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Geography of Ancient Greece: Map SkillsPart #1: Labeling the MapMap Directions: Use the steps below to color code the map of Ancient China. Check off the task as you complete each step. 26670221742000Step #1: Fill in the compass on the map below with INTERMEDIATE DIRECTIONS.Step #2:Trace the PELOPONNESUS PENINSULA [GREEN] Step #3:Trace the PENINSULA of GREECE [RED]Step #4: Find the ISLAND CRETE and trace around it [PURPLE]Step #5: Trace a box around the names of the IONIAN SEA, MEDITERRANEAN SEA, & AEGEAN SEA [BLUE]Step #6: Circle the names of the famous city states ATHENS & SPARTA [ORANGE]Step #7: Draw a triangle on MOUNT OLYMPUS [BROWN]Step #8: Draw mini mountains [TRIANGLES] all over the inside of GREECE [BROWN]STEP #9: Color all the smaller islands [PURPLE]Part #2: Physical Features Impact on Development Chart18573752247900PeloponnesusPeloponnesus17811752095500PeloponnesusPeloponnesusChart Directions: Fill in the chart with each physical feature in Ancient Greece to explain how they HELPED the development of the civilization BUT made it a DIFFICULT location to develop a UNIFIED civilization. Physical Feature NameHow Did It HELP theDevelopment of GREECEHow Did It Make The Development of Greece DIFFICULTPeloponnesus [Peninsula] Ionian, Mediterranean & Aegean SeaIslands [Crete & Smaller Islands]Mountains Part #3: Greece Close Reading Strategies & Comparison ChartREADING Directions: Read the passage below and then complete the question and chart. Refer to the text for help.How Did Geography Influence The People?Islands & PeninsulasUnlike many of these other civilizations, the Greek civilization did not develop in a river valley, but it was borderedby water. Ancient Greece had the Mediterranean Sea to the south, the Ionian Sea to the west, and the Aegean Sea to the east. Greece is actually a series of islands—pieces of land surrounded completely by water—and peninsulas, or pieces of land surrounded on three sides by water. These islands and peninsulas were coveredwith high mountains, making travel across the land very difficult. As a result, the ancient Greek people mostlytraveled by water. Because Greece’s mountains, islands, and peninsulas separated the Greek people from eachother and made communication difficult, Greek civilization developed into independent city-states, or cities thatgoverned themselves and the land that surrounded them.Mountains Effect On Farmland & TradingThe steep mountains of the Greek countryside also affected the crops and animals that farmers raised in theregion. The mountainous islands of Greece limited the amount of fertile farmland that was available to theGreeks. The shortage of farmland meant the Greeks needed to look elsewhere for resources they lacked,such as sufficient grain and metals. This prompted the Greeks to conquer other areas. They also establishedcolonies along the Mediterranean, in areas where farmland was more plentiful, such as Southern Italy, NorthernAfrica, Turkey, and the southern coast of France. In addition to military conquests and the establishment ofcolonies, trade became an important aspect of Greek life. How Did Geography Influence The People? → [Answer in 2-3 sentences below using what you learned from the reading]____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________COMPARISON CHART Directions: Check off as your complete the step.As you fill in the chart, think about how the geography of GREECE was DIFFERENT & SIMILAR to RIVER VALLEY civilizations: Ancient Greece[Differences]BOTH[Things in Common]River Valley Civilizations[Differences]GeographyCity-StateAthensSpartaPhilosophersAlexander the Great1. Which continent is Greece located on?2. What body of water is located to the south of Greece?3. What landform is the main part of Greece?4. What landform does the rest of Greece made up of?1. What is a City-State2. How did city-states act?3. What are the two most powerful city-states in Greece?1. What is Athens city-state known for?2. What was different about the people of Athens?3. What was Athens the first to do in the world?4. What is a democracy?5. Who was able to vote in Athens democracy?6. What percentage of people were citizens in Athens?7. Who was not allowed to vote?1. What is Sparta city-state known for?2. What made Sparta powerful?3. Who make up the social classes of Sparta?4. Who were considered citizens?5. What were women allowed to do?6. What was the role of people who came from other city-states or countries?1. Pericles:2. Socrates:3. Plato:4. Aristotle 1. Who was Alexander the Great’s father?2. What land did Alexander conquer?3. What did he do after he conquered land?left0_________ / __________00_________ / __________Name: ______________________________SS Teacher: __________________________6th Grade Social Studies Benchmark BDirections:For each question read the text and answer the question that follows. You must also justify by highlighting the text or give reasons for that answer. This must be completed in this class period.right346075Hammurabi was the king of Babylon from 1792 – 1750 BCE. Hammurabi wrote the Code of Hammurabi, the oldest set of laws known to exist, which was made up of 282 laws. The code was carved in stone for all to see and read.Facts about the Code of Hammurabi:This was the first written code – people could see it. This increased people’s ability to read.The code treated women fairly.The harsh punishments made civilizations safer.The code reinforced class structure – punishments were different for different classes.00Hammurabi was the king of Babylon from 1792 – 1750 BCE. Hammurabi wrote the Code of Hammurabi, the oldest set of laws known to exist, which was made up of 282 laws. The code was carved in stone for all to see and read.Facts about the Code of Hammurabi:This was the first written code – people could see it. This increased people’s ability to read.The code treated women fairly.The harsh punishments made civilizations safer.The code reinforced class structure – punishments were different for different classes.Based on the above information, how did Hammurabi help to transform society?His laws got rid of the existing class system.He required that every class be punished equally.He continued the practice of treating women differently from men.His laws were written to include women.Justification for answer: ____________________________________________________________________left31432500Based on the map, which best describes how the physical features of Egypt affected its development?The Mediterranean Sea bordered the major cities.Large cities were created in the Western Desert.Many large cities developed along the Nile River.The Red Sea provided Lower Egypt with a barrier from attack.left351790Trade routes linking West Africa and North Africa required the shipment of goods across the hot, drySahara Desert. It was difficult for the traders to carry these goods along these trade routes. Domesticated camels were brought to the Sahara. The camels could go for long stretches without drinking, survive extreme temperatures, and haul heavy loads.00Trade routes linking West Africa and North Africa required the shipment of goods across the hot, drySahara Desert. It was difficult for the traders to carry these goods along these trade routes. Domesticated camels were brought to the Sahara. The camels could go for long stretches without drinking, survive extreme temperatures, and haul heavy loads.How did camels affect the transport of goods across the Sahara Desert?Traders were able to use camels to stop trans-Saharan shipments of goods.Traders were able to drink the milk from camels during their journey.Camels made travel across the desert more reliable.Camels slowed transport by requiring frequent drinks of water.Justification for answer: ____________________________________________________________________0349885Timeline of Legal Codes:1700 BCEHammurabi’s code in Babylon created strict laws and punishments. 550 BCESolon’s code in Greece created less strict laws and punishments.1215 CEMagna Carta in England limits a king’s power and protects citizens’ rights.020000Timeline of Legal Codes:1700 BCEHammurabi’s code in Babylon created strict laws and punishments. 550 BCESolon’s code in Greece created less strict laws and punishments.1215 CEMagna Carta in England limits a king’s power and protects citizens’ rights.According to the timeline above, how has the role of legal codes evolved through time in human societies?Laws have become stricter over time.Legal codes have been based on religious ernments have never supported the rights of citizens.Legal codes have gradually given more protections to citizens. Justification for answer: ____________________________________________________________________right238125The Chinese civilization began along with the Yellow River basin around 1700 BCE and soon spread along other rivers in China. Yellow River floods enriched the surrounding soils, allowing farmers to produce surplus crops and domesticate animals. Yellow River floods often destroyed early settlements and ruined crop production for years.00The Chinese civilization began along with the Yellow River basin around 1700 BCE and soon spread along other rivers in China. Yellow River floods enriched the surrounding soils, allowing farmers to produce surplus crops and domesticate animals. Yellow River floods often destroyed early settlements and ruined crop production for years.According to the passage, how did geography affect the development of Chinese Civilization?The growth of Chinese civilization depended on the Yellow River, but the Yellow River also brought suffering to Chinese people.The growth of Chinese civilization was slowed by the Yellow River and it only flourished when people moved away from the rivers.The natural resources of China encouraged Chinese people to build massive public works projects to benefit the poor.The natural resources of China encouraged Chinese farmers to create artificial rivers, like the Yellow River, where they could produce crops.Justification for answer: ____________________________________________________________________right281940The word “diaspora” is used to describe Jewish communities located throughout the world that are outside of the Jewish homeland. According to tradition, the diaspora began after 70 CE, when the Jewish population fled after the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem by the Romans.020000The word “diaspora” is used to describe Jewish communities located throughout the world that are outside of the Jewish homeland. According to tradition, the diaspora began after 70 CE, when the Jewish population fled after the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem by the Romans.What does this information suggest about the history of the Jewish people?They fought wars to expand their empire.They faced obstacles to preserving their culture.They gave up their customs after moving to other places.They sought to convert people in new areas to their faith.Justification for answer: ____________________________________________________________________right349250The Roman Forum:The Roman forum was located at the center of Ancient Rome. It was a gathering place where public events were held. Soon the forum grew to also include merchant shops, temples and government buildings. The forum became the religious, economic, and government center for Rome.00The Roman Forum:The Roman forum was located at the center of Ancient Rome. It was a gathering place where public events were held. Soon the forum grew to also include merchant shops, temples and government buildings. The forum became the religious, economic, and government center for Rome.Based on the information provided, how did the forum contribute to Roman civilization?Instead of being solely focused on trade, the forum also fulfilled cultural needs of the Romans people.The forum provided cheaper prices for Romans than other ernment buildings were the sole focus of the forum, showing the power of the Roman government.Forum ruins still can be found today, because they were so well built.Justification for answer: ____________________________________________________________________right353060Legalism: belief that leaders should rule with forceConfucianism: The ruler bears responsibility for the well-being of the people and, therefore, for peace and order in the empire.00Legalism: belief that leaders should rule with forceConfucianism: The ruler bears responsibility for the well-being of the people and, therefore, for peace and order in the empire.Chinese leaders moved from a legalistic government to a government based on Confucianism. How did Confucius transform the society?Government leaders became concerned with the condition of China’s citizens.Military leaders became more important than educators and priests.Farmers became less dependent on government subsidies and support.Merchants became concerned with the economic issues affecting China’s citizens. ................

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