World History

World History

Greek and Roman Test


A. Zeus B. Draco C. Xerxes D.Pheidippides E. Homer

1. Greek statesman that developed a legal code that made each Athenian, rich or poor, equal under the law

2. Blind storyteller who wrote epics

3. Persian ruler that attempted to conquer the Greek city-states

4. Ruler of all the Greek gods

5. Young runner who delivered a message to Athens after a victory over the Persians at Marathon


6. An aristocracy is a type of government ruled by merchants and artisans not rich people

7. The phalanx is a military formation of foot soldiers with shields and spears used by the Greeks.

8. The Greeks and Romans were polytheistic.

9. Alexander The Great was the King of Sparta before he expanded his empire.

10. The Greeks gave us democracy and the Romans gave us republics.


A. Athens B. Sparta

11. Well rounded, Triple A Excellence

12. Boys went through extensive military training

13. Academic education and the arts were not stressed

14. Women held an inferior status in society

15. Individuals lived and died for the state

Multiple Choice

16. Why did Greece develop into city-states as opposed to a unified country?

A. Mountains C. Huge oceans dividing land

B. Too populated D. Unequal distribution of wealth

17. Alexander The Great’s Hellenistic Culture was comprised of:

A. Egyptian, American, British

B. Indians, Egyptian, and Greek

C. French, British, German

D. Chinese, African, Hatian

18. The Olympics were created by the _______?

A. Greeks C. Romans

B. Mesopatmians D. Egyptians

19. Who was the “Father” of Philosophy?

A. Socrates C. Pericles

B. Aristotle D. Plato

20. What Macedonian leader conquered the Persians and are all the way to India?

A. Darius C. Pericles

B. Xerxes D. Alexander The Great

Important People

A. Julius Caesar

B. Jesus

C. Paul

21. Person responsible for the spread of Christianity throughout Mesopotamia to Rome.

22. Central figure in Christianity

23. Roman leader that turned into a dictator and then killed by members of Senate

Important Events

A. Pax Romana

B. Punic Wars

C. March 15, 44 B.C.

24. Assassination of Julius Caesar

25. The conflict between Rome and Carthage

26. 200 years of Roman Peace

Important Vocabulary

A. Patrician

B. Plebian

C. Senate

27. Wealthy landowners

28. The law-making body for the Romans

29. Common farmers, artisans, merchants

Multiple Choice

30. Why were Christians persecuted in the Roman Empire?

A. Because they were monotheists they were unwilling to worship the Roman Gods.

B. Because the Golden Rule made the government nervous.

C. Christians were monopolizing trade and threatening to overthrow the emperor.

D. The Romans were afraid of any new ideas from within the Empire.

31. Judaism, Christianity and Islam are similar because

A. they all believe in one God (monotheistic).

B. Judaism is the most widely practiced religion in the world.

C. Each of them believe in reincarnation.

D. Each of the religions encourage people to make a hajj to Mecca.

32. Who was the first Christian Roman emperor that moved the capital of the empire to Byzantium?

a. Diocletian b. Augustus c. Constantine d. Romulus

33. The title given to the leader of the Christian church was

a. sultan b. raja c. pope d. prophet

34. Who was one of Jesus’s apostle responsible for spreading Jesus’s teachings? He wrote over 10 books of the New Testament.

a. Paul B. Alexander C. Zeus D. Julius Caesar

T or F

35. Christianity is a regional religion and is closed off to some Jews and Gentiles.

36. Christianity offers hope to the hopeless and eternal life.

37. Saul had a Damascus road experience and went from killing Christians to writing a large part of the New Testaments.

38. Jesus was born to the Virgin Mary and was a Jew. He was also a carpenter and fisherman.

39. The Ancient Greeks’ legacy included architecture, athletics, government, and literature.

40. The Romans were monotheistic and the government quickly supported Jesus and His ministry.

41. The U.S. government is strongly influenced by the Roman republic.

42. The Romans displayed their laws through the 12 Tablets.

43. The term backstabber comes from the assassination of Caesar by his so called friends.

44. Greek culture had little impact on world history.

45. The reason the Roman Empire fell is because they made too many enemies and got too large to rule.

46. “When in Rome, do as the Romans” is bad advice for a teenager.

47. The difference between pre-history and history is that history is written down.

48. Sometimes the Greeks fought against each other. Sometimes they unified to fight other people such as the Persians.

49. Religion is man’s attempt to reach God. The idea of religion arouse over the thought-

“What happens to me after I die.”

50. Christians believe in the Trinity, which means God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit.


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