Roles and Responsibilities - Sharing Informal Business ...

Roles and ResponsibilitiesRoles and responsibilities describe how each employee as an individual or as a member of a particular role or group is responsible for ensuring success of the solution. Documenting roles and responsibilities is a critical aspect of governance planning. The roles and responsibilities document defines who has authority to mediate conflicting requirements and make overall branding and policy decisions. Author Note: You will likely need to adapt both the responsibilities and even the terms you use to describe each role for your organization. This way you will be describing activities and responsibilities over time in a consistent manner. This is not necessarily final, but is a good place to start.Portal Enterprise Roles What follows are the roles that apply to [Company] and reach across the enterprise.RoleKey ResponsibilitiesExecutive Sponsor(s)Serves as the executive level “champion” for the portal. The primary responsibility of the Executive Sponsor is strategic, positioning the solution as a critical mechanism for achieving business value and helping to communicate the value of the solution to the management levels of the organization.Business Strategy TeamServes as the primary governance body with ultimate responsibility for meeting the goals of the business. This team provides strategic business insight, direction and prioritization for the portal and is comprised of representatives of each of the major businesses represented including Corporate Affairs, and IT.[Company] is looking to include other leaders such as HR in the future.Sample Representative InterestsExecutive SponsorsKnowledge ManagementInformation/Technology ServicesFinanceSales and MarketingHuman ResourcesLegal and ComplianceOperationsPeople Development and TrainingAdministrationTechnical Strategy TeamServes as the primary technical governance body with ultimate responsibility for meeting the technology related goals of the business. This team (or board or committee) provides technical insight, direction and prioritization for the portal and is comprised of representatives of each of the major technologies represented in the solution. If a business direction requires new integration or effort with other technologies then a technical representative for that technology will be necessary. Sample Representative InterestsApplication Development InfrastructureEnterprise ArchitectureSecurityPeople Development and TrainingCommunicationsTactical Operations TeamProvides operational (IT-related) support and maintenance for the system infrastructure. They manage the more routine maintenance of the system by performing nightly backups, performance monitoring and analysis, and keeping the environment current with security releases and upgrades.Sample Representative InterestsInfrastructureActive DirectorsNetworkingServers and EnvironmentsQuality AssuranceSecurityDatabasesTactical Development TeamCustomizes/configures, personalizes, and leverages SharePoint to achieve business objectives.This team is a loosely-knit community whose membership ranges from highly skilled programmers to technically savvy end users in charge of personalizing departmental team sites.Sample Representative InterestsSharePoint DesignerVisual StudioSource ControlQuality AssuranceWebpartsTemplatesTactical Support TeamProvides support for SharePoint applications and the platform.Creates and manages a support system with effective training and proper channels of question or issue escalation and resolution. This team should also include influential users and leaders.Sample Representative InterestsSupport and HelpDeskPeople Development and TrainingKnowledge ManagementTaxonomy and OntologyNavigation and OrganizationCoachingSuper UsersSupports the successful deployment of SharePoint Server in the organization by sharing best practices and lessons learned in a Community of Practice team site. Members serve as SharePoint advocates and change agents.Brand ManagerServes as the overall manager for the Portal name, logos, styles, and designs that are used to create a consistent and effective user experience.Roles for Communication Based Publishing SitesThe following roles apply to the tightly governed home, functional and departmental sites that exist within the portal.RoleKey ResponsibilitiesSite SponsorServes as the centralized, primary role for ensuring that content for a particular site is properly collected, reviewed, published, and maintained over time. The Site Sponsor is an expert in the content that is showcased on the site or page. The Site Sponsor may need to learn about SharePoint Server, but his or her primary expertise is business focused. The Site Sponsor may designate a Site Steward or Contact who will provide the primary day-to-day interface between their business and the users of the page or site.Site StewardManages the site day-to-day by executing the functions required to ensure that the content on the site or page is accurate and relevant. Monitors site security to ensure that the security model for the site matches the goals of the business and Site Sponsor/Owner and support users of the site by serving as the primary identified contact point for the site. Acts as the Content Steward for the sites for which they are responsible.UsersUses the solution to access and share information. Users may have different access permissions in different areas of the solution, sometimes acting as a Contributor (content producer) and other times acting as a Visitor (content consumer).Roles for Collaboration SitesThe following roles apply to the loosely governed and controlled team sites that exist within the portal.RoleKey ResponsibilitiesTeam Site OwnerServes as the primary role for ensuring that content for a particular site is properly collected, reviewed, published, and maintained over time. The Team Site Owner is an expert in the content that is showcased on the site. Manages the site day-to-day by executing the functions required to ensure that the content on the site is accurate and relevant. Monitors site security to ensure that the security model for the site matches the goals of the business need and supports users of the site by serving as the primary identified contact point for the site. Acts as the Content Steward for the sites for which they are responsible.UsersUses the solution to access and share information. Users may have different access permissions in different areas of the solution, sometimes acting as a Contributor (content producer) and other times acting as a Visitor (content consumer).Reference Diagram: Governance Control Levels in [Company] ................

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