Death of a Rock Star Murder Mystery - Terrell English and ...

Death of a Rock Star Murder Mystery

Characters/ Profiles

The Victim

Jean Cooper

was doing her concert on the “Breaking Out” tour and was found dead after the last night on the road. Cooper was apparently stabbed in the heart in her dressing room after the concert..

Character Profile

Ivana Makabuck – Jean Cooper’s agent and publicist

Makabuck discovered Cooper in a seedy bar in Little York when her car blew a tire and she had to wait for a tow truck. She was impressed with Cooper’s unassuming style and felt that she could market him/her as a “rags to riches” story. When Cooper was performing, it was with a karaoke machine because Cooper’s guitar skills were very limited. Not to worry, Makabuck said, every musician “air-guitared” a performance while a pro played off-stage. The audience would never know the difference in a live performance. Makabuck looked at some of Cooper’s poorly written songs and decided that someone else could write those, too. There were lots of songwriters out there who were happy to pen a hit and not get credit---they’d do it just for the money.

When Cooper hit it big with “So You Say You’re Lonely”, the money train picked up speed. Makabuck had virtually created Cooper from the ground up, so she felt no shame in demanding an exorbitant salary. When Cooper refused, she had more than enough information to ruin his/her career. Besides, she’s heard through the grapevine that Cooper was planning to find a new agent, and Makabuck wasn’t about to lose her cash cow.

How do you feel about:

Jean Cooper: She was just another rung on the ladder to success. I made her what she became and she ungratefully threatened to fire me as her manager.

Louis DeVille- He’s just another stage director. They are a dime a dozen.

Derek Takameenie- If his talent hadn’t made Jean such a star, I’d have rolled his wheelchair off a cliff a long time ago. His whining drives me up the wall.

Juan Hunkyguy- What a man! What I don’t think of, he will.

Iben Drivinglots- Who?

Delia Dearborn- This woman has talent. She really can make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear!

Lensford Whatanerd-Why to these young artists insist on having fan club presidents?

Marty Rent-a-cop- One cop is the same as another.

Moppa Lottafloors- Get to work, lady!

Character Profile

Louis DeVille – Stage Director

The “Breaking Out” tour was the answer to his prayers. A seasoned stage director, DeVille had set up shows for rock idols like Fleetwood Mac, Bon Jovi, and Guns ‘n Roses. Deville could have been a millionaire, but the Las Vegas casinos had pocketed most of this money. A gambling addict, DeVille hoped to make bank with this tour and get his life back on track. When he was at a particularly low spot in his life and everything he owned was on the brink of repossession by the loan sharks and finance companies, he’d gone to Jean Cooper and begged her to loan him $175,000. Cooper had given the loan, but DeVille had only used part of it to pay his debts. He’d taken a longshot on a Miami football game and lost the rest. When Cooper found out, she was furious and threatened to fire him if the money wasn’t repaid by the end of the tour. DeVille had heard rumors that Cooper was going to switch agents and hire a whole new stage crew. Things aren’t looking good because he owes Cooper $175,000 and Big Tony Putatoochie $250,000.

How do you feel about:

Jean Cooper- Sweet girl. It’s a shame she’s got no real talent. She’d help anyone, but she’s got a temper!

Ivana Makabuck- That gold-digging hag! She thinks she owns everyone.

Juan Hunkyguy-Just another boy-toy for Ivana. I sure hope Jean doesn’t find out he’s cheating on her. I’d hate to see what’s left of Juan when she’s done!

Iben Drivinglots- Who?

Derek Takameenie- That boy is a fountain of talent. It’s a shame that Ivana keeps him hidden away like some dirty secret.

Delia Dearborn- The secrets she knows would keep Hollywood gossip magazines in business for years.

Lensford Whatanerd- Weird kid.

Marty Rent-a-cop-I hate cops.

Moppa Lottafloors- Get to work, lady!

Character Profile

Derek Takameenie- ghost guitarist for Jean Cooper

They say that behind every great person there is an exceptional man or woman. In Jean Cooper’s musical world, that exceptional person is Derek Takameenie. While fans are screamin Jean’s name as she lays those riffs down on stage, Derek Takameenie’s fingers are on musical overload backstage. A highly trained musician, Derek had hoped to be the next Eric Clapton or Eddie Van Halen, but a motorcycle accident had left him paralyzed. Ivana Makabuck discovered him playing blues guitar in Pekin when she stopped to use the bathroom in the town bar. Ivana told Derek that she could make expose his music to the world and make him a very wealthy man, but his name would never be famous—he would be the ghost guitarist for her new prodigy who had everything except musical talent. At first, Derek was satisfied with the arrangement and the money, but after repeatedly hearing fans worshipping Jean Cooper as a guitar god, he refused to live the lie any longer. He told Ivana that he would finish the tour behind the scenes, and then he wanted to be credited as the new lead guitarist when Cooper started a new tour. Ivana protested, saying that no rocker wanted to see a lead guitar player rolling around in a wheel chair on stage, regardless of how good a musician they were. Derek told Ivana if she didn’t change her tune, he would go to the press and expose the whole charade. Ivana told Derek to slow his roll---she’d think about it.

How do you feel about:

Jean Cooper- She’s just a puppet there on stage. Watching her play air guitar to my talent makes me want to puke. And it’s not like she even attempts to learn to play guitar better.

Ivana Makabuck- She’s kept me behind the scenes for the last tour. Next time, I’ll be on stage where people can see where the true guitar talent is. If Ivana doesn’t change things around, she’ll be sorry.

Louis DeVille- Poor guy. Luck is just never on his side.

Juan Hunkyguy- Scumbag. He’s playing Ivana and Jean against each other and they are both too stupid to realize it.

Iben Drivinglots- Who?

Delia Dearborn- I don’t really know her. She seems really nice, though.

Lensford Whatanerd- He needs to know the truth about his dear Jean. He’s too dumb to see that she’s everything he doesn’t stand for.

Marty Rent-a-cop- Who?

Moppa Lottafloors-Who?

Character Profile

Juan Hunkyguy- Jean Cooper’s boyfriend

Jean and Juan met at a Hollywood mixer that Ivana Makabuck set up so the he/she cold rub elbows with celebrities and be seen by the press. It was love at first sight for both of them, but this was not a new thing for Juan. A known flirt, Juan was the “love them and leave them” type. His reputation spoke for itself, but he promised Jean that he was a changed man since falling for her. While Juan may have been attracted to Jean’s beauty and rising stardom, the true magnetic pull came from money. While Ivana Makabuck might not be the most beautiful woman in the world, her bank account more than made up for that. In fact, it had been Juan’s idea for Ivana to start milking the record royalties and increasing her fee. Juan played Ivana and Jean against each other—taking Jean’s side when she refused the royalty request, then siding with Ivana when she threatened to destroy Jean’s career by exposing her inabilities. In Juan’s mind, it didn’t really matter who came out on top—he’d be a winner either way.

How do you feel about:

Jean Cooper- I really liked her (and her money).

Ivana Makabuck- Her money makes up for everything she lacks.

Louis DeVille- We have a stage director?

Derek Takameenie- Yeah, he’s got some talent, but everyone knows you have to have the whole package to be a star.

Iben Drivinglots- Who?

Delia Dearborn- Who?

Lensford Whatanerd- Creepy kid with too much time on his hands.

Marty Rent-a-cop- Cops make me really nervous.

Moppa Lottafloors-Women should be good cleaners.

Character Profile

Iben Drivinglots- the band bus driver

Iben Drivinglots is ready for this concert tour to end. Fifty-two cities in 30 days has kept him behind the wheel nearly every day and night. But Iben has seen a lot more than the road in this past month. He always thought that musicians rehearsed acoustically on the bus as it rolled from destination to destination, but in 30 days, he’s never once seen Jean Cooper handle a guitar. Cooper is always on the cell phone. listening to the iPod, or sleeping. He wonders how someone can pull off those guitar rifts when they never practice. He’s also wondering about the guy in the wheelchair—Derek Takameenie-- who seems to show up at every gig, and he always gets a backstage pass. Iben is no stranger to the cheating game, either. He’s had his share of flings, but he’s never seen anyone work people like Juan Hunkyguy. Iben thinks it’s a shame the way Juan is using both of them, but then, it’s only his job to drive the bus, not provide relationship counseling.

How do you feel about:

Jean Cooper- She’s a good kid, but not swift enough to know that people are using her.

Ivana Makabuck- I wouldn’t let her manage the career of my poodle!

Louis DeVille- Talks a lot of smack. He’s not all he professes to be.

Derek Takameenie- Why is this kid at every single concert?

Juan Hunkyguy- What a creep! Why do woment all gravitate toward losers?

Delia Dearborn-I’ve seen her around. She’s always just beaming when she listens to

Takameenie play guitar.

Lensford Whatanerd- Who?

Marty Rent-a-cop- Who?

Moppa Lottafloors- Who?

Character Profile

Delia Dearborn- Jean Cooper’s makeup artist and hair stylist

Delia has been in the makeup/stylist business for over 20 years. She understands the tempermental nature of rock stars. She also knows that the minute they hit her styling chair, their mouths become unhinged and they start blurting out information about everything from their deepest fears to their most deep-seated hatreds. Jean Cooper has talked a lot when seated in that chair. Delia has learned that it is the stylist’s place to listen, and never respond with more than a “Oh, really?” or “Oh, I see!” Delia has learned far more from what Jean Cooper hasn’t said than the information she’s readily imparted. For example, Jean suspects that Juan is cheating on her with someone else. That knowledge hurts, but the fact that Jean has learned that Juan has an outstanding warrant for check deception and mail fraud tends to make the hurt feel a little better. If Juan gets picked up by the police on the warrant, back to Mexico he will go because he lacks a green card. Jean is torn by her anger at the betrayal and her feelings for someone that she truly loved. If Jean knew about Juan’s affair with Ivana Makabuck, it would be a catfight of major proportions.

How do you feel about:

Jean Cooper- Just like any other big star, she’s a fake. Her agent has used smoke and

mirrors to make her what she is today. She’s headed for a Brittney Spears

meltdown any day.

Ivana Makabuck- Some piece of work, let me tell you.

Louis DeVille- He’s a real high roller, if you know what I mean.

Derek Takameenie- Such a wonderful talent that never gets recognized. It’s a shame.

Juan Hunkyguy- You mean Juan Creepyguy, right? What do these women see in him?

Iben Drivinglots- He’s a pretty good bus driver.

Lensford Whatanerd- Creepy kid with too much time on his hands.

Marty Rent-a-cop- One cop is the same as another.

Moppa Lottafloors- Who?

Character Profile

Lensford Whatanerd- President of Jean Cooper’s fan club

Lensford takes his job as Fan Club President very seriously. He diligently mails out press releases, signed photographs, and email alerts about Jean Cooper and the band. He still remembers the day that he met Jean Cooper in person. He’d often heard of people talking about how the earth would stand still, but that day, he actually experienced it for himself. Jean Cooper was the girl of his dreams, and Lensford knew from the way that Jean limply shook his sweaty hand, that she was feeling the same way. Last night, the “Breaking Out” tour had ended in his hometown, and Lensford had been right there in front of the stage, shouting out the words to each song and listening to Jean’s guitar prowess. He was so glad that Jean Cooper was no fake. He knew lots of other fan club presidents who simply represented “posers”—musicians who pretended to be talented while someone else did the hard work behind the scenes. The highlight of his evening was when he got a backstage pass to meet Jean Cooper after the show. In his dreams every night, she picked up her acoustic guitar and sang “So You Say You’re Lonely” to him in a private performance. Perhaps tonight would be the night that dream would come true. Lensford is also hoping that Jean will reveal the big announcement she’s been planning to him so he can break it over the internet after the concert.

How do you feel about:

Jean Cooper- She is an angel! A visionary! Her music speaks to her fans because she can

relate to our feelings.

Ivana Makabuck- Weird older woman who makes me feel very uncomfortable.

Louis DeVille- Who?

Derek Takameenie- Who? Isn’t he a tennis player?

Juan Hunkyguy- Yeah, Jean’s boyfriend. I don’t like the looks of him. He looks at her

like a snake looking at a bird. She’ll dump him someday and find a man

who really appreciates her…like me!

Iben Drivinglots- The Bus Driver….so?

Delia Dearborn- who?

Marty Rent-a-cop- Just another extension of “the Man” trying to keep Jean’s fans away

from her.

Moppa Lottafloors- who?

Character Profile

Marty Rent-a-cop – Backstage security guard

Marty was at his post backstage with a cup of coffee in one hand and a doughnut in the other. Things were pretty quiet all night from his vantage point. He usually has to run off kids who sneak backstage with no pass, but not tonight. Everyone who came to see Jean Cooper after the show had the correct credentials, even that nerdy kid with the huge Adam’s apple and horn-rimmed glasses. Actually, the kid had come in twice: once after the show, then again later after going out to his car to get some photos for Jean to sign.

How do you feel about:

Jean Cooper- Just another rock star wannabee. They’re a dime a dozen.

Ivana Makabuck- She’s a real piece of work.

Louis DeVille- who?

Derek Takameenie- who?

Juan Hunkyguy- Creepy guy.

Iben Drivinglots- who?

Delia Dearborn- Who?

Lensford Whatanerd- Another creepy kid skulking around wanting to be in a rock star’s


Moppa Lottafloors- Nice lady. Does a good cleaning job.

Character Profile

Moppa Lottafloors-custodial cleaning lady

Moppa Lottafloors hates wintertime. There’s so much more mopping and cleaning up because people track in melting snow and God know what else during the winter season. Take for instance last night’s concert. Someone must have spilled a bottle of water right outside Jean Cooper’s dressing room door. Two or three people must have walked right through it without even taking the time to try to wipe it up. And that Jean—what a little tart! As far as Moppa’s concerned, Jean Cooper is just a couple songs away from a Britney Spears breakdown. Three men went in to see her and she fought with every one of them---oh! That little vixen can scream, and the words that came out of her mouth. Well, that’s how it is with young female stars these days. They think the louder they scream, the more people are going to do for them.

How do you feel about:

Jean Cooper- All of these rock stars are the same: rude and condescending.

Ivana Makabuck- Just another pushy rock star manager.

Louis DeVille- who?

Derek Takameenie- Who?

Juan Hunkyguy- Creepy guy who thinks he’s a ladies’ man.

Iben Drivinglots- who?

Delia Dearborn- Who?

Lensford Whatanerd- Creepy kid that makes me want to hit him with my broom.

Marty Rent-a-cop- Pretty good security guard, but he needs to lay off the doughnuts.

Introductions (Envelope 1)

I’m Ivana Makabuck, Jean Cooper’s agent and publicist. Sometimes you have to lie a little to make the money come rolling in.

Introductions (Envelope 1)

I’m Louis DeVille, stage director for the “Breaking Out” tour. I’m always ready to spin the wheel to see if it’s my lucky day!

Introductions (Envelope 1)

I’m Derek Takameenie, and I’ve played on hundreds of popular records, but I’ve never received any recognition for it.

Introductions (Envelope 1)

I’m Juan Hunkyguy, Jean Cooper’s boyfriend. I like to live life with fine wine and wealthy women.

Introductions (Envelope 1)

I’m Iben Drivinglots, the tour bus driver. Sometimes what you see in the rear-view mirror is more interesting than what’s in front of you as you roll down the road.

Introductions (Envelope 1)

I’m Delia Dearborn, stylist and hairdresser. I can make anyone look like a million dollars and the gossip I know is worth even more!

Introductions (Envelope 1)

I’m Lensford Whatanerd, fan club president for the Jean Cooper fan club. I think Jean is the greatest singer and guitar player of all time! She’s the girl of my dreams!

Introductions (Envelope 1)

I’m Marty Rent-a –cop, security guard at the stadium where the last concert took place. With a doughnut in my hand and a security badge, I’m a force to be reckoned with.

Introductions (Envelope 1)

I’m Moppa Lottafloors- custodian at the stadium. I think we really get the dirt on some of these rock stars.

Charades (envelope 2)

|Ivana Makabuck |I threatened to reveal secrets about Jean |I haven’t filed taxes with the IRS for the |

| |Cooper |past five years, plus I’ve been reading all|

| | |of Jean’s private mail without her |

| | |knowledge. |

|Louis DeVille |I have a gambling problem |Jean loaned me $175,000 to pay my debts, |

| | |but I gambled half of it away. I have to |

| | |repay her, or I’m fired. |

|Derek Takameenie |I was promised a lead guitar position on |Jean Cooper couldn’t play guitar. I’ve been|

| |the next tour. |her “ghost guitarist” for the entire tour. |

|Juan Hunkyguy |I have been cheating on Jean for quite some|I have outstanding warrants for my arrest |

| |time. |and no green card. |

|Iben Drivinglots |I think some people have a lot of secrets. |I saw Juan and Ivana kissing behind the |

| | |bus. |

|Delia Dearborn |Jean talked a lot to me. |She suspected that Juan was having an |

| | |affair with someone. |

|Lensford Whatanerd |I’m in love with Jean Cooper. |If I ever found out a lie about Jean, I |

| | |don’t think I could live. |

|Marty Rent-a-cop |Doughnuts are only good in the mornings. |That nerdy fan club president talks to |

| | |himself a lot. |

|Moppa Lottafloors |I think that custodians are underpaid. |That water I mopped up from in front of |

| | |Jean’s dressing room was ice cold. |

| | | |

More Clues (Envelope 3)

Ivana Makabuck : 1. Jean Cooper was worth more dead than alive.

2. I took out a $2 million life insurance policy on her before the tour


Louis DeVille: 1. Not only do I owe Jean $175, 000, I owe Big Tony Putatoochie


2. I heard that Jean was going to fire all of us at the end of the tour.

Derek Takameenie: 1. I was going to blackmail Jean if Ivana didn’t give me a lead

guitar spot on the next tour—ON STAGE!

2. I also planned to ruin Ivana’s reputation with information about

her giving Jean credit for copyrighted songs written by other


Juan Hunkyguy: 1. I’m pretty sure that Jean knew I was having an affair with Ivana.

2. I think Jean was going to turn me in and have me sent back to

Mexico for cheating on her with Ivana.

Iben Drivinglots: 1. Why is that Derek at every concert on the tour ?

2. I’ve never seen Jean practice her guitar. Is she really that talented?

Delia Dearborn: 1. Jean said she hated Ivana Makabuck and she was going to get a

new agent after the concert tour.

2. Jean implied that she had something she could hold over Juan’s

head to make him stop having an affair.

Lensford Whatanerd: 1. I asked Jean to play “So You Think You’re Lonely”

acoustically for me after the concert, and she said she was too


2. I think Jean might have been untruthful with her fans. That

makes me feel violated.

Marty Rent-a-cop: 1. They shouldn’t allow anyone backstage after a concert. I can’t

graze the complimentary buffet for trying to check passes to see

if they are legit!

2. That Lensford kid acted goofy—he was all sweaty and nervous

before he went in to see Jean the first time.

Moppa Lottafloors: 1. I heard someone screaming “You’re a liar and a fake!”

2. I heard someone else yelling “You betrayed me!”

Envelope 4

Final Encounter

Ivana Makabuck- I saw Jean after she came off stage following her performance. She pointed her finger at me and mouthed the words, “You’re Done!” then stomped off to her dressing room and slammed the door in my face.

Envelope 4

Final Encounter

Louis DeVille – I went to Jean’s dressing room after the concert to tell her that I didn’t have the money to repay her. She told me I was a “Liar and a fake” and that she was disappointed in me—that she thought I would do better for myself. Then I got a phone call on my cell my Big Tony, so I went to meet him, but he never showed up.

Envelope 4

Final Encounter

Derek Takameenie- I saw Jean finish the concert. After I hit the last power chord, I handed my guitar to the roadie and rolled off to go get a soda. I was so tired of watching that twit try to “air guitar” to my playing, I wanted to puke.

Envelope 4

Final Encounter

Juan Hunkyguy- Jean and I argued right before the concert. She said she knew I was having an affair. As she left to go on stage, she told me that I’d better get my bags packed—that she didn’t think the border patrol would give me much time to get my things together when they picked me up on those outstanding warrants. She was so beautiful, I wanted to kill her.

Envelope 4

Final Encounter

Iben Drivinglots – I last saw Jean when she got off the bus. I took a nap as soon as the band got their gear unloaded.

Envelope 4

Final Encounter

Delia Dearborn- Jean sat her last time in my chair about 30 minutes before the concert. She was a nervous wreck, saying that it was time to make a change, and that it could cost her everything, but she was tired of living a lie.

Envelope 4

Final Encounter

Lensford Whatanerd- I saw Jean right after the concert when I used my backstage pass. I remembered that I had some photos that she needed to sign for the fan club, so I ran out to get them. She said that she appreciated my loyalty and that she had something she wanted to tell me when I came back, but when I returned, she was asleep.

Envelope 4

Final Encounter

Marty Rent-a-cop – I saw the Lensford go into Jean’s dressing room twice while I was grazing on the complimentarly backstage buffet. The road to her room was hot last night. People were constantly in and out.

Envelope 4

Final Encounter

Moppa Lottafloors- I saw the twit when she pranced out of her room and onto the stage, then I saw her prance back in afterward. Then I had to clean up the water outside her dressing room door.

Envelope 5


Ivana Makabuck – You may have hated the fact that you were losing a lot of money if Jean fired you, but you did not kill her.

Envelope 5


Louis DeVille- You may be looking at a long swim with the fishes under Big Tony’s watchful eye for the money you owe him, but you did not kill Jean Cooper.

Envelope 5


Derek Takameenie- You had every reason to kill Jean Cooper for taking credit for your talent, but you did not kill her.

Envelope 5


Juan Hunkyguy- You were a crappy boyfriend and a conniving womanizer, but you did not kill Jean Cooper.

Envelope 5


Iben Drivinglots- You did not kill Jean Cooper.

Envelope 5


Delia Dearborn- When you were sixteen you gave birth to a son. You didn’t have the means to care for him at that time, so you gave him up for adoption. You later learned who the adoptive parents were and you kept in touch so you could watch your little boy grow up, although he would never know you were his mother. Derek Takameenie was a guitar god in every sense of the word. After talking with Jean during various make-up sessions, you realized that she never talked about playing guitar, nor did her fingers show any sign of blisters or callouses. Then one night, you happened backstage and saw Derek jamming out on his Stratocaster, then noticed that Jean’s guitar wasn’t even plugged into an amp. You overheard Derek and Ivana arguing about his lead guitar status on the next tour. Ivana would never give in to his demands, and would probably ruin whatever career he might have in the process. You decided to take matters into your own hands.

You pulled an icicle off the building and went into Jean’s dressing room while she was onstage. When she came back, you had to wait until the traffic slowed down in her room and you two were alone. When the nerdy president of her fan club went out to get more pictures for her to sign, you saw your chance. You confronted her with your identity and her false career. You only meant to frighten her with the sharp icicle, but when she rolled her eyes and said something about “a cripple on lead guitar”, you snapped and stabbed her in the heart. When you heard Lensford stamping the snow from his boots before entering her dressing room, you hid in the closet. Lensford saw Jean slumped forward, and he assumed she had fallen asleep at her vanity, so he left. You then ran from the room.

Envelope 5


Lensford Whatanerd – If Jean had revealed that she had no musical ability at all, and she was the biggest poser of all time, you probably would have strangled her. But instead, you thought she was asleep, not dead. You did not kill her.

Envelope 5


Marty Rent-a-cop- You were too busy eating chips and dip. You did not kill Jean.

Envelope 5


Moppa Lottafloors- You are a cranky janitor who was too busy doing her job to kill anyone.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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