am UN'S, C.Hynds Breakfast In Bed am Mand Priest any Morel nom. MOW Perini Oh e, Se Mere Winweod {lel WM la moo


Ofra Rasa in WAN romp CAM* RAW This bile OK Tow ronek No WO Kylie P1Moinie Got Tod Ceron km sin., FM Boys L Chubby Checker The Tani mem roe gam Wilde hey Or Homely 1133,33,33. Man Bianto Dana Name le On Rut GA kid Mary Mute me rele men..


Robert Palmer Moe limuside Irma33333333:333L Pairround Attraction 33133331 433333o.313334 San W Peps Rd It wo Yawn Rod Stewart Ma In Mu menyn Prime Ablutut k n, Midnight Oilo Deg Mon know SExpren Theme nom SI,. connow Yon The Pasadena.

33133313. 333

EIghla Wonder lk Han no

Kim Wade rot. one nano

Patti Smith ROO.< The Pacer rkkwanoc

Jackson Success Goes On...

London The UK and Irish leg of Michael Jackson's world tour kicks off this week at London's Wembley Stadium and is expected to attract about one million fans and generate ? 15 million. The full European tour is expected to attract three million fans and to bring in ? 60 million at the

hoz office. CBS UK claims the tour is the

biggest ever by any artist and is

planning massive marketing for Dirty Diana (the fifth single from Bad) plus a national TV campaign for Jackson's entire catalogue to coincide with the concerts. And the company is putting out a UK -only picture disc pack

of all five Bad singles in mid -July. Jackson plays seven dates at

Wembley, two at Cork in Ireland and single shows at Cardiff and Leeds. The UK tour will be in -

tempted by a return to mainland Europe at the beginning of August for 10 shows in Spain, France, Switzerland, West Germany and Belgium.

Jackson is being supported by 120 tour personnel while 300 tonnes of accompanying equipment is being ferried round the Continent on 11 trailms.

Central Accounting Deal concerned. * STEMRA will allow royalty -

by Abi Daruvalla

free exports to certain territories

London/Amsterdam - Details of approximately one-third of the outside Europe following confir-

the historic agreement between usual rates.

mation from the local society that

the UK's Music Publishers As- * A system of international it will be responsible for collect-

sociation (MPA) and Holland's audits will be developed within ing the royalties.

STEMRA on central licens- the framework of BIEM. The * STEMRA will apply an intering/accounting (see M&M issue structure of such a system has active system of data exchange

24) have now been announced. been discussed and proposals and computerised accounting.

* The system will involve cen- will be made shortly. In the This will allow participating soci-

tral licensing by STEMRA. Cen- meantime, STEMRA will con- eties to prepare distribution to lo-

tral accounting by STEMRA duct effective interim audits in cal rights owners during the aconly applies to sales outside conjunction with the societies counting period.

country of manufacture. Accoun-

ting for sound carriers sold in the

country of manufacture will re-

main Wwithh the national societies.


will improve

EMI Profits Up Again

the speed of accounting and this could mean that the normal inter -society commission falls to

London -EMI Music's European activities made an important con-

tribution to the company's rise in profits to ? 38.2 million in the

Germany, Frame, Spain and Italy. "It is our intention to make

EMI Music the industry leader", promised Southgate. The artist

year to March 31. It is the Music and repertoire base was being ag-

Motown Sold Division's third successive year gressively expanded and future of increased profitability since prospects were excellent, he added.


parent company Thorn/EMI's

Southgate also confirmed that

trop bled days in 1985/6. Thom/ the company would now need "a

New York - Motown Records, EMI made a pre-tax profit ? very good price" for its stake in

the legendary black artists label, 232.3 million.

Thames Television, following the

has been sold to a consortium of

Commenting on the results, TV company's ? 8 million contri-

the MCA entertainment group Thorn/EMI's Chief Executive bution to profits. Two years ago,

and investment bankers Boston Colin Southgate paid tribute to Thorn/EMI tried to sell its 29% Ventures. The price of the sale is the Music Division's "outstand- holding in Thames to Carlton

reported to be US$ 61 million. ing performance throughout Eu- Communications but was prevenMotown was founded by a for- rope". NOW product accounted ted by the Independent Broad-

mer Detroit car worker, Berry for most of the improvement and casting Authority (113A).

Gordy Jr with a few hundred dol- results were particularly good in

lars borrowed from his sister.

Gordy created a string of hits for

such artists as Diana Ross & The Supremes, the Temptations and

Golden Orpheus Awards

Marvin Gaye.

Bulgaria's 21st International honours, ahead of Joanna Zag-

MCA/Boston will receive all Golden Orpheus Song Festival danska (Poland) and John Gar -

Motown's record merchandising awards have been announced. delis (Greece). Jerry Simpson

trademarks, misting artist con- First place went to Tamara (Ireland) won the press prize for

tracts and its huge back cata- Gvirddziteli (USSR), followed by best performance.

logue. Gordy will retain the Hits - Adrian Daminescu (Romania) International guest stars at this

villa Studios, lucrative publish- and }Camelia Stoyanov (Bulgaria). year's festival included Paco De

ing company Jobete Music, as

Awards were also presented Lucia (Spain), Roy Clark (USA),

well as Motown's record and tape processing plants and West Coast film/TV production.

for best interpretation of a The Chance Orchestra (France), Bulgarian song by a foreign The Canms Group (GDR) and singer Marusha (Cuba) took top Bobby Kimball (USA).

New TV Body Proposed Mistrust For Hit Radio

by Edwin Riddell

London - Growing mistrust of a means of breaking new music


chart -based hit radio emerged as and others agreed.

London - The Independent cannot survive" on all the new the main theme at a recent In-

A blunt exchange of views


Broadcasting Authority (IBA) services that will become available. dependent Broadcasting Authori- was heard from Robin Valk


and Cable Authority could be

The government recently set ty (03A) conference.

(BRMB radio in Birmingham)


replaced by a new body to control up a Broadcasting Standards

Independent local radio (ILR) and Mike Perry (EMI Head Of

commercial TV. A single Com- Council which duplicates much heads of music heard from Aus- Promotion) who debated co-

mercial Television Authority of the IBVs existing TV pro- tralia's Neil Waddell (4QR operation and conflict between

(CPA) is recommended in the gramme work. The IBA's other Queensland) of his success in their industries. And Perry scor-

latest report from a Parliamen- main job, that of choosing ITV programming albums, while ig- ed a major coup by arranging a

tary Committee.

contractors, may also disappear noring singles charts altogether, personal appearance by EMI act

According to the report, the with the proposal to auction the while Richard Park (London's Tracy Spencer at the conference -

CPA would control ITV and franchises in 1992.

Capital Radio) described his new exposing her to almost every

Channel 4 as well as all existing

The government will take the FM Gold Service which targets a Head Of Music in the country.

and new satellite and cable chan- Parliamentary Committee's re- new, older audience.

nels. The report says the com- commendations into amount

Len Groat (Trent Group) went

bination of new technologies when finalising its plans for tele- further in attacking Top 40 radio,

in broadcasting (cable, satellite vision which will probably be an- citing the collapse in singles sales

and terrestrial transmission) nounced in the autumn.

and predicted success for the

Metro Jam

make it desirable to move away At press time, IBA sources told first station to use albums for Newcastle - Metro Radio hit the

from regulatory bodies based on M&M that it would be fighting daytime play in a big way. His national newspapers recently

specific technologies.

back against what it saw as poorly comments were endorsed by IBA when their latest promotion gim-

The report recommends re - argued conclusions in the report, Head Of Radio, Paul Brown. But mick caused telephone chaos.

[arcing the BBC television li- even though it agreed with much producer Pete Waterman argued The phones went crazy after DJ

cence fee and with it the public of the Committee's analysis. strongly for Top 40 radio as Steve Coleman promised two

service role of the Corporation.

Bros tickets to the 10th, 20th,

A "basic minimum" of consumer

30th, 40th and 50th person to call

protection standards should also be part of the new commercial

system. The report accepts, however, that "some of the principles of public service broadcasting

Govt Softens On New Radio Formats

by Edwin Riddell

London -The UK's radio revolu- document produced on June 30.

in after an electronic alarm clock went off on the air.


UK. Radio Airplay Report Most played records In England

BRMB Goes Gold

tion is back on course. In a move which takes the radio industry by surprise, the government has confirmed its plans for three

However, this does not rule out a

balanced musapproach to particular types of ic, and the stations

need not be all things to all

during the week of publication on the following stations BBC I, BBC a, CaMml Radio, Radio London and Me maior independents.

Birmingham -BRMB is the third new national commercial radio people. "We don't want the three

independent local radio (ILR) station to start an AM Gold Service, following London's Capital Radio and County Sound in Guildford.

The BRMB oldies service

(music from 1955 to the mid 70s) is rorrrently limited to eight hours a week; four hourly shows (Mondays to Thursdays, 18.00 hours), repeated as one four-hour block on Saturdays at 14.00

(NCR) stations and a host of smaller stations.

These will come under a new Radio Authority which could be operational by autumn '89, according to the Home Office. There arc also signs of some softening over the style of the three national channels.

Originally, the government wanted these to appeal to a broad range of interests. "A single

stations producing exactly the same material," said an official spokesperson.

The 48 existing independent local radio (ILR) stations will be offered new -style licences in ex-

change for their existing IRA contracts. The new Radio Authority will have "sharp teeth", promises the government, including the power to withdraw licences and, perhaps, even the ability to im

3. Rant,.


4. Adventures - nrierone an

, Byre loss

I Joe An donee -1,1donbalyet I. Tracy 05.enan -.tee

a DOM Wunder. coo nowt YeennyNate,Jux Peet lay it s tee

O. P311.33131333A11.3311,

I. so, Youngblood Aiwt.suga 1. 68TD Pona Mink tin mkt


..,.... a. Myyy Marley -bentonite*

a iSap.Npe*n , T okgto grn Ch.


I. aa

fIalte Boyv,Y,es

hours. The Gold Service is narrow format or focus will not pose financial sanctions on stations

presented by Rabin Valk.

be good enough," says a proposal not meeting their obligations.

2, GeorMa no.



Monsters In Music

EDITORIAL CONTENTS: * The marketing of hardtack * The European major and independent hard rock labels * The vital role of press

Advertising Deadline: 10 - I 88

Publication Date: 6 8 88

How to book your ad: call Ron Bed. or Peter Nellssen, Amsterdam as - 662 84 33.



MUSIC A MEDIAA-Jmulee1r6,icanRadioHisMtoUrSyIC.CA oMmEDIA - July 16, 1988


Germany & Austria & Switzerland


Call For Advertising Ban NDR Maintains Top Position

by Perer Ilsoerule

State broadcaster NDR has come

Mainz - A proposal that public TV and radio broadcasters should be prohibited from advertising has been made by a mem-

(private and public) broadcasting system in terms of organisation, programming responsibilities and financing.

top in a recent survey for the most popular radio station in Northern Germany (Hamburg, Schleswig Holstein, Bremen and Lower

ber of the Federal Commission On Media Politics, CDU politi-

cian Hanns-Eberhard Schleyer. Schleyer says the current sys-

Broadcasting monopolies are forbidden by law in Germany and Schleyer says if three German language channels can be receiv-

Saxony), According to the Infratest/Ge-

tas radio marketing survey, NDR reaches 55% of the population

tem under which public broadcasters receive income from the licence fee and from advertising is unfair to privates whose sole

ed statewide then here is no danger of this. In fact Germany has four such broadcasters: SAT 1, RTL Plus, Tele 5 and Eureka.

over the age of 14, while all of the privates combined have a total 30% share.

State -run Radio Bremen was

revenue is through advertising.

similarly successful, winning back

Schleyer "Financing public

broadcasters exclusively from

the licensing fees is worth con-

sidering, on a medium or long-

term basis."

He adds: "Satellite broad-

casters and the European market

have created a situation in which

regional and local radio continue

to thrive, while national radio is

becoming increasingly insignifi-

cant. The internationalisation of

radio must not, however, lead to the subversion of the federal

states' broadcasting sovereignty." In Schleyer's opinion, cur-

rent developments demand a

careful review of Germany's dual

Bon fire Toast German hard -rock band Bonfire raise their glasses Lorelei'''. the signing of their publishing agreement 44 SBK Songs Genoany. SBK Songs MD in German, Joust Dm Os. is pictured in the middle of the Bonfire line-up with the band's manag r Mario Mendnycki (r left).

a significant share of its listeners from the private ffn. In Lower Saxony, the largest federal state, ffn has an audience sham of 20%, while NDR2 scored 39%. In Schleswig Holstein, Radio Schleswig Holstein is on top with 41%, compared to 32% for NDR 2.

Worms At

Antenne Bayern

Munich - Bavaria's first statewide private radio station, Antenne Bayern, has signed up ZDF TV presenter Viktor Worms. Worms will host a daily lunchtime programme for the new station which is scheduled to go on air in September.

Worm's radio show is expected to feature national product and will offer strong competition to the state-mn BR's second channel which plays a MOR format. Worms will continue to front ZDF's monthly 'Hitparade', German TV's most influential nationwide countdown of national pop hits. '

FM Advertising Revenue Boom

Don't touch your FM dial! That's not static you hear but the crackling of crisp, new money jamming the French airwaves. FM

advertising revenue jumped 28% to FFr 661 million in 1987 and is projected to pass the FFr 700 million level this year. These arc the findings of a recent report by the French Advertisers As -

by Annery Dunlap Smith

sociation (AACP). Jean -Paul Baudecroux, Presi-

dent of national FM radio network NRJ, attributes the gain to the fact that advertisers are finally catching up with a market in which 85% of the audience listens to FM radio.

French FM networks, which account for only 41% of all FM

RMC Plans Expansion

stations, consumed a huge 63% of 1987 FM advertising revenue. Individual FM stations also received a boost in advertising income, though their share was less

Media Control France From the airplay heparades provided by Media Control France. For more info please contact Media Control France 29 Bly Tauter 67000 Strasbourg - France - tel (88)366580.

than half the networks' figure. Despite network dominance

in the fight for advertising, Eric Elissalde, Programme Director of Paris private Radio Tour Eiffel, sees no danger of the networks silencing their smaller competitors

is alkee/JonAt-Asest 19 Llano Fay [aVaCaVm 20 George Michael ownora Try

A1141615 FM

Paris - State broadcaster Radio Monte Carlo (RMC), France's AM station which prides itself on being 'the station of the south', is planning to expand its presence in the north of the country.

RMC Managing Director Pier rick Borvo said recently he wants to increase the number of the station's FM outlets throughout the whole country but concentrating on the north.

Although RMC will keep its general programming policy to

appeal to people of all ages, Bor-

vo says music shows will increase during the summer schedule, starting July 14. This includes a new three-hour afternoon pop show presented by the popular

DJ Childeric. Bono also explained that the

recent unrest at RMC, which included a walk -out by staff, was caused mainly by the government's inability to decide on whether to privatise the station

Radios PerIpMrlques (1414 Stations)

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Media COMM/ Germany Erma the aortae Mtparade foam Media Control Including 29 radio. channels For more Into please con. tact Made Control - Postfach ass, 04570 Baden Baden, tel (0)7221-33066

I Of ra. Hay k6 6666 edd, e Gm* 66..6 ,bp.16, 6.6 Pakyrountlemettlon Aim

4 Pla Kenn . Ye. eeke 5 BoanomPloyesn On46 6 Stara Wentrood 51616,6n

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7 Era. ?sem..

9 On..., 7 A Herbert Gro.e.yer Was Set 011.


0 Ado rams

Media Control Austria Most played records as checked by Media Control on the national channel 03 and Radio Brenner.

I Eddy dram ...9.4.64474 -

2. Or. Mena. Creetares 6,14 La. IloPeute Pew. 644.9L4

5.. Art SI. Ilay6 .Aan

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3 Dawn.

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20. Ildinhoed fend.

Media Control Switzerland Most played records as checked by

Media Control on th e national channel DRS 3. Cote. 3 a. 4 private soda. For more info please contact Media Control, Post Passa-

ge 1 Basel 4002. tel al. 218989.

MI, Grant reeemetkisto

1 Stem 11,66. 6616.1.6



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New Owners At Radio 100

Berlin -A workers' takeover at Radio 100, a left-wing, alternative Berlin Station, has ended a nine month feud between shareholders.

Linksrheinischer Rundfunk (LR), which is affiliated to Gee-

Gong In The Green

Nuremberg - The city's private station Radio Gang sponsored this year's Goan The Green Concert, one of Germany's major open air events. Held on July 9, the Festival's line-up included Foreigner, Starship, Jethro 'Full and IQ.

many's SPD party, wanted Radio 100's programming to be mom at tractive to advertisers but has now sold its 32% share to station employees. Radio 100 broadcasts six hours per day on 103.4 mIl.

Other new owners are Toleranz (5%), a minority station supported by homosexuals and lesbians and Radioaktiv, a group founded in February which includew law professor Uwe Wesel, the president of the Berlin Medical chamber, Ellis Huber, and media expert Bemward Wernher.

Anders Radio Berlin and Neves Radio Berlin have maintained their respective 32 % and 26% shares in Radio 100.

Deep Purple Bash At Castle Frankenstein

Frankfurt - Clad in medieval costumes, Ritchie Blackmore, Ian Gillian, Roger Glover and Ian Paice of Deep Purple presented their latest live album Nobody's Perfect at a party held recently at Castle Frankenstein near Frankfurt. The party included a variety of medieval musicians and competitions, including axe throwing

and crossbow shooting. Castle Frankenstein was the original inspiration for Mary Shelley's fa-

mous novel. PolyGram International, the

organisers of the medieval bash, apologised for the absence of the group's keyboard player, Jon Lord, explaining that he was busy completing his memoires.


requires an


- to be based in the Amsterdam editorial office.

WRTH is Billboard's annual directory of the world's radio & TV stations, and the editorial operation is currently being computerised. The person appointed will play a major role in the development and expansion of the WRTH. Applicants must have a good background

knowledge of broadcasting, and proficiency in English. A second major language would be an advantage. Travel within Europe and to North America is involved. A knowledge

of book production is desirable, but not essential as training can be given. Salary negotiable according to age, background and experience. Where appropriate, relocation expenses will be paid.

Applications in writing must be received by July 25th 1988. Shortlisted candidates will be interviewed.

Write to: Andy Sennitt, Editor WRTH, P.O.Box 50558, 1007 DB Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

W Fc1" Ft

MUSIC 8 MEDAIAm- JeurlyicIAaninRs adioHisMtoUrSyIC.CA MoEmDIA -July 16, 16118





Satellites Get Green Light

by Marc Motes

Antwerp - Satellite TV channels Super, Sky and MTV have received government go-ahead to broadcast on the Flemish cable network; the move has been expected for some weeks (see M&M issue 27). The Antwerp -based cable operator Integan planned to launch the channels on its network (167.000

connections) last week, making it the first cable company to go ahead with all three stations in Flanders. It is also the first time MTV, which is not broadcast on the French Belgium network, will be available in Belgium.

The green light has also been given to four local private TV stations by the Flemish Media Council: ATV (Antwerp), RTVO (Waregem), AVS (Eeklo) and RTVL

(Leuven). The government still has to decide how much advertising will be allowed on these stations. Some politicians argue that only the first Flemish private TV station, VTM, should be allowed to broadcast advertisements.

At the Council's recent meeting, Flemish Cultural Minister Patrick Dewael announced too that Flemish state broadcaster BRT will receive ? 1 million as compensation for the loss of advertising revenue. This follows the government's announcement

a year ago that the BRT would not be allowed to broadcast commercials or produce sponsored programmes as from September this year. The BRT had asked for ? 4 million in compensation.

Kanaal 4 Launch Delayed

Amsterdam - Katmai 4, the first Dutch commercial satellite TV station, has postponed is launch date to April 1989. Previously known as Benelux TV, Kanaal 4 was scheduled to start broadcasting on January 1, using the ECS satellite.

Dutch entrepreneur Willem Van Kooten, who set up the Kanaal 4 project, says he has delayed the launch because he did not like the terms of the Dutch telecommunications service (PTT) contract for the satellite broadcast.

He added that there would be enough possibilities for his


Sticking Nederlandse Top 40 Airplay checked on Radio Band 3, the Dutch national pop channels. For Info contact Stichting Neck, landse Top 40, PO Box 706, 1200 AS Hilversum, fel (0)35 - 231647.

SevelaWn Tene Set mace

2 De Hollander. elm Oneedmel


. Andre

Bert Mal `et Houten


Weimer Bootee tetewasrtintrat

8 t Geed e Doel

9 To Emelt


I Map TAM - TIE eire

3. Wenn

evref ,Gerte Clew

5. Trees Chown .ratt or

6 Eros Itemerretti

SS Wee


9, re e CoWers W Mt 0 LAMS Clew. -ettsfaelest

channel when the Astra satellite is launched. He would not, however, confirm which satellite his channel would be using for its launch.


Ignores Euro Ruling

Amsterdam - The Dutch Media Commission has ruled that local terrestrial radio stations cannot use the foreign commercial channel Radio 10's signal as complementary programming.

The Commission is ignoring a recent European Court Of Justice ruling which awarded terrestrial radio the same rights as cable stations (see M&M issue 28).

Dutch media legislation only permits Dutch terrestrial stations to use the Dutch national radio signals as complementary programming, while local cable stations are allowed to use foreign cable and satellite signals.

Radio 10 is officially based in Italy, but operates from Amsterdam. The station's initiator, lames Soer, says plans to distribute the signal to local terrestrial stations will go ahead and the company will wait for legal proceedings to begin, "which will then become a test case".





SER Reorganises Network


Madrid - Spain's largest private News Director Augusto Delkadar

broadcaster, SER, has re -organi- will take the post at SER, Rafael

sed its stations into three separa- Revert (SER's Music Program-


te networks in preparation for a ming Director) will head Top 40

move to satellite broadcasting in Principales and Juan Carlos Ra-

the autumn. The three networks mirez will hold the position at Ra-

will be called SER, Top 40 Prin- dio Minuto. SER's present Pro-

cipales and Radio Minot? (the last gramme Director, Tomas Martin

two are exclusively music).

Blanco, will become Management

Each network will have its Advison

own programme director. Former

Ghwearows Farewell - Sophia Loren steals the show at a farewell pony for CBS Italy's top -selling artist Gaudio Baglioni 12nd firon r.) who mots leaving for Bath (UK) to record Ste new L.P. CBS linty Pres. Piero LA Fake (far I.) and CBS Inc Senior VP Jorgen Larsen are also in ortendance.

SER-Spain The 20 best played records M Spain from Cuarenta Principales, covering the major Spanish stations.

I Bunsen Des .09 Cs et) e Pee

Pet She, rBoys

Dos Eamamotti-Dielogo

9. Mbud/a

Eddy Gnat . awn,. pej,89no

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RAI - Italy Most played records as compile, from RAI Stereo Due.

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Arma Stew

Num &when f Embody need

O. saw Keep leallng

jovanotti Storms Up The Charts

by Paolo Seargellini

Milan - The phenomenal success of Italian rapper lovanotti (see M&M issue 26) continues with the release of his second CBS single Go Jovanoiti Go and the album Jovartotti For President,

Gimme Five 2, a reggae verdion of his first hit, is also scheuled for release on Ibiza Records within the next few days.

The 21 -year -old Di has just begun a two -month tour of Italy's

disco and club circuit, as well as hosting the daily video show

Beach' on the Italian Uno Network.

Meanwhile, there is increasing interest from European record companies for Joyanotti releases outside Italy. The record compa-

nies are especially interested in a possible single -mix project between kvanotti and US hip -hop outfit Afrika Bambaataa.


MTV Plans Scandi Show Swemix Sets Up Label

Stockholm - MTV is 'potting into the possibility of a Scandinavian pop show similar to the Dutch Itiptilf programme. MTV


Radio Express Finland Most played records on Finnish to cal private radios. For info please conct Discopress Ltd, go. Box 570.ta 33101 Tampere. Finland, F. 358-31-462532

i. Ky. t leinosue tea. cm 2. Epp Alenrtaeq- MASI. SAIMAA 3. MASEMEN/ AMA* Perew 9. Arialafnen I Maste 4.4 Ms 5. TopiSoneteel d Agent .J6 tatat 6 Bark la ken , Bogert e Its toe

e. Sleepy Sleepers Platen feroreten Bee I Boy e Slue Wen In ite Stra

&yaw ca 2, 04W OW,*

J. LAM, OW Itt eta 9. roplaarukowd ageao.-", S. Twa0a, Vona. h. ihkada Cantfsh-ci.t.1.5.4 7. Stew Mew, ALMA It A Nava iusene Amme 9 Solletlyhtre Suond ,nittasynge O. Pe Itaunine -teteeetwal

MUSIC A MEDIA - July IL 1988

AmericanRadioHMisUtSoICryP.eCMoEmDIA july 16, 1988

hopes to screen a weekly show by the autumn, once the music channel is admitted to the Norwegian

cable networks. MTV's Head Of Programming,

Brian Diamond, was in Sweden recently to review the local music and entertainment scene for the show. Diamond: "Like 'Optile, the new show will concentrate on entertainment, music and the lifestyle in Scandinavia and will most likely be broadcast in the Scandinavian languages as well as in English."

MTV already features Scandinavian bands such as Trance Dance, Lolita Pop and Impeder. A Trance Dance special is planned for August 21.

In the long term, says Diamond, MTV Europe would like to include similar national program -

in both German and French. He is also currently working on a Latin American show in Spanish called 'MTV Intemacional'.

by Swart Ward

Stockholm - The Swedish Oh association Swemix has set up its own record label, Remixed Records, which will be distributed by Sone. Its first release, scheduled for this month, is Gimme Some Ma' by Denniz Pop.

First For Radio Ettan

The idea for the label was born two years ago when Swemix

started producing remixes of hit records for their member DX Swemix has produced remixes of many Swedish artists, including Style, Sound Of Music, Paul Rein, Trance Dance, Secret Service, Pernilla Wahlgren and Surf Turf.

Swemix was founded by DIs Rene Hedemyr and Emil Hellman and now has 500 members.

Helsinki -based private station Radio Ettan is to make Finnish radio history by transmitting a live pop concert from Estonia on August 27. The programme will feature Finnish acts Juice Leskinen, Eppu Normaali and Mamba.

The concert is a three-day open-air festival which is expected to attract some 50000. There are rumours that the event will include big names from the UK and the US.

Local TV

Go -Ahead

Copenhagen - Nine local TV stations have received the goahead to broadcast in the Danish capital. A station ron by political organisation Socialdemocrates was awarded the most broadcasting time (77 hours a week), followed by Christian station KKR (27 hours a week).


DAN IETT I THE BTACKHEARTS lack with a vengeance. 'Up your alley' a. no douht,her Mt album since The Runaways and 'I love rock and roll' days. She does what she does hest - straightforward rock'n'roll. it single 1 hate roper( tor loving you' and the album are already climbing the charm European tour in the autumn.

MAGNUM Metal Rammer called it ',ninthly the best rock album made during the Last S years'. 'Wings of Heaven' achieved chart positions in over ten tea ritories in Europe including a Top 5 in England and No.1 in Sweden. h has also spawned 1 Top 10 UK singles. third single 'It must have been bee' just entered 1111 chart MOSPIPI will be releasing a long format live video in July. the story continues.

JUDY CHEEKS Certainly one Cl the most exciting new talents to emerge in I988. 'just another lie' the smond single from her brilliant 'No Outsiders' album 11 devined to ceee.Idelejebyldeekc pse to fame. Checked her sensational new video dimmed by Brian Grant (ethit. ney lismiton,PPan. No TY show should be without id

GEOFFREY WILLIAMS Stuff hits are made of. 'Cinderella' his new single IS already setting Europe's dancelloors alight. 'Heroes. Spies IS Gypsies' his wonderful debut album will spawn a string of hit singles.

MOODY BLUES nor Mee mains the trumphant long awaited return of The Poly Bluei and is seen by many as their finest work to date. Entered UK charts at 211'Sur La Nei contains the single I Know You're Oa There Somewhere which can be heard on the airwaves mound Europe.

GIANNA !JANNIS! Gianna's album Match E biteadieved than pasi. flans in Belgium (I(1), Germany (11) and Sweden 11). The tingle Masta charted in Belgium, Sweden, Ger. many, Austria, Switzerland and Italy. Gima's new single ley Biondi is evadable this month and lea. tures a guitar mlo from Rave Stevan del Forythmia fame). Watch out tor a new Mum later His yeas.

If EERY RAFFERTY Alter a Iwo year break Gerry lallerty's new album 'North and South' has been welcomed with open arms by MIME fans all over Europe. The excitement generated by 'North and Sown' Am led ta impressme chart mations throughout arena - Germany H. Holland 46, Sweden 41. Switzerland 21 and a UK entry at 41

FAT BOYS They're hacki Ireeady for lea new album 'Cam, Back Hard Again' which contains the roam single lhe Twist' featuring Chubby ChecIser vecals. The Toot o currently No. 4 in the L1K, USA 4/ and Holland /6 (lip. parWel Be premed to WIlike you noses did hefore.


, Walt Palmeri, great guitar playing and Joe Lynn

Turner's unitise vocal style 'Odyssey' (the album) is a [Fe, rock fans. 'Odyssey' has charted in USA pop

405, UK pop 20). Sweden (top 10). Norway pop 10) and Finbncl pop Sy

VANESSA PARADIS Vanessit first single 'Joe Le Tali' achieved top chart amnions all over Europeileie Le Taxi' became Europe's N. selling wale according to the Pune A Media top 100 dam (with overall sales now reaching the 1millon mark) linenal debut album "11 A r featuring the new tingle 'Marilyn di John' is internationally released on July II th.


Merry Kante has taken Europe by storm. His single lint lake has now

topped the darts in Holland (I), Belgium 111, Israel

Germany (I)

and France (5) and Mks set to continue bet alt. overnight Ween

tbraughout the summer. 'SW IOW a taken tram de 'Ababa Beach'

album. Soon the whole world WA he pitting! You've been maned.

DEEP PURPLE 'Nobody's Perfect' the hest tam the hest line.up and ... a's live A real must.

TEE FOUNTAINHEAD "Oo 'Voice of germ', The kuntainheW manage le synthesis of articulate guitars and a serene groove". This reviewer only gem part of the way to descrinng the stunning rock music created by this talented duo from Dublin, on their 1nd album for China Records. The Fountainhead received unprecedented acclaim opening far Queen at Slaw Cann in team of 10000 people. We are now building on Irish and US enthusiasm for a band with a Weality' feel. listen to the 'Fete of Reason!

KINGDOM COME Kingdom Come's debut self titled album has already sold over I million copies! and achieved chart positions in Australia. Denmadc, japan, Germany, linland, Nanny, Sweden, UK and USA. Check out the new single 'What Love Can 11, Kingdom Tame - thy will he dune.

ZUCCHERO 'B u es' has sald over 1,100,0W copies In Zuccherok native Italy making it the biggest selling album of all time. Tucchero has just completed a highly smassful European tow Latest single 'Solo Una Sena' looks set to give Tuc. deo. international success be so richly desewes.


Polyps ImenAueal



Platform For International Dialogue

NEW MUSIC German Delegation Look

it Singles EMINRR

from the

U.S.A. are available to broadcasters, record labels and music publishers for professional use only, via Billboard's RECORD SOURCE INTERNATIONAL. RSI's singles subscriptions provide automatic, weekly shipments of hit material based on the charts and reviews of Billboard magazine. For further information, write on business letterhead to: RECORD SOURCE INTERNATIONAL A DIVISION OF BILLBOARD 1515 BROADWAY NEW YORK, NY 10036 USA

New Music

- Old World

Since its inception in 1979, The Nov.' Musk

Seminar (NMS) has gained a considerable reputation as the plat-

form for intercontinental dialogue. Especially as the concept of a pan-European marketplace is gradually becoming a reality, the existence of the NMS has become all the more vital. Music from the Old World is starting to cross the Atlantic and mainland Europe is losing its former dependence on the US and the UK as suppliers of hits and

fashions. Many acknowledge that Europe has suddenly turned into a hot product market full of unrealised potential. It is at the NMS that this two-way traffic is best exemplified. On them two pages, M&M gauges the opinions from European executives on the importance of the NMS. Their hopes,

plans and expectations for the largest annual music industry gathering in the U.S.

AmericanRadioHistoMrUyS.ICCo&mMEDIA July O. On

Forward To NMS '88

by Robert Lyng

There is a generally optimistic attitude and high expectations among

the 90 or so German participants of this year's

New Music Seminar.

what may well be a first for a German private radio broadcaster, Mueller explains, that "the entire project is being sponsored by American Airlines".

Mueller is also looking for-

ward to experiencing radio from

not deal with the Americans directly very much, it is good to stay in regular contact with them. At least then I have a foot in the door, if they come up with a group that do not yet have a Euro-

pean agent. Last time I even came

The German delegation

will include representatives from major and independent record companies, publishers, production companies, promoters, and media peo-

"At least I have a foot in the door if the Americans come up with a group that do not yet have a European agent."

ple, including such names as

Wolfgang lohannssen, Internation-

al Product Manager at Deutsche an American point of view. home with new bookings that

Grammophon, Lothar Meinerz- 'American radio can contribute have led to very profitable long-

hagen, International A&R at important impulses for European term business relationships."

EMI, Kurt Thielen, Managing broadcasters. The Americans

Loeffler also recognises the

Director of Rough Trade Ger- are much mom developed as benefits of New York itself. "The

many, Peter Kirsten, Managing regards competitive behaviour, city offers an immense amount of

Director of Global Music Pub- while competition between pri- talent, which in itself almost

lishers, Rolf Baierle, MD of Roba vates is just starting to hot up makes the trip worthwhile."

Publishers, Producer Peter Hau- in Germany."

Although a bit disappointed

ke (Planet P, Tony Carey, White

Although this is his first visit by the small number of German

Lion, etc), Tour Promoter Michael to the NMS, Mueller is confident promoters represented, Loeffler

Loeffler of Hammer Promotions that it will be mom profitable for is convinced that the idea behind

and Arno Mueller, Head of Mus- media representatives than Mid - the NMS is of special interest

ic at Radio Gong Nuremberg. em. "Midem offers very little in- to Europeans. He would wel-

While many of the partici- formation for the media. If you ome the idea of a similar Europe -

pants will use their visit to the don't belong to the upper 1000 event. "lust imagine, if this

NMS as a springboard for a them, it is difficult to make con- were held in Europe, at least

longer business trip or holiday, tacts. It is just business, and as a three times as many Europeans

Amo Mueller is going with mom radio man, I am not selling music would attend."

innovative intentions. "While in in that sense. I think the NMS Brian Carter, Managing Direc-

New York, we will not only pro- will be much mom personal."

tor of the independent dance label

vide a daily two -minute report Michael Loeffler of Hammer BCM, believes the growing im-

about the highlights of the NMS, Promotions, who is visiting the pact of the NMS stems from the

but will alm produce two 2 -hour NMS for the second time, notes fact that the independent labels

specials. One will cover the NMS the importance of the NMS for know that constructive deals can in detail, the other will feature making contacts. "Them am be made. "The message is speed

New York, the show and music many managers and artists hero, and people in the business realise

metropolis of the world, as seen and it is otherwise very difficult how important this is." Carter

through a star's eyes.

getting the other European pro- feels that the majors are now tak-

"When the special is broad- moters and especially British ing a back seat and that the suc-

cast in Germany, the listeners agents all together in one place. cess of the event is based on the will have a chance to win a trip to At the NMS it is easy to make growing strength of dance music.

New York." And admitting to such contacts. And although I do "BCM is not only going to the

conference to attend the panels:"

says Carter, "but also to meet top

people in the business. We also

"The message is speed and people in the hope to educate people there into

business realise how important this is." realising that Europe is different from America."Il



CAV6#7- 1.A/ TffE Acr 4F BE/v4 oaesewEs


MUSIC & MEDIA - ul 16, 1988






2 3






Nothing's Gonna Change My Love For You 35

Glenn Medeiros- mercury (Various)


Yeke Yeke

Mory Kante- Barclay (Yuba Musk)


Im Nin'Alu

Ofra Haza- Hed Arzi/GlobeStyle (Supreme Songs/TBM Inc)


Dirty Diana



Michael Jackson- Epic (Mijac Musk)

The Twist (Yo, Twist!)





Fat Boys with Chubby Checker- Tin Pan Apple/Urban (Carlin mask)

Push It

I' Salt 'n' Peppa- FFRR/London (Warner Chappell)

J'Ai Faim De Toi

to Sandy Stevens- Carrere (Macadam Musk)



Gimme Hope Jo'Anna



Eddy Grant- Ice (Greenheart/Intersong)











Doctorin' The Tardis



The Timelords- KLF Communications (Various)

0 79 UK.H.Ir.Fi 2

I'll Always Love You

Taylor Dayne- ArisruBMG (Auspice/Lucky-Break)


Don't Blame It On That Girl

40 4 Matt Bianco- WEA (Smooth Dog/Fishy Songs)

70 UKDIr


Patricia Kaas- Polydor (Zone Musk)

I Don't Wanna Go On With You Like That 71

Flames Of Love



Elton John- Rorket/Phonogram (Big Pig Musk)


Fancy- Metronome (Frankl Musk)

50 3

Tougher Than The Rest

Bruce Springsteen- CBS (Bruce Springsteen)

UK Whir

E* I Don't Want To Talk About It Everything But The Girl- Blanco T Negro (Rondor Musk)


I'm Not Scared

Eighth Wonder- ces (lo 11.c/cage)

I Think We're Alone Now



g 41


Elodie Mon Reve

Shona- Columbia/Pathe Marconi (EMI/Louis Louise Musk)

Never Tear Us Apart



Tiffany- (Ica (Aez)


INXS- Mercury (To! Munek)

There's More To Love

42 5 The Communards- London (Various)



62 14


France Gall- Apache/WEA (Not Listed)

When Will I Be Famous 7


Bros CBS (Copyright Control)



Car Wash/Is It Love You're After

UK h

Rose Royce- MCA (MCA Music)



I Owe You Nothing

Bros CBS (Graharn/Intersong/Virgin)



Du Soleil Dans La Nuit

3 - Gerard Blanc- EMI (Editions lamco4

Ec*You Came

Kim Wilde- MCA (Ryckim Musk)





Johnny Clegg & Savuka- EMI (Sweet So, Songs)


I Will Be With You


T' Pau- Siren (AMP Publishing)

78 UK.Ir

Get Outta My Dreams, Get Into My Car

Billy Ocean -jive (Zomba/Aqua Musk)


Theme From S -Express



- S -Express- Rhythm King/Mute (Copyright Control)

59 4

Heaven Can Wait

Sandra- Virgin (Dana/Alpha/Mambo)

79 GBCh,fi

Somewhere In My Heart


Aztec Camera- WEA (warner Chappell)

N'Importe Quoi




Florent Pagny- Philips/Phonogram (Glern Productions)


Maybe (We Should Call It A Day)


Hazell Dean- EMI (All Boys Music)



Quel Souci La Boetie

84 2

Claudia Phillips & The Kicks- Barclay (Rere Music)


One More Try


George Michael- Epic (Morrison Leahy Music)




Pet Shop Boys- Parlophone (Cage Music/10 Music)



,00 5

Tomorrow People


Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers- virgin (Screen Gems -EMI Music)

I 4

I Should Be So Lucky

14 24

Kylie Minogue- PWL (All Boys Music)



The Blood That Moves The Body

A -Ha- Warner Brothers (ATV Music)


82 76

Was Soll Das

Herbert Groenemeyer- EMI Eleana/a (Groenland Maack)


0 2?


Fairground Attraction- RCA/BMG (MCA Music)



Hey Mr. Heartache

Kim Wilde- MCA (Rickim/Zomba Music)



France Gall- Apache/WEA (Not Listed)

16 12

Stay On These Roads

A -Ha- Warner Brothers (ATV Music)

26 4

Fast Car

Tracy Chapman- Elektra (SBK Songs)


I 8

Got To Be Certain

Kylie Minogue- PWL (All Boys Music)


In The Air Tonight ('88 Remix)



Phil Collins- Virgin (Effectsound/Hit & Run)


9 5

Boys Sabrina- Five Records (Canak 5/DJ's Gang Music)

UK.BH.Ir UK.G.B.Ch.Sw.Q.N.Fi


My Bed Is Too Big


52 10

Blue System- Hansa/BMG (Hanseatic)

Eno, Roses Are Red Mac Band/McCampbell Brothers- MCA (warner chapel!)


" " Need You Tonight INXS- Mercury (To/ Muaiek)


Sign Your Name

57 5

Terence Trent D'Arby- CBS (Young Terence/Virgin)


Who's Leaving Who



Hazell Dean- EMI (All Boys Music)


F.Sp.Po GA.Ch.Fi



Natalie Cole- Manhattan (Rondor Music)

85 Eno, Est-Ce Lie Tu Viens Pour Les Vacances? FB

David & JorMWitiftenni (Charles Tatar,


Hot Girl

92 'I Sabrina- Five Records (Canale 5/DJ's Gang Musk)


Lost In You

Rod Stewart- Warner Brothers (Rod Stewart)

G Po D


Little 15

Depeche Mode- mace (sons)


C) 29 7


Desireless- CBS (Rivas Music)


C) 27 6 Get Lucky


Jermaine Stewart- Siren (WarnerChappell/Chrysalis)


22 10

Blue Monday 1988

New Order- Factory Records (Bernusic/Warner Brothers)



'6 '4

Ella Elle I2A ' France Gall- Apache/WEA (Nor Listed)


Breakfast In Bed



23 3

UB 40 & Chrissie Hynde- Dep Inc/Virgin (SBK Songs/EMI Musk)

Wild World


30 5

Maxi Priest-10/Virgin (Freshwater Music)


Nuit De Folie




Debut De Soiree- ces (ces mac.)


Pink Cadillac 33,", Natalie Cole- Manhattan (Zomba Music)


29 32

Circle In The Sand

Belinda Carlisle- Virgin (Various)


30 31

The Race

Yello- Fontana (Warner Brothers Music)

G B.H.A Ch

Tell It To My Heart

49 24 Taylor Dayne- Arista/BMG (Chappell/Warner Brothers)


Tribute (Right On)




The Pasadenas cas (Copyright Control)


Chains Of Love



Erasure- Mute (Sons Musical Moments)





I Call Your Name

Johnny Clegg & Savuka- EMI (Sweet W' Sour Songs)


Let Be Must The Queen



65 22


Guesch Patti- Comotion/EMI (Comocion/Musicaks Cesar)

O.K.- Westside/SPV (Michael Zosel)


Voyage Voyage

39, Desireless- CBS (An. Music)

90 UK.Ir



Minet- AB Productions (Abeditions)

64 4

Together Forever

Rick Astley- RCA/BMG (All Boys Music)


60 22

Quand Je T'Aime

Demis Rousso& Flarenasch (Zone/Flarenuch Music)



92 FB

Broken Heroes


Chris Norman- Hansa (Hanseatic/Bavaria Sonor)

She's Leaving Home/With A Little Help UK

Billy Bragg/Clare Tivey/Wet Wet Wet- Childline (Northern Songs)

Love Will Save The Day

99 7 Whitney Houston- Arisca/BMG (Howe Of Fun Musk)



Boys And Girls

68 16 Charlie Makes The Cook- Touch Of Gold (Kasino/Scorpio Music)

0 62

25 18

La Gitane

Felix Gray- EMI (Charles Talar/PEMCT)



Be Gentle

BY.S.M.P.- BCM (Stop & Go/F, D & H)

Don't Go

Hothouse Flowers- London (Warner Chappell Musk)

Don't Believe The Hype

77 2 Public Enemy- Del Jam/CBS (Island Musk)

73 10

Ainsi Soit-Je...

Mylene Farmer- Polydor (Bertrand LePage/PolyGram)


My Love


Julio Iglesias featuring Stevie Wonder- ces Cobete/Black Bull Music)

95 rupo, I Want Your Love


Transvision Vamp- MCA (Copyright Control)

96 UK.G.Sw

La Queue Leuleu


Bezu "Laclasse- Carrere (Carrere Music)

UK 97 12* It Must Have Been Love


Magnum- Polydor (Pau Songs)

98 E* Panique Au Dancing Zap Shaker- Scorpio/CBS (Scorpio Music)

65 5.

You Have Placed A Chill In My Heart

Eurythmics- RCA/BMG (DnA Ltd./BMG Music)

99 UKfr

75 4


Sade- Epic (Angel Music)


.,rtei Follow The Leader

Eric B & Rakim- MCA (Copyright Control)

UK 100

I Maschi


96 Gianna Nannini- Polydor (Z -Music (Suisa))

EmsCross My Heart

Eighth Wonder- CBS (Famous Warner Chappell)

Love Is Stronger Than Pride


66 4

Sade- Epic (Angel Music)

UK h. FG.I.Gr

UK = United Kingdom, G u Germany, F = France, Ch = Switzerland, A = Austria, I u Italy, Sp = Spain, H = Holland, B =

Belgium, Ir = Ireland, Sw = Sweden, D = Denmark, N = Norway, Fi = Finland, Po u Portugal, Gr = Greece.

0.-- El* = FAST MOVERS





The Eurochart Hot 100 is compiled by EMR in cooperation with Buma/Stemra. The chart is supported by the European Comittee of CISAC. ? EMR/Buma/Stemra - All rights reserved. ? Hot 100 is a trademark of Billboard Publications, Inc. used with permission.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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