PBS- Conquistadors WebQuest

PBS- Conquistadors WebQuest

Please Write Answers on Another Sheet of Paper!!!!!

1. Go to:

2. Click on the icon of Cortes

First Stop- Mexico- Montezuma and Cortes

Roll over the different icons on the left to answer the following questions

1. What were two omens Montezuma and his tribe faced in the decade before the Spaniards came?

2. What did Montezuma say he saw the Spaniards riding on?

3. What did “to eat dirt” represent in Aztec cultures?

4. What did the rulers of Tiaxcalla bring to meet the Spaniards?

5. What did Montezuma send to meet Cortes?

6. What happened when Cortes tried to embrace Montezuma?

7. How many Aztecs and Conquistador’s were killed in the battle at Tenochtitlan?

8. Who carried the pieces of Cortés’s ships to Tenochtitlan?

Part 2: Pizarro and the Conquest of the Incas

Click on Pizzaro in the top left hand corner

1. What did Pizzaro bring on his second trip to the New World?

2. When the Spaniards first discovered the Inca, how did they communicate?

3. How were Pizzaro and his men welcomed by the Inca?

4. In a “lightning” ceremony, how was the Incan’s carried?

5. What deadly disease spread through the Incan empire?

6. Who did Capac name as a successor? What happened after he named a successor?

7. What happened to Pizarro on July 26th 1529?

8. What did the terms of the contract allow Pizzaro to do?

9. What were the numbers of Pizarro’s army? What were the numbers of his enemy?

10. What kinds of weapons did Pizarro have?

11. What did Atahualpa order to be done to any of his men who had panicked at the sight of a horse?

12. What happened after Atahualpa threw the book on the ground after it wouldn’t speak to him?

13. What kind of value did the Inca’s put on gold?

14. What did they use the gold for?

15. What happened to Atahualpa after Huascar was assassinated?

16. Why did the Inca lose to the Spaniards?

17. What happened to Incan bodies after death?

Part 3: Orellana and the Rumors of El Dorado

Click on Orellana in the top left corner

1. What were the three goals of Gonzalo Pizzaro?

2. What was one rumor about the city of El Dorado?

3. What was the terrain like on the Coca River?

4. What was Orellana’s solution to no food?

5. Why could Orellana not get back to Pizzaro?

6. What did Orellana’s men eat to survive?

7. What Native American group did Orellana and his men meet, which fed them and took care of them?

8. How did Orellana and his men get home?

Part 4: Last One!!! Click on Cabeza de Vaca

1. When are where did de Vaca arrive?

2. What kinds of jobs did de Vaca hold while living with the Coahuiltecan Indians?

3. How long did de Vaca live as a nomad?

4. Where did de Vaca and the other three men start walking to?

5. How far did de Vaca and his men walk on their journey?

6. What two things did de Vaca and the men see on their journey?

7. What details does de Vaca note about the native peoples he encounters?

8. Why was their encounter with Spanish slavers memorable?

9. How did the Mayor of Culiacan greet de Vaca and his men?

10. How long did the men stay in Culiacan?

11. When did de Vaca’s revised edition, best selling book become available for people to read about?

12. What is de Vaca’s story about?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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