Role description Head of Finance - EFPSA

Role description Head of Finance

Reports to Core Responsibilities

Teams Mission

Board of Management

To prepare realistic and appropriate budget for EFPSA and to ensure that it is respected

To be up-to-date with the financial standing of EFPSA and take care of all financial management tasks

To support the Finance Office in raising funds and maintaining good relationships with EFPSA's partners

To support other teams in management of the awarded grants

Finance Office

To ensure the financial stability and growth of the organisation

Essential Functions

Alongside common duties of the Board of Management, as described in the `Collective Board of Management Role Description' document, the Head of Finance is responsible for the following matters:

Supervision of the Finance Office Monitor the work and contribute to the further development of the Finance Office by:

1. Overviewing and feed-backing the actions and activities undertaken throughout the mandate 2. Monitoring and feed-backing official documents and proposals put forth 3. Checking the progress of the Action Plans presented by the Finance Office 4. Liaising the contact between the Finance Office and the rest of the organisation 5. Planning and setting up agendas for regular meetings with the Finance Office - the frequency of these

should be agreed upon by both parts 6. Promptly and effectively attending to requests from the team 7. Being receptive to problems and solution-driven 8. Supporting the Finance Office in developing its structure and composition, according to its needs, for the

following mandate

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1. To create the annual budget a) Meet with all teams in order to discuss their needs during the mandate b) Plan travel support and other general expenditures c) Consult previous budgets and financial reports in order to create the most rational prediction of incomes and plan the costs appropriately d) Present the budget at the General Assembly

2. To create and send invoices a) Collect the membership fees b) Contact sponsors and other partners

3. To arrange payment of all expenditures a) Make cash payments and bank transfers b) Be aware of all EFPSA's financial obligations towards partners and volunteers and ensure that they are fulfilled on time c) Ensure that the approved budget is being respected

4. To make and regularly update the financial report a) Arrange financial auditing of the report at the end of the financial year b) Present the report at the General Assembly at the end of the mandate in a clear and informative way

5. To maintain contact with the bank a) Arrange bank account owner transfer at the end of the mandate b) Be the contact person in communication with the bank c) Be up-to-date with relevant changes concerning the bank (e.g. change of the official address)

6. To be the responsible person for structural grants awarded to the organisation (grants for covering general administrative costs) a) Stay in contact with the grant donor about all questions and changes and maintain good relationship with them b) Ensure the submitted proposal and grant terms have been respected c) Ensure the financial and other reports have been properly prepared

Additional Functions

1. To supervise, together with the respective BM responsible, project management of grants that are awarded to an Executive Board team, both those under EFPSA's responsibility and of other bodies (e.g. Member Organisations) a) Ensure that the submitted proposal and the grant terms have been respected and the report has been properly prepared b) Provide advice and support regarding financial management of the grant

2. To communicate with event organising committees about the financial matters a) Collect the preliminary and closed budgets of all events b) Support and advise about the budget, financial management and reporting

3. To be the contact person for all questions about financial matters that other teams have - to give answers or direct to other members of the Finance Office

Desired Outcomes

? Realistic annual budget of the organisation

? Correct and up-to-date financial report

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? All financial transactions handled on time ? Smooth and successful functioning of the Finance Office ? Grants awarded to the organisation handled successfully ? Needs of other teams related to finance answered appropriately Useful Skills and Experiences ? Previous experience in organisational financial management ? Capacity to multi-task and good time management skills ? Strong command of English language ? Grants and project management skills ? Communication and team coordination skills ? Familiar with Dutch or French language ? Knowledge about e-banking ? Knowledge about laws concerning finance and non-profit organisations in Belgium ? A commitment to EFPSA and its development

Please note that this role is always being developed and slight variations may have been introduced since this document was first published. In the case of any need for clarification on the role of the EFPSA Head of Finance, or if you wish to state an interest in this position, please write to Anela Soski (Head of Finance 2013/2014): finance@

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