Trinity Health

Organization PartnerHCMDeanna BernsteinOrganization Partner Training11/21/2018Table of Contents:Purpose, Definition, Types……………………………………3Creating a New Supervisory Organization…………………4Assign Manager role………………………………….............7Assign Superior………………………………………………...9Move Workers………………………………………………….11Edit Supervisory Organization……………………………..13Inactivate Supervisory Organization………………………16Inbox items for the Org Partner…………………………….18Purpose:To assist the Organization Partner in understanding their role. Defining the Organization Partner, defining Organization Types in Workday, dos and don'ts for the Organization Partner, and different scenarios / business processes to the Organization Partner may come across in Workday. NOTE: You can only perform these duties while logged into Trinity Network. You cannot outside of the firewall. Guidelines for use:This should be used by the Organization Partner at each RHM in as a reference on how to assign organizations and understanding the tasks that come to them from Business Processes. Organization Partner Defined:The Organization Partner performs business process tasks for supervisory organization changes including creating subordinate organizations, editing and inactivating supervisory orgs as well as being able to assign the manager role to the supervisory organizations. This Job aid will not cover adding default organizations to supervisory organizations that is covered anization Types in Workday:Managed by Ministry’s Organization PartnerSupervisory OrganizationsManaged by Central Security TeamCost CentersPay RulesHR CompaniesLocationsEtc.Creating a new supervisory organization:A supervisory organization represents the structure of who reports to whomCreating a Supervisory OrganizationQuestions for review prior to creating a new supervisory organization:Will the new manager be taking over an existing position that already exists and is a supervisory organization? If yes, a new supervisory organization is not needed.Will the new manager be going into a new position and have a brand new team? If yes, create a new supervisory organization.Create a new subordinate supervisory organization under the primary supervisory org by selecting related actions > Reorganization > Create Subordinate as a related action off of the existing organization.Click on ActionsReorganizationCreate Subordinate use 1/1/1900 as the effective date – this is Trinity Standard on creation of all organizations. Fill in the following fields:Availability Date will flow from the effective dateOrganization Name = this could be a service line, cost center name etc. Consult with the requestor to determine the best name for the sup org based on what the manager is overseeing.Include Manager/Leader in Name = mark as checkedOrganization Subtype = Supervisory OrganizationPrimary Location = select the location where the manager is located or if you know who the direct reports will be, the location of the majority of those direct reportsClick on submit when you have finishedYou will get an Up Next task but this function will not work as no positions or colleagues existed as of 1/1/1900. However, you MUST click Open, and then click Submit to complete the business process. Go back to search and enter the org name you just created…… Inherited will be at the end. From the "inherited" sup org, select related Actions > Roles > Assign Roles3526155742954000020000On the Assign Roles screen, the Effective Date must be equal to the beginning of the pay period and/or when the manager you are putting into it was hired.Assign the Role of manager and then enter the manager's name in the Assigned To field.Click ok/done/submit once finished; the new org will be created.Assign Manager RoleThere are some instances where you need to assign the manager role to a supervisory org. If a manager leaves the organization and you will not be filling their positionYou are restructuring your organization and find the instance where a person that is currently a manager over a supervisory organization will no longer be You are cleaning up organizations and notice you have a supervisory organization titled 'Inherited' – this is where a manager leaves and they were assigned a supervisory organization. The supervisory organization then flows up to the superior and you will see their name with 'inherited' the name. In all of these you would follow the below process. To reassign the reporting relationship, open the supervisory organization and click on Actions RolesAssign RolesEnter in the effective date of the new role assignment. In the 'Assigned To' field, enter the position number of the correct manager. Click Ok once completed.Assign Superior There are times where you need to change the structure of your supervisory organizations. This can be done by following the steps below. Select?Reorganization?>?Assign Superior?from the related actions menu of the selected organization.Select the?Effective Date?of the assignment from the prompt, typically the beginning of a pay period, and then click?OK. Select the superior organization to assign to the selected organization from the?Superior?prompt. You can do this by the SUP_### or by typing in the manager's name that is assigned to the superior supervisory organization.Click?Submit. Open the Review Superior Organization To Do that comes up nextClick SubmitMove Workers between Supervisory OrganizationsThere are some when there are a number of colleagues moving from one supervisory organization to another. Nothing else is changing just where they are a member of. Go to the supervisory organization and click on ActionsReorganizationMove Workers (By Organization Type in the effective date that the move is taking place.Select the people/position (if they are not filled) that you need to move. You can do this for unfilled positions that also reside on the supervisory organization.Put in the To organization that you are moving the people/positions to. Type in why you are moving them in the comments. Click on Submit and you should get the checkmark of Process Completed. You have now moved the workers/positions. Editing Supervisory Organization There may come a time where the name of a supervisory organization does not make sense any longer, or is a restructure takes place and a different name or other attribute would be appropriate. In Workday you can now effective date changes to some fields on the supervisory organization. To Edit name and code attributes of a created Sup Org, go to the related actions > Supervisory Organization > Edit Name/CodeFor this function you can effective date the change. Typically this is if you are just changing the name. If you forgot to check a box you can keep the 1/1/1900 date. The changes you make here will be reflected in the history for you to review. Here you can check boxes you misses, or change the name of the Supervisory Organization. Once you have completed your changes you can click OK. After you click ok you can see the changes in Name/Code History and who/when those changes were made. You can also effective date the Primary Location of a supervisory organization. To Edit the location of a created Sup Org, go to the related actions > Supervisory Organization > Edit Primary LocationType in the effective date of the change and click ok. Enter in the new location and Click OK. Inactivating a Supervisory OrganizationPull up the organization that you wish to inactivate. Make sure the there are no active members and no open positions. Move them utilizing the Move Workers job aid. Click on Actions > Reorganization > Inactivate OrganizationSince you are inactivating the org just leave the effective date of today. There is no need to use a historical date. If there are in flight transaction and you want to future date, you will not be able to do that. All in flight transactions must be completed before you can inactivate the supervisory org. Leave the Remove from Hierarchy unchecked – This will leave the inactive supervisory org in your org chart but it will not be visible on Org Charts.Do not check the Keep All Role Assignments – If you do check this it adds a security role to the people for the specific inactivated Sup Org. Keeping it unchecked just leaves the inherited roles from the Hierarchy that is assigned to people at the highest level.Click on Submit to complete the InactivationBusiness Process Related Role Assignments - Inbox Items for the Organization Partner:There is a Business Process that has tasks that go to the Organization Partner for review. Change Job Review Superior Organization. When you receive this task you must determine what needs to happen. No change to the superior of the supervisory organizationThe superior of the supervisory organization is changing. In your inbox you can that the overall process was a Data Change but you do not see what it is that you need to review. This task only generates when a Job Change happens for a person that has been assigned the role of manager to a supervisory organization and the check box that asks if the Team will move with the person is checked. What does not happen is the superior organization of that supervisory organization is not updated. You will need to reassign the superior if it needs to change and then submit this task. If the superior will stay the same you simply just submit this task. To find the supervisory organization for the person on the data change search in Workday for their name.You should get the Employee record and the Supervisory Organization record. You will click on the Supervisory Organization record. If there is more than one you will need to review them all for accuracy. Review the superior organization is accurate. If it is not follow the Reassign Superior located on the next page.Once you have completed the reassignment(s) make sure to go back to your inbox to complete the task. ................

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