World War I Webquest

World War I Webquest

Your Group Is:  SOLDIER

Your Task Is: to detail soldiers’ thoughts, feelings, observations, and reactions to the war around them and their roles in it.

1.        Research the experience of World War I soldiers using the following sites:



2.        Use your research to produce three (3) letters or journal entries of at least 100-words, typed, each.  These will be the primary way through which you will accomplish your task.  Each letter or journal entry should be accompanied by a picture that illustrates something discussed in the letter/entry.  (Each group members’ letters/entries must be their own original work).

3. Use your research to produce two military artifacts from World War I (a flag, insignia, recruitment poster, uniform design, etc.—be creative). 

4.        Use your research as a group to produce a 10-minute presentation detailing the experiences of soldiers during World War I.  Your presentation will be given to the class.  (This will be for a group grade so group members should work together). 

World War I Webquest

Your Group Is:  REPORTER

Your Task Is: to detail the cultural impact of the war on poetry, art, and music.

1.   Research the cultural impact of World War I using the following sites:



2.        Use your research to produce three (3) letters or journal entries of at least 100-words, typed, each.  These will be the primary way through which you will accomplish your task.  Each letter or journal entry should be accompanied by a picture that illustrates something discussed in the letter/entry.  (Each group members’ letters/entries must be their own original work).

3.   Use your research to inspire you to produce two artifacts—  pieces of art about World War I (poems, drawings/paintings, songs). 

4.        Use your research as a group to produce a 10-minute presentation detailing the experiences of reporters during World War I.  Your presentation will be given to the class.  (This will be for a group grade so group members should work together). 


World War I Webquest

Your Group Is:  POLITICIAN

Your Task Is: to detail political impact of World War I on the United States.

1.   Research the cultural impact of World War I using the following sites:



2.        Use your research to produce three (3) letters or journal entries of at least 100-words, typed, each.  These will be the primary way through which you will accomplish your task.  Each letter or journal entry should be accompanied by a picture that illustrates something discussed in the letter/entry.  (Each group members’ letters/entries must be their own original work).

3.   Use your research to create two artifacts—maps, one of Europe before World War I and one of Europe after World War I.  [3-D]

4.        Use your research as a group to produce a 10-minute presentation detailing the experiences of politicians during World War I.  Your presentation will be given to the class.  (This will be for a group grade so group members should work together). 

World War I Webquest

Your Group Is:  WOMAN

Your Task Is: to detail the role of women during World War I.

1.   Research the cultural impact of World War I using the following sites:



2.   Use your research to produce three (3) letters or journal entries of at least 100-words, typed, each.  These will be the primary way through which you will accomplish your task.  Each letter or journal entry should be accompanied by a picture that illustrates something discussed in the letter/entry.  (Each group members’ letters/entries must be their own original work).

3.   Use your research to create two artifacts—political cartoons, one in favor of women’s suffrage and one against women’s suffrage. 

4. Use your research as a group to produce a 10-minute presentation detailing the experiences of women during World War I.  Your presentation will be given to the class.  (This will be for a group grade so group members should work together). 


WW1 -- Oral Presentation


|Criteria |Level 1 |Level 2 |Level 3 |Level 4 |

|Knowledge/ |( shows limited understanding |( shows some understanding of |( shows considerable |( shows thorough understanding|

|Understanding |of the topic |the topic |understanding of the topic |of the topic |

|• information, ideas, concepts| | | | |

|Thinking/Inquiry |( uses limited logical |( uses some logical analysis |( uses considerable logical |( uses highly effective |

|• analysis |analysis and explanation |and explanation |analysis and explanation |logical analysis and |

| | | | |explanation |

|Communication |( shows limited sense of |( shows some sense of audience|( shows considerable sense of |( shows thorough understanding|

|• sense of audience and |audience and purpose in choice|and purpose in choice of |audience and purpose in choice|of audience and purpose in |

|purpose |of content and opportunities |content and opportunities for |of content and opportunities |choice of content and |

| |for audience participation |audience participation |for audience participation |opportunities for audience |

| | | | |participation |

|• coherent organization |( structure shows limited |( structure shows some |( structure shows considerable|( structure is highly |

| |organization |organization |organization |organized |

|Application |( voice has limited clarity |( voice has some clarity |( voice has considerable |( voice has a high degree of |

|• voice | | |clarity |clarity and effectiveness |

|• visual aids |( use of visual aids and |( use of visual aids and |( use of visual aids and |( use of visual aids and |

| |technology is limited |technology is moderately |technology is effective |technology is effective and |

| | |effective | |creative |

|• language conventions |( uses grammar and sentence |( uses grammar and sentence |( uses grammar and sentence |( uses grammar and sentence |

| |structure with limited |structure with some accuracy |structure with considerable |structure with a high degree |

| |accuracy and effectiveness |and effectiveness |accuracy and effectiveness |of accuracy and effectiveness |


WW1 – Visual Presentation


|Criteria |Level 1 |Level 2 |Level 3 |Level 4 |

|Knowledge/ |( presents limited appropriate|( presents some appropriate |( presents considerable |( presents well-thought-out |

|Understanding |and relevant information |and relevant information and |appropriate and relevant |and insightful information and|

|• information, ideas | |ideas |information and ideas |ideas |

|Thinking/Inquiry |( takes limited risks to |( takes some risks to include |( takes considerable risks to |( shows a high degree of risk |

|• creative thinking/risk |include unexpected or |unexpected or unconventional |include unexpected or |taking to include unexpected |

|taking |unconventional features |features |unconventional features |or unconventional features |

|• critical thinking/ audience |( incorporates images that |( incorporates images that |( incorporates images that |( incorporates images that |

|analysis |have limited appeal for the |have some appeal for the |have considerable appeal for |have strong appeal for the |

| |intended audience |intended audience |the intended audience |intended audience |

|Communication |( has limited clarity of focus|( has some clarity of focus |( has a clear and unified |( has a strong, clear, and |

|• focus and purpose |and purpose |and purpose |focus and purpose |unified focus and purpose |

|• visual elements (e.g., line,|( choice and arrangement of |( choice and arrangement of |( choice and arrangement of |( choice and arrangement of |

|shape, form, texture, colour, |images and text (if any) show |images and text (if any) show |images and text (if any) show |images and text (if any) show |

|space, tone) |limited command of visual |some command of visual |considerable command of visual|extensive command of visual |

| |elements |elements |elements |elements |

|• principles of design (e.g., |( layout shows limited command|( layout shows some command of|( layout shows considerable |( layout shows extensive |

|balance, contrast, emphasis, |of the elements of design |the elements of design |command of the elements of |command of the elements of |

|movement, pattern, unity) | | |design |design |

|Application |( uses materials and |( uses materials and |( uses materials and |( uses materials and |

|• presentation (lettering, |techniques with limited skill |techniques with some skill and|techniques with considerable |techniques with a high degree |

|drafting) |and consistency |consistency |skill and consistency |of skill and consistency |


|Criteria |Level 1 |Level 2 |Level 3 |Level 4 |

|Knowledge/ |( provides limited relevant |( provides some relevant |( provides sufficient relevant|( provides thorough, |

|Understanding |information and few ideas to |information and ideas to |information and ideas to |well-chosen information and |

|• information, ideas, concepts|develop the topic |develop the topic |develop the topic |ideas to develop the topic |

|Thinking/Inquiry |( offers little explanation |(offers some explanation and |( offers thoughtful |( offers highly insightful |

|• analysis |and analysis of the topic or |analysis of the topic or |explanation and analysis of |explanation and analysis of |

| |experience |experience |the topic or experience |the topic or experience |

|Communication |( offers little vivid |( offers some vivid |( offers considerable vivid |( offers highly effective, |

|• sense of audience |description and detail to |description and detail to |description and detail to |evocative description and |

| |appeal to audience |appeal to audience |appeal to audience |detail to appeal to audience |

|• organization |( organizes material with |( organizes material with some|( organizes material with |( organizes material with a |

| |limited clarity and logic |clarity and logic |considerable clarity and logic|high degree of clarity and |

| | | | |logic |

|• tone and style |( uses a personal, |( uses a personal, |( uses a personal, |( uses a highly effective |

| |conversational style with |conversational style with some|conversational style with |personal and conversational |

| |limited effectiveness |effectiveness |considerable effectiveness |style |

|Application |( applies grammar, usage, |( applies grammar, usage, |( applies grammar, usage, |( applies grammar, usage, |

|• language conventions |spelling, and punctuation with|spelling, and punctuation with|spelling, and punctuation with|spelling, and punctuation with|

| |limited accuracy and |some accuracy and |considerable accuracy and |a high degree of accuracy and |

| |effectiveness |effectiveness |effectiveness |effectiveness |

WW1 – Letters/Journal Entries



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