Roman Empire Map Activity:

Roman Empire Map Activity:

You will complete all of the tasks listed below on a map provided for you and using your textbook (Ch. 5).

TASK #1:

Shade in all of the area that the Roman Empire claimed as its empire (1 color). Use the map on p. 178 to help you.

TASK #2:

1. Label all of the continents that the Roman Empire was located on.

2. Label Greece

TASK #3:

Label the bodies of water that surrounded the Roman Empire.

1. Black Sea

2. Caspian Sea

3. Mediterranean Sea

4. Red Sea

5. Atlantic Ocean

6. North Sea

TASK #4:

Label the following cities.

1. Rome

2. Byzantium

3. Carthage

4. Alexandria

TASK #5:

Using a pattern, indicate the areas that Christianity had spread to by 476 CE.

TASK #6:

Show the division between the Western Roman Empire and the Eastern Roman Empire and label each. Use p. 174 to help.

TASK #7:

Answer the following questions.

1. Based on the map, why do you think the Greeks had so much influence on the Romans?

2. How did the Roman Empire gain control of so much territory?

3. Looking at the map on pages 178-179, answer the Thinking Critically Question #3:


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