Roles of the President Project 's History

Roles of the President Project

There are many different roles that the President of the United States must play. He has a number of responsibilities that often pull him in different directions. To fill all the roles that are demanded of this elevated position a president must be intelligent, able to multitask, knowledgeable about government, and able to win the trust of the people. The different hats that the President must wear include, Chief of State, Director of Foreign Policy, Chief Legislator, Chief Jurist, Chief Politician, Commander in Chief, and Chief Executive.

Your Task: In groups of three, students must teach the rest of the class about an assigned role of the President of the United States. You must provide the class with notes, information about the role, visual concepts, and an assignment to check understanding. Although groups have the capacity to teach the information in any way they desire, a few elements are required:

1. Notes must be given in some form: Orally, written on board, transparency, etc.

2. A description of the role in real life must be given, meaning a historical example.(Obama)

3. Some sort of visual must be included (i.e. pictures, PowerPoint, internet display, etc.)

4. An assignment must be crafted to check for class understanding (i.e. quiz, homework assignment, activity using new knowledge, etc.)

5. At the end of presentation, member of group should be credited for which aspects of the project were completed.

Student presentations should take no less than 15 minutes, but no more than 30 minutes.

Grading: Students will be graded as a group and individually on a variety of standards. The aspects being assessed include:

Creativity – Students finds interesting, realistic, and/humorous means of conveying information accurately. (20 points)

Content – Student explains the role of the President accurately, using relevant demonstrations of the assigned powers. (40 points)

Effort – Students put forth diligent effort to bring project together, both in and out of class, to create a unified product. Students elaborate on information being presented. (20 points)

Presentation – Presentation is clear, organized, and coherent. Presenters are audible, in full view, and are confident of relevant material. Visual displays are visible and discernable. (20 points)


Grading: Students will be graded as a group and individually on a variety of standards. The aspects being assessed include:

Creativity – Students finds interesting, realistic, and/humorous means of conveying information accurately. (20 points)


Content – Student explains the role of the President accurately, using relevant demonstrations of the assigned powers. (40 points)


Effort – Students put forth diligent effort to bring project together, both in and out of class, to create a unified product. Students elaborate on information being presented. (20 points)


Presentation – Presentation is clear, organized, and coherent. Presenters are audible, in full view, and are confident of relevant material. Visual displays are visible and discernable. (20 points)



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