Robinhood login request was throttled


Robinhood login request was throttled

Ask questionsRequest was throttled purchasing stocks I'm trying to place fractional share orders using the API. (robin.order_buy_fractional_by_price(ticker,dollars)) for ticker in tickers: dollars = 1 res = robin.order_buy_fractional_by_price(ticker,dollars) print(res) I have about 15 tickers in the list "tickers". After ~8 the return result prints "{'detail': 'Request was throttled. Expected available in 14 seconds.'}" and I'm unable to buy the remaining tickers. Does anyone know the rate limit for purchasing a large list of tickers on Robinhood? Is there any way to get around this? jmfernandes/robin_stocks Answer questions cheekylions Making vast assumptions here, but based on your results, the rate limit is probably something about 8 transactions every 15 seconds. I recommend sleeping your script for 15 seconds every 5 transactions to stay low of the governor. The Robinhood API doesn't seem built for this kind of trading style, as it's more of an app-based 'newbie' broker. If you're looking to make a lot of fast scalps, you might look into other brokers that are friendly with developers. useful! > Reality is the regulations on the financial system are a feature.As with anything, the answer is sometimes.You want those rules for your retirement account, because if someone can steal a six figure sum from you instantly with no takebacks, that is bad.But the overhead of that system is not always required, and it's the major reason that we don't have e.g. micropayments. The overhead of allowing transactions to be reversed eats the entire transaction amount for very small transactions.So it would be good to have a system where you could, for example, transfer $50 into it from your bank account, wait the month or so until the transaction can no longer be reversed, and then transfer it from there a few pennies at a time with insignificant transaction costs because the small transactions are instantaneous, anonymous and can't be reversed. Which isn't nearly as problematic because even if you get scammed, your loss is limited to the $50 you put in. Instead of getting wiped out, you pay a reasonable cost for a personal lesson on security and trust.And there is no reason we couldn't have both. Then you keep the bulk of your wealth in the inefficient safe system and some petty cash in the one with lower transaction costs and get the best of both worlds. But the existing rules don't allow that, which is bad. NodeJS Framework to make trades with the private Robinhood API. Using this API is not encouraged, since it's not officially available and it has been reverse engineered. See @Sanko's Unofficial Documentation for more information. FYI Robinhood's Terms and Conditions Features Installation Usage API auth_token() expire_token(callback) investment_profile(callback) instruments(symbol, callback) quote_data(stock, callback) // Not authenticated accounts(callback) user(callback) dividends(callback) earnings(option, callback) orders(options, callback) positions(callback) nonzero_positions(callback) place_buy_order(options, callback) place_sell_order(options, callback) fundamentals(symbol, callback) cancel_order(order, callback) watchlists(name, callback) create_watch_list(name, callback) sp500_up(callback) sp500_down(callback) splits(instrument, callback) historicals(symbol, intv, span, callback) url(url, callback) news(symbol, callback) tag(tag, callback) popularity(symbol, callback) options_positions Contributors Features Quote Data Buy, Sell Orders Daily Fundamentals Daily, Weekly, Monthly Historicals Tested on the latest versions of Node 6, 7 & 8. Installation $ npm install robinhood --save Usage To authenticate, you can either use your username and password to the Robinhood app or a previously authenticated Robinhood api token: Robinhood API Auth Token var credentials = { token: '' }; var Robinhood = require('robinhood')(credentials, function(){ Robinhood.quote_data('GOOG', function(error, response, body) { if (error) { console.error(error); process.exit(1); } console.log(body); }); }); Username & Password This type of login may have been deprecated in favor of the API Token above. var credentials = { username: '', password: '' }; MFA code var Robinhood = robinhood({ username : '', password : '' }, (data) => { if (data && data.mfa_required) { var mfa_code = '123456'; Robinhood.set_mfa_code(mfa_code, () => { console.log(Robinhood.auth_token()); }); } else { console.log(Robinhood.auth_token()); } }) API Before using these methods, make sure you have initialized Robinhood using the snippet above. auth_token() Get the current authenticated Robinhood api authentication token var credentials = require("../credentials.js")(); var Robinhood = require('robinhood')(credentials, function(){ console.log(Robinhood.auth_token()); } expire_token() Expire the current authenticated Robinhood api token (logout). NOTE: After expiring a token you will need to reinstantiate the package with username & password in order to get a new token! var credentials = require("../credentials.js")(); var Robinhood = require('robinhood')(credentials, function(){ Robinhood.expire_token(function(err, response, body){ if(err){ console.error(err); }else{ console.log("Successfully logged out of Robinhood and expired token."); } }) }); investment_profile(callback) Get the current user's investment profile. var credentials = require("../credentials.js")(); var Robinhood = require('robinhood')(credentials, function(){ Robinhood.investment_profile(function(err, response, body){ if(err){ console.error(err); }else{ console.log("investment_profile"); console.log(body); } }) }); instruments(symbol, callback) var credentials = require("../credentials.js")(); var Robinhood = require('robinhood')(credentials, function(){ Robinhood.instruments('AAPL',function(err, response, body){ if(err){ console.error(err); }else{ console.log("instruments"); console.log(body); } }) }); Get the user's instruments for a specified stock. quote_data(stock, callback) // Not authenticated Get the user's quote data for a specified stock. var Robinhood = require('robinhood')(credentials, function(){ Robinhood.quote_data('AAPL', function(err, response, body){ if(err){ console.error(err); }else{ console.log("quote_data"); console.log(body); } }) }); accounts(callback) var Robinhood = require('robinhood')(credentials, function(){ Robinhood.accounts(function(err, response, body){ if(err){ console.error(err); }else{ console.log("accounts"); console.log(body); } }) }); Get the user's accounts. user(callback) Get the user information. var Robinhood = require('robinhood') (credentials, function(){ Robinhood.user(function(err, response, body){ if(err){ console.error(err); }else{ console.log("user"); console.log(body); } }) }); dividends(callback) Get the user's dividends information. var Robinhood = require('robinhood')(credentials, function(){ Robinhood.dividends(function(err, response, body){ if(err){ console.error(err); }else{ console.log("dividends"); console.log(body); } }) }); earnings(option, callback) Get the earnings information. Option should be one of: let option = { range: X } OR let option = { instrument: URL } OR let option = { symbol: SYMBOL } var Robinhood = require('robinhood')(credentials, function(){ Robinhood.earnings(option, function(err, response, body){ if(err){ console.error(err); }else{ console.log("earnings"); console.log(body); } }) }); orders(options, callback) Get the user's orders information. Retreive a set of orders Send options hash (optional) to limit to specific instrument and/or earliest date of orders. let options = { updated_at: '2017-08-25', instrument: ' } var Robinhood = require('robinhood')(credentials, function(){ Robinhood.orders(options, function(err, response, body){ if(err){ console.error(err); }else{ console.log("orders"); console.log(body); } }) }); Retreive a particular order Send the id of the order to retreive the data for a specific order. let order_id = "string_identifier"; var Robinhood = require('robinhood') (credentials, function(){ Robinhood.orders(order_id, function(err, response, body){ if(err){ console.error(err); }else{ console.log("order"); console.log(body); } }) }); positions(callback) Get the user's position information. var Robinhood = require('robinhood')(credentials, function(){ Robinhood.positions(function(err, response, body){ if (err){ console.erro(err); }else{ console.log("positions"); console.log(body); } }); }); nonzero_positions(callback) Get the user's nonzero position information only. var Robinhood = require('robinhood')(credentials, function(){ Robinhood.nonzero_positions(function(err, response, body){ if (err){ console.erro(err); }else{ console.log("positions"); console.log(body); } }); }); place_buy_order(options, callback) Place a buy order on a specified stock. var Robinhood = require('robinhood')(credentials, function(){ var options = { type: 'limit', quantity: 1, bid_price: 1.00, instrument: { url: String, symbol: String } } Robinhood.place_buy_order(options, function(error, response, body){ if(error){ console.error(error); }else{ console.log(body); } }) }); For the Optional ones, the values can be: [Disclaimer: This is an unofficial API based on reverse engineering, and the following option values have not been confirmed] trigger A trade trigger is usually a market condition, such as a rise or fall in the price of an index or security. Values can be: gfd: Good For Day gtc: Good Till Cancelled oco: Order Cancels Other time The time in force for an order defines the length of time over which an order will continue working before it is canceled. Values can be: immediate : The order will be cancelled unless it is fulfilled immediately. day : The order will be cancelled at the end of the trading day. place_sell_order(options, callback) Place a sell order on a specified stock. var Robinhood = require('robinhood')(credentials, function(){ var options = { type: 'limit', quantity: 1, bid_price: 1.00, instrument: { url: String, symbol: String }, } Robinhood.place_sell_order(options, function(error, response, body){ if(error){ console.error(error); }else{ console.log(body); } }) }); For the Optional ones, the values can be: [Disclaimer: This is an unofficial API based on reverse engineering, and the following option values have not been confirmed] trigger A trade trigger is usually a market condition, such as a rise or fall in the price of an index or security. Values can be: gfd: Good For Day gtc: Good Till Cancelled oco: Order Cancels Other time The time in force for an order defines the length of time over which an order will continue working before it is canceled. Values can be: immediate : The order will be cancelled unless it is fulfilled immediately. day : The order will be cancelled at the end of the trading day. fundamentals(symbol, callback) Get fundamental data about a symbol. Response An object containing information about the symbol: var Robinhood = require('robinhood')(credentials, function(){ Robinhood.fundamentals("SBPH", function(error, response, body){ if(error){ console.error(error); }else{ console.log(body); } }) }); cancel_order(order, callback) Cancel an order with the order object var Robinhood = require('robinhood')(credentials, function(){ Robinhood.orders(function(error, response, body){ if(error){ console.error(error); }else{ var orderToCancel = body.results[0]; Robinhood.cancel_order(orderToCancel, function(err, response, body){ if(err){ console.error(err); }else{ console.log("Cancel Order Successful"); console.log(body) } }) } }) }) Cancel an order by order id var order_id = 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx' var Robinhood = require('robinhood')(credentials, function(){ Robinhood.cancel_order(order_id, function(err, response, body){ if(err){ console.error(err); }else{ console.log("Cancel Order Successful"); console.log(body) } }) }) watchlists(name, callback) var Robinhood = require('robinhood')(credentials, function(){ Robinhood.watchlists(function(err, response, body){ if(err){ console.error(err); }else{ console.log("got watchlists"); console.log(body); } }) }); create_watch_list(name, callback) //Your account type must support multiple watchlists to use this endpoint otherwise will get { detail: 'Request was throttled.' } and watchlist is not created. Robinhood.create_watch_list('Technology', function(err, response, body){ if(err){ console.error(err); }else{ console.log("created watchlist"); console.log(body); // { // "url": " , // "user": " , // "name": "Technology" // } } }) sp500_up(callback) var Robinhood = require('robinhood') (credentials, function(){ Robinhood.sp500_up(function(err, response, body){ if(err){ console.error(err); }else{ console.log("sp500_up"); console.log(body); } }) }); sp500_down(callback) var Robinhood = require('robinhood')(credentials, function(){ Robinhood.sp500_down(function(err, response, body){ if(err){ console.error(err); }else{ console.log("sp500_down"); console.log(body); } }) }); splits(instrument, callback) var Robinhood = require('robinhood')(credentials, function(){ Robinhood.splits("7a3a677d-1664-44a0-a94b-3bb3d64f9e20", function(err, response, body){ if(err){ console.error(err); }else{ console.log("got splits"); console.log(body); } }) }) historicals(symbol, intv, span, callback) var Robinhood = require('robinhood')(credentials, function(){ Robinhood.historicals("AAPL", '5minute', 'week', function(err, response, body){ if(err){ console.error(err); }else{ console.log("got historicals"); console.log(body); } }) }) url(url, callback) url is used to get continued or paginated data from the API. Queries with long results return a reference to the next sete. Example - next: ' } The url returned can be passed to the url method to continue getting the next set of results. tag(tag, callback) Retrieve Robinhood's new Tags: In 2018, Robinhood Web will expose more Social and Informational tools. You'll see how popular a security is with other Robinhood users, MorningStar ratings, etc. Known tags: 10 Most Popular Instruments: 10-most-popular 100 Most Popular Instruments: 100-most-popular Response sample: { "slug":"10-most-popular", "name":"10 Most Popular", "description":"", "instruments":[ " , " , " , " , " , " , " , " , " , " ] } popularity(symbol, callback) Get the popularity for a specified stock. var credentials = require("../credentials.js")(); var Robinhood = require('robinhood')(credentials, function() { Robinhood.popularity('GOOG', function(error, response, body) { if (error) { console.error(error); } else { console.log(body); } }); }); options_positions Obtain list of options positions var credentials = require("../credentials.js")(); var Robinhood = require('robinhood')(credentials, function() { Robinhood.options_positions((err, response, body) => { if (err) { console.error(err); } else { console.log(body); } }); }); Obtain list of options expirations for a ticker var credentials = require("../credentials.js")(); var Robinhood = require('robinhood')(credentials, function() { Robinhood.options_positions("MSFT", (err, response, {tradable_chain_id, expiration_dates}) => { if (err) { console.error(err); } else { Robinhood.options_available(tradable_chain_id, expiration_dates[0]) } }); }); options_available Obtain list of options expirations for a ticker var credentials = require("../credentials.js")(); var Robinhood = require('robinhood')(credentials, function() { Robinhood.options_positions("MSFT", (err, response, {tradable_chain_id, expiration_dates}) => { if (err) { console.error(err); } else { Robinhood.options_available(tradable_chain_id, expiration_dates[0]) } }); }); news(symbol, callback) Return news about a symbol. Documentation lacking sample response Feel like contributing? :) Alejandro U. Alvarez (@aurbano) Even though this should be obvious: I am not affiliated in any way with Robinhood Financial LLC. I don't mean any harm or disruption in their service by providing this. Furthermore, I believe they are working on an amazing product, and hope that by publishing this NodeJS framework their users can benefit in even more ways from working with them. License

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