Rock Cycle Foldable - Brian Zuber

Rock Cycle Foldable

Create a “4-Door Foldable” (instructions on back). On the front of your foldable, draw the stations of the rock cycle (pg 165 in your textbook) and the process arrows between them. On the inside of your foldable, include the following information on your foldable.

You may use your foldable on the Rock Cycle Quiz, but you will not be able to use your notebook.

Panel 1: Rock Cycle (outside: label foldable “Rock Cycle” and label stations for magma and sediment)

• 5 Properties of Minerals (What is a mineral?)

• Vocabulary: crystallization, solution, rock-forming minerals, grains, texture, rock cycle

• Classifying Rocks: composition (color) and texture (grain size, shape, pattern)

Panel 2: Igneous Rock (outside: label “Igneous Rock” and draw a picture)

• Vocabulary: igneous rock, extrusive rock, intrusive rock, origin, fine-grained, coarse-grained

• How do Igneous Rocks Form: melting of existing rock into magma, then hardening and cooling of magma or lava

• Classifying Igneous Rocks: origin (intrusive or extrusive), texture (coarse or fine-grained), composition (color: light = high silica, dark = low silica)

Panel 3: Sedimentary Rock (outside: label “Sedimentary Rock” and draw a picture)

• Vocabulary: sediment, sedimentary rock, weathering, erosion, deposition, compaction, cementation, clastic rock, organic rock, chemical rock, coral reef

• How Sedimentary Rocks Form: weathering, erosion, deposition, compaction, cementation

• Classifying Sedimentary Rocks: (by type of sediment) clastic rock, organic rock, chemical rock

Panel 4: Metamorphic Rock (outside: label “Metamorphic Rock” and draw a picture)

• Vocabulary: metamorphic rock, foliated rock, nonfoliated rock

• How Metamorphic Rocks Form: existing rock undergoes intense heat and pressure

• Classifying Metamorphic Rocks: (by grain pattern) foliated rock, nonfoliated rock


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