DOCUMENT LABEL: - Roman Catholic Diocese of Springfield …

Document Label:


Federation of Diocesan Liturgical Commissions [FDLC], Region 7

Participating Dioceses – in Illinois: Belleville, Chicago, Joliet in Illinois, Springfield in Illinois

– in Indiana: Evansville, Fort Wayne-South Bend, Gary, Indianapolis, Lafayette-in-Indiana

Training and Formation on the Roman Missal, third typical edition

Appendix 009: Handout

Roman Missal Table of Contents

Lead author: Mr. Eliot Kapitan, Diocese of Springfield in Illinois

15 October 2009, revised 08 September 2010.

© 2009, Federation of Diocesan Liturgical Commissions [FDLC], Region 7. All rights reserved.

Short Form Table of Contents:

|Sacramentary = |Roman Missal, third typical edition (2010) |

|Roman Missal, second typical edition (1985) | |

| | |








|I. For the Church |I. For the Holy Church |

|II. For Civil Needs |II. For Public Circumstances |

|III. For Various Public Needs |III. For Particular Needs |

|IV. For Particular Needs | |





|Collection of Masses of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Volume I – |[ some elements included in commons and votive masses ] |

|Sacramentary, 1992 |[ above following the order of mass ] |

|Eucharistic Prayer for Masses for Various Needs and Occasions, 1996 | |

|Sacramentary Supplement, 2004 |[ most included in proper place ] |

Long Form Table of Contents:

|Sacramentary = |Roman Missal, third typical edition (2010) |

|Roman Missal, second typical edition (1985) | |

| | |


| | |

|Decree of the Congregation for Divine Worship for the typical edition |Decree of the Congregation for Divine Worship for the typical edition |

|Decree of the Congregation for Divine Worship for the second typical |Decree of the Congregation for Divine Worship for the second typical |

|edition |edition |

| |Decree of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of |

| |the Sacraments for the third typical edition |

| |Apostolic Constitution of Paul VI, promulgation of the Roman Missal, |

|Apostolic Constitution of Paul VI, promulgation of the Roman Missal, |1969 |

|1969 | |

|Foreword |General Instruction of the Roman Missal, 2003 [includes within the |

|General Instruction of the Roman Missal, 1975 |adaptations for the Dioceses of the United States of America] |

| | |

| | |

|Appendix to the General Instruction for the Dioceses of the United |Directory for Masses with Children. 1973 |

|States of America |Apostolic Letter Motu Proprio of Paul VI, approval of the GNLYC, 1969 |

|Directory for Masses with Children. 1973 |General Norms for the Liturgical Year and the Calendar |

|Apostolic Letter Motu Proprio of Paul VI, approval of the GNLYC, 1969 |General Roman Calendar |

|General Norms for the Liturgical Year and the Calendar |[ Proper Calendar for the Dioceses of the United States of America ] |

|General Roman Calendar |Table of Movable Feasts |

|Proper Calendar for the Dioceses of the United States of America | |

|Table of Movable Feasts | |

| | |


| | |

|Advent Season – Sundays and weekdays |Season of Advent – Sundays and weekdays |

|Christmas Season – Sundays and weekdays |Season of Christmas – Sundays and weekdays |

|Lenten Season – Sundays and weekdays |Season of Lenten – Sundays and weekdays |

|Holy Week |Holy Week |

|Easter Triduum |Easter Triduum |

|Easter Season – Sundays and weekdays |Season of Easter – Sundays and weekdays |

|Ordinary Time – Sundays |Ordinary Time – Sundays |

|Solemnities of the Lord during the Ordinary Time |Solemnities of the Lord during Ordinary Time |

| | |

| | |


| | |

|Order of Mass with a Congregation |Order of Mass with a Congregation |

|Prefaces |Prefaces |

|Eucharistic Prayer I |Eucharistic Prayer I |

|Eucharistic Prayer II |Eucharistic Prayer II |

|Eucharistic Prayer III |Eucharistic Prayer III |

|Eucharistic Prayer IV |Eucharistic Prayer IV |

|Solemn Blessings |Solemn Blessings |

|Prayers over the People |Prayers over the People |

| |Music for the Eucharistic Prayer |

|Order of Mass without a Congregation |Order of Mass without a Congregation |

| |Appendix to the Order of Mass |

| |Eucharistic Prayers for Masses of Reconciliation |

| |Eucharistic Prayer for Masses for Various Needs and Occasions |

| | |


| | |

|January |January |

|February |February |

|March |March |

|April |April |

|May |May |

|June |June |

|July |July |

|August |August |

|September |September |

|October |October |

|November |November |

|December |December |

| | |


| | |

|Dedication of a Church |Common of the Anniversary of the Dedication of a Church |

| |Common of the Blessed Virgin Mary |

|Common of the Blessed Virgin Mary |Common of Martyrs |

|Common of Martyrs |Common of Pastors |

|Common of Pastors |Common of Doctors of the Church |

|Common of Doctors of the Church |Common of Virgins |

|Common of Virgins |Common of Holy Men and Women |

|Common of Holy Men and Women | |

|Optional Antiphons for Solemnities and Feasts | |

| | |


| | |

|Christian Initiation |For the Conferral of the Sacraments of Christian Initiation |

| |Election or Enrollment of Names |

|Election or Enrollment of Names |The Scrutinies |

|The Scrutinies |For the Conferral of Baptism |

|Baptism |For the Conferral of Confirmation |

|Confirmation |For the Conferral of the Anointing of the Sick |

| | |

|Holy Orders |For the Administration of Viaticum |

|Viaticum |For the Conferral of Holy Orders |

| |For the Celebration of Marriage |

|Wedding Mass |For the Blessing of an Abbot or Abbess |

| |For the Consecration of Virgins |

|Consecration to a Life of Virginity |For Religious Profession |

|Religious Profession |For the Institution of Readers and Acolytes |

| |For the Dedication of a Church and an Altar |

| | |


| | |

|I. For the Church |I. For the Holy Church |

|For the Universal Church |1. For the Church |

|For the Pope |2. For the Pope |

|For the Bishop |3. For the Bishop |

|For the Election of a Pope or Bishop |4. For the Election of a Pope or Bishop |

|For a Council of Synod |5. For a Council of Synod |

|For Priests |6. For Priests |

|For the Priest Himself |7. For the Priest Himself |

| |On the Anniversary of Ordination |

|For the Ministers of the Church |8. For the Ministers of the Church |

|For Priestly Vocations |9. For Priestly Vocations |

| |10. For the Laity |

| |11. For the Anniversary of Marriage |

| |On the Anniversary |

| |On the 25th Anniversary |

| |On the 50th Anniversary |

| |For the Family |

|For Religious |For Religious |

| |On the 25th or 50th Anniversary of Religious Profession |

| |For Vocations to Religious Life |

|For Religious Vocations | |

|For the Laity |Pro Concordia fovenda |

| |For Reconciliation |

| |For Unity of Christians |

|For Unity of Christians |For the Evangelization of Peoples |

|For the Spread of the Gospel |For Persecuted Christian |

|For Persecuted Christian |For Pastoral or Spiritual Meetings |

|For Pastoral or Spiritual Meetings | |

|II. For Civil Needs |II. For Public Circumstances |

|For the Nation, (State,) or City |For the Nation, (State,) or City |

|For Those Who Serve in Public Office |Pro rempublicam moderantibus |

|For the Congress |Pro cœtu moderatorum nationum |

|For the President |Pro supreme nationis moderatore vel rege |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|For the Progress of Peoples | |

|For Peace and Justice | |

|In Time of War or Civil Disturbance | |

| | |

| |For the Beginning of the Civil Year |

| |For the Blessing of Human Labor |

| |For Productive Land |

| |After the Harvest |

| |For the Progress of Peoples |

| |For Peace and Justice |

| |In Time of War or Civil Disturbance |

| | |

| | |

| |For Refugees and Exiles |

| |In Time of Famine or for Those Who Suffer from Famine |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |In Time of Earthquake |

| |For Rain |

| |For Fine Weather |

| |To Avert Storms |

| | |

|III. For Various Public Needs | |

|Beginning of the Civil Year | |

|For the Blessings of Human Labor | |

|For Productive Land | |

|After the Harvest | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|In Time of Famine or for Those Who Suffer from Famine | |

|For Refugees and Exiles | |

| | |

| | |

|For Those Unjustly Deprived of Liberty | |

|For Prisoners | |

|For the Sick | |

|For the Dying | |

|In Time of Earthquake | |

|For Rain | |

|For Fine Weather | |

|To Avert Storms | |

|For Any Need | |

|In Thanksgiving | |

|IV. For Particular Needs |III. For Particular Needs |

|For Forgiveness of Sins |For Forgiveness of Sins |

| |For Promoting Harmony |

|For Charity |For Promoting Charity |

|For Promoting Harmony | |

|For the Family |For the Family and Friends |

|For Relatives and Friends | |

|For Our Oppressors |For Our Oppressors |

| |For Those Held Captive |

| |For Prisoners |

| |For the Sick |

| |For the Dying |

|For a Happy Death |For the Grace of a Happy Death |

| |For Any Need |

| |For Thanksgiving to God |

| | |


| | |

|Holy Trinity |The Most Holy Trinity |

| |The Mercy of God |

| |Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Eternal High Priest |

| |The Mystery of the Holy Cross |

|Holy Cross |The Most Holy Eucharist |

|Holy Eucharist |The Most Holy Name of Jesus |

|Holy Name |The Most Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ |

|Precious Blood |The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus |

| |The Holy Spirit |

|Sacred Heart |The Blessed Virgin Mary: |

|Holy Spirit |The Blessed Mary, Mother of the Church |

|Blessed Virgin Mary |The Most Holy Name of Mary |

| |The Holy Mary, Queen of the Apostles |

| |The Holy Angels |

| |Saint John the Baptist |

| |Saint Joseph |

| |All the Holy Apostles |

|Angels |Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles |

| |Saint Peter, Apostle |

|Joseph |Saint Paul, Apostle |

|Apostles |One Holy Apostle |

| |All the Saints |

|Peter, Apostle | |

|Paul, Apostle | |

|One Apostle | |

|All Saints | |

| | |


| | |

|Funeral Mass |I. Funeral Mass |

|Outside the Easter Season |Outside the Easter Season |

|During the Easter Season |During the Easter Season |

| |Funeral of a Baptized Child |

| |Funeral of a Child Who Died Before Baptism |

| | |

| |II. Anniversary Mass |

|Anniversary Mass |Outside the Easter Season |

|Outside the Easter Season |During the Easter Season |

|During the Easter Season | |

| |III. Various Commemorations |

|Various Commemorations |For One Person |

|For One Person |For More Than One Person or for All the Dead |

|For More Than One Person or for All the Dead | |

| |IV. Various Prayers for the Dead |

|Various Prayers for the Dead |For a Pope |

|For a Pope |For a Bishop, or for a Cardinal |

|For a Bishop |For a Priest |

|For a Priest |For a Deacon |

|For a Deacon |For a Religious |

|For a Religious | |

|For One Person | |

|For a Young Person |For One Who Worked in the Service of the Gospel |

|For One Who Worked in the Service of the Gospel |For a Young Person |

| |For One Who Suffered a Long Illness |

|For One Who Suffered a Long Illness |For One Who Died Suddenly |

|For One Who Died Suddenly | |

|For Several Persons |For a Married Couple |

|For a Married Couple |For Parents |

|For Parents |For Relatives, Friends, and Benefactors |

|For Relatives, Friends, and Benefactors | |

| |[ above in this section ] |

|Funeral Mass of a Baptized Child |[ above in this section ] |

|Funeral Mass of a Child Who Died Before Baptism | |

| | |


| |I. |

| |Music for the Order of Mass |

| |Simple Tone |

| |Tone and Chant ad libitum |

| |Tones for Prayers |

| |Tones for Readings |

| |For the Prayer of the Faithful |

| |Pray, Brethren |

| |Tone for Sunday Prayers |

| |Behold the Lamb of God |

| |For a Solemn Blessing |

| |Simple Tone |

| |Solemn Tone |

| |Prayer over the People |

|( currently in the Sacramentary Supplement ) |The Proclamation of the Date of Easter on Epiphany |

|Appendix I |II. |

|Rite of Blessing and Sprinkling Holy Water |Rite of Blessing and Sprinkling Holy Water |

|Sample Formulas for the General Intercessions |[ in appendix V below] |

|Preparation for Mass |[ in appendix VI below] |

|Thanksgiving after Mass |[ in appendix VI below] |

| |III. |

| |Rite of Commissioning a [Special] Minister to Distribute Holy |

| |Communion on a Single Occasion |

| |IV. |

| |Rite for the Blessing of a Chalice and Paten |

| |V. |

| |Sample Formulas for the General Intercessions |

| |VI. |

| |Eucharistic Prayers for Masses with Children |

| | |

| |Preparation for Mass |

| |Thanksgiving after Mass |

| | |

| | |

|Appendix II | |

|Rites for Blessing of Oils and Consecrating the Chrism | |

|Appendix III |[ in appendix I above ] |

|Music for the Order of Mass | |

|Appendix IV | |

|Ordo Missæ Cum Populo | |

|Ordo Missæ Sine Populo | |

|Missæ Diversæ | |

|Appendix V |[ in appendix III above ] |

|Rite of Commissioning a Special Minister to Distribute Holy Communion | |

|on a Single Occasion | |

|Appendix VI |VI. |

|Eucharistic Prayers for Masses with Children |[ in appendix VI above ] |

|Eucharistic Prayers for Masses of Reconciliation |[ above following the order of mass ] |

| | |

| |Penitential Act, Sample Invocations [USA] |

|Appendix VII | |

|Anointing of the Sick during Mass |[ above in ritual masses ] |

|Appendix VIII | |

|Dedication of a Church |[ above in ritual masses ] |

|Dedication of a Church Already in Use | |

|Dedication of an Altar | |

|Blessing of a Church | |

|Appendix IX |[ in appendix IV above ] |

|Blessing of a Chalice and Paten | |

|Appendix X | |

|Additional Presidential Prayers | |

|Blessing of an Abbot or Abbess |[ above in ritual masses ] |

|25th or 50th Anniversary of Religious Profession |[ above in ritual masses ] |

|For the Dying | |

|Mary, Mother of the Church |[ above in masses for various needs… ] |

|Holy Name of Mary |[ above in votive masses ] |

|Independence Day and Other Civic Observances |[ above in votive masses ] |

| | |


| | |

|Alphabetical Index of Celebrations |Alphabetical Index of Celebrations |

|Index of Prefaces |Index of Prefaces |

| |General Index |

|Sacramentary Supplement (2004) |Roman Missal, third typical edition (2010) |

|New Memorial and Feasts for the Universal Calendar and for the |[ above in proper place ] |

|Particular Calendar of the Diocese of the United States of America | |

|The Proclamation of the Birth of Christ | |

|The Proclamation of the Date of Easter on Epiphany | |

|The Reception of the Holy Oils | |

| |[in appendix I above ] |

| | |

|As of October 2009, decisions have not been made nor has approval been|As of September 2010: |

|given about including the following elements of the current | |

|Sacramentary in the new Roman Missal: | |

|Alternative Opening Prayers for Sundays and solemnities |Not permitted |

|Rite of Blessing and Sprinkling Holy Water moved from the appendix and| |

|put in place within the Order of Mass in the Introductory Rites |Remains in Appendix II |

|Penitential Rite Form C other invocations ii-viii | |

|Memorial Acclamation A: Christ has died…. | |

| | |

|Appendix II: Rites for Blessing of Oils and Consecrating the Chrism |Placed in Appendix VI |

|Appendix IV: Ordo Missæ Cum Populo; Ordo Missæ Sine Populo; Missæ | |

|Diversæ |Request not approved |

|Appendix X: Independence Day and Other Civic Observances | |

| | |

|Sacramentary Supplement (2004) | |

|The Proclamation of the Birth of Christ | |

|The Reception of the Holy Oils | |


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