Heiton Buckley Builders Merchants

Heiton Buckley Builders Merchants

Annual Environmental report for 2010 Licence No. PO340-01


The following is a summary of the contents of the 2010 AER. Further details are available in the full report below. CONTENTS....................................................................................................2 1.0 INTRODUCTION......................................................................................3 1.1 GENERAL................................................................................................ 3 1.2 MANUFACTURING PROCESS.....................................................................4 1.3 COMPANY ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY........................................................4 1.4 COMPANY STRUCTURE..............................................................................5 2. 0 SUMMARY INFORMATION........................................................................6 2.1 EMMISIONS SUMMARY ..............................................................................6 2.2 WASTE MANAGEMENT REPORT................................................................................6 2.3 RESOURCE CONSUMPTION SUMMARY........................................................8 2.4 REPORTED INCIDENTS SUMMARY.......................................................... 8 2.5 AGENCY MONITORING AND REPORTING....................................................8 3.0 MANAGEMENT OF FACILITY......................................................................9 3.1 CURRENT ENVIRONENTAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAM...................................9 3.2 FUTURE ENVIRONENTAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAM....................................11 4.0 LICENCE SPECIFIC REPORTS........................................................................12 4.1 BUND INTEGRITY ASSESSMENT.....................................................................12 5.0 PRTR............................................................................................................12


1. Introduction

Heiton Buckley Builder Providers operates from 27 strategically located branches around Ireland to provide a full service to the building and home improvement market. Among the many services offered throughout the country a proportion of our locations are involved in the treatment of wood with chemical preservatives for use in the building industry. The Heiton Buckley branch located at Robinhood Road, Dublin 22 operates IPPC licence Number P0 340-01. This Annual Environmental Report (AER) is submitted to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in compliance with Condition 2.7.2 of the Integrated Pollution Prevention & Control (IPPC) Licence Register No. P0 340-01.The AER contains summary information on the environmental performance of Heiton Buckley branch at Robinhood Road from January 2010 to December 2010.

1.1. General

Table 1.1 General Facility Information


Heiton Buckley Builders Providers Ltd.


Robinhood Road, off Long Mile Road, Dublin 22

IPC Classification

The treatment or protection of wood involving the use of preservatives with a capacity exceeding 10 tonnes per day.

Contact Name

Thomas Byrne


Timber Sales


01 4089500



IPPC Registration Number PO 340-01


1.2. Manufacturing Process

The treatment of wood takes place using a vacuum impregnation facility located in a designated area to the north of the main building. The manufacturing process is as follows:

Untreated prepared timber arrives on site, once onsite it is either sold as is or amounts are treated to order;

Small amounts of timber which are on order are placed into the vacuum chamber vessel via the use of a fork truck;

The chamber is sealed and a vacuum is created within the vessel;

Wood preservative "Protim" is pumped into the chamber. This preservative given sufficient time impregnates the wood under vacuum conditions;

Once treated the excess fluid is pumped out of the vessel and the door is opened;

The wood is removed an allowed dry within the confines of the bunded area within the treatment facility.

In 2010 a total of 24566 litres of Protim was used.

1.3. Company Environmental Policy

Heiton Buckley Builder Providers regards environmental management and protection as an essential part of its operations. The company will conduct its operations in a manner, which protects the environment in which it operates. In doing so, the company will act responsibly and adhere to the following:

Ensure submission of reports to the EPA shall meet target submission dates. Carry out monitoring at the frequencies specified in the IPC Licence Comply with all conditions set in the IPPC Licence Ensure continued compliance with all Irish and EU legislative environmental



Establish and comply with an Environmental Management System. Meet targets set in the Environmental Management Programme. Continually assess activities with the specific goal of preventing pollution,

minimising and reducing the environmental impact. Ensure hazardous materials are stored in an environmentally safe manner

(correctly bunded). Ensure good Waste Management practices e.g. recycle rather than dispose

whenever possible, used licensed waste contractors and maintain waste records. Communicate the Environmental Policy to employees, suppliers, visitors and

interested parties. Maintain an open information policy towards all parties affected, interested and

involved in its activities and to issues, which concern the environment. Ensure that Environmental Policy objectives and targets have equality with other

business interests.

1.4. Company Structure

There is 33 staff in total on site. Of the 33 staff 4 are directly engaged with the production of treated wood. The remaining 29 staff undertake the following tasks: Office Work: 16 Sales: 13 Production: 4 Mr. Thomas Byrne is responsible for the environmental management of the site and compliance with the terms of the IPPC Licence. He is assisted by Mr. Piotr Drag (Production Foreman) who is responsible for routine on site environmental monitoring. Two plant operatives Mr. Damien Shannon and Mr. John Smith are responsible for the safe operation and production of timber products onsite.



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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