Project Summary

Mythology Challenge Board!Project SummaryRequired: Complete one of the primary challenges on the chart below.ArtWritingMediaIt’s a DrawIllustrate a picture book showing the main gods, their symbols, and their powers.StorytellerTell a classical Greek/Roman myth about the gods in your own words.Divine Quarantine (Video)Dress up like a Greek/Roman god and take a video of yourself describing life in Olympian ic ReliefRetell a myth about the Greek/Roman gods in comic form.Gods RebornRetell a classical Greek/Roman myth set in modern times.Video Chat (Video)A group dresses up as different Greek/Roman gods and records a Zoom call working through a problem from a classical myth.Family PortraitDraw and label the main gods, their symbols, and their powers. JournalInhabit the mind of a Greek god and write multiple journal entries from their point of view.Divine Fashion (Pictures)Dress up as multiple Greek/Roman gods using materials that you have around the house, taking pictures of each look.Greek/Roman Gods Cheat SheetA summary of the gods’ powers (domain), symbols, and names in one handy reference!Greek NameRoman NameDomainSymbolsZeusJupiterKing of the gods, the skyLightning bolt, eagleHeraJunoQueen of the gods, marriage, fertilityPeacock, cowPoseidonNeptuneSea/oceans, earthquakesHorse, TridentApolloApolloSun, music, poetry, medicineLyre, sunArtemisDianaMoon, hunting, protector of womenBow and arrow, moonAthenaMinervaWisdom, battle strategyOwl, olive branchAresMarsWarVultures, spear, dogsHephaestusVulcanBlacksmith god, craftsmenHammer and anvilAphroditeVenusLove, beautyDove, shell, mirrorHermesMercuryMessenger god, business, thievesCaduceus, winged sandalsHestiaVestaHearth and homeSacred fireDemeterCeresAgriculture, harvestWheatHadesPlutoGod of the underworld, death, wealthCerberus, helmetPersephoneProserpinaFlowers, spring, queen of the underworldPomegranateDionysusBacchusWine, parties, theaterGrape vine, wineResource ListDon’t know much about Greek Mythology, or looking for a brush-up? Check out these resources!Stories to read (start here):Don’t know anything about Greek gods, or want a refresher? Start here: Who’s Who in the Greek Pantheon Have an idea about which god(s) you’re interested in, but want to know more? Read these: Stories about the Olympians, organized by godThe first two links are for a quick overview and are designed for younger readers. Theoi is designed for older scholars who want to read translations of actual ancient texts: Theoi (Advanced!)Videos:There are plenty of mythology videos on YouTube. Here are a few you can check out: Arachne (features Athena)Talos, the first robot (features Hephaestus)Prometheus (features Zeus)Perseus (features Athena and Hermes)The Bizarre “Birth” of AthenaLycaon, the first werewolf (features Zeus)Golden Apple of Discord (features Aphrodite, Athena, and Hera)Orpheus and Eurydice (features Hades and Persephone)Art: It’s a DrawIllustrate a picture book showing the main gods, their symbols, and their powers.Like the Counting Book, Books can be either on paper or digital. If you make a paper book, you will need to upload pictures or scan copies of the sheet.Primary Challenge Checklist (Solo):? Introduce at least 8 of the Greek/Roman gods in your story book. ? Include as much of the following as you can: Greek and Roman names, symbols, domain (what they are the god of.)? Each page should have an illustration.? Illustrations are colored inPrimary Challenge Checklist:? Introduce ALL 15 of the Greek/Roman gods in your story book. ? Include as much of the following as you can: Greek and Roman names, symbols, domain (what they are the god of.)? Each page should have an illustration.? Illustrations are colored inMake it your own!-Include Latin!-Tell a story! -Think about how you would introduce the Greek gods to kids!Bonus Challenge Checklist (Solo):? Introduce as many of the Greek/Roman gods as you like.? Include as much of the following as you can: Greek and Roman names, symbols, domain (what they are the god of.)? Each page should have an illustration.Art: Comic ReliefRetell a myth about the Greek/Roman gods in comic form.Like the Counting Book, comics can be either on paper or digital. If you make a paper book, you will need to upload pictures or scan copies of the sheet. For digital comics, you can use a tool like Pixton. Primary Challenge Checklist (Solo):? Introduce at least 2 of the Greek/Roman gods in your comic. ? Includes references to at least two symbols? Tells a story of a classical mythMake it your own!-Include Latin!-Show the gods’ different personalities!-String multiple comics together!Bonus Challenge Checklist (Solo):? Comic retells a scene from a myth? Can be a single frame with a caption? Includes at least one of the Greek/Roman godsArt: Family PortraitDraw and label the main gods, their symbols, and their powers.Like the Counting Book, pictures can be either on paper or digital. If you make a paper book, you will need to upload pictures or scan copies of the sheet.Primary Challenge Checklist (Solo):? Include at least 10 of the Greek/Roman gods in your picture.? Label each deity with their Greek name? Label each deity with their Roman name? Include their symbols in their picture? Picture is colored inMake it your own!-Make it a family tree!-Make a collage!Bonus Challenge Checklist (Solo):? Comic retells a scene from a myth? Can be a single frame with a caption? Includes at least one of the Greek/Roman godsWriting: StorytellerTell a classical Greek/Roman myth about the gods in your own words.Primary Challenge Checklist (Solo):? Find a story you like that includes a Greek/Roman god from the list where they use their special powers? Rewrite the story in your own words? If you write out your story, it should be at least 500 words? If you take a video of you telling the story, it should be well-rehearsed and at least 4 minutes long? If your story is too short, add detail!Make it your own!-Instead of submitting your writing, submit a video of you telling your story!-Find your own voice as a narrator!-Make it a Choose your Own Adventure story!-Make it an epic poem (still at least 500 words)Bonus Challenge Checklist (Solo):? Find a story you like that includes a Greek/Roman god where they use their special powers? Rewrite the story in your own words? Write down the story or take a video of you telling the story. No length requirements!ExamplesCompare Stephen Fry telling the origin of the Greek world in Mythos... Rick Riordan telling the same story in the beginning of Percy Jackson and the Greek Gods: : Gods RebornRetell a classical Greek/Roman myth set in modern times.This is your chance to write your own version of Percy Jackson! What would the Greek myths be like if they were written today?Primary Challenge Checklist (Solo):? Find a story you like that includes a Greek/Roman god from the list where they use their special powers? Rewrite the story in a modern setting? If you write out your story, it must be at least 500 words? If you take a video of you telling the story, it should be well-rehearsed and at least 5 minutes long? If your story is too short, add detail!Primary Challenge Checklist :? Find a story you like that includes a Greek/Roman god where they use their special powers? Rewrite the story in a modern setting? You should write out your story, and it must be at least 800 words? If your story is too short, add detail!Make it your own!-Create a new character!-Write yourself into the story!-Make it a Choose your Own Adventure story!Bonus Challenge Checklist:? Find a story you like that includes a Greek/Roman god where they use their special powers? Rewrite the story in your own words? Write down the story or take a video of one of you (or all of you on a conference call!) telling the story. No length requirements!ExamplesThink about how Rick Riordan updated the Greek Gods for his Percy Jackson series: Do you agree? How would you change the gods?Writing: JournalInhabit the mind of a Greek God and write multiple journal entries from their point of view.How does Athena feel about Arachne? Does Poseidon stay up at night writing about how much he hates Odysseus? How does Persephone feel about spending her time in the underworld? Primary Challenge Checklist (Solo):? Find a story you like that includes a Greek/Roman god from the list? Pretend you are that god, and write multiple journal entries about that event (can be from multiple myths)? At least 5 journal entries ? Each journal entry is at least 100 words long (at least 500 words total)? Can be 5 journal entries from one god, or one journal entry from five gods (or any other mix)? Written in the first person (I/we…)Make it your own!-Can be a modern version of a Greek/Roman God-Include fictional “dates”-How do the gods feel about what’s going on??-Do the gods write emotional poetry about their feelings?Bonus Challenge Checklist (Solo):? Find a story you like that includes a Greek/Roman god where they use their special powers? Write at least one journal entry from the god’s point of view? Each journal entry should be at least 100 words? Written in the first person (I/we…)Media: Divine QuarantineDress up like a Greek/Roman god and take a video of yourself describing life in Olympian quarantine.Inhabit the mind of a Green/Roman god and describe what life is like in quarantine on Mt. Olympus (or the underworld, the seas, or the forests…)Primary Challenge Checklist (Solo):? Pick a Greek/Roman god from the list? Research that god so you know what their personality is like? Dress up like that god with as much detail as you can using things around the house-What kind of items can represent your symbols?-You can use a bedsheet as a robe/toga!? Film yourself talking about what life is like in divine quarantine from the god’s perspective-Where are you staying?-What kind of things are you doing?-What kind of things do you WISH that you were doing?? Movie must be at least 3 minutes longMake it your own!-Can you reference any specific myths?-What does the god miss the most?-What does your god feel about being around (or not being around) other gods?Bonus Challenge Checklist (Solo):? Pick a Greek/Roman god from the list? Research that god so you know what their personality is like? Dress up like that god ? Film yourself talking about what life is like in divine quarantine from the god’s perspective-Where are you staying?-What kind of things are you doing?-What kind of things do you WISH that you were doing?? No minimum length!Media: Video ChatA group dresses up as different Greek/Roman gods and records a Zoom call working through a problem from a classical myth.How do the Greek gods work through problems when they can’t meet in person?Primary Challenge Checklist :? Pick a myth from Greek mythology? Each person dresses up like a Greek god that we’re studying? Write out a basic script so each person knows their role (you can do some improvising when you film)? Hop on a Zoom call or a Google Meet (email me if you need help setting it up)? Record the call using screencast software? Use other characters’ names so we know who’s in the call? In character, discuss the event from the myth-What happened?-Did a mortal or another god do something silly?-Are the gods upset? All of them? Only some? Why?-What do the gods want to do about it?-Do the gods agree?-Do they reach an agreement or do they leave angry?? Movie must be at least 4 minutes longMake it your own!-How can you include the gods’ symbols?-How do they show their personality?-How do they show their special powers?Bonus Challenge Checklist :? Pick a myth from Greek mythology? Each person dresses up like a Greek god that we’re studying? Hop on a Zoom call or a Google Meet (email me if you need help setting it up)? Record the call using screencast software? Use other characters’ names so we know who’s in the call? Have a discussion in character? No minimum length!Media: Divine FashionDress up as multiple Greek/Roman gods using materials that you have around the house, taking pictures of each look.Make “looks” for each of the Greek/Roman gods. These can be traditional (bedsheets as togas) or modern (Hades probably loves a black trenchcoat). Primary Challenge Checklist (Solo):? Pick at least 5 of the gods from our list to do signature looks? Decide if you’re doing a traditional look (togas) or modern (what would the gods wear today?)? Looks should include as many details as you can find-Do you have any wigs?-What do you have to represent their symbols?-Can you use household items in unexpected ways?? Have someone take a picture of each of your looksPrimary Challenge Checklist:? Each person picks 5 of the gods from our list to do signature looks (10 total pictures for a group of 2, all 15 gods for a group of 3)? Make sure no one is doubling up? Agree if you’re doing a traditional look (togas) or modern (what would the gods wear today?)? Looks should include as many details as you can find-Do you have any wigs?-What do you have to represent their symbols?-Can you use household items in unexpected ways?? Have someone take a picture of each of your looks? One person should submit everyone’s picturesMake it your own!-What colors do you associate with the gods?-What kind of accessories would they have?Bonus Challenge Checklist (Solo):? Each person picks at least one god for a signature look? Decide if you’re doing a traditional look (togas) or modern (what would the gods wear today?)? Looks should include as many details as you can find-Do you have any wigs?-What do you have to represent their symbols?-Can you use household items in unexpected ways?? Have someone take a picture of each of your looks ................

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