HSA Online Practice Tests for Government and MISA Science

[Pages:1]HSA Online Practice Tests for Government and MISA Science

The online practice is now live at . Please note, if you have a student that needs to use accommodations (i.e. Text-to-Speech) with

the 2018 HS MISA Practice Test, please make sure that they use the session labeled "MISA Session 1 Accommodated". Usernames and passwords to the 2018 HSA practice tests are as follows: o Government Practice Test Username: practicegovernment Password: maryland

o HS MISA Science Practice Test Username: practicehsmisa Password: Maryland

ASL (American Sign Language) Videos o Government Practice Test Username: aslpracticegovernment Password: maryland

o HS MISA Practice Test Username: aslpracticehsmisa Password: Maryland


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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