
DESCRIBING A HANDSOME MANBLOND HAIRLEVEL 1 LEVEL 2 LEVEL 3 LEVEL 4 LEVEL 5 OTHERSViking-gold hairNordic-gold hairAryan-gold hairlions mane-gold hairAchilles-gold hairHercules-gold hairScandinavian-gold hairTeutonic-gold hairmother lode-gold hairApollo-gold hair1. He had wavy, Hercules-gold hair.2. He had mussed, Nordic-gold hair.3. He had twirling, Aryan-gold hair.4. He had a swirling, lion’s mane of gold hair.5. He had whisked, Apollo-gold hair that danced in the wind. SHORT HAIRa crew cuta Mohican hair cuta marine haircuta razor’s-edge cura bald pateclose cropped haira rooster cuta military hair cuta buzz-cuta chrome dome1. He had a crew cut and darting eyes.2. He had a rooster cut and piercing eyes.3. He had a marine cut and penetrating eyes.4. He had buzz-cut and gimlet eyes.5. He had a chrome dome and far-seeing eyes. EYEBROWSbushy eyebrowssickle shapedcrescent-of-moon shapebeetle-browedfire worshipper-blackbristly eyebrowsscythe shaped eyebrowsequinox-black eyebrowshirsute eyebrowsHades-black1. He had bushy eyebrows and a pleasing face.2. He had sickle shaped eyebrows and a shapely face.3. He had equinox-black eyebrows and a seemly face.4. He had hirsute, bible-black eyebrows on an artist’s face.5. He had Hades-black eyebrows affixed to an aesthetic face. NOSEa falcon’s nosea Roman nosea patrician nosea raptor’s nosea lordly nosea hawkish nosean imperial nosean imperious nosean aquiline nosea kingly nose1. He had a falcon’s nose and merry eyes.2. He had an imperial nose and joyful eyes.3. He had a patrician nose and mirthful eyes.4. He had a raptor’s nose and dancing eyes.5. He had a lordly nose and come-hither eyes. CHEEKBONESdomed cheekboneshalf-dome cheekbonesarched cheekbonespinched-in cheekbonesconcave cheekbonesdefined cheekboneshalf-moon cheekbonesangular cheekbonesprominent cheekbonesmountain peak cheekbones1. He had domed cheekbones on tight skin.2. He had half-moon cheekbones on tense skin.3. He had arched cheekbones on taut skin.4. His pinched-in cheekbones rested on skin that was stretched tight by exercise.5. His concave cheekbones rested on skin pulled tight like a bolt of fine cloth. JAWa concrete jawa craggy jawa flinty jawa granite jawan adamantine jawa lantern jawan oaken jawa marble jawa basalt jawan obsidian jaw1. He had a lantern jaw that was square and firm.2. He had a craggy jaw that was strong and hard.3. He had a marble jaw that was rugged and masculine.4. He had a granite jaw that was gritty and tough.5. He had an obsidian jaw that was obdurate and unyielding. SHOULDERSAtlas shoulderstaurine shoulderssimian shouldersColossus shoulderscanyon ridge shouldersa Titan’s shouldersa wrestler’s shouldersSamson shouldersCorinthian shouldersox yoke shoulders1. He had Atlas shoulders above a six-pack.2. He had taurine shoulders above a barrel chest.3. He had simian shoulders and an Olympian’s chest.4. He had Corinthian shoulders and a horizon flat stomach.5. He had ox yoke shoulders and a washboard stomach. STRENGTHa gladiator’s bicepsa goliath’s body a leviathan’s forearmsa Spartan’s musclesa gym toned physiquea strongman’s shouldersa Greek god’s bodyPopeye forearmsSchwarzenegger musclesa gym honed physique1. He had a gladiator’s biceps and iron muscles.2. He had a goliath’s body and ironbound muscles.3. He had Popeye forearms and ironclad muscles.4. He had a Spartan’s muscles and cast iron muscles.5. He had a gym honed physique and muscles wrought from iron. MASCULINITYdishybrawnymanlyhunkyhale and heartydashingburlystrappinghandsomehewn from rock1. He was dashing with a rascal’s smile.2. He was brawny with a roguish smile.3. He was strapping with a scamp’s smile.4. He was hunky with a scallywag’s smile.5. He was hale and hearty with a rapscallion’s smile. MOVEMENTa cat like gracea tiger like treadan athletic gracea lion-like powera feline gracea leopard like gracesure-footed purposea balletic gracea leonine poiselike a panther in slow-mo1. He moved with a cat like grace.2. He walked with sure-footed purpose.3. He eased about the room with a balletic grace.4. He prowled around with a lion-like power.5. He padded through the room like a panther in slow-mo.DESCRIBING A HANDSOME MANBEARDSLEVEL 1 LEVEL 2 LEVEL 3 LEVEL 4 LEVEL 5 OTHERSa goateea spade shaped beardan Abe Lincoln bearda Captain Ahaba Moses bearda galwaya devil’s fork bearda Vandyke bearda Socratic bearda Methuselah beard1. He had a shiny goatee.2. He had a smooth, spade shaped beard.3. He wore a glossy, Abe Lincoln beard. 4. He boasted a flowing, Socratic beard.5. He sported a sartorial, Methuselah beard. MOUSTACHESa bushy moustachea pencil thin moustachea toothbrush moustachea handlebar moustachea Zapata moustachea bristly moustachea military moustachea smiga walrus moustachea D’Artegnan moustache1. He had a dark, bristly moustache.2. He had a dapper, military moustache.3. He wore a dandy, toothbrush moustache.4. He wore a drooping, walrus moustache.5. He sported a dashing, D’Artegnan moustache, the emblem of a true musketeer. STUBBLEdark stubblegrainy stubblesand-rough stubblemorning shadowa rime of greypeppered stubblegritty stubbledesigner stubblefive o’ clock shadowsalt and pepper stubble1. He had manly, peppered stubble.2. He had manful, gritty stubble.3. He had mannish, designer stubble.4. His face was grizzled with manlike, five o’ clock shadow.5. His face was grafted with a masculine rime of grey. BLUE EYESsea rover-blue eyesnomad-blue eyesvoyager-blue eyesseafarer-blue eyestrailblazer-blue eyesRasputin-blue eyesnautical-blue eyesmariner-blue eyeswayfarer-blue eyeswanderlust-blue eyes1. His Rasputin-blue eyes were as clear as a calm lake.2. His nautical-blue eyes were as clear as a summer brook.3. His voyager-blue eyes were as clear as a fresh pond.4. His seafarer-blue eyes were as clear as a spring stream.5. His trailblazer-blue eyes were as clear as a mountain stream. DIFFERENT EYE COLOURShypnotic, meltwater-blue eyesscorching, smaragdine-green eyesbeguiling, turquoise-green eyesenthralling, champagne-brown eyesenchanting, clay-grey eyesmesmerizing, empyrean-blue eyesiridescent, malachite-green eyesbewitching, tourmaline-green eyesentrancing, molten-brownenrapturing, loam-grey eyes1. He had lambent, meltwater-blue eyes 2. He had fulgent, smaragdine-green eyes.3. He had bedazzling, tourmaline-green eyes.4. He had effulgent, molten-brown eyes.5. He had scintillating, loam-grey eyes. SHAPE OF EYESdoe shaped eyessaucer shaped eyesorb round eyeslunar shapedmoon shaped eyesalmond shaped eyesSaturn shaped eyesopal round eyessloe shapedmillpond round1. They were doe shaped and the windows to his soul.2. They were saucer shaped and the mirrors of his soul.3. They were opal round and the pathways to his soul.4. They were lunar shaped and the gateways to his soul.5. They were millpond round and the portals to his soul. ARCHAIC WORDS FOR EYESa-dazzle with wondera-flicker with curiositya-gleam with delighta-glow with lovea-sparkle with mirtha-fire with passiona-flush with triumpha-glimmer with interesta-light with joya-twinkle with the ‘joie de vivre’1. They were a-dazzle with wonder over a friendly smile.2. They were a-flicker with curiosity over a genial smile.3. They were a-glimmer with interest over his affable smile.4. They were a-glow with love and he flashed me an amiable smile.5. They were a-twinkle with the ‘joie de vivre’ and he graced me with a jaunty smile. PERSONALITYa dashing personalitya devil-may-care outlooka vivacious personalitya flamboyant charactera buccaneering personalityan adventurous personalitya derring-do outlooka gregarious personalitya debonair charactera swashbuckling personality 1. He had a dashing personality and a cosmic smile.2. He had a devil-may-care outlook and a stellar smile.3. He had a gregarious personality and a galactic smile.4. He had a debonair character and a celestial smile.5. He had a swashbuckling style and an Arcadian smile. VOICEa deep voicea bass voicea foghorn voicea rumbling voicea stentorian voicea booming voicea trombone voicea volcanic voice like bottled thundera grit-and-gravy voice1. He had a booming voice, full of vim.2. He had a trombone voice, full of verve.3. He had a volcanic voice, loaded with vigour.4. He had a voice like bottled thunder, a measure of his vitality.5. He had a stentorian voice, a man who believed in ‘Vi et armis’. (By force and arms) CLOTHESsnazzy clothesnatty clothesgap year clothesrakishtwee clothesritzy clothesnifty clothesswanky clothesraffish clothesMiami Vice clothes1. He wore snazzy clothes and his hair was wind-tossed.2. He wore natty clothes and his hair was wind-tumbled.3. He wore swanky clothes and his hair was wind-tangled.4. He wore raffish clothes and his hair was wind-tousled.5. He wore Miami Vice clothes and his hair was wind-tempested. LEVEL 1: BASIC SENTENCES1. He had Viking-gold hair. HAIR2. He had bristly eyebrows. EYEBROWS3. He had a hawkish nose. NOSE4. He had defined cheekbones. CHEEKBONES5. He had a concrete jaw. JAW6. He had a Titan’s shoulders. SHOULDERS7. He was dishy. MASCULINITY8. He moved with a leopard-like grace. MOVEMENT9. He had sea rover-blue eyes. EYES10. They were almond shaped. SHAPE OF EYES11. They were a-fire with passion. ARCHAIC WORDS FOR EYES12. He was adventurous. PERSONALITY13. He had a deep voice. VOICE14. He wore ritzy clothes. CLOTHES15. An earthy scent swirled around him. SMELL LEVEL 2: A BASIC PARAGRAPHHe had a Mohican cut and scythe-shaped eyebrows. His Roman nose and half-dome cheekbones sat above an oaken jaw. His wrestler’s shoulders were part of his burly physique. He walked with a tiger like tread and his nomad-blue eyes twinkled. They were Saturn round and were a-flush with triumph after his job promotion. His derring-do personality and bass voice were a big part of his ambitious character. He always wore nifty clothes and his spicy aroma was appealing. LEVEL 3: CREATIVE PARAGRAPHSHe was a male model and he was adored by the fairer sex for his Teutonic-gold hair. It was a casual jumble sometimes but mostly neat and flowing. His crescent-of-moon eyebrows were thin and narrow. He carried an imperious nose well and his angular cheekbones carved down towards a flinty jaw. Unusually for a model, he had a manly, Samson physique. The catwalk loved the way he glided with an athletic grace without skipping a beat.His mariner-blue eyes were orb round and darted constantly, a-gleam with delight and the vigour of youth. They were soft, Irish eyes and swam with joy. They shone brightly, like two sapphires dipped in milky pools. Everyone commented on his vivacious character and his gentle nature. His voice could be foghorn loud when he was booming out a guffaw but it was normally mellifluous. His gap year clothes always made him appear younger than his years. The swirl of his loamy cologne had them swooning in the aisles. LEVEL 4: ADVANCED PARAGRAPHSHe wasn’t a male model but he should have been. The lush, mother lode-gold hair he groomed so carefully had a rippling quality, a sign of his rude health. His only blemish was that he was beetle-browed and they sometimes knitted in frustration. The aquiline nose he sported complemented his prominent cheekbones. Handsome in an understated way, his basalt jaw and Spartan shoulders spoke of strength. He possessed a latent, leonine power and always walked with purpose and authority.People had always remarked that his best feature was his entrancing, wayfarer-blue eyes. Sloe shaped, they could shine as bright as the evening stars when they were a-light with joy. At other times, they could resemble two liquid-blue pools of flashing fire. Flamboyant of character, the room always filled with his sonorous, rumbling voice. He was also quick to crack a joke or fire off a humorous retort. His rakish clothes were a source of amusement to some, not least because they emanated an herbal smell. LEVEL 5: COMPLEX WRITING: DIFFERENT PEOPLEA Brad Pitt look-alike: The man I met at the wedding had a touch of the Brad Pitt about him. His hair was Achilles-gold and coiffed to perfection. His eyes had the same startling clarity as a mountain stream and the lineaments of his face were in perfect proportion to each other. He seemed moulded from a different cast as he had an androgynous look uncommon to most people. Lacquered and enamelled by the sun, he radiated energy and brio. His mountain peak cheekbones appeared chiselled into shape by a master craftsman. They were of such sharp contours, it looked as if they were sculpted and pared to perfection. With eyes as bright and spellbinding as lode stars, they bewitched all those who fell under his steady gaze. They were a-sparkle with mirth and shone like two eternity-blue jewels enwrought in snow. ................

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