Chapter 10 Study Guide

Chapter 10 Study Guide

I. Opening Vignette

A. What was the meaning behind the 1964 meeting of the two Popes?

B. How was Christianity divided in Europe? What were the differences between the two?

II. Eastern Christendom: Building on the Roman Past

A. The Byzantine Empire has no clear starting point

1. How did the Byzantine Empire come into existence?

2. What were the advantages that the Byzantine Empire had over western empire?

B. What was the political system and history of the The Byzantine State?

C. The Byzantine Church and Christian Divergence

1. How was the Byzantine Church and state related?

2. How did Orthodox Christianity deeply influence all of

Byzantine life?

3. How did Eastern Orthodoxy increasingly define itself in opposition to Latin Christianity?

D. Byzantium and the World

1. What was Byzantium’s interaction with its neighbors like?

2. What were the results of the continuation with the long Roman fight with the Persian Empire?

3. How was Byzantium a central player in long-distance Eurasian Trade?

4. How was Byzantium an important cultural influence

5. How did Byzantium play a role in the formation of Russia?

III. Western Christendom: rebuilding in the Wake of Roman Collapse

A. Why was western Europe considered to be on the “margin” of the

world for most of the postclassical millennium?

B. What was political life in Western Europe from 500 to 1000 CE?

C. In what ways did much of classical and Roman heritage survive the Fall of the Roman Empire in 476? (esp in Germanic Peoples)

D. How did Germanic Kingdoms try to recreate Roman-style unity?

E. Society and the Church 500 to 1000 CE

1. What was society like in these new kingdoms that formed in Western Europe?

2. What social hierarchies were in place in Western Europe?

3. In what ways was the Catholic Church a major element of stability?

4. How did the Church and the ruling class reinforce each other?

F. Accelerating Change in the West: 1000 to 1300

1. Who invaded Europe between 700 and 1000CE? What was the result of those invasions?

2. What role did weather play in Western European change?

3. In what ways were the High Middle Ages a time of clear growth and expansion?

4. How did trade grow in Europe? Where were the major trade centers during this time period?

5. What were the results of population growth in Europe?

6. What were some new opportunities for women during this period?

7. How did territorial states with better organized governments develop?

G. Europe Outward Bound: The Crusading Tradition

1. Describe medieval expansion of Christendom after 1000 CE

2. Describe how the Crusades began. What was their purpose? Popularity?

3. What was the point of the most famous Crusades? What were the results?

4. What were the Iberian Peninsula and Baltic Crusades? How were the Byzantine Empire and Russia involved?

5. What were the impacts of the Crusades on the Middle East and Europe?

IV. The West in Comparative Perspective

A. Catching Up

1. How did the rest of the world view the “backwards” hybrid civilization of Western Europe? Why?

2. How did Europe benefit from exchanging and borrowing ideas from more advanced civilizations to the east?

3. Describe Europe by 1500 CE.

4. In what ways was the period 500 to 1300 CE a period of great innovation?

B. Pluralism in Politics

1. Europe crystallized into a system of competing states

2. How did political pluralism shape Western Europe?

3. States were still able to communicate economically and intellectually.

4. Why were Western European leaders significantly weaker than those of the East? What were the long-lasting results of those weaknesses?

C. Reason and Faith

1. How and why did intellectual tension arise between reason and faith?

2. How did the search for Greek texts affect this tension?

3. What was the deep impact of Aristotle?

4. How did the Byzantine Empire respond to this phenomenon?

5. What was the result of the Islamic world’s interaction with classical Greek thought?

V. Reflections: Continuity and Surprise in the World of Christendom

A. What features of medieval Christendom extended into the modern era?

B. In what ways did the course of medieval Europe determine the future?

VI. Key Terms / People / Places

Aristotle and Classical Greek Learning

Byzantine Empire



Christianity, Eastern Orthodox

Christianity, Roman Catholic



Cyril and Methodius


European Cities

Greek fire


Holy Roman Empire

“hybrid civilization”, the West as a




Kievan Rus

Natural Philosophy

Otto I

System of Competing States


Vladimir, Prince of Kiev

VII. Review Big Picture Questions and Margin Review Questions


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