Log Users Out of the Old System

Server Migration Switchover Punch ListDo not perform the steps in this punch list until after Trumpet has performed the migration configuration adjustments.Log Users Out of the Old SystemThis process can only be performed if users are not logged into the old system.Confirm that users are logged out of the old systemAdjust Login Scripts/Group Policy for New Drive LettersAdjust login scripts or group policy so all users (including the Indexer Windows user) will have drive mappings pointing to the new server when they log inFinal Copy of Files from Old System to New SystemIf the firm has continued to use Worldox since the initial copy (above) was performed, a selective re-synch must be performed to bring over any changes the users may have made. This section describes those files:The firm has not used Worldox since the initial copy. No further sync is required- Or - Copy changes for each of the files/folders listed below to the new server, preserving security and all file dates. Robocopy Commands - In each step, a suggested robocopy command template is provided. Please adjust for your specific environment. We also recommend that you check the flags to make sure they do what you want.Note: In the robocopy commands, we have inserted line breaks to improve readability. The actual commands you will execute will be all on one line.Important: If you are setting up a completely new Active Directory (i.e. not transferring one DC to another), you should probably *not* include the /sec command line switch below as doing so attempts to copy the security settings for each file from the source to the target. If the target system does not have the same SSIDs, the copy will fail in interesting ways.Tip: Microsoft’s documentation for robocopy switches is here: we get started, please confirm that you understand that you are only going to copy certain folders and files. If you copy the entire folder structure, Worldox will be unusable until Trumpet can correct the settings that were overwrittenCopy changes for the entire DocVault folder, but exclude files named WDINDEX.INIrobocopy<src>\DocVault<dest>\DocVault*.*/xf WDINDEX.INI /MIR /W:1 /R:1 /LOG+:C:\worldoxcopy.txt /secCopy changes for Worldox\Shared\EAFILE.PAN, EAFILE??.FT?, EAFILE??.IX? and EAFILE??-IX*.WD2 (? = any single character)robocopy <src>\Worldox\Shared<dest>\Worldox\Shared EAFILE.PAN EAFILE??.FT? EAFILE??.IX? EAFILE??-IX*.WD2 /MIR /W:1 /R:1 /LOG+:C:\worldoxcopy.txt /secCopy changes for Worldox\Shared\UserINIs\*.*robocopy<src>\Worldox\Shared\UserINIs<dest>\Worldox\Shared\UserINIs/MIR /W:1 /R:1 /LOG+:C:\worldoxcopy.txt /secCopy changes for the entire Trumpet folder, but exclude the folder named AssemblageRobocopy<src>\Trumpet\*<dest>\Trumpet\*/xd Assemblage /MIR /W:1 /R:1 /LOG+:C:\worldoxcopy.txt /secNote: There may not be a Trumpet\Assemblage folder at your site.Tip: You can continue with most of the remainder of this punch list while the copying is being performed.Remove Old Server Network Resource SharesConfirm that you have removed the share(s) from the old serverWhy: This is a critical step to ensure that applications do not continue reference the old server via UNC paths.Adjust Symphony Profiler Configuration (If Applicable)Configure E-mail NotificationsHaving e-mail notifications configured is critical to the long term reliability of Symphony Profiler. This will alert them of overdue or unmatched reservations, documents that may be missing pages, or if the Symphony Profiler Processor is disabled for any reason.If the firm’s SMTP Server has changed, from the Symphony Profiler Processor on the Indexer workstation, select Edit > Preferences. Select “E-mail” in the Preferences windowFill in the information regarding your SMTP (outgoing mail) serverSpecify the name of your SMTP serverIf your server requires SMTP authentication, click the checkbox and complete the login name and passwordSet the “From” address you would like to have the Symphony Profiler logs come from (we typically recommend symphonyprofiler@, where “your firm” represents your domain name)Set the “To” address to the e-mail address(es) of the Symphony administrator(s). These are users who will receive important nightly system messagesTip: To specify multiple e-mail addresses, separate each address with a comma.Click the “Send Test Email” button and confirm that the e-mail sends correctlyConfirm that the user(s) in your ‘To’ list received the test e-mailEnsure a Successful First Time MigrationThe top two causes of failed migrations are:If the workstations and/or Indexer do not have identical drive mappingsIf the security on the above shares and folders is not configured for full controlWe see about 10% of migrations require iterations because these items have not been thoroughly checked. To help make sure your migration is a success the first time around, please confirm the following items:Confirm that you have logged on to the Indexer as the windows user that the firm uses for running the Indexer and you have physically checked to ensure that each of the resource folders are in place, and pointing to the correct level of the folder hierarchy.Confirm that your login script is mapping the network resource drives properly. If you are not using a login script, confirm that you have explicitly checked the drive mapping on every workstation at the firm and that the mappings are identical and pointing to the correct level of the folder hierarchy.Please direct any questions regarding this punch list to support@. ................

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