List of Reference Sites for Roman Military


List of Reference Sites for Roman Military

John M Lewis

Roman Military Sites by Peter Green

An interesting site about Roman military architecture and fortifications. Covers types of fortresses, what forces would have been garrisoned there, and the strategic importance of military camps in imperial expansion.

Victori – The Roman Military by ThinkQuest team 21665

This is a good meta-site, with several nice subcategories:

• - Discusses the composition of a legion and the ranks and officers needed to run the Roman army.

• - Describes the types of formations used by the army during combat.

Roman Military Research Society by Legio XIIII Gemina Martia Victrix

One page site on Roman artillery. Contains several diagrams and pictures of heavy artillery used by the Roman Infantry. Scorpions, Cheiroballistae, and Onagers! Oh my!

Military History of the Roman State by Hugh Elton

Timeline-based online bibliography on the military history of the Roman state. Begins with the Kings of Rome, through the Republic, and until the fall of the Western Empire.

Rimska Diploma by SB Online

Upon completion of military service, Roman soldiers were given a diploma which announced their status as veterans and honored citizens of the empire. Here is an excellent example of such a diploma, with the inscription expanded and transcribed below. A rare look into the life of a soldier as he begins his retirement as a veteran.

Roman Military Cults by Bucknell University

An interesting page on the soldier cults of the Roman empire and the gods they worshipped.

The Great Roman Empire by Caius

This is the homepage of a re-enactment organization called legion XIIII. They dress, train, and drill like a Roman legion of 2000 yrs ago. Check out this link for some excellent pictures of Roman arms, armor, artillery, and equipment.



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