Rome notes 1 - Weebly


Rome notes 1


1. _______________________ is a boot-shaped country in the Mediterranean sea.

2. Italy could farm _________________________, so they could support more people than Greece.

3. The _________________________________ built the city of Rome.

4. The Tiber River gave the Romans a source of _________________________ and a way to the rest of the Mediterranean world.

5. There are two stories of how ___________________________ began.

6. The Traditional story is that twin brothers named Romulus and _________________________________ founded the city.

7. It was believed that they were raised by a ________________________ and often fought.

8. Finally Romulus killed Remus and created ______________________________.

9. Another story is from the Aeneid.

10. The Aeneid is the story of the ______________________________ hero Aeneas, who became the father of Rome.

Rome notes 2

1. Many __________________________________ came to southern Italy between 750 B.C. and 550 B.C.

2. The Romans learned from the ______________________ how to grow olives and grapes, Greek alphabet, Greek architecture, Greek literature, and Greek gods and goddesses.

❖ Religion

• Roman religion is almost identical to Greek religion

• They adopted all the Greek gods and goddesses and just gave them new names

• They also had temples, priests and priestesses, made offerings, used the same myths, etc.

❖ Language

o The language of Rome is called _____________.

o Today we use the Roman alphabet

o Roman numerals use I, V, X, L, C, M to write out numbers

▪ Ex: VIII (8) VIL (46) MMX (2010)

o Many modern languages come from Latin (French, Spanish, Italian, etc.)

❖ Architecture

o Like art, they copied the Greeks like columns and porches

o They made some new advances too, like a dome and an arch, and concrete.

o This made them able to create larger, better buildings

o The best example is the Coliseum, most of which is still standing in Rome

o Aqueducts carried clean water into the city, where they had running water

❖ Art

o The Romans admired the Greek’s accomplishments

o Roman art looked very much like Greek art, especially sculpture

o The only difference was Roman made the art look exactly like the subject, instead of an ideal version like the Greeks

3. Another group moved into ___________________________ they were called the Etruscans.

4. They were skilled metalworkers who became rich from mining and trade.

5. The Etruscans changed Rome from a village of straw-roofed huts into a city of wood and brick buildings.

6. The Etruscan _______________________ would serve as a model for the mighty army the Romans eventually assembled.

7. Finally in 509 B.C., they Romans rebelled against the Etruscans and set up a Republic.

8. A __________________________________ is a form of government in which the leader is not a king or queen but someone put in office by citizens with the right to vote.

9. Rome was so strong because of their ______________________________________.

10. Every male _________________________ who owned land had to serve in the army.

11. Discipline was harsh, and deserters were punished by _______________________.

12. Romans organized their soldiers into __________________________________.

13. Each legion had about ______________________________ men.

Rome notes 3

1. The Roman confederation gave full citizenship to some people, who could ___________________________________ and serve in government.

2. _______________________________ connected all Roman military settlements.

3. Patricians and plebeians were the ______________________ classes of people in Rome.

❖ Two classes of people:

o _______________ were noble, wealthy landowners

o _______________ were average people like farmers or artisans

❖ Similarities:

o Both could __________, serve in the army and paid taxes

❖ Differences:

o Plebeians were ____________ class socially and could not hold office in gov’t

❖ Marriage between classes was _________________.

4. Top government officials were _________________________.

5. Today, a dictator is an oppressive _____________________________. In Ancient Rome, a dictator only served and ruled temporally during emergencies.

6. Cincinnatus was the best-known early Roman ______________________________.

❖ Plebeians demanded the law be written down so it was fair and equal to all

❖ The Twelve Tables were carved in bronze and displayed for all to see in the forum (market)

❖ Later created the Law of Nations, which applied to all people equally, “rule of law”

❖ Innocent until proven guilty

❖ Judge will hear case

7. The Twelve Tables was Rome’s __________________________ code of laws.

8. The Rule of ____________________ is the idea that laws apply to everyone equally.

Rome notes 4

1. Rome’s enemy was __________________________ on the coast of North Africa.

2. Carthage was founded by the ________________________________________.

3. Remember the _______________ were a major trading power in the Mediterranean Sea.

4. Both Carthage and _______________________ wanted to control the island of Sicily.

5. Rome and Carthage went to war over ____________; the first war was called the _________________________________Punic War.

6. The war went on for 20 years; finally Rome won and forced the Phoenicians out of Sicily.

7. Carthage began expanding into _____________________________.

8. Rome did not like this because of their northern _____________________________.

9. Rome sent aid to __________________ to rebel against Carthage, and so Carthage got angry.

10. This began the _________________________________________.

11. Eventually, Carthage became a Roman province or _____________________ district.

12. Roman armies were victorious where ever they went but there were problems over land in Rome.

13. “All ___________________ lead to Rome,” is a saying that comes from the fact that Romans built roads where ever they went.

Rome notes 5

1. Most of the people who ________________________ Rome were patricians.

2. The patricians ran the ___________________________ and held the most powerful government jobs.

3. Plebeians became very unhappy about this situation.

4. Small ___________________________ could not compete with wealthy Romans who were creating Latifundia.

5. Latifundia or large farming ______________________________.

6. In order to keep the people from rioting, politicians began providing Bread and circuses for the poor.

7. Bread and Circuses are giving _____________________ bread and shows to the poor.

8. The Romans enjoyed watching _______________________________.

9. The greatest display of Roman bloodshed were gladiator _______________________.

10. Gladiators ____________________________ in the Roman Coliseum.

11. The Coliseum in ________________________ could hold some 60,000 people and had a system of cages, ropes and pulleys that brought wild animals up to the Coliseum floor.

Rome notes 6

1. Julius Caesar was one of Rome’s great military leader and Roman’s poor __________________________________.

2. Julius Caesar was a part of a triumvirate.

3. A __________________________ was a political alliance of three people.

4. When the triumvirate fell apart Caesar made himself ____________________________ for life.

5. The poor liked Caesar because he often provided free bread and circuses for the people.

6. Patricians felt that he was getting to powerful and plotted to _______________ him.

7. Caesar’s heir was his nephew Augustus.

8. Augustus created a time of peace in Rome called Pax Romana or Roman _____________________________________.

❖ After Caesar’s death, the empire fell into civil war for many years

❖ Augustus became emperor in 27 BC

❖ He built a professional army of 150,000 men to protect the empire

❖ Expanded the size of the empire

❖ Rebuilt Rome as a grand city

❖ Reformed the tax system

9. During Pax Romana, aqueducts or channels for carrying water were created.

10. Rome’s trade was helped by a common currency or system of __________________.

11. After the 200 years of Roman peace, there was a decline of Rome.

12. There are some reasons that lead to the _________________ of Rome: plague, inflation, and dishonest government officials.

13. Plague- a disease that spread widely.

14. Inflation- rapidly increasing prices.

15. Constantine was a Roman Emperor.

16. He became a ________________________ and brought Christianity to Rome.

17. Christianity began in the Roman Empire.


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