Dear Parents .uk

Dear Parents

Stars of the Week!

Congratulations to the Stars of the Week, who were presented with their certificates in Celebration Assembly before half term. A wonderful array of different reason for being brilliant!

Callum King – 6E

Brandon Acton – 6E

Jackson Dale - 6G

Emily Dewing – 6G

Thomas Baker – 6S

Willow Kingston-Miles – 6S

Sophia Thompson – 4E

Sienna Price – 4E

Harley Carolan - 4W

Fay Bridge – 4W

Maisy-Jay Harvey – 3C

Issac White - 3C

Jack Stone – 3H

Sam Sillett – 3H

Golden Book

This week the following pupils have had Wow moments to be proud of, impressing their teachers and amazing their peers with special moments of brilliance. Well done!

Alesha Mapiye

Lexia Superstars!

Megan Field – Level 6

Daniel Carter – Level 8

Serle Bailey – Level 14

Attendance Cup – won by 3C with an attendance of 98.74%. Well done!

Mrs Wright’s Maths App of the


Mathdoku+ (Tapps Tecnologia

de Informacao Ltda)

A logic game mix of sudoku and

maths sums.

Quiz and Chip Night

Please let Miss Gedge know ASAP if you would like to enter a team for our Quiz and Chips Night on Friday 17th June. We will need to know by the end of this week if you would like to come along so that we know final numbers and we can organise the orders for fish and chips. Please get involved and support the school – we all look forward to seeing you there!

[pic]Sports Day 2016

It has been brought to my attention that there are a few misunderstandings regarding this year’s Sports Day. I would just like to clarify that any child can eat their packed lunch on the grass outside on Sports Day if they would like to and it was never our intention to separate children who had their parents in school from children who did not. We will not be able to serve hot dinners outside because of logistics, however if children would like to order a school packed lunch that day or bring in a packed lunch from home, that is absolutely fine. I will be sending out a slip to ask what dinner your child would like on Sports Day so that I can properly prepare the kitchen on the day.

In making Sports Day a whole day at school we aim to include all the children in the events in the morning and make the day more inclusive. I hope you agree this is a positive move. Historically we have run the field events before the morning Sports Day, which parents have never had the opportunity to see. We thought that making a whole day of sport would be better and more efficient in the busy weeks of the second half of the Summer Term. We totally understand that parents may not be able to attend Sports Day at all or may only be able to attend for part of the day. Whether or not the children have a parent, Grandparent or family member attending does not affect their entitlement to the day or their participation in it. We welcome all who can come along but understand this is not always possible.

The changes we have made to Sports Day are intended to make it better for the children and more flexible for parents. I would really appreciate your support in this and look forward to a fun filled day. I would like to thank Miss Gedge who has already put a great deal of thought and hard work into the changes, all with the very best intentions for the children. We thank you for your support.

Garrick Green Infants!

A polite notice to all parents who have little ones with them when they collect from the Rec Road gates at 3:15pm – please could you stop your younger children from running over to the year 5/6 classroom windows when the children in school are finishing the day. We have had some situations where the younger children have banged on the windows which could be very dangerous and is disruptive to the classes inside. I would hate for there to be any accidents and in order to prevent this and aid a smooth finish to the day, I ask that you make sure that your younger children stay away from the windows. Thank you!

Cycling to and from school

We have a number of children who bike or scoot to and from school. We have always asked that if your child does so, that they wear a cycle helmet to protect them if they fall. Some of the children who bike or scoot regularly, do wear a helmet but not all of them. Please could you make sure that they are properly equipped to bike or scoot safely. Thank you.

Cycling Proficiency Summer Term

During the weeks beginning the

13th June and the 20th June we

will have some of the year 4, 5

and 6 children taking part in

cycling proficiency. In order for

the sessions to take place we

need some volunteers to help

run the sessions. I am looking

for some willing parent helpers

to don a fluorescent jacket and help out!

The dates are:

Year 6 – on the road training:

Wednesday 15th June – 9-11am

Thursday 16th June – 9-11am

Friday 17th June – 9-11am

Year 4/5 – on the playground training:

Monday 20th June – 9-11am and 1:15-3:15pm

Tuesday 21st June – 9-11am and 1:15-3:15pm

Wednesday 22nd June – 9-11am and 1:15-3:15pm

If you are free and would like to help at all or some of the dates please come and let me know or email me at I look forward to hearing from you!

We have so far had an overwhelming response to the sessions available and the year 4 and 5 slots are now all full. I have some more spaces for the year 6 sessions so if your child is interested please get them to come and ask for a form so you can give permission for them to be involved. Please remember that in order to take part your child must be able to come to school on the correct dates with a bike and a helmet.

Dates for your Diary – Summer Term 2016

• Monday 6th June – Year 6 trip to Norwich Castle

• Week Beginning Monday 13th June – Year 6 Cycling Training begins. (Parent Helpers needed! Please let me know if you would like to help out.)

• Friday 17th June – Sing Up Choir will be performing at St Andrews Hall.

• Friday 17th June, we will be hosting a Quiz and Chips Night at OCJS (7pm until approximately 9.30pm).

• Week beginning Monday 20th June – Year 4/5 Cycling Training begins. (Parent Helpers needed! Please let me know if you would like to help out.)

• Monday 20th, Tuesday 21st and Wednesday 22nd June – Year 6 Whitlingham Trip.

• Wednesday 22nd June – New Intake Evening, 7pm, for Year 2 parents transitioning to Old Catton in September 2016.

• Thursday 30th June – Year 6 Fashion Show, 10:00am – 11:00am

• Monday 4th July, Tuesday 5th July, Wednesday 6th July – City Sports at UEA.

• Tuesday 5th July and Wednesday 6th July – Year 3/4 trip to Walsingham.

• Tuesday 5th July - Reverend Parsons to take Assembly.

• Monday 11th July – Sports Day – all day and parents, grandparents and family are invited to all or part of the day.

• Tuesday 12th July - Sports Day if we need to cancel due to rain.

• Monday 11th July – Assertive Mentoring Meetings 3:30pm-8:00pm

• Wednesday 13th July – Assertive Mentoring Meetings 3:30pm-5:30pm

• Thursday 14th July – Assertive Mentoring Meetings 3:30pm-5:30pm

*Please note that these meetings will be a chance to collect your child’s report and discuss their progress this year with their class teacher.

• Friday 15th July – Old Catton Junior School Summer BBQ and fun evening!

• Monday 18th July – Year 6 end of year show, 7pm.

• Tuesday 19th July – Celebration Assembly 9:00am.

• Wednesday 20th July – last day of the Summer Term.

I will do my very best to make sure that these key dates do not change as I know how much notice you need in order to make sure that you can attend. While some dates will undoubtedly be added these key dates should not change.


Each week we send a Talk Homework activity and ‘Wow’ Words home and we would be very grateful for your support.

We are trying to help all our children develop excellent speaking and listening skills, which in turn will help them with their writing. “If a child can’t say a sentence then they can’t write it either!”

Please spend at least 10 minutes talking with your child about the questions below;

More than 70 new emojis have been approved for release this month.

Among them are characters rolling around laughing on the floor, cartwheeling, dancing, sneezing and even a 'person' face-palming. Joining the collection is also: bacon, pancakes, a gorilla, a rhino, a lizard, a shark and a butterfly. Sports have made the line up too with: wrestling, water polo, handball and fencing to be included.

Do you like to use emojis? Which ones are you favourite? Why do you think that people like to use them? If you could make an emoji to be included in the new release what would it be?

(Emojis, smileys, emoticons, kaomojis, electronic emotions, pictorial emotions.)

In Big Talk, we use ‘WOW’ Words to improve our vocabulary and ‘big up’ our sentences to make them more interesting! Our ‘WOW’ Word this week is;


Please encourage your child to use this word, in the right context, as much as possible.

• The ‘Talk Homework’ and ‘WOW’ words will be set every Monday in the newsletter; children will then share their ‘Talk’ with their class on a Friday afternoon.

• We will encourage the children to use the WOW word throughout the week.

Thank you for your support in helping your child.

Please do not hesitate to come into school and speak to me or another member of staff if you have any questions or concerns.

Mrs K Connelly







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